

单词 扁形动物门

See also:

动物 n

animals pl
fauna n
wildlife n

动物 pl

creatures pl

External sources (not reviewed)

在拆卸过程中,用动扳手或楔形物 体 在 离合器电枢 (25)和离合器外罩之间握住发动机轴。
Use an impact wrench or wedge something between clutch armature (25) and clutch housing to hold engine shaft during removal.
[...] 方针决定的活动筹措资金,特别是根据《公约》第14条,协助缔约方支持旨在促进可持续发 展和减轻贫困的合作,尤其要关注发展中国家的具体需求,以 动形 成 富有活力的文化门。
In accordance with Article 18 of the Convention, the purpose of the Special Account is to finance activities decided by the Intergovernmental Committee on the basis of guidelines determined by the Conference of Parties, notably to assist Parties to support cooperation for sustainable development and poverty reduction, especially in relation to the specific needs of
developing countries, in order to foster the
[...] emergence of a dynamic cultural sector, in accordance with [...]
Article 14 of the Convention.
形状应为薄而扁的椭 圆形,而非球形。
The balloon shape should
[...] be a thin, slightly flattened elliptical shape, not spherical.
作品的核心是文革时期我在港的家人与广州的联系,频繁的邮政,年终 扁 担 挑 回乡 物 资 , 还有香港的邮政安排,展开文革港粤间的另类经济历史,「补充」只讲大发展的正统经济论。
Together with various changes in the postal service arrangements between Hong Kong and China, I am writing an alternative economic history, in the spirit of Fernand Braudel, based on the changing costs of purchasing and mailing daily necessities.
Remove motor wires from spade connectors.
这两个控制带有一个弹性磁性附物 和 额外的幻彩表带,用于安全 安装和快速变换位置,或者在扶手上(向上或下)或者在垂直压缩支柱上,或者甚 至在附近门形状的 减重系统框架的管上。
Both controls come with a flexible magnetic
attachment and additional velcro strap for
[...] secure mounting and fast changing of positions either on the handrails (facing up or down) or on the vertical telescope pillars or even on the nearby tubes of the arch shaped unweighting system frame.
另外,我们还观察到一种介扁平形 细 胞 和立方形细胞之间的中间型细胞,其胞质和核的发育明显好 扁 平 形 细 胞 ,但比立方形细胞差。
Furthermore, we also observed a kind of medium type cells intermediate between squamous and cuboidal cells, whose cytoplasm and nucleus [...]
were much better developed than those
of squamous cells but less well developed than those of cuboidal cells.
DOSA-2 型号的主要优势包括功率密度高、无外部微调元件(即插即用)、 形扁 平 、 效率高以及易于进行 SMT 焊点检验的镀边城堡形 [...]
(EPC) 焊盘。
Key advantages of the DOSA-2 models include high power densities; no external tuning components (plug
and play), low profiles, high efficiencies, and
[...] Edge Plated Castellation (EPC) pads for [...]
easy SMT solder joint inspections.
格里森No.537淬火压床(手动)和No.537过程控制淬火压床(PCM),是用于对汽车、卡车和拖拉机的主 动 齿 轮 ,以及其 扁 平 、圆 柱 形 工 件 进行淬火的机床,工件直径达27" (686 mm),高度达8" [...]
(203 mm)。
The Gleason No. 537 Quenching Machine (Manual) and the No. 537 Process Controlled Quenching Machine (PCM) are designed for
quenching automotive, truck
[...] and tractor main drive gears and other flat, cylindrical parts up to 27" [...]
(686 mm) diameter and 8" (203 mm) high.
一名 P-3 级干事将重点进行最佳做法研究,以帮助阐述工作流程和详细的 程序和指示,支持实施符合公共部门会计准则的会计和报告制度,包括制定关于 下述事项的指南:支持维持和平动 记 录 部 门 资 料 ,记录 物 和 实 物 服 务 ,并记 录和监测维持和平行动的准备金和或有负债。
One of the P-3 officers would focus on researching best practices for use in the articulation of workflows and detailed procedures and instructions that support IPSAS-compliant accounting and reporting, including the development of guidelines supporting the recording of segment information for peacekeeping operations, the recording of goods and services provided in kind, and the recording and monitoring of provisions and contingent liabilities in peacekeeping operations.
我们欢迎最近对通过 1 号门和 31 号门的货物进 行 安全检查,以及欧洲联盟驻科索沃法治特派团(欧 盟驻科法治团)和科索沃警察的联合巡逻,欢迎欧盟 驻科法治团打算继续加强其存在和 动 , 以 便更有效 地应对科索沃北部的法治挑战,包括全面恢复海关控 制。
We welcome the recent conduct of
security checks of
[...] freight going through gates 1 and 31 and the joint patrolling of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) with Kosovo police, as well as the intention of EULEX to continue to increase its presence and activities in order to address [...]
more efficiently the
rule of law challenges in northern Kosovo, including the restoration of full customs controls.
因此在这一门,从生物燃料 到燃料电池和 动 汽 车 用的燃料等一系列可供 选用的多种燃料,一直在逐步成为能源组合的组成部分,其理由是促使其他的国 内燃料种类多样化,从而稳定成品油价,同时达到对二氧化碳排放量的限制要求。
The rational is to diversify into other domestic fuel types to stabilize prices at the pumps and at the same time meet carbon dioxide emissions limits.
水产养殖未来仍将是增长最快动物 性 食 物 生 产 部 门 之 一 ,而在下一 个十年,捕捞渔业和水产养殖业的总产量将超过牛肉、猪肉或禽肉产量。
Aquaculture is set to remain one of the
[...] fastest-growing animal food-producing sectors and, in the next [...]
decade, total production from
both capture and aquaculture will exceed that of beef, pork or poultry.
该代表团欢迎粮农组织迄今为建立这方 面的数据库,做为食品安全、植物 动物 健 康国 际 门 户 网 站一部分而开展的行动,要求 将进一步取得的进展告知法典成员国。
The Delegation welcomed the action so far taken by FAO to establish a database to
this effect as part of the
[...] International Portal on Food Safety, Plant and Animal Health and [...]
requested that Codex members
be kept informed of further progress being made.
联合国教科文组织应集中精力于自己的能力范围内,因为只有在这里它的价值 和合法性才是无可争辩的,它的动 才 能 与其他 门形 成 互 补。
UNESCO must concentrate on its own field of competence; it must act
where its legitimacy and value added are undeniable, and in ways
[...] designed to complement the other agencies’ activities.
全穀類食物、蔬菜、 水果和豆類物(乾豆和扁豆)都含有大量纖維。
Whole grains, vegetables, fruits
[...] and legumes (dried beans and lentils) are high in fibre.
RIO汇集动物园的生动的​​人物形 象 ,一个暖心的故事,丰富多彩的背景,充满活力的拉丁音乐和当代音乐,和家庭友好的歌曲和舞蹈。
RIO brings together a menagerie of vivid characters, a heart-warming story, colorful backdrops, energizing Latin and contemporary music, and family-friendly song and dance.
鉴于这些障碍,闭会期间会议与会者建议采取下列关键 动 , 以 增强私营门参与废弃物管理 的情况:一步一步地累积成果;建立以地方能力为基础的伙伴 关系;汇编和提供关于废弃物的可靠和坚实数据以及关于未来变化的预测;确保 [...]
合同程序明确和透明,使私营部门和公共部门都能更好地评估和分摊风险和利 益。
In the light of such barriers, participants in the intersessional conference
recommended taking the
[...] following key actions to enhance the participation of the private sector in waste management: building [...]
incrementally on
success; developing partnerships based on local capacity; compiling and making available reliable, solid data on waste and forecasts for future changes; and ensuring clarity and transparency in the contract procedures in order to better assess and share the risk and benefits among the private and public sectors.
非正式动对话看上 去的确十分有益,但是安理会成员必须牢记,在它使 用这种门形式的手段时,需要向其它国家提供透明 度。
Informal interactive dialogues do seem to have been useful, although Council members must keep in mind the need to provide transparency [...]
to others when
it uses such closed-format vehicles.
[...] 对有关世贸组织卫生及植物检疫的文献进行索引和管理,同时也更易于粮农组织的食品 安全动物和植物卫生国际门户网 站获取世贸组织的信息。
The Commission noted that the system allowed for easier tracking and management of WTO SPS related documentation and that it
also made it easier for the FAO's
[...] International Portal on Food Safety, Animal and Plant Health [...]
(IPFSAPH) to access WTO information.
与客户自主生产的“卷边接缝管”相比,海德鲁铝业精密管材 门 制 造 的黄 扁 平 管 使用更高级的型材,具备更好的完整性和更大的强度。
Hydro Aluminium Precision Tubing manufacture flat-oval brass tubes with superior profile, greater integrity and much higher strength than in-house manufactured “lockseam” tubes.
监狱保健服务门应为女性物滥用 者提供 门 的 治 疗方案,或为此类方案 提供便利,其中应考虑到以往的受害 形 、 怀孕妇女以及有子女妇女的特殊需要 以及她们的不同文化背景。
Prison health services shall provide or facilitate specialized treatment programmes designed for women substance abusers, taking into account prior victimization, the [...]
special needs of pregnant
women and women with children, as well as their diverse cultural backgrounds.
第一个举措采取了提高门 卫认识的动和专门培训的形式, 涉及加大力度在夜生活中打击歧视的工作,确 保在实际中坚持执行《种族歧视法》中禁止歧视的规定。
Another initiative, in the form of
[...] an awareness campaign and special training for doormen, concerns [...]
an intensified effort
to combat discrimination in the nightlife to ensure that the ban on discrimination in the Racial Discrimination Act is upheld in practice.
应会员国的请求,该中心举办了关于裁军和不扩散问题的倡导和外联 动, 以期在整个区域和各个门形成可持续裁军的文化。
At the request of Member States, the Centre undertook disarmament and
non-proliferation advocacy
[...] and outreach activities with a view to creating a sustainable disarmament culture throughout the region and across sectors.
在笼子的一侧有一个弹性的,可以 动 闭 锁的V 形门,这 可以安全的防止猫咪逃跑,即使它们弄翻了笼子也无妨。
On one side there is a
[...] flexible V-shape door that can automatically lock, which [...]
will safely prevent the cat from escaping
even if the cages are knocked over.
次主题 1.1
[...] 下审查的问题包括,土壤和土地可持续管理和农业实践对农业生 产力(产量,作物欠收)的影响,包括作物的生物多样性对产量的影响; 动 可持 续土地管理实践;改变主食物形态 , 特别是水稻强化栽培制。
The issues examined under sub-theme 1.1 included the impact of sustainable soil and land management and agricultural practices on agricultural productivity (yields, crop failure), including the impact of crop biodiversity on yields; advances in
sustainable land
[...] management practices; and changing paradigms for staple crops, in particular the system of rice [...]
来到这里,您能一睹阿拉伯海上最壮美的日落景色,还有各 动物形 状 的 树篱雕刻。
They provide sunset views over the Arabian Sea and feature numerous
[...] hedges carved into the shapes of animals.
在該項提名調查中,被訪者可說出多至10名最熟悉的內地及台灣政治人物,結果發現,最多被訪者提及的政治 物 依 次 為陳 扁 、 胡錦濤、江澤民、溫家寶及馬英九等,餘下名單請參閱有關數表。
In that survey, respondents could name, unaided, up to 10 political figures whom they knew best.
更新《手册》的内容:2006 年 5 月以来就认识到需要对《手册》进行修订,主要是因为各门 和公众宣传局都认为,考虑到“当今出现的各种出 物形 式 :音像制品、网络、多媒体、pdf 格式的 网络出版物”4 ,《手册》内容需要更新了。
The need to update the Manual was recognized as early as May 2006, in particular to remedy one of
the shortcomings
[...] identified by the sectors and BPI, namely the obsolescence of the Manual in regard to contemporary publication media [...]
such as audiovisual,
web, multimedia and PDF online publications.4 21.




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