

单词 所见

所见 noun

sight n



What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)


what one hears and sees [idiom.]


never seen before

See also:


meet v
appear v

appear (to be sth)

External sources (not reviewed)

事实上,正所见,假 定的 Coteba 公司服务恶化 一事主要是由于工作方法产生分歧所致,其根源没有明确表明与工程监理公司相 关。
In fact, as we have seen, the supposed deterioration [...]
in the services of Coteba was connected primarily with divergences
in working methods which did not originate exclusively with the ACA.
这是我所见 过的最出色的管理软件。
This was the best
[...] management software we had seen.
简明 - 单击式操作、插入式油墨罐、4 行图形显示所 见即所得打印预览以及直观的国际型界面等特征可确保 操作无忧。
Simplicity – One click, plug-in ink cartridge, 4-line graphic display, WYSIWYG print preview and intuitive, international interface for trouble-free operations.
就如同平面摄影底片,能够产生我 所见 场 景 相反 的色彩与色调,必须印在其他的胶片片材进行转换以供其它观赏用途。
Negative film, just as a still camera
negative, produces the reverse of the colors and/or
[...] tones our eye sees in the scene and [...]
must be printed on another film stock or
transferred for final viewing.
如果需求继续按过去几所见速度增长,那么金属价 格在中期内会继续上扬。
Thus, if demand continues to grow
[...] at the rates observed over the past [...]
years, metal prices could their rise in the medium term.
同时,拟订社会保护制度还必须注意,这些制度不可忽视那些没有计入国家劳动 力统计数字的社会阶层——有时是男子,但更常见的是妇女,这些群体从事不为所见的非正规劳动,往往未被列入社会保护计划。
At the same time, care also needs to be taken in designing them so that they do not neglect segments of society that are uncounted in national labour force statistics — sometimes men, but more often women, occupied in informal work that is invisible and not always included in social protection schemes.
必须强调 的是,虽然本专家组在 2011 年 1 月至 3 月期间亲所见的新 生力量部队中流通 的武器多于 2009-2010 年观察到的武器,但是它无法记录追踪其来源所需的信息, 特别是序列号。
It is important to stress that, while this Group of Experts has witnessed larger numbers of weapons in circulation with Forces nouvelles units in the period January-March 2011 than observed in 2009-2010, it has been unable to record the necessary information, notably serial numbers, to trace their origins.
具有超过20种不同的图表类型,可定制的图例 所见 即 所 得 的 调色板,多条且可定制的轴,每个标记的属性,网格线,背景图像以及延边界对象,Chart FX使得您在几分钟内创建一些最棒的可视化图表。
With over 20 different chart types, customizable legends, ready-to-use color palettes, multiple and customizable axes, per-marker attributes, gridlines, background images and border objects, Chart FX allows you to create some of the most visually appealing charts in just minutes.
HelpStudio紧密地结合了一所见即所得 的 制作环境的功能包,根据基于HTML的布局模板和自定义的内容组件,使创建的文档保持一致,从而用最少的工作就可创建专业外观的帮助系统。
[...] seamlessly combines a feature packed WYSIWYG authoring [...]
environment, HTML based layout templates and customizable
Content Widgets to make it simple to create consistent, professional looking help systems with the minimum of effort.
咨询见所附 带 的联合反对意见的作者们更加强烈地表示了这种想法:“当事方的同意是条约义务的基 础。
The authors of the joint dissenting opinion accompanying the advisory opinion express this idea still more strongly: “The consent of the parties is the basis of treaty obligations.
然而,在本见所涉及的这一问题上,委员会的做法却 恰似背道而驰。
On the issue addressed in this opinion, however, the Committee is moving in the exact opposite direction.
有关发动机的维护和规格的详细情况, 见所 单 独提 供的本田 (Honda)发动机用户手册。
For detailed engine maintenance and specifications, refer to separate Honda Engines Owner's Manual, supplied.
而且,与在封闭式框架协议中所处的地位不同,如下文本条第(6)款的指导见 所解释 ,递交具响应性提交书的所有供应商或承包商在符合条件的前提下都有 资格加入框架协议。
Also by contrast with the position in closed framework agreements, and as is explained in the guidance to paragraph (6) of the article below, all suppliers or contractors presenting responsive submissions are eligible to join the framework agreement, provided that they are qualified.
The Committee requests the State party to include in its next periodic report
detailed information on the steps it has taken to comply with the recommendations contained
[...] in these concluding observations.
论坛建议所有国家执行儿童权利委员会关于土著儿童及其在儿童权利公约 所规定权利的第 11(2009)号一般性见所载原则,西班牙要着重指出,它同劳工 组织“国际消除童工方案”和联合国儿童基金“拉丁美洲土著儿童和青少年权利 区域方案”等合作,资助并积极参与组织“拉丁美洲土著人民和政府讨论会:切 实保护土著男女儿童和青少年权利并废除童工情况”,讨论会定于 2010 年 3 月 8 日至 10 日在卡塔赫纳德印第亚斯(哥伦比亚)西班牙合作培训中心举行。
Regarding the recommendation that all States apply the principles of general comment No. 11 (2009) of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, on indigenous children and their rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, it should be noted that Spain has financed and actively participated in organizing — together with, inter alia, the ILO International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Regional Programme on the Rights of Indigenous Children and Youth in Latin America — a Latin American meeting of indigenous peoples and governments to discuss an approach to effective protection of the rights of indigenous boys, girls and adolescents involved in child labour, with a view to its abolishment, which was held at the AECID Training Centre in Cartagena, Colombia, from 8 to 10 March 2010.
如本结论性见所强调 的那样,委员会促请缔约国采取所有必要措施实施其 先前的各项建议。
The Committee urges the State party to take all necessary measures to address its previous recommendations as reiterated in the present concluding observations.
委员会敦促缔约国采取一切必要措施,执行对第二次定期报告的结论性见所载但 尚未得到执行或未充分执行的建议,并为关于第三和第四次合并定期报 告的本结论性见所载各项建议采取充分的后续行动。
The Committee urges the State
[...] party to take all necessary measures to address those recommendations from the concluding observations on the second periodic report that have not yet been implemented or sufficiently implemented and to provide adequate follow-up to the recommendations contained in the present concluding observations on the combined [...]
third and fourth periodic report.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述, 根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 [...]
and annex III).
为了避免不必要的重复、保证争论中有尽 可能多的不同见,所有对 该问题关注的机构都有必要合作。
It is essential that all of the agencies considering the issue
work together to avoid unnecessary duplication and to ensure that the debate includes
[...] as many different views as possible.
随着 2009 年 7 月 1 日引入新的内部司法系统,一般法律事务司在内部司 法和管理方面的职责大大增加,必须向更大范围的客户提供法律 见 , 所 涉 问 题 日益复杂,而这些问题对本组织具有重大的财务、法律和业务影响和风险。
With the introduction of the new administration of justice system on 1 July 2009, the responsibilities of the General Legal Division in the area of administration of justice and management have dramatically increased, as the Division has been required to provide legal advice to a broader range of clients, on increasingly complex issues, which entail significant financial, legal and operational implications for and risks to the Organization.
文件 169 EX/26 中 的见所反映 的情况随后又有了发展变化,因为一些会员国和非政府国际组织又给秘书处寄 [...]
The situation
[...] reflected in the observations contained in document [...]
169 EX/26 had evolved since that date as many Member States
and international non-governmental organizations had sent additional information to the Secretariat as requested.
各机构为评级低提出了若干可能的原因,主要原因包括:国家臭氧机构的变动;如 提出的与前几年相关的问题,对评估时限存在误解;由于国家提供的数据不一致,导致机 构出现延误;针对牵头机构提出的评论 见所 涉 及 的机构并不是牵头机构;对机构与执行 委员会为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划提供资金相关的绩效表示不满意;评级被撤销;在未雇用或 未准备雇用国内顾问时针对雇用国内顾问的评论;以及因国家政府的变动,机构出现延 误。
Agencies indicated several possible reasons for the low ratings largely due to changes in NOUs, misunderstandings about the evaluation timeframe as issues raised related to previous years, delays assigned to the agency but which were a result of data inconsistencies by the country, comments on the lead agency when the agency concerned was not the lead agency, dissatisfaction expressed on the agency’s performance that related to the funding received from the Executive Committee for the HPMP, ratings were withdrawn, comments on the hiring of national consultants when no consultants were hired or were to be hired, and delays assigned to the agency but which were the result of changes in the Government.
妇女署将开发和维持一个追踪管理部门对评价 见所 作 反 应的系统,并将 建立一个供公众查阅的网上评价报告档案。
UN-Women will develop and maintain a system for tracking management responses to evaluations and will establish an online archive of evaluation reports for public access.
特别报告员说明了禁止酷 刑委员会为落实该委员会的结论性 见所 采 取 的后续程序,酷刑和其他残忍、不 人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚问题特别报告员和法外处决、即决处决或任意处决 问题特别报告员则提供资料,说明了与其任务有关的后续机制的情况。
The follow-up procedure of the
Committee against
[...] Torture was described by the Rapporteur for follow-up to concluding observations of that Committee, [...]
while the Special
Rapporteurs on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions provided information on the development of follow-up mechanisms in relation to their mandates.
委员会注意到该 缔约国代表团对委员会成员提出的问题和 见所 作 的 口头答复。
The Committee has noted the replies orally provided by the delegation of the State party to questions and comments raised by Committee members.
国 际法院的咨询意见确认,必须在导致通过科索沃独立宣 言的实际背景下看待该宣言,包括咨询 见所 述 的 为解 决科索沃境内人道主义危机而根据第 1244(1999)号决 议建立的框架和联合国主导的 2005 年至 2007 年最终 地位进程中出现的事态发展——尽管尽了全力,但这 一进程最终未能在科索沃地位问题上产生彼此同意 的结果。
The Court’s opinion recognized that the declaration of independence of Kosovo had to be considered within the factual context that led to its adoption, including, as the opinion described, the framework established by resolution 1244 (1999) to resolve the humanitarian crisis in Kosovo and the developments in the 2005-2007 final status process brokered by the United Nations, which, despite exhaustive efforts, was unable to yield a mutually agreeable outcome on Kosovo’s status.
如果社会保护措施需要有身份证件的提 供,就必须采取特别措施,接纳性地帮助少数群体,因为这些人经常在取得身份 证件和出生注册方面面临由于见所 造 成 的障碍。
Where access to social protection measures are contingent on identity cards, special measures should be taken to accommodate minorities who often face barriers to obtaining identity cards and birth registration created by prejudice.
如本结论性见所提到 的那样,委员会深切关注委员会在审查缔约国第三 和第四次定期报告后提出的许多先前建议并没有被执行。
The Committee is deeply concerned that many of its previous recommendations adopted after the examination of the third and fourth periodic reports of the State party have not been implemented, as referred to in the present concluding observations.
中国代表对联络小组成员、各双边和执行机构以及秘书处的成员表示感谢,感谢他 们为了就中国的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第一阶段和两个示范项目达成一致 见所 做 的 努力。
The representative of China thanked the contact group members, the bilateral and implementing agencies and the members of the Secretariat for their efforts in reaching an agreement on stage I of China’s HPMP, as well as the two demonstration projects.




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