

单词 所居


dwelling place



be without a fixed residence [idiom.]

See also:



be at a standstill
surname Ju
(archaic) sentence-final particle expressing a doubting attitude
store up
be (in a certain position)

External sources (not reviewed)

(d) 如果申请人为个人,则香港身份证、护照 所居家签发的任何其他形式含照象的官方身 [...]
(d) if the applicant is an individual, a copy of the Hong Kong Identity Card, passport, or any other form of official photographic identification
issued by the Government in the
[...] Applicant's countryof residence, thatbears [...]
the Chinese name of the Applicant; and (e)
a document which clearly shows that the Chinese Domain Name is the Chinese name of the product or the name the Applicant trades.
合资格的姓名”是指个人的合法姓名,它显示在个人身份证、护照或个 所居家颁发其他形式 含照象的官方身份证明上。
Eligible Name" means a legal name of an individual as shown on the individual's
Identity Card, passport, or other form of official photographic identification issued in the
[...] individual's country of residence.
但如果所居地方没有发送文字广播的讯号, 则您就无法获得此项服务。
Teletext information may not be available if there is no such service provided in your region or country.
难民或处于类 似难民地位的人不应受到所居曾旅居的第三 国的强迫遣返。
Refugees or persons in refugee-like
situations should not be subject to forced return by a third country
[...] in which they residedor to which they [...]
had travelled.
约有30个在1992年前建成的其他屋邨,其租户已向我们查 所居何时出售。
Already tenants in some 30 other pre-1992 estates have asked when theirs are to be offered for sale.
要申请医疗卡,请联络所居省份或 地区的卫生厅。
To apply for a health card, contact the Ministry of Health in the province or territory where you live.
法院因此判定,虽 然该挂号信只是寄给《仲裁法》第 5(a)条(最后一句)中规定的第三种备选
[...] 人,但不应因此认为仅限于该备选人——换言之,如果经过合理查询后未能找 到收件人的或营业地,就应努力寻找另外两人。
The Court therefore ruled that, although the registered letter was sent only to the third option given in article 5 (a) of the Arbitration Act (final sentence), it should not, for that reason, be considered to have been restricted to that option —
in other words, if the addressee’s
[...] domicile, placeof residenceor place of business [...]
could not be found after a reasonable
inquiry is made — but rather efforts should be made to find the other two.
[...] 说,《少数群体宣言》强调,保护和增进少数群体权利有助于 所居 家的政 治和社会稳定。
The independent expert recalled that the Declaration on Minorities emphasizes that the protection
and promotion of the rights of minorities contributes to the political and social
[...] stability of States in which they live.
公民只有在下列情况下才可从公共住房或国家住房建设基金建设的房屋中 迁出,同时得到其他公用设施配套齐全的居住空间:(1) 公所居房屋依照 规划将拆除;(2) 公所居房屋(居住空间)属危旧房屋;(3) 公所居房 屋(居住空间)必须翻修改造成非居住用建筑。
Citizens are evacuated from their establishments in public or state housing funds and are subsequently offered another living space with utilities if: (1) the house where the living space is, is planned for demolishment; (2) the house (living space) is in danger of ruination; (3) the house (living space) must be refurbished into a non-living building.
2010 年西岸(包括 C 区和东耶路撒冷)拆毁了超过 431 所巴勒斯坦建筑,其中包括137所居宅, 造成至少 594 人无家可归,其中包括 299 名儿童。
More than 431 Palestinian structures were demolished in 2010 in the West Bank (including Area C and East Jerusalem), including 137 residential structures, leaving homeless at least 594 people, 299 of them children.
这些房屋的建筑特性可以对行动不便的人士提 供无障碍通道,并且便于其正常进行主要活动及融 所居域的核心部分。
The design of dwellings in this category is to be such as to facilitate access by persons with reduced mobility, the normal performance of their motor activities and their integration into the nucleus in which theylive.
公约》第二十三及二十四条并未规定一国有尊重移民 所居家之选择或授权在其领土内实现家庭团聚的一般性义务,因为这两条规定都必须 [...]
Articles 23 and 24 of the Covenant do not entail a general obligation for a State
to respect immigrants’ choice of the
[...] country of their residenceor toauthorize [...]
family reunification in its territory, as
both provisions must be read in the light of the State party’s right to control the entry, residence and expulsion of aliens.
[...] 准、财产标准以及制度的覆盖面,委员会敦促缔约国尽快完成审查工作,保证无 家可归者和收所居不符合稳定生活最低期限标准的所有人都能享受这项制 度。
The Committee, noting the information provided by the State party that the national basic livelihood security system is under review in relation to the “duty to support” standard or wealth standard and universal access to the system, urges the State party to conclude the review expeditiously and guarantee access to the system for
persons that have not completed a minimum
[...] period ofstable living, including the [...]
homeless and those living in shelters.
明白了基督徒的家庭角色之后,你自己的 生命就会得到坚固,你的整个会众会得到帮助, 所居社区将会通过你个人的模范和通过神所赐予的 教导与交通的机会而看到神的爱。
As you understand the biblical roles with the family, your own life will be strengthened, your entire congregation will be helped and the community in which you live will see the oneness and love of God modeled through you personally and through the teaching and counseling opportunities that God will give.
除非在Stemtech的政策与程序中之陈述, 或在所居州的法律明文规定禁止本协议中的同意管辖 以及管辖地点条款时, 由州法管辖外, 所有和Stemtech, 其独立经销商协议, Stemtech行销与奖金制度, 或其产品与服务, [...]
个别独立经销商, 以及Stemtech的权利与义务的争议和索赔,
或是其他的依据本协议或Stemtech政策与程序的任何与独立经销商, 以及Stemtech的绩效有关之索赔或进行行动的原因, 都应该於加州圣克里门地市(San Clemente, California)的仲裁为完全并最终解决方案, 或者依据联邦仲裁法以及美国仲裁协会的商业仲裁规则, 在Stemtech指定的其他地点进行.
Except as
[...] setforth inthe Stemtech Policies and Procedures, or unless the laws of the state in whichI resideexpresslyprohibit [...]
the consensual jurisdiction
and venue provisions of this Agreement, in which case its laws shall govern, all disputes and claims relating to Stemtech, the Independent Distributor Agreement, the Stemtech Marketing and Compensation Plan or its products and services, the rights and obligations of an independent Independent Distributor and Stemtech, or any other claims or causes of action relating to the performance of either an independent Independent Distributor or Stemtech under the Agreement or the Stemtech Policies and Procedures shall be settled totally and finally by arbitration in San Clemente, California or such other location as Stemtech prescribes, in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act and the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association.
2 月 14 日, 在 5 个科索沃塞族家庭预计返回 Klinë/Klina 市的前夕,一对科索沃塞族回归夫所居 的窗户被据称是 5 个科索沃阿族少年所投掷的石块击碎;其中 4 个青 少年的身份已确定。
On 14 February, on the eve of the expected return of five Kosovo Serb families to the municipality of Klinë/Klina, the windows of a house belonging to a Kosovo Serb returnee couple were broken with stones allegedly thrown by five Kosovo Albanian juveniles; four of the juveniles were identified.
依诚信正直的原则来行事,可让我们赢得和维护每个和我们合作的人对我们的 信任,其范围包括 Hospira 的同事以及其他公司的合作夥伴,我们对其生活有影响的患者和医务人员,以及我 所居工作的社区。
Acting with integrity allows us to earn and maintain the trust of everyone we work with, from our colleagues at Hospira and our partners at other companies to the patients and healthcare professionalswhose lives we impact and the communities in which we live and work.
根据 1969 年 5 月 23
[...] 日《维也纳条约法公约》的规定,突尼斯政府强调,对 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第 15 条第 4 款的要求,尤其是妇女选择其居所利的解释不得违反《个人地位法》第 23 章和第 61 章有关这一问题 的规定。
In accordance with the provisions of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, dated 23 May 1969, the Government of Tunisia emphasizes that the requirements of article 15, paragraph 4, of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against
Women, and
[...] particularly that partrelating to the right of women to choose their residence and domicile, must not [...]
be interpreted in a manner
which conflicts with the provisions of the Personal Status Code on this subject, as set forth in chapters 23 and 61 of the Code.
(2) 相关行为系因分公司、代理机构或任何其他分支机构之营运而发生者,其分
[...] 公司、代理机构或任何其他分支机构之所在地,应视为其惯 居所
(2) Where the relevant activities occur in the course of operation of a branch, agency or any other establishment, the
place where the branch, agency or any other establishment is located shall be treated as the
[...] place ofhabitual residence.
住所”这一概念,根据《民法典》第83 条指人以居所所为其住 所,而《刑法典》包含广泛的意义,泛指所有及任何人进行其私人生活的地方。
The concept of “home” under article 83 of the CC refers to the
[...] usual place of residence, whereas the [...]
concept of the CCM has a broader meaning,
since it comprehends all and any places where a person’s private life is carried out.
在《残疾人权利公约》中可找到其他即使未具体针对老年人但也可使他们获 益的相关条款,包括:第 9条,关于无障碍环境;第 12
[...] 得平等承认,包括采取适当措施支持他们享受和行使其法律权利;第 19条,关 于独立生活和融入社区,包括在与其他人平等的基础上选 居所获得各他社区支助服务;第 20 条,关于个人行动能力,包括获得助行器 具、用品、帮助起居的技术和专门工作人员的协助;第 [...]
26 条,关于复健和康复, 以保持最大程度的自立。
Other relevant provisions that can potentially benefit older persons, even if they do not specifically address their concerns, are to be found in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, including: article 9 on accessibility; article 12 on equal recognition before the law, including in relation to appropriate measures to support the enjoyment and exercise of
legal capacity;
[...] article 19 on livingindependently and being included in the community, including choice of place of residence onequal basis [...]
with others and access
to a range of in-home, residential and other community support services; article 20 on personal mobility, including access to mobility aids, devices, assistive technologies and specialist staff; and article 26 on habilitation and rehabilitation to maintain maximum independence.
(d) 交通 - 穿梭巴士服务及居 所公地点的交通开支。
(d) transport - shuttle bus
[...] services, home to workplace travelling expenses.
所有名列本申请书第一部分的人士(包括其配偶在内),从未获得「自 居所计划」或「置业资助贷款计划」贷款/按揭还 款补助金或购得「居者有其屋计划」或「私人机构參建居屋计划」或「中等入息家庭屋邨」美樂花园或「重建置业计划」或 「居屋第二市场计划」或「租者置其屋计划」或「可租可买计划」或房屋协会辖下任何房屋资助计划的住宅樓宇单位。
None of the persons listed in Part I of this application form (including their spouses) have obtained any loan or mortgage subsidy under the Home Purchase Loan Scheme (HPLS)/Home Assistance Loan Scheme (HALS), or have purchased any domestic flat under the HOS, the PSPS, the Middle Income Housing Project at Melody Garden, the Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, the SMS, the TPS, the Buy or Rent Option or any subsidized housing scheme administered by the HS.
(b) 对会员国规定,对于犯罪受害人为本国国民,或为惯 居所本国境 内的无国籍人的情况,或对于犯罪人为惯 居所本国境内的无国籍人的情 况,应考虑确立管辖权
(b) Requires Member States to consider establishing jurisdiction when the victim of the crime is a national or a stateless person who has his or
[...] her habitual residence in the territory of that State or the crime is committed by a stateless person who has his or her habitual residence inthe territory [...]
of that State
[...] 语言、宗教或信仰、政治或其他见解、民族血统或社会出身或财产、公民身份居所身、教育或社会地位或其他地位。
States should ensure the provision of legal aid to all persons regardless of age, race, colour, gender, language, religion or belief, political or other
opinion, national or social origin or property,
[...] citizenship or domicile, birth, education [...]
or social status or other status.
(g) 还关注索马里境内,特别是中部和南部地区,继续缺少人道主义援助准 入及其对千百万儿童的有害影响,呼吁冲突各方确保人道主义援助不受阻碍和安
全地送达给儿童,尊重援助的纯粹人道主义性质和中立性,不加区分地尊重所有 人道主义组织的工作; (h) 呼吁冲突各方立即停止违反适用国际法,袭击或威胁袭击以及占领学校
[...] 和医院,保持按照国际人道主义法为儿童提 居所顾儿童需要的民事机构的 中立和安全。
(g) Also expressing concern about the continuing lack of humanitarian access in Somalia and its detrimental impact on millions of children, particularly in the central and southern regions, and calling upon all parties to the conflict to ensure unhindered and safe humanitarian access to children, respect the exclusively
humanitarian nature and impartiality of aid and respect the work of all humanitarian
[...] organizations, withoutdistinction
阿尔及利亚还欢迎对其建议采取积极的后续行动,确保 某些少数群体享有适足住房、教育、就业及保健权利,并特别注意这入 社会生活域。
Algeria also welcomed the favourable follow-up on its recommendation to ensure that certain minorities had access to adequate housing, education, employment and health care, and that particular attention was to be paid to the promotion of their integration in allsectors of social life.
行政区还有若干备选措施让有特殊需求的当事人更 方便地住在自己家,例如帮助进居所、人员协助和家中帮助等。
A number of alternative measures are available from municipalities in order to make it easier for individuals with specific needs to live in their own homes, e.g. contribution to home adaptation, personal assistance and home help.




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