

单词 所剩无几

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

风暴过后,马德修米达的父母收拾 所剩无几 的 家 当,一家九口人搬到了位于森德班三角洲戈萨巴镇的一个泥筑堤岸上。
After the cyclone, Madhumita's parents collected
[...] the little that remained of their household [...]
effects and moved the family of nine
to a nearby mud embankment in Gosaba, in the Sunderbans delta.
A father and daughter move what is left of their belongings to a safer place.
鉴于实现国际商 定承诺的时所剩无几,我国代表团充分支持有关考 虑 2011 年全面审查的模式和组织安排的提议。
With little time left to achieve the internationally [...]
agreed commitments, my delegation fully supports the proposal to consider
the modalities and organizational arrangements for a comprehensive review in 2011.
世界最先进的研究中 心一致预测,避免发生不可逆转的灾难的时 所剩无 几。
The world’s most advanced research centres agree in their predictions that very
[...] little time remains to avoid an [...]
irreversible catastrophe.
The attack left Mr. Garga with [...]
next to nothing.
可我们都是限时交付,留给寻求良方解决问题的时 所剩无几 , 更 谈不上 工作方式的创新了。
But most of us are under constant pressure to deliver, which doesn’t leave much time for finding better solutions to problems, let alone initiating new ways of working.
目前的僵局正在迅速地摧毁裁谈 会本所剩无几的声誉和权威。
The ongoing stalemate is quickly destroying what is left of its prestige and authority.
这样,该助理秘书长可 用于关注该部具体协调活动的时 所剩无几。
This leaves little if any time to focus on the specific coordination activities of the Department.
划拨给研究所的正常 预算大多用于人事费用,因此,计划执行费 所剩无几。
The regular budget allocated to the Institute is still mostly used to cover staff cost, leaving limited resources for programme implementation.
这样一来,中国公司寻找并约见美国法律顾问的时间 所剩无几 了 , 这也是为什么需要在战争酿成之前做好充分准备的原因。
That leaves little time for a Chinese respondent to locate and interview US counsel, which is all the more reason to be prepared before a battle brews.
联合国儿童基金会项目宣传专员兼快速评估小组成员纳西尔.阿提克(Nasir Ateeq)说:“我们看到一个接一个的村庄被水淹没,住在堤岸上的儿童和他们的父母努力挽 所剩无几 的 家 当。
We saw village after village under water, children and their parents on broken embankments trying to salvage whatever was left of their homes and belongings," said UNICEF's Programme Communication Specialist Nasir Ateeq, who was part of UNICEF's rapid assessment team.
在上述状况中面临的社会经济困难使得这个问题雪上加霜——随着失业 率飙升,无力提供服务,越来越多的人走投无路,导致犯罪率上升 所剩无几的 基础设施也遭到劫掠。
The socio-economic difficulties faced in these situations exacerbate the problem — as unemployment levels soar and service delivery fails — an increasing number of people are disenfranchised, resulting in increased crime and the vandalizing of what little infrastructure exists.
到 2009 年 立法进程进行到最后无论子 女在家中排行 几 , 所 有 家 庭中的每位子女都将获 得固定数额的津贴。
By the end of the legislative process in 2009, the allowance will be a fixed amount for every child in all families, regardless of the child’s place in the family.
由 31 C/5 中共同培训资金资助的该计划在 2003 年剩下的几个月 中将得到加强,以便在 秘书处中传授“结果文化”,并在适当时改进 32 C/5 草案和实施 32 C/5 规划所列的结果 和政绩指标。
This programme,
[...] financed from corporate training funds under document 31 C/5, will be intensified in the remaining months of 2003 with a view to imparting a “results culture” in the Secretariat and [...]
to help improve, as
appropriate, the results and performance indicators included in draft document 32 C/5 and in the work plans for the implementation of draft document 32 C/5.
主要原因几乎没有什剩余能力, 所 有 四 个工作地点 都预测,与预计的工作流入相比,全年会有很大的能力短缺,因此,没有转移工 作量的空间。
The main
[...] reason is that there is little surplus capacity, given that all four [...]
duty stations forecast substantial capacity
shortfalls throughout the year compared with expected work inflow, leaving no room to shift workload.
这种 差异不仅让人觉得待遇不平等和工 无 保 障 ,对工作人员的士气产生不利影响; 而且也促使工作人员的离职率升高,往往是在距审判结束 剩几 个 月 时离职。
This difference not only creates a feeling
of unequal
[...] treatment and job insecurity, which adversely affects staff morale; it has also contributed to an increased departure rate of staff members often only a few months before the end [...]
of a trial.
我认为,我们今天已经听到 ——并且将从我所剩同事 那里听到——改进这些 职能何等重要无论从 人道主义角度或战略角度来 讲,这都是至关重要的。
I think we have heard today — and will hear from the rest of our colleagues — how important it is to improve these functions as both a humanitarian and a strategic imperative.
在本财务期结束时所剩无债务之 款项,在扣除会员国于本财务期所欠会费后,其余额应 按各会员国在本财务期分摊会费之比例在会员国中进行 [...]
The balance of
[...] the appropriations remaining unobligated at the [...]
close of a financial period, after deducting therefrom any
contributions from Member States relating to that financial period which remain unpaid, shall be apportioned among Member States in proportion to their assessed contributions for that financial period.
公路沿线的达则村被选为这条观光线路的起点,达则村的可建设用 所剩无 多 , 村口的一片滩涂因此成为修建游客接待站的不二选择。
There is little land left for further development [...]
in this village, therefore the river beach along the road was the only
choice for the site of a tourist center.
委员会似宜注意到,尽管秘书处努力争取新的捐款,但信托基金可用资所剩无己,仅够在今后开展为数很少 几 项 技 术合作与援助活动。
The Commission may wish to note that, in spite of efforts by the Secretariat to solicit new donations, funds available in the Trust Fund are sufficient only for a very small number of future technical cooperation and assistance activities.
未完成的最 后一章按年代顺序记录安全理事会审议其议程项目的情况 所剩 的 少 数 几 个 个案 研究和整个补编将于 2010 年下半年张贴在网站上。
It is expected that the few remaining case studies from a chapter which provides a chronological record of the Council’s consideration of items on its agenda and the entire supplement will be posted on the website in the latter part of 2010.
欧洲的问题在于,尽所有人都在谈论紧缩, 但经济实力较弱的国家付诸实际以减少政府开支的行动却寥 无几。
The problem in Europe is that in spite of all the talk about austerity, very little has been done to reduce the government expenditures of the weaker countries.
169 号公约》或《经济、社会、文化权利国际 公约任择议定书》,但它已着手批准《儿童权利公约关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和 儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书》。新西兰还审议了为批准《保 所 有 人 免遭强 迫失踪公约》需要作出哪些立法改革,并着手逐步撤销对人权条约 剩 余 几项 保留。
New Zealand was also examining which legislative reforms would be required to move towards ratifying the Convention for the Protection of
All Persons from
[...] Enforced Disappearance, and was committed to working progressively towards a withdrawal of its few remaining reservations to human rights treaties.
[...] 会议主要部分的原定结束日期后提出如此之多的重 要议程项目,而在预测的新结束日期之前 剩 下 很少 几天,这些议程项目因无法得到应有的深入审议, 他对此表示失望。
(France), speaking on behalf of the European Union, expressed disappointment that so many important agenda items were being introduced after the originally scheduled
end of the main part
[...] of the session, and with so few days remaining before the forecast new end date, [...]
making it unlikely
that they would receive the in-depth consideration that they deserved.
婴儿和产妇死亡率居高不下、享 受足够住房者寥无几以及 缺乏安全饮用水和卫生设施、教育和体面工作等情况 影响着该次区所有国 家人民对经济、社会和文化权利的享有。
High rates of infant and maternal mortality, low levels of adequate housing and the lack of access to safe water and sanitation, to education and to decent work affected the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights in all countries of the subregion.
4.6 设立一个预算盈余帐户(BSA),将从第 4.3 条所述财务期结束所剩无 债务 之款项的结余和第 4.4 条所述尚未动用的拨款结余中转出的资金记入 [...]
4.6 A Budget Surplus Account (BSA) shall be established for the
purpose of accounting for funds
[...] transferred from the balance of appropriations remaining unobligated at [...]
the close of a financial
period as contained in Article 4.3 and from unspent balances of appropriations as stated in Article 4.4.
应进一步加强和高度重视各国政府和发展伙伴的政治意愿和财政承诺,以确 保在 2005-2015 年生命之水国际行动十年剩下几年 中 ,克服当前仍在持续的全 球经济和金融危所带来 的困难,实现与水有关的国际发展目标(发展中国家尤 其如此)。
Political will and financial commitments from both national Governments and development partners should be further strengthened and be granted high priority in order to ensure the attainment of water-related international development targets during the remainder of the International Decade for Action, “Water for Life”, 2005-2015, especially by developing countries, despite the persistence of the current global economic and financial crisis.
委员会将需要考虑:(一) 在项目的目标已经实现之后,有 关国家是否仍然有资格动用任剩余 的 经费,同时回顾,多年期协定的供资是以业绩为依 据;(二) 如果一个国家可以继续领取经费,应该规定何种水平的监测和报告;(三) 有关执 行机构是否应该继续进行财务监督和业绩核查,如果应该,但有关机构由于行政或法律障 碍无法这样做,将产生何种后果。
The Committee would have to consider (i) whether a
country continued to be eligible for any remaining funds once a project had achieved its targets, recalling that the funding of MYAs was performance-based; (ii) if a country could continue to receive funds, what would be the required level of monitoring and reporting; and (iii) whether the implementing agency should continue to exercise financial oversight and performance verification and, if so, what would be the consequences if an agency could not do so because of administrative or legal hurdles.
国家接受, 在接受本协定以及执行委员会履行第 3 款所述供资义务的情况下,如果物质的任何消费量 超过附件 2-A 第 1.2 行规定的数量(“附件 C
第一类物质的最高允许消费总量”),这是 本协定针对附件 1-A
[...] 规定的所有物质的最后削减步骤,或者任何一种物质的消费量超过 第 4.1.3、4.2.3、4.3.3、第 4.4.3 和第 4.5.3 行所规定的数量剩余的 符合资助资格的消费 量),该国将没有资格就这些物质申请或接受多边基金的进一步供资。
The Country accepts that, by its acceptance of this Agreement and performance by the Executive Committee of its funding obligations described in paragraph 3, it is precluded from applying for or receiving further funding from the Multilateral Fund in respect to any consumption of the Substances which exceeds the level defined in row 1.2 of Appendix 2-A (maximum allowable total consumption of Annex C, Group I substances) as the final
reduction step under this
[...] agreement for all of the Substances specified in Appendix 1-A, and in respect to any consumption of each of the [...]
Substances which
exceeds the level defined in rows 4.1.3, 4.2.3, 4.3.3, 4.4.3 and 4.5.3 (remaining eligible consumption).




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