

单词 房屋局

See also:


house n
room n

External sources (not reviewed)

長遠房屋策略(長策)檢討的支援,包括提供秘書處服務予長遠房屋策略督 導委員會(由運輸房屋局局長出 任主席,及 15 名非官方、3 名官方成員 組成)及長遠房屋策略工作小組(由運輸 房屋局 常 任 秘書長(房屋)出任 主席,相關政府決策局和部門的代表擔任成員,以支援長策督導委員會的工 作);為長策檢討於 2013 年年中進行公眾諮詢;因應立法會房屋事務委員 會及其轄下的長策小組委員會的要求提交與長策檢討相關的討論文件;及進 [...]
The support for the Long Term Housing Strategy (LTHS) review includes provision of secretariat support to the LTHS Steering Committee (chaired
by the Secretary for
[...] Transport and Housing and comprising 15 non-official members and 3 official members) and the LTHS Working Group (chaired by the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Housing) and comprising [...]
from relevant bureaux and departments to provide support to the LTHS Steering Committee); conducting a public consultation exercise in around mid-2013; preparing discussion papers on issues relating to the LTHS review as requested by the Legislative Council’s Panel on Housing and its Subcommittee on LTHS; and carrying out all other work relating to the review.
運輸房屋局局長補充,她曾請資助房屋小組委員會主席澄清 其向傳媒發表的言論,該小組委員會主席確定,他並無表示會 [...]
STH added that she had clarified with the Chairman of
[...] the Subsidized Housing Committee on [...]
his remarks to the media and he confirmed that
he did not give indication to any change to the existing policies in this respect.
由於申請表第III部評審甲部是由運輸房 屋局常任 秘書長(房屋)/房屋署署長填寫,而發展局常任秘書 長 (規劃及地政)未獲請就梁先生的申請作出評審和建議,公務 員事務局局長只請發展局常任秘書長( 規劃及地政) 針對新世 界中國地產的業務性質就梁先生的申請提供意見,麥駱雪玲 女士認為應從蕭伍紫裳女士建議作出的回覆中刪去" 沒有異 議 "的提述,以及只把屋宇署所提供的資料轉交公務員事務局。
As Assessment A of Part III of the application form was to be completed by PS(H)/D of H, and PS(PL) was not asked to give an assessment of or recommendations on Mr LEUNG's application, and SCS had only invited comments from PS(PL) on Mr LEUNG's application in relation to the business nature of NWCL, Mrs MAK considered that the words "no objection" in the reply proposed by Mrs SIU should be deleted, and only the information provided by BD should be forwarded to CSB.
因此,我 希望各位議員能夠合作,致電或以書面形式 房屋局 表 達意見,我們是十分 樂意考慮的。
Therefore, I hope Members can co-operate
with us by submitting their views by phone or
[...] writing to the Housing Bureau, and we are very [...]
happy to consider their views.
首席助理秘書長(政策統籌)/助理署長(政策統籌) 負責處理立法會有關房屋的事宜、為運輸 房屋局局 長 出席立 法會會議和其他討論平台提供支援、及在房屋署內外就主要房 屋議題統籌政策方面的事宜,包括《施政報告》和《財政預算 [...]
PAS(PS)/AD(PS) is responsible for handling Legislative
Council (LegCo) matters in
[...] relation to housing, providing support for the attendance of the Secretary for Transport and Housing at the LegCo [...]
and other forums,
and coordinating policy inputs on major housing issues within and outside Housing Department (HD) including for the Policy Address and the Annual Budget.
運輸房屋局局長補 充,有 需要諮詢區議會對其區內建議中的公屋發展項目有何意見,因 為他們或會對興建公屋的規模和所需提供的配套設施有其看 法。
STH added that it was necessary to consult DCs on the proposed PRH developments [...]
in their districts, as DCs might have views
on the scale of the PRH development and the ancillary facilities to be provided.
5.57 彭先生表示,他就梁先生的申請考慮了以下各項因 素:處理梁先生所屬職系的退休首長級人員離職後從事工作申 請的現行政策;有關梁先生任職政府時最後擔任的兩個職位的 資料,以及該兩個職位涉及的主要職務;梁先生停止政府職務 及退休的日期;諮詢委員會以往曾處理的梁先生離職後從事工 作的申請;新世界中國地產擬聘用梁先生的詳細資料,包括該 公司的主要業務和梁先生受聘的主要職責;以及有關各方包括 運輸房屋局常任秘書長(房屋)、發展局常任秘書長(規劃及地 政 )、發展局常任秘書長(工務)、政務主任職系管方和公務員事 務局所提出的意見及建議。
5.57 Mr PANG said that he had taken into account the following factors in considering Mr LEUNG's application: the prevailing policy in handling post-service work applications by retired directorate officers of Mr LEUNG's grade, the information regarding Mr LEUNG's last two postings in government service and the major duties involved, the dates of Mr LEUNG's cessation of active service and retirement, Mr LEUNG's previous post-service work applications processed by ACPE, the particulars of Mr LEUNG's proposed employment with NWCL including its core business and Mr LEUNG's major duties and responsibilities in the appointment, and the views and recommendations of the various parties including PS(H), PS(PL), PS(W), the AO Grade Management and CSB.
運輸房屋局會聯 同發展局及各有關政府部門對房屋土地的 供應作出定時檢討,以提供更多可作公屋發展的土地。
THB together with DEVB and concerned [...]
Government departments will regularly review the supply of land for housing with a
view to identifying more suitable land for public housing development.
(t) 草案第4條修訂第374章第8(1)條,賦權運輸 房屋局局長 訂 立規例,規定由交通審裁處覆核署長拒絕發出或重新發 [...]
出駕駛執照或駕駛教師執照或拒絕將其續期,或將其取消 的決定。
(t) Clause 4 amends section 8(1) of Cap. 374 to empower the
[...] Secretary for Transport and Housing to make regulations [...]
to provide for the review by
a Transport Tribunal of any decision of the Commissioner to refuse to issue, re-issue, renew or cancel a driving licence or a driving instructor’s licence.
運輸房屋局局長又 向 委員保證,巴士票價是依據既定的票價調整機制作出 調整;在此機制下,巴士公司若要調高票價,必項有 充分理據才會獲得批准。
STH further assured members that any adjustment of bus fares would follow the established fare adjustment mechanism under which any bus fare increase would only be approved with full justifications.
運輸房屋局局長回應時表示,目前的工作重點是與有關的隧 道營辦商商討延長專營權以換取減費的方案。
In reply, STH advised that at present, the focus of work was to discuss with the tunnel operators concerned the option of extension of franchise in exchange for toll reduction.
運輸房屋局副秘 書長(運輸)2(下稱"副秘書長(運輸)2")表示,現時的 優惠轉乘計劃的目的包括:透過讓乘客在主要運輸交匯處轉乘 [...]
鐵路或其他巴士路線,為他們提供更廣泛的服務選擇;盡量減 少在新市鎮設置點到點的長途巴士路線,以加強巴士網絡的覆
蓋範圍及效率;以及配合優化巴士服務的建議,以減輕交通擠塞 情況及減少在路旁排放的廢氣。
The Deputy Secretary
[...] for Transport and Housing (Transport)2 (DS(T)2) [...]
advised that the current concessionary interchange
schemes were to provide passengers with a wider choice of services by allowing them to interchange at major public transport interchanges to railway service or other bus routes; to minimize the need for long distance point-to-point bus routes in new towns to enhance bus network coverage and efficiency; and to tie in with bus rationalization proposals to reduce traffic congestion and roadside emission.
自 2007 年 4 日 起 ,運輸房屋局、 路政署和運輸署的代表曾出 席 多 個由中西區區議會議員和不同 [...]
政 黨 舉 辦 ,並由區內 居 民 參與的公眾 論壇和會議。
As from April 2007, representatives of
[...] the Transport and Housing Bureau, Highways Department [...]
and Transport Department have attended
a series of meetings and public forums organised by the C&WDC members and various political parties with participation by the local community.
運輸署助理署長解釋,運輸房屋局 決 定 不出席 會議,因為討論的事項並非運輸政策事宜。
AC(MP) explained that the
[...] Transport and Housing Bureau had decided not [...]
to attend the meeting as the issue for discussion
was considered not a transport policy matter.
[...] 有能力購買水準較家庭申請人為高的物業 房屋局 副局 長指出,個別申請人會考慮各種因素,例如本身的住屋 [...]
需求,以及將會購置的物業的地點及質素,自行決定所 選擇的物業。
As to whether singleton applicants with assistance from the HSLS would be able to
purchase properties of a higher standard than
[...] family applicants, DS(H) pointed out that [...]
the choice of properties would be a matter
for individual applicants, having regard to factors such as their own accommodation needs and the location and quality of the prospective property.
運輸房屋局局長在回應時表示,雖然政府 會繼續鼓勵港鐵公司盡可能提供票價優惠,但不宜將 有關優惠與其他地方的優惠作出比較,因為與香港不 同的是,該等地方的公共交通服務的日常營運可能獲 得政府的鉅額直接補貼。
STH responded that while the Government would continue to encourage MTRCL to introduce fare concessions as far as possible, it might not be appropriate to compare the concessions with those of other places because, as different from Hong Kong, there might be substantial direct Government subsidy for the daily operation of public transport services in these places.
當中,民政事務局局長曾德成、食物及衛生局局長周一嶽和運輸 房屋局局 長 鄭汝樺的支持率變化超過抽樣誤差,分別下跌7、6和6個百分比。
Among them, Secretary for Home Affairs Tsang Tak-sing, Secretary for
Food and Health York Chow and Secretary
[...] for Transport and Housing Eva Cheng have changed [...]
beyond sampling error, down by 7,
6 and 6 percentage points respectively.
教育局局長孫明揚的支持率為36.15%;運輸 房屋局局 長 鄭 汝樺的支持率為36.06%;食物及衛生局局長周一嶽的支持率為35.80%。
The approval rates of Secretary for
Education Michael Suen Ming-yeung, Secretary
[...] for Transport and Housing Eva Cheng Yu-wah [...]
and Secretary for Food and Health York
Chow Yat-ngok are 36.15%, 36.06% and 35.80% respectively.
運輸房屋局副局 長和運輸署副署 長/公共運輸事務及管理在回應時澄清,這些乘客 只需改為乘搭收費相若的其他路線( 例如12M 、 23A、13及 3B號線),無需在中途轉乘其他交通工具 或路線。
In response, USTH and the Deputy Commissioner for Transport/Transport Services & Management (DC for T/TS&M) clarified that these passengers only had to switch to alternative routes charging similar fares such as 12M, 23A, 13 and 3B, and did not have to interchange between transport modes or routes.
自這些 事件曝 光 後 ,政府和房屋委 員會(“ 房 委 會 ”)成立了 5 個 工 作小組 進行調查, 分別 為 林 菲臘先生領 導 的工作小組 , 負責調查天 頌苑; 施
德 論 先生領 導 的工作小 組 , 負責調查圓 洲角; 謝
[...] 肅 方先生領 導 的 小 組 , 負責紀 律 處分;唐 英 年 先生 領 導 的 小 組 , 負責對建築 業的檢討 , 以及政務司司長領 導 的 小 組 , 負責檢房屋局、 房 委 會 和 房屋署 ( “ 房 署 ”)的 三 角 關 係 。
After these incidents have come to light, the Government and the HA have set up five working groups to inquire into the incidents. These are the investigation panel headed by Mr Philip NUNN on the Tin Chung Court incident; the panel headed by Mr John STRICKLAND on the Yuen Chau Kok incident; the panel led by Mr Stephen SELBY on the disciplinary matters involved; the panel headed the Honourable Henry TANG on a review of the construction industry and the committee
headed by the Chief
[...] Secretary for Administration which is tasked with the review of the tripartite relationship among the Housing Bureau, the HA and the HD.
本規例由運輸房屋局局長(" 局長")根據《道路交通條例》(第 374章 )("該條例")第 [...]
8(1)條訂立,而憑藉本規例,《道路交通(駕駛執照) 規例》(第 374章,附屬法例B))("主體規例")現按下文各段所述的目的及 方式作出修訂。
By this Regulation made by the Secretary
[...] for Transport and Housing (the Secretary) [...]
under section 8(1) of the Road Traffic Ordinance
(Cap. 374) (the Ordinance), the Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Regulations (Cap. 374 sub. leg. B) (the principal regulations) are amended for the purposes and in the manner described in the following paragraphs.
至於處置設施產生的塵埃問 題,運輸房屋局首席助理秘書長(運輸)7表示會以 陸路交通運 [...]
送 有關的建築廢物至 躉船轉運站,並會 覆蓋所有運送公眾填料的車輛,以減少塵埃沿途飛揚 的情況。
As regards the dust problem from the [...]
disposal facility, PAS(T)7 said that the construction waste would be transferred to
the barging facilities by land transport, and all vehicles carrying public fill would also be covered to reduce dust on road.
局長方面,支持率排名首位的是發展局局長林鄭月娥,得74%,支持率淨值為正64%;保安局局長李少光、勞工及福利局局長張建宗、運輸 房屋局局 長 鄭汝樺和食物及衛生局局長周一嶽排名第二至第五,支持率分別為59%、54%、49%及47%,而支持率淨值分別為正45%、41%、29%及19%;排名第六至第十二位的分別是環境局局長邱騰華、公務員事務局局長俞宗怡、財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強、政制及內地事務局局長譚志源、民政事務局局長曾德成、商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑和教育局局長孫明揚,支持率分別為39%、38%、38%、31%、26%、23%和20%,而他們的支持率淨值分別為正16%、正28%、正25%、正18%、負10%、正8%和負34%。
The 2nd to 5th places belonged to Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee, Secretary for Labour
and Welfare Matthew Cheung, Secretary
[...] for Transport and Housing Eva Cheng and Secretary [...]
for Food and Health York Chow, with
approval rates 59%, 54%, 49% and 47% respectively and their net approval rates are positive 45%, 41%, 29% and 19% respectively. Secretary for the Environment Edward Yau, Secretary for the Civil Service Denise Yue, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Ceajer Chan, Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Raymond Tam, Secretary for Home Affairs Tsang Tak-sing, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Gregory So and Secretary for Education Michael Suen ranked 6th to 12th, as they gained 39%, 38%, 38%, 31%, 26%, 23% and 20% support from the public respectively.
Through the Lands Department's Consent Scheme and the guidelines issued by the Real Estate Developers [...]
Association of Hong Kong,
the THB has strengthened the regulation of the sale of these flats for quite some time, including standardising the definition of "saleable area" and the format of the price list.
當中,除食物及衛生局局長周一嶽的支持率上升5個百分比外,有六人的支持率跌幅超過抽樣誤差,分別為發展局局長林鄭月娥、教育局局長孫明揚、保安局局長李少光、運輸 房屋局局 長 鄭 汝樺、政制及內地事務局局長林瑞麟和環境局局長邱騰華,分別下跌9、9、8、8、8和7個百分比。
Among them, the approval rate of Secretary for Food and Health York Chow has gone up by 5 percentage points, while six other Directors have registered significant drops in approval rates beyond sampling error.
當中,支持率淨值變化超過抽樣誤差的,有民政事務局局長曾德成、運輸 房屋局局 長 張 炳良、食物及衛生局局長高永文、公務員事務局局長鄧國威和環境局局長黃錦星,分別上升9個百分比和下跌8、8、6及6個百分比。
Among them, Secretary for Home Affairs Tsang Tak-sing, Secretary
[...] for Transport and Housing Anthony Cheung, [...]
Secretary for Food and Health Ko Wing-man,
Secretary for the Civil Service Paul Tang and Secretary for the Environment Wong Kam-sing registered significant changes in net approval rates, up by 9 percentage points and down by 8, 8, 6 and 6 percentage points respectively.
自去年年中開始,我們乘著政府推行主要官員問責制及公營房屋架構改革的契機,順利地 房屋局 和 房屋 署 合併,組成了新的房屋機構,並沿用"房屋署"作為新機構的名稱。
With the implementation of the Principal Officials Accountability System and adoption of the reforms on the institutional framework for
public housing, we have successfully
[...] merged the Housing Bureau with the Housing Department [...]
and formed a new organization under
the name of "Housing Department".
而排名第五至第十二位的分別是公務員事務局局長俞宗怡、運輸 房屋局局 長 鄭汝樺、環境局局長邱騰華、財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強、教育局局長孫明揚、政制及內地事務局局長林瑞麟、商務及經濟發展局局長劉吳惠蘭和民政事務局局長曾德成,支持率分別為39%、38%、36%、36%、35%、31%、29%和25%。
Secretary for the Civil Service Denise Yue, Secretary
[...] for Transport and Housing Eva Cheng, Secretary [...]
for the Environment Edward Yau, Secretary
for Financial Services and the Treasury Ceajer Chan, Secretary for Education Michael Suen, Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Stephen Lam, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Rita Lau and Secretary for Home Affairs Tsang Tak-sing ranked 5th to 12th, as they gained 39%, 38%, 36%, 36%, 35%, 31%, 29% and 25% support from the public respectively.
運輸房屋局局長張 炳良今天在馮建業的陪同下參觀一手住宅物業銷售監管局資源中心,他透過「一手住宅物業銷售資訊網」,查看受條例規管銷售的一手住宅發展項目的售樓說明書和價單。
He used the Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Electronic Platform to look at sales brochures and price lists of first-hand residential developments, the sales of which are subject to the ordinance.
其他支持率變化超過抽樣誤差的局長有運輸 房屋局局 長 鄭 汝樺、財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強及公務員事務局局長俞宗怡,支持率分別上升10、9及5個百分比。
Other Directors of Bureaux whose approval rates have registered changes beyond sampling errors include Secretary for Transport and Housing Eva Cheng, Secretary [...]
for Financial Services
and the Treasury Ceajer Chan and Secretary for the Civil Service Denise Yue.




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