

单词 户籍

户籍 ()

household register
census register

籍籍 ()

of high reputation

See also:

place of one's family or ancestral records
book or record
surname Ji

External sources (not reviewed)

上海开埠时人口不足10万,至1949年解放时,上海人口为520万,至2003年末,全 户籍 人 口已增加到1341.77万人,是解放初期的2.6倍,占全国总人口的1%。
When the city became an international trading port in the mid-18th century, population was about 100.000 people; in 1949, it was 5,2 million persons and, at the end of 2003, the permanent population in
Shanghai had reached more than 17 million
[...] persons (1% of the national total), what [...]
represents 2.6 times more than in 1949 and
an increase of 860.000 persons since 2002.13 million inhabitants are inhabitants with a Shanghainese citizenship.
委员会促请缔约国采取有效的立法或其它措施,确保实践中 户籍 登 记和其他个 人身份证件,不会妨碍依《公约》享有经济、社会、文化权利。
The Committee urges the State party to take effective measures, legislative or otherwise, to
ensure in practice
[...] that the lack of residence registration and other personal identity documents does not hinder [...]
the enjoyment of economic,
social and cultural rights in accordance with the Covenant.
委员会关切地注意到,许户籍登 记 官拒绝为缔约国境内无证件移徙工人的子女进行出生登记。
The Committee notes with
[...] concern that many Civil Registry officials [...]
refuse to register the births of children of undocumented
migrant workers in the State party.
The Committee recommends the enacting of a stricter law, with punitive measures, prohibiting use of the family registration system for discriminatory purposes, particularly in the fields of employment, marriage and housing, to effectively protect the privacy of individuals.
委员会还建议缔 约国推行每位公民一个登记号,从而可在俄罗斯领土内的任何一地,不 户籍登 记地,或是否户籍登记 ,尤其不论是缔约国境内的无家可归者、罗姆人,还是 其他各类贫困或遭排斥的群体,均可享有缔约国提供的一切社会福利。
The Committee further recommends the State party to adopt a single
registration number for
[...] each of its citizens that may give access everywhere on its territory to the enjoyment of all social benefits accorded in the State party irrespective of the place of registered residence or lack thereof, [...]
in particular
with regard to the homeless, Roma and other categories of disadvantaged or marginalized groups in the State party.
安理会敦促各方确保公民 身份户籍安排符合适用的国际义务,不得任意剥夺 个人的公民身份。
The Council urged the parties to ensure that citizenship and residency arrangements were in accordance with applicable international obligations and refrain from arbitrarily depriving an individual of citizenship.
外国籍的区民不能进户籍登记 ,但在日本期间发生出生、死亡、结婚、离婚时, 需进行申报。
Although foreign nationals cannot complete a family register, births, marriages, divorces and deaths taking place in Japan must be registered with the appropriate municipal offices.
根据这一法律,已设立了一项特别方案提供以下措施:人身保护;财产保护;临 时搬迁;更户籍、就 业或学习地点;改变身份。
A special programme has been set up in accordance with the law, providing for the following measures: personal physical protection;
protection of property; temporary
[...] relocation; change of domicile, employment or place [...]
of study; and change of identity.
(e) 解决从农村流向城镇的移民工目前在享有适足的生活水平方面所面临
[...] 的歧视,这一方面是因为许多人不得不在非正规经济部门就业,另一方面是由户籍制度
(e) Address the discrimination currently faced by rural-to-urban migrant workers in their enjoyment of an adequate standard of living, due both
to the relegation of many to employment in the informal sector, as well as to the household
[...] registration system (hukou).
460 191. 外国人违反入境条件的情况也包括:不符关于外国人融合或同化的条件或 期待;461 外国人违反关于住所或必须居留地点的限制;462 违反所有外国人或
特定外国人或特定类别外国人必须遵守的义务或禁令,463 例如在以下情况必要
[...] 时应向当局登记或作出通知的义务:遗失证件或改变住所 户籍 或 国 籍;464被 要求时提出身份证或在国家领土居留的许可证;465 [...]
避免前往禁区;466 不在国 家之外地方取得住所或取得居住许可;467
离开国家领土不超过某些时间;468非 经准许不离开国家领土。
Grounds relating to the breach of conditions for admission may also exist when the alien fails to comply with integration or assimilation requirements or expectations,461 a restriction on residence or place of stay,462 or an obligation or prohibition placed either on all aliens or on the alien individually or as a member of a class,463 such as one to register or notify authorities when so required, as when relevant documents are
lost or when the alien changes residence,
[...] domicile or nationality,464 to present [...]
proof of identification or authorization
for presence in the State’s territory when required to do so,465 to refrain from travel to a forbidden area,466 not to take up residence or obtain permission to reside outside the State,467 or not to depart the State for longer than a certain period468 or without authorization.469 192.
在西北和东部省为 Mbororos 和侏儒儿童设户籍档案 支持项目,项目 是在喀麦隆项目非政府组织和“社会 Mbororo 和文化发展协会”的积 极参与下开展的。
Support project for issuing civil status certificates to Mbororo and Pygmy children in the provinces of Nord-Ouest and Est, with the active involvement of two NGOs, namely "Plan Cameroon" and the "Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association".
中国政府积极推户籍制度 改革,进一步放宽中小城市和城 户籍 限 制 ,逐 步解决长期在城市就业的农民户籍 问 题 ,有计划有步骤地解决好农民工在城镇 的就业和生活问题,逐步实现农民工在劳动报酬、子女就学、公共卫生、住房租 购以及社会保障方面与城镇居民享有同等待遇。
The Chinese Government is actively promoting reform of the household registration
system, further
[...] relaxing household registration restrictions in medium and small cities and towns, thereby gradually resolving the household-registration problems of rural [...]
people who become
long-term residents of cities by reason of employment, as well as taking a planned and step-by-step approach to resolving the general employment and living issues they face.
委员会建议缔约国采取有效措施,包括修改《人口法》第68 条,确户籍 登记官和其他有关机构,在完全没有歧视的基础上,不论工人的移民地位如何, 为缔约国境内移徙工人的子女进行出生登记。
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt effective measures, including amendments to article 68
of the Population Act,
[...] to ensure that Civil Registry officials and other relevant authorities register [...]
all births of children
of migrant workers in the State party on an entirely non-discriminatory basis, regardless of those workers’ migration status.
加 拿 大 注意到巴巴多斯致 力于公民的人权和基 本自由以及近 年来通过的
[...] 有关妇女权 利 的一些重 要法规 , 包括户籍改 革 法 》 、 《反家 庭 暴 力法》 [...]
和 《更 改 姓 名 法 》 ,以及在普通法团聚 范围内 授 予妇女继承权。
Canada noted the State’s commitments to the human rights and fundamental freedoms of its citizens and the important pieces of legislation passed in
recent years with regard to the rights of
[...] women, including the Domicile Reform Act, the [...]
Domestic Violence Act and the Change
of Name Act and its granting women inheritance rights within common-law unions.
而更让人难以 理解的户籍謄本 是在与现居住地完全不同的市町村被管理的.
What makes this issue even more complicated is that the official copy of the family register is not always filed in district of residence, sometimes filed in different city or town.
因为个别通知是根据基户籍登记和外国人登记 卡上的基本信息发送的,所以婴儿出生时,搬家时必须登记。
Because the notice is sent on the basis of information from the Basic Resident Register and the Foreigner Registration Card, please ensure that you report the birth of any child or any change of address.
如果家属也是申请人,需出具在菲律宾出生的家属的出生证 户籍 原 件,或者经 距离申请者住处最近的菲律宾大使馆/领事馆鉴定的出生证 户籍 原 件
If dependent/s is/are joining the applicant, original copy of Birth Certificate/s of dependent/s born in
the Philippines or
[...] Birth Certificate/s or Household Register duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate nearest the applicant's residence abroad.
缔约国证实,根据从该国外交部取得的信 息,中国每一家庭都有“户口本”,这是显示诸如出生,公民地位、婚姻和死亡 等信息户籍小册子。
The State party affirms that based on information from its
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, every
[...] family in China has a Hukou Ben, which is a household booklet [...]
reflecting information such
as birth, civil status, marriage and death.
成千上万巴勒斯坦人尽管拥有巴勒斯坦国籍、 公民身份户籍,却 面临着被贴上在西岸“非法居住”标签的危险,并将任由以 [...]
Thousands upon thousands of Palestinians risk being labelled as “residing
illegally” in the West Bank, regardless of
[...] their Palestinian nationality, citizenship [...]
and residence, and would be subject to detention,
imprisonment and forcible expulsion by the Israeli occupying forces with no recourse or protection for their rights.
特别是户口(中国陈旧户籍制度 )导致公共服务和福利均不能异地享受。
In particular, owing to the hukou (China’s antiquated household registration system), access to public services and benefits is not portable.
Because they could not change their household registrations, many migrants living and working in urban areas were denied access to public services such as education and health care, as well as pension benefits, unemployment, and other social insurance programs.
(2) 在职母亲的假期增加了,在休假时孩子不到 6 岁、登记户籍并在 家 生活,就可享有 2 个工作日的假期,如果主要假期没有超过 6 天,那就只 享受 1 天”。
(2) Working mothers shall be entitled to a leave increment either of two working days per child under 6 on the first day of leave who is recorded in the population register and lives in the household, or of one such day if the main leave does not exceed six days".
虽然政府继续限制更换工作地点或居住地点的自由,但是全 户籍 登 记制度正在逐步失去效力,大部分公民在国内各地迁移和工作的权利正在不断扩大。
Although the government maintained restrictions on the freedom to change one's workplace or residence, the national household registration system continued to erode, and the ability of most citizens to move within the country to work and live continued to expand.
缔约国还称,根据荷兰外交 部长发布的中国国别报告,中国的每家每户都有户口簿, 户籍 册 , 而各地区主 管当局都永久保户籍底册 ,即使公民已离境也依然存档保留,为此,对于这类 移徙变更必须就居住迁徙报户籍管 理 机构。
The State party added that, according to the country report on China issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, every
family in China had a
[...] hukou or family book, and all hukou registers were kept indefinitely by regional authorities, even in the event that citizens left the country, in which case these were required to report the change of address to the hukou administrative body.
(c) 户籍制度(户口) ,导致在就业、社会保险、医疗服务、教育和移徙自由 权方面歧视属于“未获承认的”宗教群体的少数民族
(c) The household registration system (hộ khẩu), which results in discrimination against ethnic minorities belonging to “unrecognized” religious groups in the fields of employment, social security, health services, education and the right to freedom of movement
4)通过农村制度创新 增加农民收入,包括土地制度改革、城乡统一 户籍 和 劳 动制度改革、惠农的财政与税收制 度改革、农村金融体制改革、农村社会保障体系的建立等。
(4) increase farmers’ income through innovative measures that favour all parties involved in farming such as property reform, the unification of the civil registry system for the urban and rural populations, job market reform, budgetary policy and fiscal policy reform that would be more favourable to farmers, the reform of the rural financing system and the creation of a social protection system for rural areas.
户籍系(区役所 1 层③窗口))提交了出生申报之后,还必须在外国人登记系(区役所 2 层⑤ 号窗口)办理初次外国人登录手续。
Once you have submitted the birth registration, then complete the necessary procedures for registering a new-born baby as a foreign resident at the Foreign Registration Subsection (City Hall 2F Counter 5).
[...] 作,以便确立有关的司法管辖权,并对那些犯有或下令犯有上述行为(VII.个人的刑事责任)并在 该国领土被发现的个人(不论其籍 如 何以及该行为在何处发生)予以有效的刑事制裁。
For the purposes of more comprehensive protection, each State is encouraged to take all appropriate measures, in accordance with international law, to cooperate with other States concerned with a view to establishing jurisdiction over, and providing effective criminal sanctions against, those persons who have committed or have ordered to be committed acts referred to above (VII – Individual criminal
responsibility) and who are found present on its territory,
[...] regardless of their nationality and the place where [...]
such act occurred.
非政府组织和 其他私人行为者有时统称为“公民社会”行为者,他们的活动也包括在条款草案 的范围,但处于次要地位,或作为国家义务(例如第 5 条所规定的各国合作的义
[...] 务)的直接受益人,或根据受灾国、第三国或实体或私人行为者 籍 国 国 内法 律,间接地实施条款草案。
The activities of nongovernmental organizations and other private actors, sometimes collectively referred to as “civil society” actors, are included within the scope of the draft articles only in a secondary manner, either as direct beneficiaries of duties placed on States (for example, of the duty of States to cooperate, in article 5) or indirectly, as being subject to the domestic laws, implementing the
draft articles, of either the affected State, a third
[...] State or the State of nationality of the entity or [...]
private actor.




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