

单词 户枢不蠹



constant activity prevents decay
Flowing water does not rot, nor a door-hinge rust [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

著名的汉代医学家华佗教导人们:“流水不腐 户枢不蠹 ” ,应当通过锻炼来享有长久的生命。
Hua Tuo, a famous doctor in the Han Dynasty, taught: “As running water is never stale and a door hinge never gets worm-eaten,” humans should exercise to enjoy a long life.
气候变化的影响最著名的例子之一是由于气温上升,加拿大树木灾难性地遭 遇山地松树甲虫(红脂大蠹)的侵害,这一虫害毁坏了大片的森林。
One of the most publicized examples of the effects of climate change is the catastrophic infestation, owing to increased temperatures, of trees in Canada by the mountain pine beetle (
步骤 2:
[...] 当你确保你是越狱,你必须推出苹 蠹, 点击 “管理”选项卡, 点击来源“一节,最后点击”编辑“按钮,在右上角的屏幕.
Step 2: After you ensure you are Jailbroken you
[...] must launched Cydia, tap the Manage [...]
Tab, tap the Sources section and finally
tap the Edit button in the top right hand corner of the screen.
为了使非洲户不恢复使用甲基 溴,将需要对替代技术的使用提供咨询意见和培训。
In order to stop farmers in Africa from [...]
returning to MB use, advice and training on alternative technology use would be needed.
用于 共享音乐文件的P2P软件有可能让陌生人得以查看 户不 想 让别 人看到的计算机文件。
The P2P software that allows the
sharing of music files can also allow strangers to view other files in the computer which
[...] the user would not want them to see.
甲 基 t h uja te是 使 西部红柏产生特有气味的萃,对一些 地 毯 甲 虫 和 致蠹 虫 有 毒 性 ( B a r to n 19 6 2 ) 。
Methyl thujate is one of the extractives responsible for the characteristic odour of western red cedar and has some toxicity to the carpet beetle and case-making clothes moth (Barton 1962).
鉴于不发达国家户网站仍然是 不 发 达 国家关于国家适应行动方案和不发达国家工作方案的主要信枢 纽 , 加强该 户 网 站 也将通过一个活跃和交 互的接口提供为国家适应计划进程获取信息和支助的通道。
As the LDC portal continues to serve as the main information hub for LDCs on NAPAs and the LDC work programme, its enhancement will also provide a gateway to information and support [...]
for the NAP process
through a dynamic and interactive interface.
Unfortunately, Open Hub Services do not support extraction [...]
from BW hierarchies.
注意: 一个活动的用户 (当前正在使用该软件的户)不能从控制台中删除。
Note: An active user (user currently utilizing the software) cannot be deleted from the console.
他的小品文很有名,主要收在《笠泽丛书》中,针对现实性强,议论也颇精切,如《野庙碑》、《记稻鼠》和 蠹 化 》 等。
One of his most well-known articles was "Du Hua" (meaning the caterpillar turned into a butterfly), in which Lu Gui Meng satirized those hypocrites who assumed solemn airs in public but coveted after fame and gains in private.
最重要的是,这种情况有可能扼杀充分利 用知识产权组织的知识产权自动化系统(IPAS)的功能,因为古巴 户不 能 免 费使 用该系统的操作工具。
Most importantly, this situation stifles the possibility to take full advantage of the functionalities available under the WIPO Intellectual
Property Automated System (IPAS), since some of the system’s operating
[...] tools are not freely accessible for users in Cuba.
听力丧失,听力减退,分为两大类:传导性聋,这是由于外耳、中耳传音结构发生病变,声波传入内耳发生障碍;感音神经性聋,耳蜗螺旋器病变不能将音波变为神经兴奋或神经及其 枢 途 径 发生障 不 能 将 神经兴奋传入;或大脑皮质 枢 病 变 不 能 分 辩语言,统称感音神经性聋。
Hearing loss, a decreased ability to hear, is divided into two main categories: Conductive, which is hearing loss due to something interfering with the sound passing to the inner ear; and sensorineural -- due to nerve or organ damage within the ear.
目前长江上游和葛洲坝以下江段已存在可以自然繁殖的不同的胭脂鱼种群;葛洲坝和三峡水 枢 纽 的建 设 不 会 直接威胁胭脂鱼物种的生存和繁衍。
Two respective populations exist in the upper and lower Gezhouba dam at present and they can reproduce separately.
未来的青岛机场将定位于区域性 户枢 纽 机 场,机场周边将建设空港城,主要发展临空经济,建设 成现代物流中心、飞机维修中心、高端人才生活中心,视情发展国际航展中心,形成高新技术产业的聚集区,成为发展蓝色高端经济的重要载体,努力建成山东半岛 [...]
Qingdao airport will be positioned as a regional hub and logistics center.
吉隆坡世纪学院校园就坐落于马来西亚首都的中 枢 纽 , 学生 不 仅 可以享受到大都会的生活同时也可以从中获取许多便利,例如轻快铁(LRT)服务、公共巴士、购物商场、银行、餐厅、旅游景点、娱乐场所等。
The campus is strategically located in the capital city of Malaysia where students enjoy cosmopolitan living with easy access to all modern amenities of the city such as the Light Rail Transport (LRT), buses, shopping malls, banks, restaurants, tourist attractions, entertainment spots and more.
在拆卸过程中,用气动扳手或楔形物体在离合器枢 (25 )和离合器外罩之间握住发动机轴。
Use an impact wrench or wedge something between clutch armature (25) and clutch housing to hold engine shaft during removal.
十二五”期间,青岛机场将主要形成以流亭机场为干线的区域性 户枢 纽 和国际航空物流中心;在延伸周边区域支线航空市场的基础上,建设 环渤海航空经济圈。
Currently in the works to develop an airport-related economy are; a modern logistics center, aircraft maintenance center and a high-end talents center.
特别委员会满意地注意到维和资枢 纽 业 已设立,并请维护部加倍努力将 有关文献纳入数据库,确保定期更新数据库内容。
The Special Committee takes note with
satisfaction of the establishment of the
[...] Peacekeeping Resource Hub and requests the Department [...]
of Peacekeeping Operations to
redouble its efforts to incorporate the relevant documentation into the database and ensure that the content is updated regularly.
巴西、埃及和摩洛哥的总部外办事处也苦于信托基金管理费 户不 够 充盈,该账户无 法为其覆盖范围内由当地管理的预算外计划的行政支助职位提供全部资金。
The field offices in Brazil, Egypt and Morocco, too, are adversely affected by the shortfall in FITOCA, which cannot fund all posts providing administrative support for locally generated extrabudgetary projects falling within their field of competence.
如今,TIBCO的基础设施解决方案通过在面向服务的架构中实现应用和数据的连接,通过业务流程管理提高活动效率,以及为用户提供做出更快、更明智决策所需的信息和智能工具,赋予 户不 断 创 新能力,也就是我们称之的“当下的力量”(The Power of Now)。
Today, TIBCO's infrastructure solutions give companies the means to innovate by connecting applications and data in a service-oriented architecture, streamlining activities through business process management, and giving people the information they need to make faster and smarter decisions, what we call The Power of Now(R).
不 列颠枢密院 在被更高上诉机构——加勒比法院取代 前,承认过巴巴多斯立法中的死刑是合法的,与其 宪法相符。
The British Privy Council itself, before its replacement [...]
by the Caribbean Court of Justice as the supreme court of appeal,
had recognized that the inclusion of the death penalty in the legislation of Barbados was lawful and in accordance with its Constitution.
本文档户不得以 任何方式引用本文档或该联盟发布的任何其它文档中所包含的任何初始或推荐方 法、指标、要求或其它标准(初始模式)来表明或暗示该用户和/或其产品或服务符合或通过这些初 [...]
Users of this document should not reference any initial [...]
or recommended methodology, metric, requirements, or other criteria
that may be contained in this document or in any other document distributed by the Alliance (“Initial Models”) in any way that implies the user and/or its products or services are in compliance with, or have undergone any testing or certification to demonstrate compliance with, any of these Initial Models.
另一方面,与只关注经济影响 的卫星户不同的 是,本框架评估的文化活动及其影响更为广泛。
On the other hand, the current Framework takes a
broader view of measures of cultural activity and impact than
[...] do satellite accounts, which focus [...]
on economic impact alone.
成员们询问各执行机构为什么那么多国家没有输入数据,所有的答复都说,该软件 对户不方便
The implementing agencies were
asked about the high number of countries with no data entered, and all responded that the
[...] software was not user-friendly.
低碳交通系统 愿景的一些要素可以包括:(a) 密集但绿色、混合用途城市,在居民区附近提供
[...] 就业及购物和休闲设施;(b) 中心区之间现代化高质量连接,长 枢 纽 与 当地交 通融为一体;(c) 个人汽车使用的高质量替代,特别是高效率的公共交通、良好 [...]
高效率的多式货物联运和智能 城市物流,其中包括清洁车辆;以及(e) 混合动力引擎、代用燃料、甚至电动摩 托车和汽车等先进技术。
Some of the elements of a vision for a lowcarbon transport system could include: (a) dense, but green, and mixed-use cities that provide jobs, and shopping and leisure facilities close to people’s residential areas; (b) modern, high-quality links
between the centres and good
[...] integration of long-distance hubs with local transportation; [...]
(c) high-quality alternatives
to individual car use, in particular efficient public transport and good non-motorized transport infrastructure and its proper integration; (d) efficient, intermodal freight transport and smart urban logistics that also include clean vehicles; and (e) advanced technologies such as hybrid engines, alternative fuels or even electric motorbikes and cars.
初步证据表明,玛黛伴侣茶是其他含咖啡的植物中对肌肉组织的影响最显著的一种,它 不 是 作 用于 枢 神 经 系统,这是与其他天然兴奋剂的的植物不同。
Preliminary evidence that the mate xanthine cocktail is different from other plants containing caffeine most significantly in
its effects on muscle tissue, as
[...] opposed to those on the central nervous system, which [...]
are similar to those of other natural stimulants.
支助和维护一个卫星网络,该网络包含 1 个设在帝力的地面枢纽(12 个甚小口 径终端),与意大利布林迪西联合国后勤 [...]
基地、联合国纽约总部和任务区内 13 个 偏远地点(1 个特派团总部、4 个区域支助 中心和 8 个地区联合国警察办公室)相连
接,提供声频、传真、数据通信和电视会 议服务 是 这些设备是特派团战略通信基础设施的 核心部分,扩大电话和数据服务。
Support and maintenance of a satellite network consisting
[...] of 1 Earth station hub in Dili (12 VSATs) [...]
with links to the United Nations Logistics
Base at Brindisi, Italy, United Nations Headquarters in New York and 13 (1 Mission headquarters, 4 regional support centres and 8 district United Nations police offices) remote sites within the Mission area to provide voice, fax and data communications and videoconferencing Yes Equipment represents the core for the Mission’s strategic communications infrastructure extending telephone and data services.
如果用户希望在TRW Automotive的网站上加入一个链接,可根据本协议或任何未来TRW
[...] Automotive网络访问和使用协议的条款和条件进行操作,但是: 户不 得 使 用或复制TRW Automotive内容;不得为TRW Automotive内容创建浏览器、边界环境或边框;不得暗示TRW [...]
Automotive的关系;不得提供TRW Automotive产品或服务的虚假信息,并且,用户链接的网站不得包含可被认为是冒犯、无礼或争议性的内容,不得包含不适合所有年龄、种族、宗教或其他受法律保护团体的内容,或者TRW Automotive认为不可接受的内容。
If you wish to provide a link to a TRW Automotive Web Site, you may do so under the terms and conditions of this or any future TRW Automotive web access
and use agreement,
[...] but: you may not use or replicate TRW Automotive Content; you agree not to create a [...]
browser, border environment
or frame for TRW Automotive Content; you may not imply that TRW Automotive is endorsing you or your products or services; you may not misrepresent your relationship with TRW Automotive; you may not present false information about TRW Automotive products or services; and your linked web site shall not contain content that could be construed as distasteful, offensive or controversial, and or contain content that is not appropriate for all age, racial, religious or other groups protected by law or content that TRW Automotive deems unacceptable at its sole discretion.
[...] 增加了重复、效率低和维持多个服务台的费用上涨的风险,并增加了户不得不与工 作程序不同的多个提供服务者打交道的不便。
As indicated by the Secretary-General, each service delivery group operates independently of the other, thus increasing the risk of duplication, inefficiencies and higher costs arising from the maintenance of
multiple service desks, as well as
[...] inconvenience for customers who have to deal with [...]
multiple service providers with different working procedures.




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