

单词 户口簿

See also:


registered residence
population (counted as number of households for census or taxation)
(in Hong Kong and Macau) bank account
residence permit

簿 n

a book n


a register

External sources (not reviewed)

他们要提交人第二天带户口簿和两名逮捕见证人到 Bab Edjedid [...]
They asked the author to report the following day to the Bab Edjedid gendarmerie with her
[...] family civil-status book and two witnesses [...]
to the arrest.
他说,当初他离开中国才12 岁,他既无身份证,亦户口 簿。
He explains that, since he was only 12 when he left China, he does not have his own
[...] identity card or hukou registration.
Hukou, with photocopies of [...]
all pages including pages not directly related to the applicant (only for Chinese nationals).
缔约国还称,根据荷兰外交 部长发布的中国国别报告,中国的每家每户都 户口簿 , 或 户 籍 册 ,而各地区主 管当局都永久保存户籍底册,即使公民已离境也依然存档保留,为此,对于这类 [...]
The State party added that, according to the country report on China issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
Netherlands, every family in
[...] China had a hukou or family book, and all hukou registers [...]
were kept indefinitely by regional
authorities, even in the event that citizens left the country, in which case these were required to report the change of address to the hukou administrative body.
回到Excel窗口,将工作簿保存 到某一文件夹中,选中图表,然后按快捷键Alt+F8键,打开“宏”对话框。
Back to Excel window, the workbook is saved to a folder, [...]
select the chart, and then Alt + F8 key, open the "Macro" dialog box.
另外,您可以把常用的送货和账单地址设定为默认地址(在「我的户 > 地址簿」内 可进行设定),这样便可以省去每次重新输入的步骤。
You can also save your most frequently used shipping and
billing addresses as default (edit at
[...] My Account > Address Book), so you can skip one [...]
more step which is the re-entering every time.
每个基金都是独立的财务和 会计主体,各设一组自平复簿记账 户。
Each fund is maintained as a distinct financial and accounting entity with a separate self-balancing,
[...] double-entry group of accounts.
户和帐簿必须 储存于商业主要地点并让所有合伙人使用。
Accounts and books must be kept at the [...]
principal place of business and be made available to all partners.
缔约国回 顾,申诉人是在该省出生的,并且在离开该国时所持 户口 登 记 也是在那里。
It recalls that the complainants were born in that province and were registered as living there when leaving the country.
秘书长在其报告(A/64/380)第 63 段中提供了关于在联合国秘书处和
[...] 各特派团内与企业资源规划同时执行的几个相关举措的信息,其中包 括:《公共部门会计准则》的实施,人才管理系统(征聘和人员配置), 精益六西格玛(非系统程序改进),企业内容管理和 户 关 系 管理,以及 为维持和平职能服务的燃料管理系统 口 粮 管 理系统。
In paragraph 63 of his report (A/64/380), the Secretary-General provides information on a number of related initiatives being implemented concurrently with ERP within the United Nations Secretariat and missions, including: IPSAS implementation, the talent management system (recruitment and staffing), Lean Six Sigma (non-systems process
improvement), enterprise content
[...] management and customer relationship management, as well as a fuel management system and a rations management system [...]
for peacekeeping functions.
对于BD责任之外的直接或间接链接的第三方网站,只有在BD掌握了其内容或在技术方面可能控制的情况下,能够阻止其非法内容的出现.因此在这一点上,BD 特别声明链接一旦建立,相关网站内容必须是合法的.BD无法改变友情链接网站的当前或将来设计和内容.在此,BD明确指出,当其链接建立之后,所有衔接的内容或网页的任何改变与其无关.其同样适合于作者本人在公司内部的所有链接及在 户 联 系 簿 或 论坛及电子邮件地址簿的链接.对于链接到第三方网站所产生的责任,应该有网站的所有者来承担,而不是提供链接的BD的责任.
For direct or indirect references to third parties' websites ("links") which lie outside BD's area of responsibility, a liability commitment shall only be valid if BD has taken notice of the contents and it would have been technically possible and could have been expected that BD could hinder use if illegal contents came up.
(2) 交 驗 居 民 身 份證和口 簿 或 其他戶 籍 證 明及其 複 印 件
(2) produce for examination the
originals and a photocopy each of his/her identity card and
[...] household registration book or proof of household [...]
早前,便有護理員 迫使長者進食糞便;又有不孝子拿取父親的證件和銀行 口簿 後 ,竟把 父親遺棄在廣州街頭;還有少女為了賺取金錢滿足物慾而不惜進行援 交,最終不幸遭肢解;亦有人為謀取巨利而不惜厚顏無耻高談有勃倫理 的情慾關係。
Some time ago there was a case in which a care worker forced an elder to eat faeces; there was also a case in which an unfilial son abandoned his father on the streets in Guangzhou after taking away his father's identity documents and bankbook.
澳大利亚统计局曾于 2007 年进户口调查,正计 划在日后再次开展类似调查。
The Australian Bureau of Statistics had conducted a household survey in 2007 and plans were under way to carry out another such survey in future.
[...] 人口和生境普查(RGPH)以及 2007 年完成的喀麦隆第三户口调查 (ECAM-III)使 我们能更精确地对喀麦隆的贫困状况和政府已采取措施的影响进行评估。
The employment and informal sector
survey, recent national accounts
[...] data, the third general population and housing census [...]
(RGPH) and ECAM-III, conducted in 2007,
should allow a more precise assessment of poverty in the country and of the impact of the measures taken by the Government.
請提供記載了最終學歷等最新資料的 口簿 ( 限 中 國籍申請 者)。
If you are taking a leave of absence from school, or you have quit school, please submit the supporting documents as you can.
口”菜单最多能列出9个工簿,若多于9个,“ 口 ” 菜 单则包含一个名为“多窗口”的命令,选用该命令,则出现一个按字母顺序列出所有已打开的工作簿名字的对话框,只需单击其中需要的名字即可。
window" menu lists up to nine workbook, if more than 9, a "window" menu includes a "multi-window" [...]
command, choose the order,
then there is a list in alphabetical order All of the workbook name to open the dialog box, simply click the name of which you need.
他可以在一個合理時間內選擇,把已經投資完成的強積金轉入一 個他認為不會蝕本的銀行定期口或 “ 紅 簿 仔 ” 戶 口 裏。
It allows a contributor to choose to transfer at a reasonable time his MPF benefits after investment to a fixed deposit account or a passbook savings account which he thinks will not suffer any loss.
窗口”菜单的底部列出了已打开了工作簿的名字,要直接切换到一个工 簿 , 从“ 窗 口 ” 菜 单选择它的名字即可。
Window" menu at the bottom of the list has
been opened in the
[...] name of the workbook, it is necessary to switch directly to a workbook, from the "window" menu to [...]
choose its name.
而有些QR码扫描应用程序甚至还可把电邮地址直接储存于 户 手 机 的通 簿 上 , 或自动于智能手机上开启新邮件撰写至该电邮地址。
Users need not memorise long addresses and some
QR code scanner applications even
[...] save the email address on users’ contact list or start [...]
an email message to the address automatically on the smartphone.
国内两个最大的城市失业率最高,杜阿拉和雅温得 分别是 25.6 % 和 21.5 %(第二次喀麦户口调查)。
The country's two largest cities present the highest unemployment rates, 25.6 per cent in Douala and 21.5 per cent in Yaoundé (ECAM II).
有 关 货 币 转 拨 服 务 之 详 情 及 附 带 条 款 , 请 参 阅 货 币 转 拨 服 务 之 宣 传 手 摺 及 适 用 于 智 多 Kid 理户 口 之 综 合 户 口 章 则
For details of the Currency Switching Service and relevant terms and conditions, please refer to the Currency Switching Service leaflet and Integrated Account Terms and Conditions which is also applicable to M.I. Kid AssetBuilder Account.
根据某些调查报告,使用率低的主要原因是没有足够的 蚊帐供所有家庭成员使用户口调查结果显示,已得到的大多数蚊帐(80%)都在 [...]
Low rates of usage reported in some surveys are owing primarily to a lack of sufficient nets to
cover all household members; household survey results suggest that most of the
[...] available nets (80 per cent) are being used.
任何此类带手铐或使用其他强制手段的做法都应在相关的登 簿 上 全面记 录,其中包括使用强制手段的安全理由和时间长度。
Any such handcuffing or use of other restraints should be fully recorded in the relevant register and include the security reason and length of the use of the restraint.
不過,根據原議案提出,強積金“全自由行”的實行,需要同時設 立僱員“一生一口”及類似“簿 仔 ”等新機制作配合,並涉及僱主供 款與遣散費及長期服務金對沖的問題。
In the original motion, it is suggested that the implementation of MPF full-portability
arrangement be accompanied by new mechanisms, that is, a "one lifelong
[...] account" and something like "bank books" for employees.
客户可将其人民币存款转账至第三者于恒生开设的人民 户口 , 亦可 经本港人民户口,汇 款至内地同名的人民 户口 , 灵 活调拨资金。
They can also enjoy added flexibility in fund allocation by remitting funds from their RMB account in Hong Kong to a bank account under the same name in mainland China.
雷鳥給你的IMAP /
[...] POP支持,內置的RSS閱讀器,支持HTML郵件,強大的快速搜索,保存的搜索文件夾,先進的信息過濾,郵件分組,標籤,回執,智能地 簿 L D A P地 址後, 口 工 具 ,並且能夠管理多個電子郵件和新聞組帳戶。
Thunderbird gives you IMAP/POP support, a built-in RSS reader, support for HTML mail, powerful quick search, saved search folders, advanced message filtering, message
grouping, labels, return
[...] receipts, smart address book LDAP address completion, import tools, and the [...]
ability to manage multiple
e-mail and newsgroup accounts.
驻伊拉克的联合国大家庭已经确定联合国在以下 四个关键领域具备专门知识并显示出经验:选举后活 动,包括人口普查户口登记 ;在当地经济与社会发 展框架内更广泛地介入内部边界有争议地区的事务; 改革公共分配制度和建立社会安全网;以及水资源管 理与相关跨界合作问题。
The United Nations family in Iraq has identified four key areas where the United Nations has specialized knowledge and demonstrated experience: post-election activities, including census and civil registration; broader engagement in the disputed internal boundaries areas in the context of local area economic and social development; reform of the public distribution system and the development of social safety nets; and water resources management and relevant issues of transborder cooperation.
法庭表示:(a) 已经启动一个项目,以便为档案和记录管理组制订电子邮件 管理政策提供资讯,涉及这些事项的工作目前正在进行中;(b) 应急和灾害复原 规划工作组已于 2012 年 2 月成立,预计将于 2012 年 12 月 31 日前交付一份计划, 其中包括有关工作人员培训的规定;(c) 两个保管库没有进出登簿的原 因是库 里并没有档案,里面存放的是等待销毁的材料;其它两个保管库没有进出登簿 的原因是工作人员必须在保管员的陪同下才能入库。
The Tribunal stated that: (a) a project was initiated to inform the development of an e-mail management policy by the Archives and Records Management Unit and the work on these issues was ongoing; (b) a working group on emergency response and disaster recovery planning was established in February 2012, and the group expected to deliver a plan by 31 December 2012, which would include the provision for staff training; and (c) two vaults did not have an access logbook because they were not archives, although they contained material to be destroyed, and two vaults did not have an access logbook because staff had to be accompanied by the custodian in order to enter the vault.
7月 14日照相馆申请营业执照,当地工商部门需要出具法人的婚育证明,由于庄 户口 所 在 地居委会不予办理相关手续,最终使用他人的身份证明得以领取营业执照。
We were asked to supply certification of Zhuang Hui’s marital status and number of children; his local residential committee refused to provide the documents we needed, so in the end we had to name someone else as the legal owner of the studio.




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