单词 | 戴眼镜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 戴眼镜 noun —wearing glasses nExamples:戴有色眼镜—have a prejudiced viewpoint • wear colored glasses See also:戴 v—bear v 戴—put on or wear (glasses, hat, gloves etc) • surname Dai 眼镜 pl—sunglasses pl 眼镜 n—eyeglass n
厌倦了戴眼镜和隐形眼镜的麻烦吗? compareclinic.com | Tired of wearing glasses and the hassle of contact lenses? compareclinic.com |
弱视可以通过持续佩戴眼镜和( 或)眼部修复的方式进行治疗。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Amblyopia can be treated by [...] wearing glasses consistently and/or eye patching, and [...]those who begin treatment early have a [...]better prognosis for improving vision. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
根据NVIDIA,这是第一次交货的3D视频插件为微软媒体播放框架2.5版 平台 (原Silverlight媒体框架)戴眼镜的积极支持快门三维。 technologeeko.com | According to NVIDIA, this is the first delivery for a 3D video plug-in for the Microsoft [...] Media Platform Player Framework v2.5 [...] (Formerly Silverlight Media Framework) with support for active-shutter 3D glasses. technologeeko.com |
该公司推出了裸眼3D电视、包含2D/3D内容转换的无需 佩 戴眼镜 的 小屏幕液晶电视套件以及ROKU 3D频道的试映。 businesswirechina.com | They debuted their Auto Stereoscopic 3DTV, glasses free small screen LCD television package which included 2D/3D content conversion and a Sneak preview of their ROKU 3D Channel. businesswirechina.com |
运营高级副总裁Paul Cohan说:"通过ROKU为需要佩戴眼镜的消费者提供3D内容,我们同时可以为我们无需 佩 戴眼镜 的 AS 3D电视提供内容。 businesswirechina.com | Paul Cohan SVP Operations said, “By providing 3D content for With Glasses Consumers via ROKU, we are providing content for our NO glasses AS3D TV’s at the same time. businesswirechina.com |
如果您佩戴眼镜,请 携带一副备用眼镜和/或处方副本,以便在眼镜丢失或打碎时方便进行更换。 smartraveler.gov.au | If you wear glasses, take along a spare [...] pair and/or a copy of the prescription so that they can be replaced more easily if lost or broken. smartraveler.gov.au |
一款免戴眼镜的便携式娱乐设备,具有 3D 图形功能以及 640x480 [...] 3D 照片摄像头。 nvidia.cn | A glasses free portable entertainment [...] device featuring 3D graphics and a 640x480 3D photo camera. nvidia.com |
视差屏障滤光片是一个置于LCD显示屏前方的设备,使用了视差屏障滤光片的LCD显示屏无需 佩 戴 3D 眼镜 就 可以看到立体图像。 marveldigital.com | A parallax barrier filter is a device placed in front of a LCD display that allows a [...] stereoscopic image to be seen without 3D glasses. marveldigital.com |
像PocketHD和袖珍摄像机,掌上即时提供 不 戴眼镜 的 3D 面板上播放“液晶的3.2,内容重新播放笔记本电脑或与包括红/青色眼镜,观看或3D高清晰度电视端口通过Mini [...] HDMI接口,以及简单的YouTube和Facebook的3D视频共享。 technologeeko.com | Like the PocketHD and Pocket camcorders, the Palm [...] offers instant 3D playback on its 3.2” LCD [...] panel without glasses, content play [...]back on a PC or notebook with included red/cyan [...]glasses, or 3D HDTV viewing via the mini HDMI port, as well as easy YouTube 3D and Facebook video sharing. technologeeko.com |
戴隐形眼镜的人 员不应混合 PMMA骨水泥或靠近正在混合PMMA骨水泥处。 wmt.com | Personnel wearing contact lenses should not [...] mix PMMA bone cement or be near the mixing of the PMMA bone cement. wmt.com |
这件作品也是沃霍尔最著名的作品之一,它的独特之处在于让 人得以领略未来的3D科技,佩戴特制 的 眼镜 观 赏 时便能看出它的立体效果。 imgpublic.artprice.com | One of the artist’s cult works, this also stands out as an experiment with the future 3D technique, which can be viewed in volume with special glasses. imgpublic.artprice.com |
就在此时,越 野车左侧的人群中出现了一个戴深色 眼镜 的 男 子。 daccess-ods.un.org | At this point, a [...] man wearing dark glasses appeared in the [...]crowd on the left side of the Land Cruiser. daccess-ods.un.org |
穿戴适当的防护服、手套、眼镜和口 罩。 graco.com | Wear appropriate protective clothing, gloves, eyewear, and respirator. graco.com |
佩戴防护眼镜,从 而保护眼睛免受飞溅的碎屑和液体损伤。 download.sew-eurodrive.com | Safety glasses for protecting the eyes from falling objects and liquids. download.sew-eurodrive.com |
由于我们的成长历程、就学、媒体以及其它因素 的影响,我们每个人都不免戴上有色 眼镜 和 抱 有偏 见。 daccess-ods.un.org | We all carry biases and prejudice from our upbringing, schooling, media and other influences. daccess-ods.un.org |
当用紫外线杀菌系统来照射整个房间时,如手术室,操作人员应 配 戴 保 护 眼镜 或 面 罩来防止被紫外线照射到,穿尽可能多的衣服和用更多的防晒霜来避免皮肤裸露在紫外线辐射区域内。 light-sources.com | When a germicidal UVC system is used to irradiate an entire [...] room, such as a surgical suite, [...] personnel should wear eye goggles or face shields designed [...]for ultraviolet exposure, and [...]by covering as much skin as possible with clothing or sunblock. light-sources.com |
该腕表拥有时尚的外观和精密的制作工艺,独特的轮辐式设计和特别研发的机芯赋予了该产品无与伦比的立体视觉效果,您无需 佩 戴 任 何 眼镜 , 便 能切身体验裸眼3D的效果。 wthejournal.com | Modernity meets meticulous craftsmanship via a wheel-inspired [...] design and specially developed movement, presenting a fascinating 3D [...] experience without the need for any special eyewear. wthejournal.com |
在比赛现场,迪多·卡佩罗(Dindo Capello)和马克·吉尼(Marc Géné)等车手们自豪地配戴着豪 雅太阳镜,在夜间行驶时则 配 戴 着 豪 雅全景夜 视 眼镜。 tagheuer.com | The drivers proudly worn their Squadra sunglasses in the paddocks and some of them, including Dindo Capello and Marc Géné, worn their TAG Heuer Panorama Night Vision glasses during their night runs. tagheuer.com |
阿托品的作用是扩瞳和调节麻痹;使用这种眼药水的近视患儿会有瞳孔扩张、对光线敏感等现象,为了能够近距离视物,他们需要 佩 戴 双 光 眼镜 、 渐 变多焦镜或者阅读眼镜。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Atropine dilates the eyes and halts focusing; children who use these eye drops will have large pupils; be sensitive to light; and require bifocals, PALs, or reading glasses in order to see close objects. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
GRilli3D投资人兼创始合伙人Dwight Prouty表示:“GRilli3D是第一部真正的新一代3D立体观看设备,完全无须 佩 戴 特 殊 眼镜。 tipschina.gov.cn | GRilli3D really is the first of a new generation of 3D stereo viewing devices that completely eliminates the need for special glasses," said Dwight Prouty, GRilli3D's Inventor and Founding Partner. tipschina.gov.cn |
在拆卸 棘爪弹簧时不戴防护镜会导致眼睛受 伤或失明。 graco.com | Failure to wear [...] safety glasses when removing detent spring could result in eye injury or blindness. graco.com |
在2010年的迪拜国际电影节、2009年的第57届圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节(西班牙)以及携他的最新电影《复仇》出席第62届戛納电影节时都 佩 戴 了 豪 雅 眼镜。 tagheuer.com | It is not the first time that we see him at a film festival wearing his TAG Heuer Eyewear frames, in 2010 at Dubai International Film Festival, in 2009 at 57th San [...] Sebastian Film Festival (Spain) and once again at the 62nd Cannes Festival [...] when he presented his new movie “Vengeance”. tagheuer.com |
以柔软的抗过敏硅和MEGOL为原料制造而成,这种鼻垫可防 止 眼镜 滑 脱鼻梁,并增加 配 戴 时 的 稳固性。 chainssprockets.com | Soft anti-allergic the silicon and MEGOL as raw material made the such glasses nose pad prevents slippage bridge of the nose and increase stability when wearing. chainssprockets.com |
澳大利亚人还发明了许多日常用品,如记事本(1902年)、阿司匹林(1915年)、心脏起搏器(1926年)、青霉素(1940年)、可升降的晾衣架(1946年)、一次性塑料注射器(1949年)、葡萄酒纸箱(1965年)、仿生耳(1978年)、双冲水马桶冲水装置(1980年)、钞票防伪技术(1992年)和长期 配 戴 型 隐 形 眼镜 ( 19 99年)。 australia.com | Australians were also responsible for more everyday inventions such as notepads (1902), aspirin (1915), the pacemaker (1926), penicillin (1940) the Hills Hoist clothesline (1946), the plastic disposable syringe (1949), the wine cask (1965), the bionic ear (1978), [...] dual-flush toilet flush (1980), anti-counterfeiting technology for banknotes [...] (1992) and long-wearing contact lenses (1999). australia.com |
娇韵诗所有眼护产品均经过皮肤测试和眼科医生认证,质地温和不刺激眼睛,同样适合眼睛敏感者和隐 形 眼镜 配 戴 者 使 用。 clarinsusa.com | All Clarins eye care treatments have the same pH as healthy tears, and are suitable [...] for contact lens wearers and even the most sensitive eyes. clarinsusa.com |
您可以选择一幅特殊镜片眼镜,但 需支付 共付额。 amerihealthmercyhp.com | You may choose a special lens type for an additional co-payment. amerihealthmercyhp.com |
不过,眼镜蛇指 挥官推出第二个较小的HAARP阵列在密克罗尼西亚的一个小岛上,和第二个较小的粒子炮隐藏在斯普林菲尔德镇的主 要 眼镜 蛇 安 装。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, Cobra Commander unveils a second smaller HAARP array on an islet in Micronesia, and a second lesser particle cannon hidden in the town of Springfield, a major Cobra installation. el.seekcartoon.com |
这是因为在计划编制 中考虑到性别平等的各种因素意味着有了一种不同的视角或者说 “ 戴 上 了 ‘性 别眼 镜’”,同时也意味着对各项计划和活动的结果和受益者进行了慎重思考,其结果是规 划更加合理,发展活动更具实效。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This is because integrating gender equality considerations into programming means taking a different perspective – or, “putting on ‘gender lenses’” – and thinking critically about the results and beneficiaries of programmes and activities, which leads to better planning and more effective development initiatives. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在影院观看《阿凡达》的确很酷,然而如 果 戴上 3D Vision 眼镜、使用我们的华硕 3D 显示器以 3D 形式畅玩《Need [...] for Speed: Shift》的话,那感觉绝对无比震撼。 nvidia.cn | Watching Avatar at the cinema was cool, but [...] putting on the NVIDIA 3D glasses and firing up our ASUS [...]3D monitor to play Need for Speed: Shift in 3D was mind-blowing. nvidia.com |
正式的行走将于2012年秋在香港的商业街发生,这次艺术家 穿 戴 装 置 只身一人同街道发生互动并求取记录素材,背包后提供印有文字的纸质红 蓝 眼镜 的 方 式传达信息:"此装置行为的影像记录完全仰仗陌路人和你,艺术家会从LookThroughMe@qq.com这个邮箱收集的素材进行编辑,感激所有参与并上传了的即时自愿摄像师和摄影师,列入人名表并回复通知。ACTION! xuzhifeng.com | The real walk due to carry out on mall street of Hong Kong in Autumn 2012, this time the artist will go with the installation all by himself, get interaction and [...] documentation material both [...] from the passersby audience, who can get information on red cyan paper glasses from the backpack with text: "Documentation of this performance relies [...]only on strangers [...]and U, the artist will collect all materials (video/photo) from LookThroughMe@qq.com, all instant-voluntary filmmakers and photographers will be appreciated, credited and notified. xuzhifeng.com |