单词 | 戳刺感 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 戳刺感—paresthesiaAEpins and needles (in muscle)See also:戳—poke jab fuck (vulgar) sprain stand sth.upright blunt 戳v—thrustv stabv 刺—prick sting pierce thrust assassinate (onom.) whoosh 刺戳—puncture pierce
建议和记录均保存在日期 / 时间戳日志中,该日志可在 显示窗上查看,或者使用可选的 USB 端口保存到闪存 盘里。 gww.graco.com | Both advisories and records are saved in the date/timestamped log, which can be viewed on the display or saved to a flash drive using optional USB port. gww.graco.com |
使用BELSIL® [...] OW 1500能够显着减少因表面活性剂、 乳化剂、 乳液或乳霜造成的刺激感。wacker.com | BELSIL® OW 1500 is [...] able to mitigateirritations causedby surfactants, [...]emulsifiers, lotions or creams. wacker.com |
如 要用微波爐煮蛋,必须先把蛋壳剥掉或敲裂,并刺戳蛋黄∕蛋白數下。 cfs.gov.hk | To avoid this problem, eggs can be cooked in microwave oven when the shell is removed or cracked and the egg yolk / white is pierced several times. cfs.gov.hk |
如果启用了此选项,则本地时钟将在启动时同步,并在之后定期 [...] 同步;如果替换源由于通信问题而不可用,则本地始终将被用作时间戳源。redlion.net | If this option is enabled, the local clock will be synchronized on [...] startup and periodically thereafter, and will be used [...] as a time stamp source if [...]the alternative source is not available due to comms problems. redlion.net |
小组委员会认为,在 2011-2012 两年期应继续开展下列领域的工作:不敏感爆炸物和氧化性固体的分类;与灰尘爆炸危害有关的问题;腐蚀性标准(审议点 蚀问题以及 C.1 检验对固体的适用性);进一步调整《全球统一制度》的标准以 使其与《示范条例》的标准相一致;对涉及皮肤腐蚀/刺激的章节进行文字修订; 水引发毒性的评估;执行问题;进一步改进《全球统一制度》附件 1、2 和 3;编 制小包装标签的进一步指导。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee considered that the work in the following areas should be continued in the [...] biennium 2011-2012: [...] classification of desensitizedexplosives and oxidizing solids; issues related to dust explosion hazards; corrosivity criteria (consideration of pitting corrosion and suitability of tests C.1 for solids); further alignment of the criteria in the Globally Harmonized System with that of the Model Regulations; editorial revision of the chapters addressing skincorrosion/irritation;assessment of water-activated [...]toxicity; [...]implementation issues; further improvement of annexes 1, 2 and 3 of the Globally Harmonized System; and development of additional guidance for the labelling of small packagings. daccess-ods.un.org |
对水源和其他确认过的供水点进行一些物理化学和对感官刺激方面参 量的测定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Determining certain [...] physicochemical andorganoleptic parameters of [...]the identified sources and other water supply points identified. daccess-ods.un.org |
若要利用 i5000V 系列扫瞄机提供的印刷与注释 [...] 功能(包括不购买印表机配件即可以数位方式为影像加上戳记的功能), 则应该永远使用扫瞄机驱动程式 [...]「进阶内容」的内置印表机控制项,来 设定文件列印或影像数位注释。 graphics.kodak.com | To take advantage of the imprinting and annotation features provided by [...] i5000V Series Scanners (including the ability [...] to digitally stamp images without [...]purchasing the printer accessory), the scanner [...]driver Advanced Properties imprinter controls should always be used to configure document printing or image digital annotation. graphics.kodak.com |
治疗后,患部可能迅速肿胀或有灼热、刺痛感,但这种情况应当只持续约48小时;采用冷压法或局部使用抗生素霜将有助于缓解这种状况。 tianjin.ufh.com.cn | Immediately after the procedure, treated areas may be swollen or [...] have a burning,stinging sensation,but this should [...]only last for approximately 48 hours; [...]applying a cold compress or topical antibiotic cream will bring relief. guangzhou.ufh.com.cn |
由于计量吸入器的推进剂构成了大部分(往往超过 [...] 98%)配方,而使用这些药物的患者特 别易感气道刺激或毒性,因此对这些推进剂必须进行大范围的测试。 multilateralfund.org | Since the propellants in MDIs comprise the large majority of the formulation (often in excess of 98 per cent), and the patients [...] using these drugs are particularly [...] vulnerableto airway irritationortoxicity, extensive [...]testing had to be conducted on these propellants. multilateralfund.org |
在爱尔兰的激流中感受刺激与快感。 discoverireland.com | Tackle the rush and gush of Ireland’s rapids and weirs for a pure dose of adrenaline. discoverireland.com |
糖尿病所致的神经损伤会造成许多不同的问题,常见的症状是手脚针刺感、疼痛、麻木或无力。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Although many different problems can [...] occur as a result of diabetic neuropathy, [...] common symptoms are tingling, pain,numbness [...]or weakness in the feet and hands. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
怎样才能继续获取服务: 如果您一直接受的服务或项目被缩减、更改或 停止,而且您在收到告诉您该等服务或项目被 缩减、更改或停止的信件(通知)10 天内亲自 递交或邮寄(以邮戳为准)申诉信,在作出决 定之前,您的服务或项目仍然有效。 kmhp.com | What to do to continue getting services: If you have been receiving services or items that are being reduced, changed or stopped and you file a grievance that is hand-delivered or postmarked within 10 days of the date on the letter (notice) telling you that the services or items you have been receiving are being reduced, changed or stopped, the services or items will continue until a decision is made. kmhp.com |
经 济 上 的 统 一 为 政 治 上 的 统 [...] 一 舖 平 了 道 路 ﹐ 物 质 上 的 利 益 一致刺激了民族感情的发 展 和 孕 育 了 民 族 意 识 。 hkahe.com | 1. “Economic unity paved the way for political [...] unity, and community of material [...] interests stimulated the growth ofnational feelingandfostered national [...]consciousness. hkahe.com |
温和的配方不会刺激皮肤, 不会有刺痛感,更可於激光疗程後使用以防皮肤变乾。 lavedo.com | Itis non-stinging and anti-irritant. [...] Can even be used post-laser procedures to prevent skin dryness. lavedo.com |
香甜可口的莓果均含有与阿斯匹灵消炎功效类似的天然化学物质,帮助缓和晒伤时所产生的刺痛感。 health.herbalife.com.tw | Sweet, delicious berries naturally contain compounds related to aspirin that can reduce inflammation, and may [...] help takethesting out ofsunburn. health.herbalife.com |
这款乳液显示了传统硬脂酸皂配方所具有的柔和肤感和润肤效果,却无油腻感和潜在刺激性。 cn.lubrizol.com | This lotion exhibits the soft feel and emolliency of a traditional stearate soap formulation without [...] the greasinessand potential irritation. lubrizol.com |
它并不是简单的高音切 [...] 除滤波器,而是一系列复杂的滤波器共同作用的结 果,以此消除高频使混响声音变得“脆”或刺耳的感觉。tcelectronic.com | This is not a simple high cut filter but a [...] complex set of filters working together to remove those frequencies that make a reverb [...] sound “brittle”or harsh sounding. tcelectronic.com |
焦虑的刺痛感迫使人们睁开双眼,开始看看这个新世界。 shanghaibiennale.org | Thetingling sense of anxiety forces [...] people into opening their once closed eyes. shanghaibiennale.org |
容易刺激皮肤, 由其第一次使用时会有轻微针刺感觉。 lavedo.com | It can be more irritative especially on first use [...] withaslight stinging sensation. lavedo.com |
提供深层洁面及卸妆功能,专为敏感及易受刺激肌肤而设,给肌肤百倍保湿效果,随洋甘菊精油的幽香爲肌肤带来清新的感受,有效彻底卸去面部所有防水化妆品,并不会为肌肤带来油腻及黏贴感,当洁颜油经清水乳化後,能为肌肤除去水溶性污垢,赶走油脂及黑头,彻底清除面部尘埃及外来污染,使肌肤保持光泽及带来清爽感觉。 healthkool.com | It can provide deep for sensitive skin and keep [...] the skin in a moisturizing condition, with the delicate fragrance of chamomile [...]essential oil, bring the skin fresh and clean. It can effectively remove cosmetics on the skin but will not bring the oily feeling to the skin, when water emulsified the cleansing oil, it can efficiently remove water-soluble make-up on the skin, and eliminate dirt, oil and blackheads away, completely eliminate dust and external pollution on the skin, and keep the skin shine and fresh. healthkool.com |
人们发现,贫穷往往与社会排斥相伴,使年轻人形成挫败感,刺激他们加入武装团体。 daccess-ods.un.org | Poverty, often combined with social exclusion, has been found to stir the frustration of young people and create incentives for them to join armed groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
汉健香 ],以东洋医学思想为源,借由中医生药和药草等天然植物的巨大力量,通过刺激人的五感(视觉,听觉,嗅觉,味觉,触觉)中与大脑直接连结的气味感觉(嗅觉)从而达到各种效果。 jshoppers.com | Chinese Medicinal Fragrance works on the theories of Eastern doctors that [...] natural, herbs, and vegetables hold a power that [...] affects the five human senses (sight, sound, smell, [...]taste, and touch). jshoppers.com |
我感到具有讽刺意味的是,以色列国比任何其它 国家都更因一项大会决议而得以存在,但却如此藐视 [...] 联合国的决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | It seemsto me ironicthatIsrael, a [...] State that, more than any other, owes its very existence to a General Assembly resolution, [...]should be so disdainful of United Nations resolutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
内脏超敏反应是内脏刺激感受增强的一种现象。 iasp-pain.org | Visceral hypersensitivity is a phenomenon in which conscious [...] perception of visceral stimuliis enhanced. iasp-pain.org |
潜在不良事件:可能发生的潜在不良事件包括但不限于对抗凝剂和/或抗血栓药物或造影剂的变态反应 • 对镍钛合金的变态反应• 动脉瘤• 动脉破裂• 动脉血栓形成• 动静脉瘘• 粥样栓塞(蓝趾综合征)• 死亡• 栓塞• 血肿/出血• 超敏反应•感染• 穿刺部位感染/脓肿形成• 需要干预的缺血(搭桥或脚趾、足部或腿部截肢)• 假性血管瘤形成• 肾功能衰竭• 置放支架的动脉再次狭窄• 支架栓塞• 支架定位不良• 支架移位• 支架膨胀断裂• 血管穿孔或破裂•跛行加重/静息痛。 businesswirechina.com | POTENTIAL ADVERSE EVENTS: Potential adverse events that may occur include, but are not limited to Allergic reaction to anticoagulant and/or antithrombotic therapy or contrast medium • Allergic reaction to nitinol • Arterial aneurysm • Arterial rupture • Arterial thrombosis • Arteriovenous fistula • Atheroembolization (Blue Toe Syndrome) • Death • Embolism • Hematoma/hemorrhage • Hypersensitivity reactions •Infection •Infection/abscess formation at access site • Ischemia requiring intervention (bypass or amputation of toe, foot or leg • Pseudoaneurysm formation • Renal failure • Restenosis of the stented artery • Stent embolization • Stent malapposition • Stent migration • Stent strut fracture • Vessel perforation or rupture • Worsened claudication/rest pain. businesswirechina.com |
在推广视障失智症长者之治疗活动方面,治疗队的职业治疗师於2008年11月13至17日出席於广东省广州市举行的「2008年国际职业治疗研讨会」,并在会议中发表了两篇有关视障失智症长者治疗活动的文章,专题分别为「视障失智症长者的治疗活动」和「视障失智症长者之创新性感官刺激活动」。 hksb.org.hk | The Occupational Therapist of the Dementia Care Team attended the 2008 International Occupational Therapy Conference in Guangzhou from 13-17 November 2008 and presented two papers on “Introductory of Activity-based Programme for [...] Elderly with Dementia and Visual [...] Impairment” and “Multi-Sensory Activities for Clients [...]with Dementia and Visual Impairment”. hksb.org.hk |
或是Oaked Havana(哈瓦那朗姆、君度橙酒、马丁尼红香艾酒、苦味酒,港币$130),口感刺激强劲但相当平衡,由君度橙酒加以润滑 ─ 混合出来的饮品会先放足三个月。 mehongkong.com | Or the Oaked Havana (Havana rum, Cointreau, Martini Rosso, bitters, HK$130) – punchy, strong yet balanced and Cointreau rounded – where the mixture is aged three months. mehongkong.com |
另一个重大风险是,逐步消除财政赤字的考虑将占据主导地位,取代其他政 [...] 策目标,这会导致过早取消财政和货币刺激措施,而至少到目前为止,这些措施 [...]一直是巩固需求的主要因素,(在有些情况下)是推动经济复苏的(唯一)动力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The other major risk is that concern over the need to progressively close fiscal gaps will take precedence over other policy objectives, and that this [...] will lead to a premature withdrawal of fiscal [...] and monetarystimulus measures that, [...]at least thus far, have been the principal [...]factors buttressing demand, and the main (in some cases the only) engine driving economic recovery. daccess-ods.un.org |