单词 | 截获 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 截获 —cut off and captureSee also:截 v—intercept v • stop v 截 n—section n 截 n —length n 截—chunk • cut off (a length)
标准规定包括具体的搜查和扣押程序、迅速保存计算机数据、披露所储 存的数据、截获内容 数据以及收集通信量数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | Standard provisions include specific search and seizure procedures, the expedited [...] preservation of computer data, the disclosure of [...] stored data, the interception of content data [...]and the collection of traffic data. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们上次开会讨论 90 [...] 天报告时(见 S/PV.6502), 曾提到截获向阿富汗塔利班运送伊朗火箭弹的问题, [...]这再一次明显违反了安全理事会决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | At our last meeting to discuss a [...] 90-day report (see S/PV.6502), we raised the [...] issue of the interdiction of Iranian rockets [...]sent to the Taliban in Afghanistan, [...]another clear violation of Security Council resolutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
这项行动于 2006 年 9 [...] 月在中国启动,2007 年 6 月 30 日结束,在这期间截获了 6 起非法贸易。 multilateralfund.org | This action was launched in September 2006 in China and was completed on 30 June 2007, during which six [...] illegal trade cases were intercepted. multilateralfund.org |
执法措施方面,对若干边境口岸、机场 [...] 和特马港的海关官员进行了培训,并最 终 截获 和 没 收了大约个 600 汽缸的 CFC-12 制冷 剂。 multilateralfund.org | In regard to enforcement measures, training of customs officers was undertaken at a number of [...] border posts, the airport and Tema Port resulting in about 600 cylinders of CFC-12 [...] refrigerants being intercepted and seized. multilateralfund.org |
此外,专家组获 悉,该部队取得了多项成就,包括 截获 了 从 苏丹盗取的正运往乍得的车辆,并且 明显改善了安全状况,提高了当地人民的信心。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Panel was [...] also informed of achievements of the Force, including the recovery of [...]vehicles stolen in the Sudan that were [...]being transported into Chad and improvement in the confidence of the local population because of the perceived security benefits that the Force offers. daccess-ods.un.org |
如何在偷运移民截获点既能掌握可受理的证据,同时又不危害生命和 安全? daccess-ods.un.org | How can admissible evidence be captured [...] at the point of interception of smuggling of [...]migrants situations, without compromising life and safety? daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,墨西哥继续执行了“大港口倡议”,其目标是向海关总署提供设备、 [...] 能力和技术支助,以提高海关总署利用非入侵性的检查技术在进口港和出口港阻 止、探测和截获非法贩运的核材料及辐射材料的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, work has continued on the “Megaports Initiative”, which is designed to provide equipment, training and technical support for the General Customs Administration so as to [...] build its capacity to [...] deter, detect and intercept at ports and border [...]crossing points, using non-invasive inspection technology, [...]the illegal traffic in nuclear and radioactive materials. daccess-ods.un.org |
一个特殊设计的样品界面截获正在 管路或传送系统中的粮食谷物,然后连续不断的测量并把分析数据返回到控制室的计算机中。 foss.cn | A specially designed [...] sample interface intercepts the grain as it is [...]conveyed in a pipe or transport system and feeds a continuous [...]stream of analysis data back to a computer in your control room. foss.dk |
国际培训 缉毒机构国际麻醉品管制管理研讨会,华盛顿特区;制止毒品和犯罪,德国 联邦警察,德国威斯巴登;情报收集、整理、分析、传播,澳大利亚联邦警察局; 机场截获毒品 的培训,缉毒署,尼泊尔;连指挥官课程,印度边境安全部队学院; 体育行政管理和管理培训,联合王国布赖顿理工大学。 daccess-ods.un.org | Drug Enforcement Agency International Narcotics Control Management Seminar, Washington, D.C.; Suppression of drugs and [...] delinquents, German [...] Federal Police, Wiesbaden, Germany; Intelligence collection, collation, analysis, dissemination, Australian Federal Police; Airport narcotics interdiction training, [...]Drug Enforcement Administration, [...]Nepal; Company commanders course, Border Security Force Academy, India; Sports administration and management training, Brighton Polytechnic, United Kingdom. daccess-ods.un.org |
圣文森特和格林纳丁斯未在入境点或在其过境 时 截获 过 清 单所列个人。 daccess-ods.un.org | No listed person has been stopped at any of our border points or while transiting St. Vincent and the Grenadines. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在可采用简单、成本更低的 办法应对海盗问题:资助和支持邦特兰加大治理力度、促进社会经济复苏并使青 年人重新融入社会;宣布商业支付赎金为非法行为;联合营救人质 并 截获 目 前 被 海盗劫持的船舶;维持频繁出动区域海岸警卫队巡逻索马里专属经济区;促进海 军部队与索马里商业利益集团相互结合、共同巡逻,并重建曾支持过这些地区的 渔业和货运业。 daccess-ods.un.org | Simple and less costly solutions are available to deal with the piracy problem: funding and supporting governance efforts in Puntland and the socio-economic rehabilitation and reintegration of the youth; outlawing commercial payment of ransoms; joint rescue hostages and seizing ships currently held by pirates; maintaining roust regional coast guard to patrol Somali’s Exclusive Economic Zone; linking naval forces and Somalia commercial interests to patrol and rebuild the fishing and cargo industry that once supported these areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
在克服这些挑战方面的良好做法是,向相关人员 在 截获 点收 集证据提供特别培训,以便在截获时 尽 可能收集更多的信息,同时对被偷运移 民实施保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | Good practices in overcoming these challenges are to provide special training to relevant persons [...] in gathering evidence [...] at the point of interception so that as much information is gained upon interception as possible, while [...]protecting smuggled migrants. daccess-ods.un.org |
在整个行动期间, 通过集体安全条约组织成员国打击毒品的努力,总共 截获 220 吨毒品。 daccess-ods.un.org | A total of over 220 tons have been seized throughout the duration of the operation through the anti-narcotics efforts of the States members of CSTO. daccess-ods.un.org |
特此提醒:用户使用互联网交流并不安全,以网络作为通信介质传播的信息可能被第三 方 截获 和 /或 读取。 activtrades.cn | You are advised that the use of the Internet as a form of communication is not yet secure and [...] information transmitted through the Internet as a [...] communication medium may be intercepted and/or read by third [...]parties. activtrades.co.uk |
培训主题侧重于实物保护和防止恶意行 为,包括保安目标和基本原则、实物保护原则和方法、保护核设施免遭偷窃 [...] 和破坏、在边境口岸建立有效的辐射探测能力以及 对 截获 核 材 料和其他放射 性物质的应对方法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Training topics focused on physical protection and the prevention of malicious acts, including security objectives and fundamental principles, physical protection principles and methodologies, protection of nuclear facilities against theft and sabotage, establishing effective radiation [...] detection capabilities at border crossing points and methods [...] to respond to seizures of nuclear and [...]other radioactive material. daccess-ods.un.org |
斜率与截获值将储存在分析仪存储器中,但 当此功能断开时,它们不会在结果计算中使用。 itcmed.com | The slopes and intercepts will be stored in [...] the analyzer memory, but will not be used in the calculation of results when [...]Correlation is turned “off”. itcmed.com |
防扩散安全倡议(PSI)由美国牵头发起,多国参与。它的目的 是截获大规 模杀伤性武器及其相关材料的运输。 crisisgroup.org | The Proliferation Security Initiative [...] (PSI) is a U.S.-led multinational initiative [...] that seeks to interdict illicit shipments [...]of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or WMD-related materials. crisisgroup.org |
在适用情况下,我们的 Web 服务器可以识别访客的域名和 IP 地址,但这些不会作为个人可识别信 息 截获。 united.com | Our web servers identify the domain names and IP addresses of visitors, where applicable, but this is not captured as personally identifiable information. united.com |
2010 年 8 月,秘书长成立了一个调查小组,负责审查和查明 2010 年 5 月 31 [...] 日事件的事实、情节和前因后果;在该事件中,以色列军 队 截获 开 往 加沙的几艘 人道主义援助船只,造成人员死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General created a Panel of Inquiry in August 2010 which was given the task examining and identifying the facts, circumstances and context of the 31 May 2010 incident in [...] which a convoy of humanitarian aid ships [...] bound for Gaza was intercepted by Israeli forces, [...]leading to the loss of life. daccess-ods.un.org |
起初将在巴西、摩洛哥和西非的 10 个国际机场建立机场截获行动 联合工 作队,并对其进行培训,通过安全通信网络在其之间建立连接。 daccess-ods.un.org | Initially 10 international airports in Brazil, [...] Morocco and West Africa will establish [...] joint airport interdiction task forces [...](JAITFs), trained and connected to one another [...]through a secure communications network. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于伊拉克周边国家提供的富有成效的合作,主要是在约旦、 叙利亚和科威特,边防检查已截获了 几 百件文物。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With fruitful cooperation from the States neighbouring Iraq, several hundred cultural objects have been seized at border controls, most notably in Jordan, Syria and Kuwait. unesdoc.unesco.org |
测试结果显示,测试期间膜的截获量 至少达到90%。 cn.spectrumlabs.com | The MWCO of the membrane is ascribed [...] as the molecular weight that is retained by at least 90% during this test. eu.spectrumlabs.com |
我们赞扬 尼日利亚当局截获了一 艘运送来自伊朗的违禁武器 的船只,这违反了第 1747(2007)号决议执行部分第 [...] 5 段的规定,表明该国藐视安全理事会的制裁。 daccess-ods.un.org | We commend the [...] Nigerian authorities for having seized a ship transporting [...]prohibited weapons originating in Iran, in violation [...]of paragraph 5 of resolution 1747 (2007), which highlights that country’s contempt for Security Council sanctions. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们使用行业标准的安全套接字 (SSL) 技术,避免通过我们的网络截获信息。 callingcards.com | We use the industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to prevent [...] information from being intercepted through our network. callingcards.com |
合作伙伴关系有助于有效截获来自 国外或由吉尔吉斯共和国领土过境的毒品。 daccess-ods.un.org | This partnership works to intercept narcotic drugs that [...] enter the country from abroad or are in transit across the national territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
因为PIN码只会被输入至ACR83 PINeasy的键盘上,而不会被暴露在易受攻击的电脑或工作站上,从而避免了木马病毒或USB数据监听工 具 截获 P I N 码 的可能性。 acs.com.hk | Supporting Secure PIN Entry (SPE), it requires both PIN entry and authentication to be done within the device, thus eliminating the exposure of sensitive information to PC’s or workstations that are vulnerable to security attacks such as Trojans and USB sniffers. acs.com.hk |
点亮的被分析物的目前斜率与截获 值将出现在列表的下方。 itcmed.com | The current slope and intercepts for the highlighted [...] analyte will appear below the picklist. itcmed.com |
。委员会还满意地注意到,缔约国在2004年至2006 年期间同邻国签署了一 [...] 些多边合作协议;建立了警戒和监督委员会;受害儿童 被 截获 救 和 贩运人口的犯 罪分子被绳之以法的情况日益增多。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee also notes with satisfaction that several multilateral cooperation agreements were signed between 2004 and 2006 with neighbouring countries and the establishment of [...] vigilance and supervision committees, the increased [...] number of children intercepted and trafficking [...]offenders brought to justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
较好的钻探结果出现在Gum Flat的北部地区,包括:18米金品味@1.48克/吨,13米金品味@2.41克/吨,13米金品位@1.81克/吨,17米金品味@1.42克/吨和9米金品味@1.47克/吨,12米金品味@1.14克/吨,17米金品味@1.42克/吨。在接触到地底蚀变的安山岩时,钻 井 截获 7 米 金品味@1.79克/吨和26米金品味@1.06克/吨,这些结果证实了在Gum Flat的地区残积岩/淤积岩以及硬岩石区域极有可能存在金矿资源。 goldencross.com.au | Better results included 18m @ 1.48g/t Au, 13m @ 2.41g/t Au, 13m @ 1.81g/t Au, 17m @ 1.42g/t Au, 9m @ 1.47g/t Au, 12m @ 1.14g/t Au, and 17m @ 1.42g/t Au At the northern end of Gum Flat, drilling into the underlying altered andesitic basement rocks intersected 7m @ 1.09g/t Au and 26m @ 1.06g/t Au confirming the potential for both eluvial/alluvial and hard rock gold deposits at Gum Flat. goldencross.com.au |
除本声明关于个人识别信息之规定以及适用产品或服务的使用条款之规定之外,您在EFI网站上或使用其他服务传送的信息和其他您自愿提交的信息为非机密性信息,您应清楚传送的信息可能会被他人读取 或 截获。 printme.com | Except as stated in this Notice with respect to Personally Identifiable Information, or the Terms of Use for the applicable product or service, transmissions and other voluntary submissions of your information to and from EFI's web site or through the use of [...] other services are not confidential, and you should be aware that your [...] transmissions may be read or intercepted by others. printme.com |