

单词 战队



marine corps

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

在驻日本美国海军战队服役 之前,从1998年到2000年,他曾是美国国防部部长办公室负责亚太地区政策事务的主任。
Prior to his time in Japan he was Director of Asia-Pacific Policy in the Office of the Secretary of Defense from 1998 to 2000.
在北京,美国驻华大使馆的员工,在临时代办金瑞柏(Robert Goldberg)的带领下,聚集在使馆正门内的旗杆下,举行了一场悼念活动,为遇难者默哀,敬献花圈,美国海军 战队队 员 将美国国旗下半旗。
In Beijing, the Embassy community, led by Chargé d’ Affairs Robert Goldberg, gathered outside by the flagpole of the ceremonial gate to participate in a memorial ceremony that included a moment of silence for the earthquake victims, a presentation of a wreath, and the lowering of the flag by U.S. Marines.
作为一名“空对空任务规划主题专家”,他对美国海军 战队 空 中 战 术 的 发展产生过巨大的影响。
As an “Air-to-Air Mission Planning Subject Matter Expert” he had significant impact on the development of the aerial tactics for the U.S. Navy and the Marine Corps.
其功能主要是作为海军战队两种 重要的作战设备气垫登陆船(LCAC)与MV-22B鹗式垂直起降机的停泊与起降载台。
Its main function is as a Marine Corps combat equipment  air-cushion landing craft (LCAC) and MV-22B Osprey type VTOL  the parking and landing platform.
军方想把海军战队的实 弹射击场建在 Pagat 村附近的一块查莫罗祖传 土地上,但未能得到关岛政府的必要支持,因这块经联邦政府登记的考古遗址对 岛屿的许多居民具有深远意义。
The military has been unable to get the support it needs from the Guam Government to place Marine live-fire ranges on ancient Chamorro land at Pagat Village, a federally registered archaeological site that holds deep meaning for many inhabitants of the island.
M777榴弹炮不同于其它武器的地方在设计特别轻便,美国海军 战队 的 直升 机就可以携带。
The M777 howitzer is substantially different from any other gun, as it is designed to be ultra lightweight to allow the US Marines to fly the gun in by helicopter; the gun utilises an extensive range of lightweight materials including aluminium and titanium.
斯诺德格拉斯少校是美国海军武装力量中最优秀的飞行员之一。他同时拥有海军嘉奖勋章和海军 战队 成 就 勋章,职业生涯辉煌无比。
Lieutenant Commander Guy Snodgrass is one of the best pilots in the
[...] American Naval Armed Forces, highly decorated [...]
with both the Navy Commendation Medal
and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.
人权高 专办/ 联阿援助团还在赫尔曼德省堡垒营和其他地区司令部与国际安全援助部 队、美国海军战队和其 他有关各方讨论了报告中提出的建议和保护平民问题。
OHCHR/UNAMA held meetings at Camp Bastion in Helmand province, and in other regional command headquarters, with ISAF, the United States Marines and other interlocutors to discuss the report’s recommendations and civilian protection issues.
地狱猫”是美国海军历史上最成功的战斗机,在美国海军和海军 战队 服 役期间取得了击落5,271架敌机的辉煌战果。
The Hellcat proved to be the most [...]
successful aircraft in naval history, destroying 5,271 aircraft while in service with
the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps.
从2003年到2005年,他是驻太平洋美国海军 战队 以 及 海军 战队 中 央 指挥部的指挥官,在那里他领导和管理着中东、阿富汗、东非、亚洲和美国的超过70000名海军 战队 和 海 军。
From 2003 to 2005, he was Commanding
[...] General of the Marine Corps Forces Pacific and Marine Corps Forces Central Command, where he led and managed over 70,000 Marines and Sailors in the Middle East, Afghanistan, East Africa, Asia [...]
and the United States.
令防范小组委员会感到担忧的是,有证据表明,军事人员与警察部队(防 暴警察或科布拉斯战队)一起 行动,负责在那些与国家制度危机有关的事件中 [...]
The Subcommittee is concerned about allegations it has received concerning the use of military personnel who,
together with the police (the Preventive
[...] Police or the Cobra squad), took control [...]
of law and order during the incidents associated
with the constitutional crisis.
黄先生原为台湾海军战队的预 备役军官,有超过 18 年的管理和销售经验,其中 15 年在半导体和太阳能产业。
Mr. Huang, a former reserve officer for the Taiwan Marine Corps, has over 18 years of managerial and sales experience, including 15 years in the semiconductor and solar industry.
2010年2月底在亚齐省发现的圣战组织训练营在三个方面令人们出乎意料,揭示了印尼 战队 伍 的 主要变化:一个新的联盟已经出现,该联盟既独立于该地区此类组织中最知名的伊斯兰祈祷团(JI),也不属于更暴力的努尔丁分裂团体,该团体由努尔丁·托普领导,直到他于2009年9月去世;训练营选择了亚齐省作为基地,尽管亚齐人对激进伊斯兰教十分反感;它由杜尔马丁领导,他是受到通缉的东南亚头号恐怖分子之一,印尼和菲律宾的官员都一直认为他藏匿于棉兰老岛。
It revealed a major mutation in
[...] Indonesian jihadi ranks: a new coalition [...]
had emerged that rejected both Jemaah Islamiyah
(JI), the best-known such organisation in the region, and the more violent splinter group led until his death in September 2009 by Noordin Top.
美军进一步对M1各型号进行升级改造,其中包括采用了贫铀装甲,将M1改造成 M1A1AIM ,数字化增强包(M1A1D),将陆军和海军 战队 型 (M 1A1HC) 的零部件标准化,M1A2已被改进为M1A2SEP(系统增强组件)主战坦克。
Further upgrades include depleted uranium armor for all variants, a system overhaul that returns all A1s to like-new condition (M1A1 AIM), a digital enhancement package for the A1 (M1A1D), a commonality program to standardize parts between the U.S. Army and the Marine Corps (M1A1HC) and an electronic upgrade for the A2 (M1A2 SEP).
依照已经签署的价值一亿八千九百万美元的合同,通用动力公司地面分部将在2008年底之前向美国海军 战队 委 交 付151辆装甲输送车,第一批于2007年7月开始交付。
According to the signed $189 million cotract General Dynamics Land
Systems committed to supply US Marine corps
[...] with 151 armored troop-carriers by the [...]
end of 2008, the first ones delivered in July 2007.
防范小组委员会曾收到一位女士的书面证词,她是一名 26 岁的孕妇, 2009 年 7 月 29 日,“科布拉斯”战队的队员在 圣佩德罗苏拉市她的住所将她本 人逮捕,同时被逮捕的还有其他妇女和七名男子。
The Subcommittee received a written statement from a 26-year-old woman, pregnant at the time, who was arrested by the Cobra special squad at her home in San Pedro Sula on 29 July 2009, along with another woman and seven men.
如果朝鲜出事,美国派海军战队去 就 可以了,但中国将会 面临一系列巨大的问题,其中包括国际社会的强烈指责以及与朝 鲜关系的敌对化。
If there is a contingency in the DPRK, the U.S. can simply send their marines here, but for China, we will face a massive problem involving huge criticism from the international community and a hostile relationship with the DPRK”.
我们希望,在各方的理解和合作下,特委会将能更顺利地完成所有与毛派队战斗人 员的整合和重返社会有关的任务,以及其他相关的职责。
We hope that, with the understanding and cooperation of all sides, the Special Committee will be able to carry out all tasks
regarding the integration and rehabilitation
[...] of Maoist Army combatants and other relevant [...]
responsibilities in a smoother way.
该文件草案将于 2010 年定稿,定期为国家工队战略文 件的制订做出了贡献。
This draft document, which is to be finalized in 2010, regularly contributed to the
[...] development of the strategic UNCT documents.
各方应将与这些阶段相关的计划和规章及时告知下属各 队战 地 指 挥官, 同时应确保他们都能严格遵守这些规章。
The Parties shall inform their field commanders of all the components of the plans and the rules relating to these phases and shall ensure compliance with these rules.
从 1810 年 5 月 25 日布宜诺斯艾利斯宣布独立开始,布宜诺斯艾利斯当局就 要求巴拉圭作为一个省加入,遭到巴拉圭省长西班牙人贝尔纳多·德·贝拉斯科 的拒绝,巴拉圭军队联合葡萄牙 队战 胜 了 企图吞并巴拉圭的阿根廷军队,并在 1811 年 5 月 14 日和 15 日为使巴拉圭成为一个独立的国家开创了解放斗争的业 绩。
The aspirations of Buenos Aires after 25 May 1810 to annex Paraguay as a province under the authority of its governing junta, the ineffectiveness of the Spanish Governor, Bernardo de Velazco, who had links with the Portuguese forces, and the courage displayed by Paraguayan troops in their victory over Argentine forces seeking to annex Paraguay led to the historic act of liberation on 14 and 15 May 1811 which gave birth to Paraguay as an independent State.
[...] 扎菲政权在冲突期间,包括他在的黎波里执政的最后 阶段蓄意杀害囚犯,而革命队战斗 人 员也犯下了某 些虐待行为。
The evidence has mounted of deliberate killings of prisoners by the Al-Qadhafi
regime during the conflict, including in its last days in Tripoli, as well as some
[...] abuses by the revolutionary fighters.
由于特委会完全负责监察毛派队战 斗 人 员和武器,而且尼泊尔军队由现行 宪法和法律规定加以管理,除了上述机制之外,现在不再需要任何解决争端机制。
With SC fully in charge of monitoring
[...] of Maoist Army combatants and arms and [...]
the Nepal Army managed under existing constitutional
and legal provisions, there is no longer a need for any dispute resolution mechanism in addition to the already agreed aforementioned mechanisms.
联合国共同国家方案的发展面临着一些 战 : 首先是国内的政治形势,特别是对人权 问题的日益关注以及政府对人权的敏感,所以很难制订由国家工 队 和 政府共享的共同国家 方案;其次,伊朗的捐助情况很差,很难形成信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在 国家工作队成员在集中财务和人力资源开展联合行动方面仍然存在不情愿和技术障碍。
Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations common country programmes: firstly, the domestic political situation, especially the growing concern over human rights issues and the government’s sensitivity on human rights, have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations country programme for which UNCT and the government [...]
would have shared ownership;
secondly, the profile of the donor community in Iran is very low and it has been very difficult to generate FIT resources and joint United Nations programming; and, thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers among UNCT members to put together financial and human resources for joint activities.
(e) 萨尔瓦多报告说,自 1992 年结束冲突以来,该国经历了私营保安公司
[...] 激增时期,其中大多数公司由军官、其他安全机构以及少数曾经参加萨尔瓦多 游队战斗的人员组成。
(e) El Salvador reported that it had experienced a proliferation of private security entities after the end of the conflict in 1992, most of which were comprised of elements of
military rank, other security bodies and a small number of persons
[...] that had been fighting for the Salvadorian [...]
[...] 灾,更为严重的是经济发展缓慢,安全局势恶化,特别是在德赖地区,毛派队 战斗人 员重返社会和转业援助方面以及制定宪法方面进展缓慢。
Chronic electricity shortages and floods have compounded the problems presented by a slowing economy, deteriorating security, especially in the Terai, slow
progress regarding the integration and rehabilitation
[...] of Maoist army combatants and the development [...]
of the constitution.
在波兰,波军参谋部于 1994 年颁布了 《地面队战术行动条例》,其中的一些规定 可以确保与文化财产保护有关的国际法规则得 以遵守。
In Poland, provisions ensuring the observance of the rules of international law in relation to the protection of cultural property have been included in the Regulations of Tactical Actions of the Ground Forces issued by the Polish Army General Staff in 1994.
在本预算所述期间,联科行 动将继续协助该国政府执行解除武装、复员和重返社会进程,向新生力量武装部队 以及国防和安全队战斗员的解除武装和复员提供后勤和技术支助。
During the budget period, UNOCI will continue to assist the Government in the implementation of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process and provide logistical and technical support for the disarmament and demobilization of both Forces armées des Forces nouvelles and Force de la defence et security combatants.




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