

单词 战乱

See also:


war n
battle n

in a confused state of mind
illicit sexual relations
throw into disorder
mix up
in confusion or disorder


arbitrary adj

External sources (not reviewed)

我 们如果做不到,就将继续生活在一 战乱 频 仍 、数亿 民众忍饥挨饿、而气候变化导致有可能发生重大人道 [...]
If we fail to do so, we will continue to
[...] live in a world of war, with hundreds of [...]
millions of hungry people, and with the
threat of major humanitarian catastrophes caused by climate change.
利比里亚和塞拉利昂力求在数战乱 后 稳 定下来。
Liberia and Sierra Leone are
[...] trying to stabilize after years of war.
作为饱战乱的国 家,厄立特 里亚将保障残疾人的福利列为优先目标。
As a war-ravaged country, ensuring [...]
the welfare of persons with disability is a priority for Eritrea.
这证实,国际社会没有忘记,黑山在 90 年代敞开大 门,接纳了许多来战乱地区的人。
This was a confirmation that the international
community has not forgotten that in the 90s Montenegro opened its doors to a large
[...] number of persons from war stricken areas.
由于这一艰难局面,我吁请苏丹政府从本国饱受 连战乱和贫穷之苦的人民的利益出发,采取紧急行 [...]
动来重新考虑其驱逐那些人道主义机构的决定,以保 证那些在难民营里的、在实地的、在痛苦之中的人们 能够获得水、食物以及基本的健康服务。
Because of that difficult situation, I call on the Government of the Sudan, in the
interests of its own people, who have suffered
[...] many, many years of war and deprivation, to [...]
take urgent action to review the decision
to expel those humanitarian agencies in order to ensure that the people who are in the camps, who are on the ground and who are suffering have access to water, food and basic health services.
尽管前进道路上还有 重重困难,伊拉克人民在饱受数十 战乱 、 制裁和经济衰退之苦后,坚定地致力 [...]
Despite the many difficulties along the way, the Iraqi people have been
steadfast in their commitment to rebuilding a country that has suffered
[...] from decades of war, sanctions and economic [...]
[...] 的家园的动荡领土上辛勤劳作,这些领土包括:利比 里亚——在那里联合国部队提供了 战乱 国 家所需 要的空间和安全,以便开始其重建工作;巴基斯坦— [...]
—在那里联合国援助人员正在协助其家园和生计被 洪水冲走的人民;当然还有海地——在那里巴西领导
的联合国维和人员在地震发生后立即走上街头,尽管 他们自己也蒙受了严重损失。
I have seen the good that the United Nations has accomplished all over the world, and I have been privileged to meet many of the dedicated men and women who work under the blue flag in troubled lands very far from their homes: places like Liberia, where United
Nations forces have provided the space and
[...] security that that war-torn country needed [...]
to begin putting itself back together;
Pakistan, where United Nations aid workers are assisting people whose homes and livelihoods have been washed away by the floods; and, of course, Haiti, where United Nations peacekeepers, led by Brazil, were immediately back on the streets after the earthquake, despite having suffered grievous losses themselves.
这些职责不可能外包,因为该国没有电台新闻和时事报道服 务的独立提供者,而且在这战乱的 国 度,新闻的搜集、处理和广播是非常敏感 的职责。
Outsourcing of these functions is not possible, as no independent radio news and current affairs service provider exists in the country, and as news gathering, treatment and broadcasting are very sensitive functions in the conflicttorn country.
她曾到世界各地采访,其中不乏危险地区,并真实报 战乱 国 家 的内部情况。
She has travelled around the world, sometimes in very dangerous regions, for her journalism and to show what
[...] really goes on in war-torn countries.
尽管我们依然生活在压迫战乱之下 ,除去那本应带头打击贩毒,制止疯狂杀戮的政府、一场恐怖的战争以及苦苦挣扎的公民社会,我仍想重拾对于自己作为动物、野兽或灵长类的自豪。
And although we continue living in a regime
[...] of repression and war, other than the one [...]
government is supposed to be leading against
drug traffickers and the uncontrollable scenarios, a war of fear and cornering of public society, I would like to recover for myself the pride in being an animal, a beast, or a monkey.
重大转型发生在 1952
[...] 年,该年公司创始人的儿子伯克哈特•格劳博在瑞士苏黎世获得硕士工程师学位后继承父业,执 战乱 期 间 已受严重破坏的企业。
Culminating in a special factor in setting the course of the company in 1952, when Burkhart Grob, the son of the company founder, takes
over the company, which had suffered
[...] extensive damage in the war, following his graduation [...]
as a Dipl.-Ing. at the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich.
然而,在许多冲突中并没有实施这些措施,结果,平民百姓在武装冲突 中,并且在斗争结束后很长时间深 战乱 之 苦
Yet, in far too many conflicts these measures have not been
implemented and, as a result, civilians have suffered gravely during the armed conflict and long
[...] after the fighting has ended.
最坏的情况则是选举再次造成国家的不稳定,而刚果(金)尚未从长 战乱 中 恢 复,战争只是标志着蒙博托时代的终结。
Instead of signalling consolidation of democracy, the coming elections present at best a logistical problem and at worst a new cause of destabilisation
for a country that has still not recovered
[...] from the long wars that marked the [...]
end of the Mobutu era and its denouement.
[...] 日的信函中坚持认为,瑞典仍在将寻求庇护者遣 返回阿富汗战乱地区 ,即便寻求庇护者的要求有客观和准确的证据支持。
By letter of 24 June 2011, the complainants
maintained that Sweden is still deporting
[...] asylum-seekers to war-torn zones in Afghanistan, [...]
despite their claims being supported
by objective and accurate evidence.
为在海外工作的众多中国人的安全祷告,特别是在不安定 战乱 国 家工作的中国人。
Pray for the safety of the many Chinese now working overseas,
[...] especially in unstable and war-torn countries.
关于 MEDEVAC 人道主义方案的当前统计数据表明,在 1993 至 2007 年
[...] 间,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、科索沃、车臣、伊拉克、巴基斯坦和阿富汗等战 乱国家或发生自然灾害国家共有 114 [...]
人被转往捷克共和国接受治疗,其中大部分 是儿童。
Current statistics of the humanitarian program MEDEVAC show 114 transported cases that were given medical support in the Czech
Republic (predominantly children), from
[...] areas afflicted by war or natural catastrophe, [...]
including Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Kosovo, Chechnya, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan between 1993-2007.
为 了应 对 长达二十多年战乱危 机 造 成的社会价值观 退 化,柬埔寨王国 政府要求相关 [...]
部 委 加 速 制 订 法律,同 时有效 执行柬埔寨王国发布 的各项 法 令 , 以 确保社会保障。
In response to the decrease of the social value resulted from a
[...] crisis of protracted wars over two decades, [...]
the Royal Government of the Kingdom
of Cambodia has accelerated the concerned ministries to pay much attention on creating laws and efficiently executing the laws promulgated by the Kingdom of Cambodia to ensure the social security.
维持一个不断开展军事行动的庞大 军队所花费的开支,以战乱地区 发展的滞后,都 是缅甸付出的高昂经济代价。
Myanmar paid a high economic price through the cost of maintaining a large army conducting constant operations and the lack of development in areas of insecurity.
南苏丹是世界上最不发达国家之一,正处于数十 战乱 之 后的困难、复杂的 过渡阶段。
South Sudan is one of the most underdeveloped countries in the world, and it is undergoing a difficult and
[...] complex transition after decades of war.
自 2012 年初以来,已经筹集了可观的预算外资金。捐款分别来自中国(800 万美元, 用于非洲教师培训)、日本(300 万美元,用于埃及、伊拉克、利比里亚、利比亚和南苏丹 等遭战乱和灾 害影响的国家)、非洲发展银行(150 万美元,用于促进西非国家经济共同 体分地区的和平、人权和公民意识)、石油输出国组织基金(120 万美元,用于西部和中部 非洲艾滋病和性传播疾病教育)、联合国艾滋病规划署(620 万美元,用于 2012 年,预计 2013 年将捐助同样数额的资金)。
Since the beginning of 2012, significant extrabudgetary resources have been mobilized, including for example contributions from China ($8 million for teachers in Africa), Japan (over $3 million for conflict and disaster affected countries including Egypt, Iraq, Liberia, Libya and South Sudan), the African Development Bank ($1.5 million for the promotion of peace, human rights and citizenship in ECOWAS subregion); OPEC funds ($1.2 million for HIV and sexuality education in West and Central Africa); UNAIDS ($6.2 million for 2012 and equal amount expected for 2013).
MEDEVAC人道主义方案48 针战乱地区和其他地区在当地得不到医疗 救治以及病情已经危及生命的病人,特别是儿童。
The humanitarian
[...] program MEDEVAC48 was designed for patients, in particular children from areas afflicted by war or other areas in [...]
need of help which have
no means to receive medical assistance locally and when their medical condition is so serious that their life is in danger.
帕瓦罗蒂先生曾积极致力于缓战乱 国 家的儿童遭受的苦难,并筹集了数百万美元的人道主义援助资金。
Mr. Pavarotti was strongly committed to alleviating the suffering
[...] of children in war-torn countries [...]
and generated millions of dollars in humanitarian aid.
龟甲船在壬辰卫国战争中发挥了突击舰的功能 战乱 后 其 形态略有变化,龙头变龟头、尺寸也加大等建造得越来越大,壬辰卫国战争结束并经过200余年的1795年(正祖19)中,根据正祖命令收集、整理李舜臣和龟甲船相关资料并刊行的『李忠武公全书』中,大概记录有‘全罗左水营龟甲船’及‘统制营龟甲船’图片和建造所需的部分尺寸 。
As the turtle ship asserting its function as
the leading ship in the battle during the
[...] Imjin War the appearance made a little change at a time after the war, and the dragon [...]
head was changed into
the turtle head with the dimension enlarged in general with much larger size later. Some 200 years after the Imjin War, in 1795 (the 19th year of King Jeongjo), the data on Yi Sun-sin and the turtle ship were gathered comprehensively under the decree of King Jeongjo and issued the 『Entire Collection on Yi Chungmugong』 with some recording of partial dimension needed for shipbuilding along with the 'turtle ship of Jeolla Jwasuyoung' and the 'turtle ship of Tongjeyoung'.
支持那些处于特殊状况或正在走 战乱 的 最 不发达国家作出努 力,尤其是恢复和平和稳定,重建经济基础设施和社会体制,同时创造有利 于经济增长和发展的政治环境。
10.16. Support the efforts of the LDCs that are in a special situation or emerging from conflict, particularly in restoring peace and stability, rebuilding their economic infrastructure and social institutions as well as in fostering a political climate favourable to economic growth and development.
在经历了五十多年连续不断战乱并 结 束了苏丹政府与苏丹人民解放运动 签订《全面和平协议》以后的六年临时期间后,南苏丹于 [...]
2011 年 7 月 9 日成为 一个独立国家。
After more than five decades of
[...] nearly continuous war, and the completion [...]
of the six-year interim period that followed the
signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army, South Sudan became an independent nation on 9 July 2011.
在 1979
[...] 至 1985 年解放之后,国家第一次不得不应对最坏的局面,当 时,赤 手空拳 , 百 废待兴,饥饿、 威 胁 、乱 、战争 与 和平并存 。
After the liberation from 1979 to 1985, it was the first time that the Nation had to challenge the worst situation, as it had to
start everything with empty hand, hunger,
[...] threat, turmoil, and the situation of having both peace and war at the same time.
暴力犯罪是针对人的生命和健康实施的, 可根据刑事诉讼予以惩罚的,因此造成受伤害的人死亡,健康严重受损或健康乱持续起码六个月的行为。
A crime of violence is an act committed against the life or health of a person which is punishable under the criminal procedure and as a result of which the injured person dies, sustains serious damage to his or her health, or sustains a health disorder lasting for at least six months.
又深为关切对女童的歧视以及对女童权利的侵犯往往导致减少女孩获得教 育的机会并降低其所获教育的质量,造成其营养和身心保健的机会减少,使女孩
在童年和少年期享受的权利、机会和福利少于男孩,使她们比男孩更容易受没有 保护的和不成熟的性关系的后果的影响,并使她们常常受到各种形式的文化、社
[...] 会、性和经济剥削及暴力,受害于虐待、强奸 乱 伦 、与维护名誉有关犯罪以及 有害传统习俗,例如杀害女婴、童婚、逼婚、产前性别挑选和切割女性生殖器等
Deeply concerned also about discrimination against the girl child and the violation of the rights of the girl child, which often result in less access for girls to education, and to quality education, nutrition and physical and mental health care, in girls enjoying fewer of the rights, opportunities and benefits of childhood and adolescence than boys, and in leaving them more vulnerable than boys to the consequences of unprotected and premature sexual relations and often being subjected to various forms of cultural, social,
sexual and economic exploitation and
[...] violence, abuse, rape, incest, honour-related [...]
crimes and harmful traditional practices,
such as female infanticide, child and forced marriages, prenatal sex selection and female genital mutilation
经询问,委员会获悉,正在提 出的一些提议,包括为信通技术远程接入能力设备和医疗用品请拨资源的提议, 将确保联合国总部、总部以外办事处和区域委员会能有效应对任何 乱 其 运 作的 危急事件。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that the proposals being made, which include requests for ICT equipment for remote access capability and medical supplies, would ensure that United Nations Headquarters, offices away from Headquarters and regional commissions could effectively respond to any critical incidents that disrupt their operations.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的 战 主 要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 [...]
该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政
和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group
[...] found that the challenges faced by people [...]
of African descent in Portugal related mainly
to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.




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