

单词 戒备




See also:

ring (for a finger)
give up or stop doing sth.
admonish or warn
Buddhist monastic discipline

External sources (not reviewed)

这一高戒备的工作队大大增加了盟 军须向其盟友和伙伴提供的专门能力。
This high-readiness force adds significantly [...]
to the specialized capabilities that the Alliance has to offer to Allies and partners.
报告中讨论的问题促成了一项决定,即在 和平时期为被选财产制定标志牌设置计划,并 在高戒备时期将其付诸实施。
The discussions arising out of the report led to a decision to plan for sign-posting of selected property in peacetime, but to put this into effect in times of heightened alert.
我们认为在这方面取得进展是今后的一 大任务,这会推动进一步降戒备等 级
We view progress in this regard as a major task for the years ahead, which could facilitate further reductions of alert levels.
她已从“中度特戒备”区 转至有更多优 待的“中戒备”区
She had been transferred from the medium special security pavilion to the “medium security” pavilion where she had more privileges.
作为框架公约,该公约可包括以下方面:禁止生产、发展 及使用或威胁使用核武器;所有防御理论都应否认核武器的威慑作用;防止在任
何地方――地面、水下、空中和外层空间――部署核武器;禁止为军事用途生产裂 变材料;在议定时限内宣布所有武器级裂变材料库存以及彻底销毁这些材料;宣
[...] 布所有弹头并以可核查的方式解除 戒备 状 态;在规定时间内按计划逐步以不可 [...]
This convention could be a framework treaty encompassing the following areas: banning the production, development and the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons; renouncing the deterrence values of nuclear weapons in all defence doctrines; preventing the deployment of nuclear weapons in all areas, namely on the ground, underwater, in space and outer space; banning the production of fissile material for military purposes; declaring all stocks of weapons-grade fissile
material and their elimination in an
[...] irreversible manner within an agreed timetable; [...]
declaring all warheads and de-alerting
them in a verifiable manner; eliminating nuclear warheads in a phased programme and in an irreversible manner within a specific time frame.
在有些情况下还采取了具体措 施,比如近期在伊拉克文化财产出现流失的情况下,约旦警方和海关部门进入特 戒备 ,密 切注意伊拉克文化财产的进出口及/或贩运。
Specific measures are undertaken in certain circumstances, as in the recent situation regarding Iraqi cultural property, whereby Jordanian police and customs departments were placed on special alert to watch for import, export and/or trafficking of Iraqi cultural property.
2010 年 1
[...] 月,联合国技术评估团(技术评估团)对国 家警戒备状态 进行了全面的评估,以承担主要治安责任,并全面评估了东帝汶 [...]
In January 2010, the United Nations technical assessment
mission conducted a thorough assessment of
[...] the level of the readiness of PNTL to assume [...]
primary policing responsibilities, as
well as of the security situation in Timor-Leste.
令代表团成员感到震惊的是该拘留所极端的安 戒备 措 施 ,包括在任何时 候执行管制和限制,特别是考虑到这里的被拘留者尚未被指控犯有任何刑事罪 行。
Members of the delegation were struck by
[...] the extreme security measures at [...]
the facility, including controls and restrictions
followed at all times, especially considering that the persons in custody there have not yet been charged with any criminal offence.
它有机会实现公正,也有机会立即释放五名古巴反恐 斗士,他们被美国当作政治犯囚禁 戒备 森 严 的监狱 内长达 11 年之久,但事实上,他们不过是怀着崇高 的利他主义和英勇气概,设法收集以迈阿密为基地的 恐怖团伙的资料,以防止他们实施暴力行径,挽救古 巴和美国公民的生命。
It has the opportunity to achieve justice and to release, without further delay, the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters whom it has kept as political prisoners in high-security prisons for more than 11 years in spite of the fact that they were just trying, with great altruism and courage, to gather information about Miami-based terrorist groups in order to prevent their violent acts and save the lives of Cuban and American citizens.
又敦促 又敦促 又敦促 又敦促核武器国家,作为临时措施,立即解除其核武器 戒备 和 待发状 态,并采取其他具体措施,进一步降低其核武器系统的备战状态,同时强调部署 的减少和备战状态的降低不能替代以不可逆转的方式削减和全面消除核武器
the nuclear-weapon States, as an interim measure, to de-alert and deactivate immediately their nuclear weapons and to take other concrete measures to reduce further the operational status of their nuclear-weapon systems, while stressing that reductions in deployments and in operational status cannot substitute for irreversible cuts in, and the total elimination of, nuclear weapons
根据可以得到的数据,全世界目前有逾 20 500 件核武器,其中约有 5 000
[...] 件已经部署,可以立即使 用,其中包括 2 000 件处于高戒备状态的核武器。
According to available data, there are currently more than 20,500 nuclear weapons in the world. Of
these, about 5,000 are deployed and ready to be used, including some 2,000 kept in a
[...] state of high operational readiness.
为所有可能建立的和调整阶段的维持和 平行动提出军事行动构想 是 调整了联阿援助团、联海稳定团、西撒特 派团、联苏特派团、达尔富尔混合行动、 观察员部队、联格观察团、联科行动、中 乍特派团和埃厄特派团的军事行动构思 与诸如北约、欧洲联盟、联合国行动待命 高戒备旅、 西非国家经济共同体(西非 经共体)和非洲联盟等维和伙伴举行 20 次协调会议,以改进与联合国维和工作的 合作 14 与北约、联合国行动待命高戒备旅、 欧盟、非盟和联合国妇女发展基金举行 协调会议。
20 coordination meetings with peacekeeping partners such as NATO, the European Union, the Standby High Readiness Brigade for United Nations Operations, the Economic Community of West
African States (ECOWAS) and the African
[...] Union in order to improve cooperation with United Nations peacekeeping efforts 14 Coordination meetings with NATO, the Standby High Readiness Brigade for United Nations Operations, EU, AU and the United Nations Development Fund for Women.
大会在第 62/36 和第 63/41 号决议中也要求降低核武器系统的战备状态,以 确保解除所有核武器的高戒备状态
In its resolutions 62/36 and 63/41, the General Assembly also called for reductions in the operational
readiness of nuclear weapons systems,
[...] with a view to ensuring that all nuclear weapons were removed from high alert status.
在此项公约缔结之前,核 武器国家必须放弃以下行为:开发和研究核武器; 对无核武器国家威胁使用核武器;核武器及其设施 的现代化;在其他国家的领土上部署核武器;以及 将其核武器保持在高戒备状态
Until such a convention was concluded, nuclear-weapon States must refrain from development and research on nuclear weapons; threat of use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States; modernization of nuclear weapons and their facilities; deployment of nuclear weapons in the territories of other countries; and maintaining their nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert.
[...] 生物安保能力建设以及检测、报 告和应对传染病突发或生物武器 攻击的能力建设,包戒备、应 对及危机管理和缓解等领域的能 力建设。
capacity-building, through international cooperation, in biosafety and biosecurity, and for detecting, reporting, and responding to outbreaks of infectious
disease or biological weapons attacks,
[...] including in the areas of preparedness, response, and crisis [...]
management and mitigation
我们寻求给以色列人带来真正安全 的和平,以色列人将放戒备心态,得到邻邦和世界 的接纳。
We seek a peace that brings real security for Israelis — who will put aside their fortress mentality and achieve acceptance in their neighbourhood and the world.
由于 处在高戒备状态,当医生认为需要将被拘留者送往医院时,必须取得该所行政 人员签发的特别授权书,但在必要时一般会迅速签发授权书。
Because of the highsecurity conditions, special authorization from the administration of the facility is required in order for a physician to admit a detainee to hospital, but that in case of need such authorization is generally granted quickly.
步认识到,剩余核武器的高戒备状 态 与当前战略形 势不符,应当采取步骤解决这种不一致现象。
Unfortunately, over recent months there have been no significant shifts in addressing the key issues of strategic situation, and that steps should be taken to address this inconsistency.
在对达尔富尔混合行动安保行动的审计中,监 督厅发现安戒备和准 备工作不足以应付与 特派团业务环境相关的风险,主要原因是安全 [...]
In an audit of safety and security
operations, OIOS found that security
[...] precautions and preparations were not commensurate [...]
with the risks associated with
the Operation’s operating environment, largely attributed to limited implementation of security recommendations.
近半核 弹头仍处于作战部署,而美国和俄罗斯各有 2 000 多件核武器处于危险的高戒备状态 ,随时准备在意识到遭受攻击时立即发射——在各自总统仅仅 4-8 分钟的决策时间窗内即可发射。
Nearly half of all warheads are still operationally deployed, and the U.S. and Russia each have over 2,000 weapons on dangerously high alert, ready to be launched immediately – within a decision window of just 4-8 minutes for each president – in the event of perceived attack.
此外,约旦还签署多项国 际反恐协议,并在国际层面和阿拉伯各国执行这种协 议,借以提高对恐怖主义戒备和要 求战胜恐怖主 义。
Additionally, Jordan has signed many international counter-terrorism agreements and enacted many such agreements at the international level and among the Arab States, raising the alarm against terrorism and calling for its defeat.
此方案旨在巩固和借鉴已取得的成功,诸如在蒙巴萨希莫拉泰瓦启用一戒 备森严 的新审判室,以听审海盗案和审判其他严重罪行。
This option involves consolidating and building on the successes already achieved, such as the opening of the new high security courtroom in Shimo La Tewa, Mombasa, to hear piracy cases and to try other serious criminal offences.
William Kamoyo,生于1973 年,目前关押在赞比亚卡布戒备 最森严的监狱的死囚区。
The author of the communication is William Kamoyo, born in 1973, who is currently on death row in the Maximum Security Prison in Kabwe, Zambia.
(f) 鼓励会员国、联合国系统和合作伙伴增加对备灾备患活动的支持,包括 为此目的加强同发展机构的伙伴合作关系,并进一步加强区域、国家和地方能力 和灾戒备,以 应对人道主义紧急情况;会员国还应考虑评估其在加强紧急情况 应对灾戒备进展情况的其他方法
(f) Member States, the United Nations system and partners are encouraged to
increase support for
[...] preparedness activities, including through strengthening partnerships with development organizations, and to further strengthen regional, national and local capacities and preparedness for responding [...]
to humanitarian emergencies.
今天,SERVS 的使命是时刻保戒 备状态,以协助油轮安全航行通过威廉 王子湾,并且向跨大西洋管道的海洋原 [...]
油船运公司、Valdez 港以及符合溢油响 应协议和计划的管道提供溢油响应服务。
Today, the mission of SERVS is to maintain a
[...] constant state of readiness to assist tankers [...]
in the safe navigation through Prince
William Sound and to provide oil spill response services to the Trans-Atlantic Pipeline’s Marine Oil Shippers, Valdez Marine Terminal and the pipeline in accordance with oil spill response agreements and plans.
应 Illo 先生和 Lo N’Diaye
[...] 夫人请求,尼日尔统计、检测和流行 戒备 主任 Souley Rabi Maitournam [...]
和世界卫生组织尼日尔驻地代表 Tarande Constant Manzila 提供了进一步资料。
At the request of Mr. Illo and Mrs. Lo N’Diaye, Souley Rabi
Maitournam, Director of Statistics, Monitoring
[...] and Epidemic Readiness, Niger, and [...]
Tarande Constant Manzila, Resident Representative,
World Health Organization, Niger, provided additional information.
肯尼亚启用了一个由禁毒办反海盗方案 建造戒备森严 的新审判室,这将提高肯尼亚起诉海盗行为和其它严重刑事犯罪 的能力。
Kenya’s opening of a new high security courtroom, built by the UNODC Counter-Piracy Programme, will enhance Kenya’s capacity to conduct piracy prosecutions and prosecutions of other serious criminal offences.
在这方 面,我们必须加倍努力,以确保制裁等更高效、更有 效的措施,并保戒备,打击对安全理事会决议的违 反行为。
In that context, it is important to redouble our efforts to ensure more efficient and effective measures, such as sanctions, and to remain vigilant in confronting violations of Security Council resolutions.
(g) 鼓励会员国、联合国系统和人道主义伙伴及发展伙伴继续加强灾 戒备 和减 少风险,并为此目的进一步发展相关机制,以有效地发现和处理因全球各种 [...]
(g) Member States, the United Nations system and both humanitarian and
development partners are encouraged to continue
[...] strengthening preparedness and risk reduction [...]
by further developing mechanisms to
effectively detect and address humanitarian needs arising from the interaction of global challenges and other structural or chronic vulnerabilities
尽管采取了这些步骤,这些国家武库中核武器的数量仍然成千上万,其中包 括数以千计保持高戒备状态 并能在做出决定后几分钟内发射的核弹头。
Despite these steps, the number of nuclear weapons in national arsenals remains in the many thousands, including thousands of warheads maintained on high-alert status and capable of launch within minutes of a decision to do so.




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