

单词 戒严令

ring (for a finger)
Buddhist monastic discipline
admonish or warn
give up or stop doing sth.


an ordern

make sth.happen
government position (old)
honorific title

External sources (not reviewed)

其後更有100万名学生、干部 及市民突戒严令游行。
Later, one million students, cadres and members of the public participated in the
[...] procession defying the martiallaw orders.
1989年 5月 19日,李鹏发表“五一九讲话”,污蔑爱国民主运动为动 乱,北京於5月 20日开始戒严,北京市民拒戒严令纷上街,拦截 军队入城,并向军人解说学运不是动乱。
On 20 May, Beijing began to be placed under martial law, which was opposed by the Beijing citizens who took to the streets, blocked the troops from entering the city, and explained to the soldiers that the student movement was not a riot.
[...] 但我清楚记得,我们一起由维园游行至新华社门外,雨水夹着泪水,我 身边很多皆是成年人,当时很多人的表情看起来很惆怅,可能他们已预 计戒严令会带来悲剧。
Perhaps they had already predicted that the curfew could lead to a tragedy.
5月 20日,8号风球,当晚凌晨时份宣戒严令清楚记得当天跟 妈妈争论,因为要上街游行,那是我人生之中的第一次游行,最後我与 一位女同学和一位长辈一起前去游行。
But I can clearly recall that we walked from Victoria Park to the NCNA, with tears mingling with rain.
委员会鼓励缔约国废止这一关于监狱纪律找符合《公约》的方法 来对待可能危及安全的被关押者。
The Committee encourages the State
[...] party to repeal the decree on disciplinary [...]
measures in prison and to find methods consistent
with the Convention for handling prisoners who pose a security risk.
九 月 五 日 ﹐ 素 为 克 柯 两 联 络 之 沙 文 科 夫 (Savinkov)到 总出 示 克 伦 斯 基 之 要 求 ﹐ 请 柯 氏 即 派 骑 兵 一 师 驰 往 首 都 以 加 强 当 地戒 严﹐ 防 止 布 党 暴 动 ﹐保 卫 临 时 政 府。
On 5 September, Savinkov, the agent of liaison between Kerensky and Kornilov, went to the General Commander, and pre sented Kerensky’s demand to Kornilov, which included the sending ofadivision of cavalrymen to the capital for the reinforcement of the martial law, prevention of the Bolshevik riot, and the safeguarding of the Provisional Government.
他因超 逾 红色戒 严喝 停而没有遵 从 , 结 果 被子弹 穿 胸 而 死 。
Shot dead in the end by a bullet that passed through his chest.
艺术是核心课程的元素,既程组又可使学 习有趣,促进学生的多元智能,透过改善他们的发声、聆听技巧和身体控制,使他们全人得着教 育,并透过绘画、摺纸、舞蹈、音乐和园艺,加强他们对涉及平面和立体问题的解决能力。
The arts are an essential, rigorous and joyful part of the core curriculum enabling students to access their multiple intelligences, educating the whole child through improving their voice, listening skills, body control, two and three dimensional problem solving abilities through drawing and painting, origami, dance, music and gardening.
虽然局长、法案委员会或局方提出条例草案的最重要目的,是 订定禁烟的范围,但也有一个潜在的功能,便是希望吸烟者要吸烟时,发觉 越来越不方便,继成效和动力。
Although the most important objective of the Secretary, the Bills Committee or the Bureau in introducing this Bill is to prescribe the scope of no smoking areas, there is still an underlying function and that is, it is hoped that smokers will find
it more and more
[...] inconvenient whenthey wish to smoke, and that they will eventually succeedin quittingsmoking and be motivated to quit smoking.
Therefore, in 1987, the government of the Republic of China announced the decision to lift martial law.
继 2008 年 12 月 8 日接到有鸡只怀疑感染应呈报疾病的报告 後,当局於
2008 年 12 月 11 日证实新界厦村一家鸡场(疫点鸡场) 发生由 H5N1
[...] 亚型病毒引起的高致病性禽流感,并随即将禽流感提升至变级别」,并采取連串措施,包括销毁活禽、 [...]
Following a report of a suspected notifiable disease in chickens on 8 December 2008, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) caused by a virus of the H5N1 subtype was confirmed on 11 December 2008 in a chicken farm in Ha Tsuen, New Territories (the index farm). The Government
immediately raised the alert level for
[...] avian influenza (AI) to Serious Response Level and took [...]
a series of actions in a bid to
prevent the spread of the virus in Hong Kong, including the culling operations and temporary suspension of imported and local poultry supply.
然後, 在 5 月17 日 ,主席,这亦是一 个非常重要的 日 子 , 当 天 赵紫阳 返 回北京 , 八 老 中 只 有 杨 尚 昆 和 薄 一 波 参与 会议,当 晚 政 治 局 常 委 再 召 开 会议,决 定在北 京 实戒 严时 赵紫阳 和 胡 启 立 反 对、乔 石 是投弃 权 票,只 有 李 鹏 和 饶 依 林 赞 成。
Then, on 17 May (Madam President, this was also a very important date), when ZHAO Ziyang returned to Beijing and another meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau was held in the evening, only YANG Shangkun and BO Yibo among the Eight Elder Statesmen attended the meeting, and in this meeting, it was decided that martial law should be imposed in Beijing.
让我们都互相尊重和维持肩负 重任的民主论坛为㆟所称羡。
Let us establish mutual respect and dignity here, so that others might admire our arena as a democratic forum of purpose.
实 际 上,尌 廉 政 公 署 批 准 保 释 的 目 的 而 言,在 大 多 数 情 形 下 具 结 已 是 可 予 接 受 的 了,但 倘 有 关 人 士 已 被 控 犯 罪,并 获 准 保 释,以 待 出 庭 应 讯,则 应 进 一 步 考 虑 是 否 要 他 们 接 受 现 金 保 释,而 保 释 金 额 应 与 他 们 的 背 景、控 罪及 需如 期 出 庭 的 目 的 相 符 。
In practice recognizances will usually be satisfactory for most ICAC bail purposes, but whenever persons are charged with offences and bailed to court, then further consideration should be given to placing them on cash bail at an amount commensurate with their background, the gravity of the offences with which charged, and the need to have them properly respond to the bail.
人权事务委员会关切的是,许多人由于1991 年在不符合最低标准的审判中判处监禁而受到拘留。
The HR Committee was concerned about the number of persons detainedunder prison sentences handed down in 1991 by the Martial Law Courts in trials which did not meet the minimum standards.
3 6 这 些 条 文 大 致 上 与 英 格 兰 与 威 尔 斯 的 条 文 相 近 , 但 在 英 格 兰 , 任 何 人 在 过 去 十 年 曾 在 英 国 、 海 峡 群 岛 或 马 恩 岛 接 受 任 何 部 分 的 监 禁 或 羁 留 刑 罚 ( 不 论 刑 期 长 短 ) , 或 被 判 处 社 会 监 管 令 、 社 会 自 新 令 、 社 会 惩疗 与 测 詴 令 或 禁 止 吸 毒 令 , 即 丧 失 出 任 陪 审 员 的 资 格 。
These provisions are broadly similar to those which apply in England and Wales, though in England a person is disqualified if he has in the last ten years in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man served any part of a sentence of imprisonment or detention (regardless of its length) or been the subject of a community, community rehabilitation, community punishment, drug treatment and testing, or drug abstinence order.
立法会今天提出的议案即使不能获得通过,亦已令部分市民以为增 加烟税会被撤销来有,暂时也可能等一等,看看政府会 否对增加烟草税有所动摇。
Even if this motion cannot be passed in this Council today, it would still make some members of the public think that the proposal to raise tobacco duty would be withdrawn.
民协亦认为,政府有需要以更积极的手法,处理吸烟人士的问题,包括 如烟人,以吸烟者不会尝试吸烟。
The ADPL also considers that the Government should adopt a proactive approach to addressing the problem of smokers, which includes identifying ways to help smokers to quit smoking and prevent non-smokers from attempting to smoke.
This will be conducive to the harmonious relationship between family members and the mentally ill.
(4) 其他判处包括教导所、劳教中心和入教署监禁)。
(4) Other types of discharge include training
[...] centre, detention centre, drug addiction treatment centre and hospitalorder (underthe custody [...]
of the Correctional Services Department).
我 记 得 当 时我还 正 就 读 小 学 , 香港要实戒 严致 了 很 多 问 题。
I still remember that I was in primary school when a curfew was imposed on Hong Kong and many problems were caused.
条例草案旨在就第448章加入第8(5)条,以令严律责任 的制度与海外地方(如英国、美国、新西兰、澳洲及新加坡)的惯常做法 相符。
The Bill seeks to add a section 8(5) to Cap. 448 with a view to bringing the strict liabilityregime in line with the common practice overseas such as the UK, United States, New Zealand, Australia and Singapore.
当时戒 严射 中 胸 部 , 当 场 死亡。
Shot in the chest by martial lawtroops and died on the spot.
我真不希望《议事规则》规定议员的申报制度,会变得矫枉过正令 严会议,变成被公众指责议员发言“无厘头”,有时甚至是浪费时 [...]
I really do not wish to see the system under the RoP requiring Members to make declarations of interest become
excessive, as a result of which the speeches
[...] of Members in solemn meetings will [...]
be accused by the public as being "senseless"
and sometimes, even as a waste of time and public funds.
88年之後的8 月 18日,香港大学又有一位要人来访问,结果学生被非法禁锢,和平 示威被打压,大学校园变成一戒严在。
But the visit ended up in the unlawful detention of students, the suppression of peaceful protests and the transformation of the university campus into a place of martial law.
取消有关地区仍在实施的紧急状进一步的改革切实可行之前,依据《国内安全法案》(Internal [...]
Security Act,ISA)保证所有实行的规定都符合保护人权的原则。
Lift the emergency decree and martial law in [...]
those districts where they remain in effect and, until further reforms are
feasible, rely on the Internal Security Act (ISA) instead, ensuring that all regulations invoked are consistent with the preservation of human rights.
我希望政府明白,如果增加烟草税可提升全民健康,可因而减少吸 烟人数,增人数健康好转,医疗开支减少,这便绝对不 是阶级问题,也不是如一些人所指般,为何政府要减酒税和加烟草税, 因而令富有人家可“饮平酒”,穷等人家则要“食贵烟”。
I hope the Government understands that if the increase in tobacco duty can enhance everyone's health, consequently reduce the number of smokers and raise the number of people who quit smoking, thus improving their health and reducing health care expenditure, this is absolutely not a matter of classes.
(二) 会否重新考虑提高现时在林区、植林区或郊野范围之内或附近生 火的最高罚则(即罚款 25,000 元及监禁 1 年),以加强阻吓作 用;若会,详情为何;若否,原因为何;及 (三) 会否考虑设立防戒严规定每年某段时间内或当相对湿度低 於指定水平时,在某些指定郊野公园范围内严禁留下任何火种; 若会,详情为何;若否,原因为何?
(c) whether it will consider specifying a fire emergency period to strictly prohibit the lighting of any fire in the area of certain designated country parks during a certain period of time each year or when the relative humidity is lower than the prescribed level; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?
不 过 , 如 果 我 们 假 设 所 有 已 结 算 的 支 票 中 有 2 0 % 是 公 司 支 票 , 又 假 如 这 些 公 司 支 票 中 有 三 分 之 一 只 采 用 公 司 的 名 称 和 获 授 权 签 署 人 的 个 人 签 署 ( 不 论 有 没 有 加 上 ‚ 董 事 ‛ 之 类 的 描 述 ) , 却 遗 漏 了 ‚ 代 行 及 代 表 ‛ ( ‚ for and on behalf of‛ ) 或 类 似 的 字 眼 , 那 麽 每 年 便 会 有 不 下 四 百 万 张 支 票 在 第 2 6 条 按 照 Blooming Textile 案 所 引 用义 下权 签 署 人 在 支 票 一 旦 不 兑 现 时 要 面 对 须 承 担 个 人 法 律 责 任 的 风 险 。
But if one assumes that 20% of all cheques cleared are company cheques, and if one third of those simply use the company name and the personal signature of the authorised signatory (with or without a description such as "Director") but omitting the important words "for and on behalf of" or similar terms, then thestrict interpretation of section 26 applied in Blooming Textiles exposes to the risk of personal liability in the event of dishonour the authorized signatories of not less than 4 million company cheques each year.
城市与区域遭天灾袭击後,节省能源与推广永续极为重要,对美国纽奥良尤其如此,卡翠娜飓风七年前摧毁堤防水,至今尚未完全复原,今日「绿色重建」(Build It Back Green)计画鼓励居民不只重建家园,更采用节能、省水、改善室内空气品质的绿色技术。
Today, the Build It Back Green (BIBG) program encourages New Orleans residents to not only rebuild their homes, but do it using green techniques that save energy, conserve water and improve indoor air quality.




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