

单词 戒严



restricted area



See also:

ring (for a finger)
admonish or warn
Buddhist monastic discipline
give up or stop doing sth.


strict adj
severe adj

tight (closely sealed)
surname Yan

External sources (not reviewed)

在共产党 1981 年实戒严法期间, 他作为反对社会主义分子被监禁。
During the martial law introduced by the communists in 1981, he was interned as an antisocialist element.
人权事务委员会关切的是,许多人由于1991 年在不符合最低标准的审判中戒严令法庭判处监禁而受到拘留。
The HR Committee was concerned about the number of persons detained under prison sentences handed down in 1991 by the Martial Law Courts in trials which did not meet the minimum standards.
不过,代表团 举 例 说, 几 年以前, 准军事团
[...] 伙一年大约要犯下 250 起大屠杀 ,而国家 当局对此 不作 反应,现在,所有准军事领袖 都 被关押 在高戒 严 的 监 狱 ,并因 他 们 犯 下的罪 行 而 受到审 判 ,他们 要 严 格 承 诺 透 露 真 相、向受害 者提供 [...]
赔偿、 服 满 刑 期 才 能 退 役 。
It added, however that, for example, a few years ago paramilitaries were responsible for 250 massacres a year without reaction from the State authorities, but now all
paramilitary leaders are held
[...] in maximum security prisons and are being tried for their crimes, and their demobilization requires strict commitments [...]
to reveal truth, to
provide reparations to victims and to carry out prison sentences.
面对这些具有种族主义和恐怖 主义性质的事件,2008 年 9 月,莫拉莱斯总统宣布 潘多省实戒严,以 恢复法治状态,他向联合国秘 书长通报了这一措施,该措施也得到了南美国家联 盟各成员国的支持。
In response to those terrorist and racist attacks, the President had declared a state of siege in Pando province in September 2008 in order to restore the rule of law, a measure that had been reported to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and approved by the States members of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR).
在任何情况下,包括战争戒严或其他公共紧急状态,均不得豁免任何被指控参与法外、任意或即 [...]
In no circumstances, including a
[...] state of war, siege or other public [...]
emergency, shall blanket immunity from prosecution
be granted to any person allegedly involved in extra-legal, arbitrary or summary executions.
预计监察员会将在 2009 年第 一季度发表一项报告,讨戒严期间 调查的 44 个涉及指控安全部队侵犯人权的 案件(见 S/2008/501,第 29 段)。
The Provedor is expected to publish a report during the first quarter of 2009 on the 44 cases investigated during the state of siege involving alleged human rights violations by the security forces (see S/2008/501, para. 29).
由于没有为安全法律规定特别法律机制,也没有为青少年作 出特别规定,因此儿童也受到实 戒严 令 和 《紧急法案》的影响。
Children have been subject to the application of martial law and the Emergency Decree due to the special legal mechanism under the security laws and the absence of special regulations for juveniles.
议会在一些问题上拥有专属立法权,包括选举和全民公决、宪法法院、国防 组织、关戒严和紧 急状态的法律制度、公民身份的获取和丧失、社团和政党、 教育系统的基本法律框架、通过直选和普选方式产生的任务责任人规约、安全部 队法律框架、情报服务和国家机密,以及地方当局的选举产生、废止和修改 (《宪法》第 164 条)。
Parliament has exclusive legislative power on some matters, including elections and referendums, the Constitutional Court, organisation of national defence, legal regimes on state of siege and state of emergency, acquisition and loss of national citizenship, associations and political parties, basic legal framework of the education system, statute of mandate-holders elected by direct and universal ballot, legal framework on security forces, intelligence services and State secrecy, and the creation, extinction and modification of local authorities (Art. 164 CRP).
马尔代夫欢迎 取戒严令和 对改革作出的承诺,但注意到实际落实缺乏进展。
While welcoming the lifting of the state of emergency and the commitment to undertaking reforms, it noted a lack of progress in implementation.
正是在此基础上,才能训练军队以履行《宪法》赋予的使命,包括控制示 威活动、实戒严以及 监管被挽留人员等等,在行动中做到以尊重公民权利为 [...]
This is the basic reason why the armed forces are trained to carry out a range of
constitutional tasks, including controlling
[...] demonstrations, setting up roadblocks, and [...]
custody of detainees, with reasonable use
of force, and above all respecting citizens’ human rights.
[...] 员的遴选法律;全民公决制度;宪法法院的组织、运行和程序;国防的组织戒 严或紧 急状态;与葡萄牙公民身份以及政党和社团有关的情况。
As regards its own competence, it legislates inter alia on the election of persons to hold office in the organs of supreme authority; on the referendum regime; the organization, functioning
and procedures of the Constitutional Court;
[...] the organization of the national defence; [...]
states of siege and states of emergency;
situations relating to Portuguese citizenship and political parties and associations.
它负责:谈判和确定国际协定、批准议会职 权范围以外的国际协定、向议会提交政府条例草案和决议草案、建议总统就事关
[...] 国家利益的重要事项举行全民公投,对外宣布战争与和平,以及宣布进 戒严或 紧急状态(《宪法》第 197 条)。
It is responsible for, namely: negotiating and finalising international agreements; approving international agreements outside the scope of competence of Parliament; submitting government bills and draft resolutions to Parliament; proposing to the PR the convening of referenda on important matters of national interest and the
declaration of war and peace; and pronouncing itself on the declaration
[...] of a stage of siege or state of emergency [...]
(Art. 197 CRP).
在大屠杀发生之后,政府宣戒严以 便 逮捕安帕图恩家族成员并追捕他们的私人军队,其中包括数十名警察。
In the aftermath of the massacre, the government declared martial law to facilitate the arrests of the Ampatuans and pursue their private army, which included dozens of police.
戒严和紧 急状 态由部长会议宣布,但只有得到国民议会预先同意才能持续超过十五天。
While a state of siege or state of emergency is declared by the Council of Ministers, these can be extended beyond 15 days only with the prior consent of the National Assembly.
取消有关地区仍在实施的紧急状态令 戒严 令 , 在进一步的改革切实可行之前,依据《国内安全法案》(Internal Security Act,ISA)保证所有实行的规定都符合保护人权的原则。
Lift the emergency decree and martial law in those districts where they remain in effect and, until further reforms are feasible, rely on the Internal Security Act (ISA) instead, ensuring that all regulations invoked are consistent with the preservation of human rights.
总统还将有关国家利益的事项提交全民公决,宣布进 戒严 或 紧 急状态,在听取 政府意见之后宣布赦免和减刑,并要求宪法法院审查国家立法和国际公约所载规 [...]
范的合宪性(《宪法》第 134 条)。
The PR also submits matters of
relevant national interest to a referendum,
[...] declares states of siege or emergency, [...]
grants pardons and commutes sentences, upon
hearing the Government, and requests the Constitutional Court to examine the constitutionality of norms contained in national legislation and international conventions (Art. 134 CRP).
议会每五年可对《宪法》进行修正(或者在经五分之四多数在职议员要求的 任何时候戒严状态或紧急状态除外)。
The Constitution can be amended by Parliament every five years (or at any moment upon request of four fifths of Members in office, except during a state of siege or state of emergency).
最后,部长会议有权宣戒严和紧 急状态。
Lastly, it is the Council of Ministers that declares a state of siege or emergency.
它还审戒严和紧 急状态宣布之后的执行情况(《宪法》 第 162 条)。
It also examines the implementation of declarations of state of siege or of emergency (Art. 162 CRP).
批准宪法修正案、自治 区政治和行政法规、国家预算和国际条约,建议总统就有关国家利益的问题举行 公投,授权并确认宣布国家进戒严 和 紧 急状态,并授权总统宣布战争与和平 (《宪法》第 161 条)。
It approves Constitutional amendments, the political and administrative statutes of Autonomous Regions, the State Budget and international treaties, proposes to the PR the convening of referendums on matters of relevant national interest, authorises and confirms the declaration of state of siege and state of emergency, and authorises the PR to declare war and peace (Art. 161 CRP).
它注意到2011年4 月取消戒严令, 为通过一个民主的政治进程恢复正常局势提供了机会。
It noted the lifting of the state of emergency in April 2011, which provided the opportunity to bring the situation back to normalcy, through a democratic political process.
在巴基斯坦,由戒严法和其他形式的军事干预,总理职位有五次被暂时取 消,没有任何选举产生的文职总理在巴基斯坦全部完成五年任期。
The post of prime minister has been suspended five times in Pakistan due to martial law or another form of military intervention, and no elected civilian prime minister has ever served a full five-year term in Pakistan.
布托女士还作为穆沙拉夫将军的一个潜在威胁出现。她先是返回巴基斯坦 参加竞选,然后又集中注意选举舞弊的可能性,最后在数 戒严 期 间 开展直接反 对军事独裁的竞选活动,从而日益挑战穆沙拉夫继续掌权的计划。
Ms. Bhutto also emerged as a potential threat for General Musharraf, as she increasingly challenged his plans to maintain his hold on power, first by returning to Pakistan to campaign, then by focusing on the potential for election rigging, and finally by campaigning directly against the military dictatorship during the weeks of martial law.
在穆沙拉夫将军于 2007 年 11 月 3 日决定宣布紧急状态、中止《宪法》、颁 布一系列相当戒严法的 措施和再次罢免首席大法官乔德里和其他一些高等法 院法官后,穆沙拉夫将军和布托女士的关系进一步恶化。
The relationship between General Musharraf and Ms. Bhutto deteriorated further with General Musharraf’s decision on 3 November 2007 to declare emergency rule, suspend the constitution, promulgate a series of measures that amounted to martial law, and again sack Chief Justice Chaudhry, together with a number of other high court justices.
谴责对平民的一切形式暴力,对当前情况下人命丧失表示痛惜, 认识到以色列对被占加沙地带实施 戒严 , 包 括关闭过境点,切断燃料、食品 和药物的供应,构成对巴勒斯坦平民的集体惩罚,造成灾难性的人道主义和环境 后果
Recognizing that the Israeli siege imposed on the occupied Gaza Strip, including the closure of border crossings and the cutting of the supply of fuel, food and medicine, constitutes collective punishment of Palestinian civilians and leads to disastrous humanitarian and environmental consequences, A/HRC/S-9/L.1 page 3
还设立了主戒护事务的纪律委员会,以处理与虐待 被拘留者有关的投诉。
A disciplinary committee for correctional services had also been established to handle complaints relating to the mistreatment of detainees.
戒烟时 帮您解决焦虑、抑郁或心理健 康问题。
Help with anxiety, depression or mental health
[...] while you are trying to quit.
它有机会实现公正,也有机会立即释放五名古巴反恐 斗士,他们被美国当作政治犯囚禁 戒 备 森 严 的 监狱 内长达 11 年之久,但事实上,他们不过是怀着崇高 的利他主义和英勇气概,设法收集以迈阿密为基地的 恐怖团伙的资料,以防止他们实施暴力行径,挽救古 巴和美国公民的生命。
It has the opportunity to achieve justice and to release, without further delay, the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters whom it has kept as political prisoners in high-security prisons for more than 11 years in spite of the fact that they were just trying, with great altruism and courage, to gather information about Miami-based terrorist groups in order to prevent their violent acts and save the lives of Cuban and American citizens.
在 2008 年 至 2010 年期间,第 1814(2008)、1863(2009)、1872(2009)、1910(2010)和 1964(2010)号决议延长了任务期限,并增加了以下新的任务:(a) 拟订新的假 设以协助安理会就在满足某些条件的前提下在索马里部署维和行动作出决定; (b) 通过新成立的联合国驻非洲联盟办事处(由以前实体合并而成)帮助非洲联
盟规划部署非索特派团,包括向维和行动过渡所需的部队组建和其他安排,提供 技术建议和专家咨询;(c) 向联索政治处提供重建索马里安全机构所需专门知
[...] 识,包括警务和军事培训、解除武装、复员和重返社会的今后规划、安全部门改 革、以及法治和戒活动等。
Between 2008 and 2010, this mandate was extended and expanded by Council resolutions 1814 (2008), 1863 (2009), 1872 (2009), 1910 (2010) and 1964 (2010) to include: (a) the development of additional scenarios to assist the Council in deciding on the deployment of a peacekeeping operation to Somalia at the appropriate time, subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions; (b) the provision of technical and expert advice to the African Union in the planning and deployment of AMISOM, including force generation and other arrangements necessary for the transition to a peacekeeping operation, through the newly established UNOAU (an integration of former entities); and (d) backstopping UNPOS with the provision of expertise, as required, for the rebuilding of the Somali security institutions, including police and military training, planning for
future disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, security sector reform, and
[...] rule-of-law and corrections activities.
联合国驻利比里亚特派团部队将合并地点和基地,转为更机动的态势,并在 特派团军事部门减员的情况下开展工作,以便为该国各地提供安全防护,支持国 家安全部队,与新组建的军队举行联合演习,按照联合国军火禁运豁免规定检查 政府获得的武器和弹药库存,供国家警察使用,开展 戒 和 搜 查行动以收回非法 武器,保护联合国和政府所在地点和设施,并定期进行空中和地面巡逻,特别是 对边界沿线和其他高风险地区进行巡逻。
The forces of the United Nations Mission in Liberia will consolidate their locations and bases, shifting to a more mobile posture and working within the reduced strength of the military component of the Mission, in order to provide a security umbrella throughout the country, support the national security forces, conduct joint exercises with the new army, undertake inspections of inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained by the Government in accordance with the exemptions to the United Nations arms embargo for use by the national police, undertake cordon and search operations to retrieve illegal weapons, protect key United Nations and Government locations and installations and conduct regular air and ground patrols, in particular along the borders and in other high-risk areas.




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