

单词 成衣

成衣 adjective ()

clothing adj

成衣 ()

ready-made clothes

See also:


clothes n
dress n


robes pl

put on (clothes)

External sources (not reviewed)

使用带有环保证书的推广材料,例如标有每 成衣 二 氧 化碳排放量的T恤。
J Use merchandisers that have environmental credentials, for example, t-shirts that have a product carbon label with the emissions per t-shirt displayed.
(b) 工 貿署署長制定了 附件 B 的公告,就已根據《安 排》從香港出口往內地或擬根據該安排從香港出
[...] 口往內地,並根據《安排》符合零關稅資格,及 以在香港織造的成形針織衫片製成的織 成衣, 訂明該等織成衣須視 為在香港製造或生產。
(b) the Director-General of Trade and Industry has made the Notice at Annex B to specify that in relation to piece-knitted garments that have been exported or are intended to be exported from Hong Kong to the Mainland under CEPA, are qualified for zero tariff under CEPA, and are made from
knit-to-shape panels knitted in
[...] Hong Kong, the piece-knitted garments are to be regarded as having [...]
been manufactured or produced in Hong Kong.
[...] 就根據加工協議向達利集團提供生產服務而收取之邊際利潤(即加工費)與 其他上成衣製造 商之邊際利潤相若,吾等認為加工協議之條款對 [...]
貴公司 及獨立股東而言屬公平合理。
Having considered the above, in particular the Subcontractor is not obligated to provide the Production Service and the profit margins (being the Subcontracting Fee) for the Production Services as provided by the Subcontractor to the High Fashion Group under the
Subcontracting Agreement are comparable to
[...] other listed garment manufacturers, [...]
we consider that the terms of the Subcontracting
Agreement are fair and reasonable insofar as the Company and the Independent Shareholders are concerned.
該六個經營部份之主要業務分別 成衣 製 造 、 成衣 貿 易 、品牌產品分銷、物業租賃與管理、物業 發展及投資活動。
The principal activities of the six operating divisions are garment manufacturing, garment trading, branded products distribution, property rental and management, property development and investing activities.
这家公司的雇员人数在400人左右,产品主要为针对国内市场,临近的阿拉伯国家和土耳其的的女 成衣。
With around 400 employees, its production focuses on
[...] ready-to-wear ladies' garments for the domestic [...]
market, neighbouring Arab countries and Turkey.
本公司之主要附屬公司從事物業發展、物業投資及管理、服務 式住宅投資及管理成衣製造 、品牌產品分銷及投資活動。
The principal subsidiaries of the Company are engaged in property development, property investment and management, hospitality investment and management, garment manufacturing, branded products distribution and investing activities.
(a) 在手錶方面,在一九九一年制定的《商品說明( 原 產國家)(手錶) 令》,訂明製造或生產手錶機芯的 國家,須被視為製造該手錶的國家,而非手錶進 行最後製造工序的地方;以及 (b) 在輸往美國市場的織成衣方面 ,在一九九一年 制定的《商品說明( 製造地方) 公告》准許,不論 織成衣是否在香港進行“ 從成形針織衫片製造” 的工序,在香港進行“ 從紗織造成形針織衫片” 工 序的織成衣可附 有香港製造的標記,而非規定 該成衣必須以進行最後製造工序( 即以挑撞/連 接方式將成形針織衫片成成衣) 的地方作為來源 標記。
(a) for watches, the Trade Descriptions (Country of Origin) (Watches) Order was made in 1991 to specify that the country in which the movement of a watch is manufactured or produced is to be regarded as the country in which the watch has been manufactured, instead of where the last step of major
transformation takes place;
[...] and (b) for piece-knitted garments for export to the US market, the Trade Descriptions (Place of Manufacture) Notice was made in 1991 to allow such goods to bear a Hong Kongorigin marking if the knitting of yarn into knit-to-shape panels takes place in Hong Kong, instead of mandating the origin marking based on the last step of major transformation (i.e. the stitching/linking of knit-to-shape panels into garment), irrespective of whether [...]
the manufacture
from knit-to-shape panels takes place in Hong Kong.
[...] 接納達利集團多家成員公司對其發出之加工訂單,向達利集團之該等成員公司提 供勞工及原材料以供生成衣及配 飾,並以加工費作為報酬。
Since October 2000, Dongguan Sanyue, a non-wholly owned member of the Group, has during peak production seasons accepted subcontracting orders from various members of the High Fashion Group for it to supply to such members of the High
Fashion Group labour and raw materials
[...] for production of garments and accessories in [...]
return for subcontracting charges.
(11) 購買、出售、製造、出口、進口、處理、精煉及買賣(批發及零售)各類貨品、
[...] 貴金屬、食品、糧食、液體、酒精、汽水、各類穀物、種子、亞麻、棉花、羊 毛、各類人造纖維、紡織品成衣、 各 類服裝製品,以及一般各類通用產品、 [...]
(11) To buy, sell, manufacture, export, import, treat, refine and deal in, (wholesale and retail) goods, stores commodities, raw materials, semi-finished goods, manufactured goods and articles, minerals, ores, precious stones, bullion, specie, coin, precious metals, foodstuffs, provisions, liquids, liquors, aerated waters, grain of all kinds, seeds, flax,
cotton, wool, synthetic fibres of all
[...] kinds, textile goods, garments, wearing apparel [...]
of all kinds, and generally all and every
kind of general produce, commodity, substance, goods, materials, merchandise, articles and chattels whatsoever.
2004 年,政府又推出政策,鼓勵大學和應科院攜手成立汽車零部件、物流及供應 鏈管理科技、紡織成衣、納 米科技及先進材料、通訊科技、消費電子、集成電路設計,以及光電 [...]
In 2004, the government unveiled a policy of encouraging applied research clusters in automotive parts and accessory systems, logistics and
supply chain management enabling
[...] technologies, textiles and clothing, nanotechnology [...]
and advanced materials, communications
technologies, consumer electronics, integrated circuit design and opto-electronics hosted by combinations of universities and ASTRI.
对中心在塔吉克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦开展的工作进行的评 价赞扬中心为针对纺织部门成衣部 门 的中小企业可持续发展和多元化以及质 量保证基础设施作出切实贡献。
The evaluation of the work of the Centre in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan praised its effective contribution to the sustainable development and diversification of small and medium-sized enterprise exports aimed at the textile and clothing sectors and quality assurance infrastructure.
该系列是古驰2013早春系列的一部分,包含15种风格 成衣 类 别 ,并配有一系列配搭完美的精致饰品。
The line is part of the Cruise 2013 collection and includes a ready-to-wear assortment featuring 15 styles, completed by a refined and well-coordinated selection of accessories.
成衣買賣 之價格及條款將按訂單方式經該等關連集團按公平原則磋商後,計 及訂單之價值及數量、產品之種類及設計以及訂單之任何特定要求釐定。
The prices and
[...] terms of these garment sales and purchases [...]
will be agreed between the Connected Groups on an order-by-order
basis after arm’s length negotiations, taking into account the value and volume of the order, the type and design of the products and any specific requirement under the order.
Optimal TEMP 技術可完美熨燙天然與成衣料,蒸氣和溫度之間的平衡拿捏恰到好處,熨衣效果最好,熨燙後衣物不會微微發亮。
The Optimal TEMP technology provides perfect ironing from natural fabrics to synthetics, the steam and temperature balance delivers excellent results with no micro shines.
位于 Mulayhah 的 Wasim 成衣厂附 近的两枚爆炸装置被卸除引信。
Two explosive devices were defused
[...] near the Wasim Garment Company in Mulayhah.
首层的“旅行探索区”充满了各类精致考究的皮具、阳刚优雅的珠宝配饰、充满吸引力的趣致类产品,置身其中仿佛时光的故事在此静静流淌;二层 成衣 零 售 区、量体裁衣定制服区、高级定制室全面定义一名绅士在各种场合的服装造型;三层的会员制KEE [...]
The “Travel and Discovery Room" on the ground floor is filled with all kinds of dedicate and fine leather, masculine and elegant jewelry and accessories, attractive gifts, just like the quiet flowing of time; the first floor is menswear
section, custom room, and bespoke tailoring
[...] room, defining the clothes and images of a [...]
gentleman at various occasions; the membership
KEE Club and bar on the third floor provide fine food and wine for tasty gentlemen; the VIP room of Alfred Dunhill on the top floor is a great place to relish a sip of wine and have a rest, and the balcony provides a wonderful view of an elegant English-style garden.
清代初期妇女之袍,其外部轮廓呈长方形,为圆领口,窄袖,有扣襻、衣襟右掩,两腋部分明显收缩,袍下部开衩,下摆宽大,袍长可掩足,袖口平而大,整件旗袍从上到下由整 衣 料 裁 成 , 衣 领 袖 口镶边较窄,颜色较素,突出了简约而实用的特点。
In Qing dynasty early women of robe, its external outlines is rectangular, for round neckline, narrow sleeves, has buckle loop, and lapel right mask, two axillary part obvious shrink, robe lower SLIT, hem leniency, robe long can mask foot, cuffs flat and large, whole pieces cheongsam from Shang to Xia by whole block material Conference into, collar cuffs chrome more narrow, color more pigment, highlight has simplicity and practical of features.
Manufactured products
[...] include textiles and garments, cement and plastics.
另一方面,食品、飲品及煙草製品業的生產者價格升幅最大(+4.1%);其次 成衣 業 ( +3.1%);紡織製品業(+0.9%);和紙製品、印刷及已儲錄資料媒體的複製業(+0.9%)。
On the other hand, the food, beverages and tobacco industry had the largest increase in producer prices (+4.1%), followed by the wearing apparel industry (+3.1%); the textiles industry (+0.9%); and the paper products, printing and reproduction of recorded media industry (+0.9%).
成衣買賣 將分別於長江製衣集團及YGM貿易集團之一般及日常業務過程中, 按一般商業及不遜於提供予獨立第三方或由獨立第三方提供(視乎情況而定)之條 [...]
These garment sales and purchases will be entered [...]
into in the ordinary and usual course of business of Yangtzekiang Garment
Group and YGM Trading Group, respectively, and on normal commercial terms and on terms no less favourable than those available to or from (as the case may be) independent third parties.
2:“天,地,以及以色列,则新的,前者应折叠像一本书 成衣 在 一 起,然后展开,以色列,尝到死亡后,应在第三日上升了。
2: "Heaven and earth, as well as Israel, shall be
renewed; the former shall be folded together
[...] like a book or a garment and then unfolded,and [...]
Israel, after having tasted death,
shall rise again on the third day.
香港纺织成衣研发中心的总监(研究及发展)何继超博士及项目经理张佩贞女士早前与香港理工大学访织及制衣学系Luximon 博士参观两间广州的鞋楦及皮鞋制造厂。
Dr KC Ho, Director, Research and Development, and Ms Eunice Cheung, Project Manager of HKRITA, accompanied by Dr Luximon Ameersing, Assistant Professor of Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, visited a shoe last factory and a leather shoe factory in Guangzhou.
本 集 團 主 要 從 事 物 業 投 資 、 物 業 發 展 、 採 購 及 出成 衣 、 投 資 上 市 證 券 及 貸 款 融 資 業 務 。
The Group’s principal businesses are property investments, property development, garment sourcing and exporting businesses, investment in listed securities and loan financing.
位于墨尔本的紧身衣、家居服成衣 品 牌 CYLK将加入本年度的展会,该品牌刚刚以其在无缝 技术和韧性纱线开发上的创新而赢得IAF设计师奖。
Melbourne-based bodywear, loungewear and ready-to-wear brand CYLK will join the show this year, fresh from winning an IAF Designer Award, for its innovation in seamless technology and sustainable yarn development.
对于金属行业的工作服,请用刷子刷净其口袋 (金属碎屑会成衣物损坏和 锈迹)。
Empty and brush out pockets of work overalls worn in the metal industry (metal shavings can damage the washing and cause rust stains).
建 業 實 業 從 事 多 元 化 的 業 務 , 包 括 物 業 管 理 、 物 業 投 資 及 有 關 的 地 產 業 務 、 上 層
[...] 建 築 工 程 、 地 基 工 程成 衣 製 造 及 貿 易 。
Chinney Investments has diversified interests in property management, property investment
and related property activities; superstructure construction work;
[...] foundation piling; garment manufacturing [...]
and trading.
1972年于马德里成立的Loewe是西班牙品牌,以皮革用品 成衣 而 闻 名于世。
Madrid, 1972, Loewe, the Spanish brand, famous for its leatherwear and ready-to-wear, launches its first feminine fragrance called "L de Loewe".
1997年于中国设立远东服装(苏州)成衣 厂 , 并往上游纱厂及布厂延伸,陆续设立远纺工业(无锡)纱厂、远纺织染(苏州)针织布厂、远纺工业(九江)纱厂、亚东工业(苏州)工业用布厂。
Far Eastern Apparel (Suzhou) was set up in 1997. followed by Far Eastern Industries (Wuxi), Far Eastern Dyning & Finishing (Suzhou), Far Eastern Industries (Jiujiang), and Oriental Industries (Suzhou).
太古資源集團在香港及中國內地經營國際鞋履 成衣品 牌的經銷及零售業務,該集團在上半年錄得應佔溢利港 幣八千二百萬元,相當於二零零七年同期的兩倍,反映 中國內地在北京奧運舉行前銷售需求殷切,期內額外增 設了兩間零售店舖。
This reflected strong sales demand in Mainland China ahead of the Beijing Olympics, with an additional two retail stores opening in the period.




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