

单词 成对的


成为攻击对象的 adj

marked adj

See also:

成对 adj

paire adj

成对 adv

in pairs adv

External sources (not reviewed)

这个视频截图展示了使用与一个 Google G1 成对的 Blue tooth 条码扫描仪对于条码数据进行扫描的结果。
The screenshot shows barcode data scanned with a Bluetooth barcode scanner paired with a Google G1.
花序3花,顶生和从上面至第8节 成对的 1 - 3 花 的分枝,整个狭圆筒状到穗状花序状的;苞片和小苞片卵形的到三角状心形; [...]
Inflorescence 3-flowered,
[...] terminal and with paired 1-3-flowered [...]
branches from up to 8 nodes, the whole narrowly cylindric
to spiciform; bracts and bracteoles ovate to triangular-ovate; peduncles 0.5-6 mm.
当地居民面临各种威胁,除无数武装团体带来的 生命危险外,还面临长期贫困和欠发展 成的对 人的 安全的威胁。
They have faced the physical threat posed by countless armed groups, as well as the broader human security threats stemming from years of poverty and underdevelopment.
这种限制和驱逐成的对平民 援助和服务的损失是显而易见的。
The impact of such restrictions and expulsions [...]
in terms of the loss of assistance and services offered to the civilian population in Darfur is obvious.
基本销售额增长 2%,不含 5% 的不利货率影响和最近成的对 System Plast 的收购所带来的 1% 的积极影响。
Underlying sales increased 2 percent, which excludes an unfavorable currency impact of 5 percent and a positive 1 percent impact from the recently completed System Plast acquisition.
应该指出的是,国际刑法的作用不仅要指出并落 实国际人道主义法在战时的基本义务,而且要考虑到和平时期管治的高压手段成的对人权的侵犯。
It is to be noted that the role of international criminal law is not only to identify and implement the fundamental obligations of international humanitarian law in wartime, but also to take into account severe violations of human rights arising from oppressive patterns of peacetime governance.
借助预测器的输入数据和以前关闭的线缆故障,PPR 还能够以缺陷线对模式运行,类似于由 LES 完成的对 ALIT 线对指标的归类分析。
With input from Predictor and historical closed cable troubles, PPR can also run defective pair patterns akin to the clustering analysis done by LES on ALIT cable pair indications.
最近的一份报告认为,《议定书》 成的对 气 候 的保 护已远远超过《京都议定书》第一个承诺期所设定的减排目标。
A recent report had concluded that the climate protection already achieved by the Montreal Protocol alone had been far greater than the reduction target under the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol.
我们相信,所有 国家必须全力履行它们在这方面的承诺,这样我们共 同打击基地组织和塔利班成的对国 际 和平与安全 的真正威胁才能取得成功。
We are convinced that full, good-faith implementation by all States of their commitments in that sphere is required for success in our common effort to counter the very real threat to international peace and security posed by Al-Qaida and the Taliban.
木制或塑料成的对碱和 热敏感的物件,以及工艺美术物品应手动进行清 洗。
Handcrafted objects and wooden or plastic [...]
parts that are sensitive to heat or detergent suds should be cleaned by hand.
根据第 1822(2008)号决议第 25 段进行并于 2010 年 7 月成的对《名 单》的综合审查导致对《综合名单》进行了亟需的配对和更 新工作,包括将 24 个个人和 21 个实体除名。
The comprehensive review of the List pursuant to paragraph 25 of resolution 1822 (2008), completed in July 2010, led to a much-needed paring down and updating of the Consolidated List, including the de-listing of 24 individuals and 21 entities.
官方发展援助和其他供资越来越基于绩效或成果;因此 对成 果的 监测可作为一项主要工具。
Increasingly, ODA and other funding are performance- or results-based; therefore, monitoring of results constitutes a key tool for decision-making.
此外,他还强调了秘书处最近成的对计划 管理周期的改革,目的在于确保采用一种注重制订政策的更有战略眼光的方 法,这样有利于在总部和总部外之间,以及在多国办事处之间更为合理地分配计划资源。
put the Consultation in the context of the ongoing reform of the Organization, in particular with regard to results-based programming, and highlighted the recent revisions of the programme management cycle by the Secretariat designed to ensure a more strategic and policy-focused approach and to facilitate a more rational allocation of programme resources between Headquarters and the field offices as well as between the various cluster offices.
委员会建议缔约国确保企业遵守关于公司社会责任的国际和国内标准,并 采取预防措施保护儿童免遭侵权,尤其是由旅游业和渔业 成的对 儿 童 侵权的问 题。
The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that the business sector complies with international and domestic standards on corporate social responsibility, and adopt preventive measures to protect children from violations of their rights, arising in particular from the tourism and fisheries industries.
此外,为防止对网络的不正当利用和由此 成的对 个 人 信息的 非法获取、数据窜改、或者内部泄露,要设法制定出包括信息系统的安全管理在内的安全 对策。
Security measures, including safe management of information systems, are implemented to prevent illicit acquisition of personal information, data tampering, and internal leaks that may occur as a result of illicit access.
90 实施制裁的国家和组织应该针对已经执行的措施和 取得的成果以及在当前情况下制裁的恰当性,做一 个缜密的成本/收益分析。这些国家和组织所作努力
[...] 的合法性面临着隐性的挑战,是由该地区对制裁的 不支持行为所成的,对这种 挑战的反思应当要包 括在上述的分析中。
It should
[...] include reflection on the implicit challenge [...]
to the legitimacy of their efforts that results from the region’s non-support.
如果您不需要做任何更改,并且已 成对 此 订 单中所有照 的 扫 描, 请单击扫描已完成。
If you do not need to make any changes and are finished scanning all photos in this order, click Scanning Completed.
通过实行 SAICM, 世界社会正式地意识 到,由于化学品暴露成的对人类 健康和环境的影响已经成为了一个严重的全球问题,需要采 取紧急行动和整体的全球战略。
By adopting SAICM, world society has formally recognized that injury to human health and the environment caused by exposure to toxic chemicals is a serious global problem, one whose solution requires urgent action and a holistic global approach.
但是,这些反对的效果似乎被联合王国事后 1987 年 6 月 5 日的声明所减轻,它在某种意义上成对先前的反对的部分 撤回(见准则草案 2.7.7 及其评注(大会正式记录,第六十三届会议, 补编第 10 号(A/63/10),pp.237-240),因为提出者不反对《公约》在联合王国和对《维也纳公 约》第六十六条或附件提出保留、从而只排除第五部分在其条约关系中的适用的一国之间生 效。
The effect of these objections seems, however, to have been mitigated a posteriori by the United Kingdom’s declaration of 5 June 1987, which constitutes in a sense the partial withdrawal of its earlier objection (see draft guideline 2.7.7 and the commentary thereon (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/63/10), pp. 237–240), since the author does not oppose the entry into force of the Convention as between the United Kingdom and a State that has made a reservation to article 66 or to the annex to the Vienna Convention and excludes only the application of Part V in their treaty relations.
鉴 于该问题的敏感性,第五委员会不太可能在届会主要 部分剩余一周成对这个问题的审议
Given the sensitivity of the issue, it was
unlikely that the Fifth
[...] Committee would conclude its deliberations on the matter during the week remaining in the main part of the session.
成《对条约的保留 实践指南》的准则案文以及关于保留对话的附件载录 于下文 F.1 节;《实践指南》案文,包括导言、评注、关于保留对话的附件以及 参考文献,载录于 F.2 节,但另以本报告增编形式(A/66/10/Add.1)印发。
The text of the guidelines constituting the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties followed by an annex on the reservations dialogue is reproduced in section F.1 below; the text of the Guide to Practice including an introduction, commentaries, the annex on the reservations dialogue and a bibliography is reproduced in the continuation of section F.2, contained in an addendum to this report (A/66/10/Add.1).
在武装冲突局势 中,希望自由集会和结社的个人,哪怕是为了应对紧急需要或呼吁停止暴力,也 有可能遭到严厉限制,这些限制可能 成对 其 权 利 的 严 重 剥夺。
In situations of armed conflict, individuals who desire to assemble and associate freely, even to address emergency needs or to call for the end of violence, may meet drastic restrictions that may amount to a strict denial of their rights.
首先,如果一个外国人犯下一桩罪行(一种属于犯罪性质的行为),而且认定 其有罪并判处其刑罚的法官认为该外国 的 逗 留 构 成对 刑 法 所保 的 价 值 观的 威胁,那么该法官可下令将该名外国人从本国领土上驱逐出境。
First, if an alien commits an offence (an act of a criminal nature) and the judge who finds him guilty and sentences him considers that the presence of that alien constitutes a threat to the values protected by criminal law, he may order the expulsion of the alien from the national territory.
轻松浏览 MT 和 MX 标准,并为自身选的 报文生成对用户友好的文档 ,单击即可比较分析各个报文版本(以及其他更多功能),这些功能构成了这一平台的 骨干。
Easy browsing of MT and MX standards, generating user-friendly documentation for the message(s) of your choice, one-click comparative analysis between message versions (and much more) form the backbone of the platform.
根据“不采取行动动议”所援引的经社理事会议事规则第 50 条,卡塔尔和 巴基斯坦代表成对美国代表采取行 的 要 求执行“不采取行动动议”,英国和 罗马尼亚代表反对该动议。
In accordance with rule 50 of the rules of procedure of the Council, invoked to implement a no-action motion, the representatives of Qatar and Pakistan spoke in favour of the no-action motion on the call for action by the representative of the United States, and the representatives of the United Kingdom and Romania spoke against the motion.
尽管本报 告并不成对全球土著人的经济 和社会状况,土著人民面 的 环 境 问题,或自 由、事先和知情同意的概念和实践的全球性分析,但提供的资料说明了这些问题 在国际和国家范围内的审议和实施情况。
While the report does not constitute a global analysis of the economic and social situation of indigenous peoples around the world, of the environmental issues confronting them, or of the concept and practices of free, prior and informed consent, it provides information on the consideration and implementation of those at the international and national levels.
鉴于最近一些事件对黎巴嫩实施甲基溴淘汰计划所造 的 影 响,环境部与项目管理 人和主要的有关利益方进行了协商,并商定,为了确保在黎巴嫩 成对 控 制使 用 的 甲 基溴 的淘汰计划(186.1 ODP 吨),计划实施必须再延长 24 个月,直至 2008 年 12 月底。
Given the impact of recent events on the implementation of the MB phase-out projects in Lebanon, the Ministry of Environment has consulted
with project
[...] management and major stakeholders and has agreed that, in order to ensure the complete phase out of MB in controlled uses in the country (i.e., 186.1 ODP tonnes), implementation of the [...]
project must be extended
for an additional 24 months until the end of December 2008.




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