单词 | 成堆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 成堆 verb —heap vSee also:堆—heap • pile up • a mass • heap up • classifier for piles of things, such as trash or sand • large amount 堆 n—pile n • bunch n • mass n
過去,在處理廢物和處理垃圾方面,真的好像一個 [...] yoyo 般,擺來擺去: 由當年的焚化爐變成堆填, 到現在說要進行回收。 legco.gov.hk | In the past, in handling the disposal of waste and refuse, the Government [...] has kept swinging like a yoyo, from the use of [...] incinerators and landfills in the past [...]to its present proposal of recovery. legco.gov.hk |
与会者注意到各国将废物转化为能源并将有机 废物制成堆肥后作为农肥使用的举措。 daccess-ods.un.org | Meeting participants were informed about country [...] initiatives aimed at the conversion of waste into [...] energy and the composting of organic waste [...]for use as fertilizer in agriculture. daccess-ods.un.org |
一旦完成堆焊操 作,海卓泰特便可对焊层进行机械切割或打磨,以便分析焊层并进行超声波检测。 hydratight.com | Once the overlay process is completed, Hydratight can then mechanically [...] cut or grind the weld to profile [...]the weld for UT inspection. hydratight.com |
在等待期间,宾客们可以享用为他们精心准备的丰盛的鱼肉餐点(封斋期不能吃禽畜肉)、糕点 、 成堆 的 水 果和糖果、葡萄酒和利口酒。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | In the meantime, they could refresh themselves with splendid buffets of fish (it was during Lent), cakes, pyramids of fruit and confectionery, wines and liqueurs. en.chateauversailles.fr |
唯一可用的厕 所已被垃圾堵死一段时间,牢房的部分地板被包括老鱼刺在内 的 成堆 垃 圾 覆盖。 daccess-ods.un.org | The only available toilet had been blocked by refuse for some time, and piles of refuse including old fish bones covered parts of the cell floor. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们承认,存储成堆的磁 盘并在需要时查找它们比较耗时并且会降低组织或生活的效率。 support.dell.com | We recognize that storing piles of disks and locating [...] them when in need can be time consuming and decrease productivity [...]in your organization or livelihood. support.dell.com |
教科文组织收到的某些来函所称的不是一些侵犯人权的个别案件,而是一系列侵犯人 权的事件,因此,人们要问,所面对的是否是第 104 EX/3.3 号决定中所提及的“问题”,即 “由于一个国家在法律上和事实上执行了违反人权的政策或由于个别案件累 积 成堆 而 产 生的 大量地、一贯地或公然地侵犯人权和基本自由的问题”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Certain communications sent to UNESCO do not allege individual cases of violations of human rights but a series of violations of human rights, so that there is some doubt as to whether they constitute a “question” within the meaning of 104 EX/Decision 3.3, that is to say, “massive, systematic or flagrant violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms which result either from a policy contrary to human rights applied de jure or de facto by a State or from an accumulation of individual cases forming a consistent pattern”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
飞利浦认为男人们需要一个结构结实耐用,设计男性化粗犷的工具来解 决 成堆 的 熨 衣问题。 labbrand.com | Philips felt that men wanted a more robust, heavy-duty tool to tackle hampers of laundry, with a larger grip and more masculine design. labbrand.com |
委員雖然同意私 人 土 地 業 權 人使用其土 地 的 權利須 予 尊 重 , 但亦認 為政府當局應 制訂措 施,以防止私 人 土 地 [...] ( 尤 其是新 界 的 農 地 ) 變 成 堆填區或廢物傾 卸 區。 legco.gov.hk | While agreeing to the need to respect the rights of private land owners in respect of the use of their land, members consider that measures should be put in place to prevent private [...] land, particularly agricultural land in the New [...] Territories, from becoming land filling areas or [...]dumping sites of waste. legco.gov.hk |
如果混和物的油类含量相对较低,则可 以堆 成堆来进 行堆肥,而且可通过引入空气来成功地 加速分解。 itopf.co.uk | Provided the mixtures contain relatively low levels of oil they can be stacked into heaps to facilitate composting and some success has been achieved by introducing air to accelerate decomposition. itopf.co.uk |
泵体保护:固体颗粒可在平底集液箱或容器罐中 积 成堆 状 , 随后坍落。 zs.weirminerals.com | Pump Protection: In a flat bottom sump or tank, [...] solids build up in a heap, then slump. de.weirminerals.com |
根据香港赛马会的减废计划,马会正积极研究将餐饮设施产生的厨余转 化成 堆肥,用于沙田马场的园景布置。 wastereduction.gov.hk | According to HKJC’s waste reduction plan, HKJC is actively exploring a new [...] initiative to convert food waste generated from [...] catering areas to compost for landscape [...]applications in Shatin Racecourse. wastereduction.gov.hk |
雖然主要解決方案很可能得改革農業體系,落實各種抗旱措施,例如種植更具適應力的作物,城市亦能有許多作為,都市農業趨勢過去十年日益興盛,對糧食生產效能的助益不在話下,並將廚餘 製 成堆 肥 , 降低埯埋場負荷,產地鄰近市場亦可減少運輸需求,都市農業成功案例包括印度孟買、中國北京、深圳等地,還有美國及歐洲不少城市。 thisbigcity.net | While the primary solutions to this most likely involve a reform of agricultural systems to implement anti-drought measures such as planting more resilient crops, there is plenty that can be done at the urban level as well. thisbigcity.net |
在一些象南非这样的地方,社会经济权利是明文列举的可诉的权利,法院从平等权的 角度,来解释这些经社文权利衍生出来的义务。52 在问题成堆、资 源匮乏的情况下,出 于为这些权利的可诉性和有效审查建立一个基础的目的,出于为理解政府在实施这些权利 的过程中应从何处着手建立一个基础的目的,经社文权利的倡导者和法院以“平等”的模式 处理这些权利。 socialrights.ca | In jurisdictions such as in South Africa, social and economic rights are explicitly enumerated as justiciable rights, courts are interpreting the obligations emanating from these rights, appropriately, through an equality lens.52 In order to establish a foundation of justiciability and effective review of such rights, and to ground an understanding of where governments must begin in the process of implementing them, in the face of massive problems and scarce resources, social and economic rights have been approached by advocates and courts within an ‘equality’ paradigm. socialrights.ca |
成堆的扫描的PDF文件拖放到应用程序。 cn.anypdftools.com | Drag and drop piles of scanned PDF files to the app. resource.anypdftools.com |
(2) 比較這三個連續的災—水變血,使水不能飲用;死蛙 聚攏成堆,遍地腥臭;地上塵土都變成虱子―神向法 [...] 老和埃及人發出什麼信息? lordsgrace.ca | (2) Compare these three consecutive plagues—water all turned into blood, [...] making drinking almost impossible; dead [...] frogs piled into heaps and reeked, then [...]dust churned up everywhere and turned into [...]gnats—what were the messages behind all these from the Lord to Pharaoh and the Egyptians? lordsgrace.ca |
在驱 车返回办公室的途中,我仍然不敢相信自己目睹 的一切:房屋倒塌瓦砾成堆,汽 车被毁得面目全 非,毁灭、痛苦和苦难无处不在。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the drive back to the office, I still couldn’t believe what I was seeing: piles and piles of buildings, smashed cars, destruction and pain and suffering everywhere; an endless sea of people on the streets and camping out in parks. daccess-ods.un.org |
在污染土壤所堆成的土堆前, 有‘禁止入内’的牌子,但是小孩子可能还会进去,”她说,“在很多地方都能够看到‘禁止入内’的牌子。 unicef.org | There was a ‘Keep Out’ sign in front of a mound of polluted soil, but small children might still get in,” she said. unicef.org |
该大 院外面筑有水泥反车辆障碍物以及沙 袋 堆成 的 机关枪掩体,有装备精良的新生力 量部队把守。 daccess-ods.un.org | The compound is protected by concrete anti-vehicle obstacles and sandbagged machine gun nests manned by well-equipped Forces nouvelles troops. daccess-ods.un.org |
这支部队部署在 一个严加防守的大院内,大院外筑有反车辆路障、其他障碍物和沙 袋 堆成 的 炮火 工事。 daccess-ods.un.org | This unit is situated in a heavily fortified compound, which has anti-vehicle chicanes, barriers and sandbagged gun emplacements. daccess-ods.un.org |
将圆形酥皮堆成2个4层 的酥皮塔,放在铺上烘培纸的烤盘上,烤箱预热200度 (th 6/7),放入烤箱烧烤10到15分钟,随时注意酥皮要烤到膨胀开来。 lafite.com | Place the discs on a baking sheet (4 per sheet) covered with parchment paper, bake in preheated oven at 200°C (gas mark 6) for 10 to 15 minutes until the pastry is well-risen. lafite.com |
参与这项研究的科学家还发现,将来自阿曼的沙子筛选后,取相似大小的砂 粒 堆成 沙 丘 ,沙丘塌散之后,发出单音节歌声。 chinese.eurekalert.org | They also found that when they sieved the Omani sand so that the grains were similarly sized, the resulting "avalanche" produced a single-note song. chinese.eurekalert.org |
应在开启流体之前开启 空气,以确保流体的完全雾化并防止其在气帽 中堆积。 graco.com | The air should be activated before the fluid to ensure full atomization of fluid and prevent buildup on the air cap. graco.com |
可 以把这个过程甚至做得更明显:把糖 块 堆成 塔 形 ,并把 它放在有水的盘上。 job-stiftung.de | An even more impressive version [...] of this process is stacking sugar cubes into [...]a tower on a plate with water in it. job-stiftung.de |
我們會根據對這項服務的需求,來檢討是否需要在其 他 堆 填 區設立類似設施。 legco.gov.hk | Depending on the demand for the services, we shall review the need for setting up similar [...] facilities at other landfill sites. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 新界東南堆填區的位置伸展至清水灣郊野公園範圍內,原因是這樣做可以將堆 填區的容量增加約 20%,大幅度延長堆填區 可供使用的時間,也可 令 堆 填 區的 設計更加自然,在完成後更 易與㆕週環境融合,亦可減低處理廢物的單位成本。 legco.gov.hk | (a) The South East New Territories (SENT) landfill encroaches onto the Clear Water Bay Country Park for the following [...] reasons: it increases [...] the capacity of the landfill by about 20% and substantially extends its potential life; it permits a more natural landfill design which, upon completion, will blend more [...]readily with the surrounding [...]landscape; and it will reduce the unit cost of disposal. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 其次,《热核实验堆协定》规定,所赋予的特权和豁免不得减损或影响 热核实验堆组织、总干事和工作人员遵守《热核实 验 堆 协 定 》第 14 条所载条例 的义务,这些条例即东道国在公共和职业卫生和安全、核安全、辐射防护、许 可、核物质、环境保护及防止恶意行为等领域适用的国内法律和条例。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Secondly, the ITER Agreement establishes that the privileges and immunities granted shall neither diminish nor affect the duty of the ITER Organization, the Director-General and members of staff to comply with the regulations set out in article 14 of the ITER Agreement, [...] namely, applicable [...]national laws and regulations of the host State in the fields of public and occupational health and safety, nuclear safety, radiation protection, licensing, nuclear substances, environmental protection and protection from acts of malevolence. daccess-ods.un.org |
指使用太陽能、風能、生物質能、水能、潮汐能、浪 潮能、地熱能及廢物能(包括土地堆 填 和 污水氣體) 或港燈與政府日後互相議定的常存在及用之不竭(意 [...] 思是無須擔心儲備耗盡的問題)的其他能源來發電的 系統。 hkelectric.com | means an electricity generation system employing solar, wind, biomass, [...] hydro, tidal, wave, geothermal, energy from [...] waste (including landfill gas or sewage [...]gas) or such other energy sources that are [...]secure and inexhaustible (in the sense that there is no problem of reserve being depleted) as may be mutually agreed by HEC and the Government in the future. hkelectric.com |
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶 性 循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities. daccess-ods.un.org |