

单词 成型

成型 verb ()

shaping v

成型 ()

become shaped
become formed


成型机 n

molding machine n

热成型 n

thermoforming n

成型性 n

formability n

External sources (not reviewed)

在对防火性能要求高的双组分产品的注 成型 过 程中, ELASTOSIL® LR 3170/40能够比传统液体硅橡胶实现更高的生产自动化, [...]
In the production of
[...] two-component injection molded products, the [...]
bonding behavior of ELASTOSIL® LR 3170/40 allows manufacturers
to increase automation to a level previously unattainable with flame-resistant liquid silicone rubber.
材料首先与多种添加剂化合以控制功能和外观属性,然后在高温和压力下挤 成型 为 最 终产品。
The material is first compounded with a variety of additives to control both functional an aesthetic properties and is then extruded under heat and pressure to mold the final product.
鉴于其表现,以色列代表团认为,应在 其他特派团中沿用成型的警 察部队模式。
In view of its performance, his delegation believed that the formed police unit model should be employed in other missions.
为本项的目的,兼具滚成型及旋压 成型 功 能的机床列为滚 成型 机 床
Machines combining the function of spin-forming
[...] and flow-forming are, for the purpose of this item, regarded as flow-forming machines.
导液管和血成型球囊的厚度:大于 100 微米的厚度和可见光谱不透明性决定了 F20-NIR 是这一用途方面全世界众多实验室内最受欢迎的仪器。
Catheter and Angioplasty Balloon Wall Thickness: Thickness [...]
greater that 100 microns and visible-spectrum opacity both mean
that the F20-NIR is the preferred instrument for this application in large number of labs worldwide.
尽管它经常出现在这些运动Karaite倾向,对犹太教的追随者绝大多数固守的原则,由权威的犹太法典,即保持传统补充圣经和犹太法典本身的工作tained保留其权威体现的传统最早的后圣经时期,犹太教 成型。
Despite the Karaite inclinations which frequently appeared in these movements, the great majority of the followers of Judaism clung to the principle, authoritatively maintained by the Talmud, that tradition supplements the Bible; and the Talmud itself retained
tained its authority as the work embodying the traditions of the earliest post-Biblical
[...] period, when Judaism was molded.
此外,现有经验表明,成型阶段或初始教育阶段,儿童以母语学习 效果更好。
Moreover, available experience shows that a child learns better in his or her mother tongue in the formative stages and initial period of education.
对初成型的出 版物进行预览和检测,如发现少量错误(如错别字等),则可直接在Acrobat exchange或类似的工具中进行修改,如有较大错误,则需回到第3)步,进行重新编排。
The publication of the
[...] preliminary molding preview and testing, such as found in a small number of errors [...]
(eg typos, etc.),
can be directly in Acrobat exchange or similar tool to modify, if there is a larger error, it would take to return to No. 3) Step , re-scheduling.
管 壁 较 厚的管件的端部也可以用一种叫 “尖成型” 的工艺进行热封。
The end of thicker walled tubing can also be heat sealed together in a process known as tipping.
但若此 UL標誌是被永久地標示在成品的元件上,而該元件為另一個工廠所製造的,則此將被視為例外情形,意即此完整標誌可不必透過授權標籤供應商或是OEM印製,如另一家公司將UL標誌直接射 成型 在 外 殼上,但由於此外殼是OEM產品的重要安全元件,且已被特別描述在OEM的UL程序書(Procedure)中,故我們不會要求該射出廠必須加入UL授權標籤供應商計畫。
Since the enclosure is a safety critical component of the OEMs product and uniquely appears in the OEM's UL Procedure, we do not require the molder to be in the UL authorized label suppliers program.
现在可由100%的回收纤维制造柔软卫生纸,这归功于福伊特(Voith)公司的ATMOS-技术(高级卫生 成型 技 术 )。
Thanks to Voith's ATMOS technology (Advanced Tissue Molding System), soft premium tissue paper is now also being produced from 100% recycled fibers.
[...] 提议是与争议法庭和上诉法庭的案件数量相联系的, 而这两个法庭尚未稳成型;必 须过一段时间对趋势 作仔细分析之后才能对系统进行重大改变。
However, many of the proposals on additional posts and other resources were linked to the caseloads of the
Dispute and Appeals Tribunals, which had not
[...] yet stabilized; any significant changes [...]
to the system must be based on a careful analysis of trends over time.
其中的有机硅活性物质不仅可以改善填充料的分散能力, 而且因其具备减少摩擦的性能, 所以还能让塑料加工厂家更容易配 成型 加 工使用的混合物。
The silicone active ingredient improves filler dispersion and its friction-lowering properties make compounding and shaping of the thermoplastics easier for the plastics converter.
密封式USB互連解決方案:這些堅固的插頭和插座互連產品具有插銷式閂鎖、密封的PCB插座和包 成型 ( o v er molded)電纜組件特性,有助於防止灰塵、碎屑和水進入插座內。
Sealed USB Interconnect Solutions: These rugged plug-and-receptacle interconnects feature bayonet-style latches, encapsulated PCB receptacles and overmolded cable assemblies to help keep out dust, debris and water.
另外,一项社会科学和人科学部门关 于青年问题的战略的内容框架,在经过地区磋商后也 成型。
Likewise, through regional consultations, an SHS strategy on youth is being devised.
双伺服高速半自动钉箱机主要用于单片瓦楞纸 成型 的 钉 合,以满足多品种,不同批量生产要求,适应各种内销、出口产品纸箱包装的需要,是链条式钉箱机的代替品,是目前国内最新的,最为理想的纸箱半自动钉箱设备。
Double servo semiauto stitcher is mainly used for single nail box forming corrugated board nailed together to meet the many varieties and different production requirements, to adapt to a variety of domestic and export needs of carton packaging products, is the chain nail me in the place of products, is currently the latest and the most desirable semi-automatic nail carton box equipment.
(b) 原则上核准沙特阿拉伯 2012 至 2020 年氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第一阶段,将氟 氯烃消费量削减基准的 35%,金额为 12,324,648 美元,其中包括提供给工 发组织的 10,761,270 美元外加机构支助费用 753,289 美元,和提供给环境规 划署的 720,800 美元外加机构支助费用 89,288 美元;并且注意到两个项目将 淘汰挤成型聚苯 乙烯泡沫塑料行业中的 180.6 ODP 吨 HCFC-22 和 HCFC142b,金额为提供给工发组织 1,718,901 美元 外加支助费用 128,917 美元 , 和提供给日本政府的 220,000 美元外加支助费用 28,600 美元,这些项目已经 在执行委员会第六十二次会议上获得核准,且已列入氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第 一阶段。
(b) Approving, in principle, stage I of the HCFC phase-out management plan (HPMP) for Saudi Arabia for the period 2012 to 2020 to reduce HCFC consumption by 35 per cent of the baseline, at the amount of US $12,324,648, consisting of US $10,761,270, plus agency support costs of US $753,289 for UNIDO, and US $720,800, plus agency support costs of US $89,288 for UNEP; and noting that the two projects to phase out 180.6 ODP tonnes of HCFC-22 and HCFC-142b in the extruded polystyrene (XPS) foam sector at the amount of US $1,718,901 plus support costs of US $128,917 for UNIDO and US $220,000 plus support costs of US $28,600 for the Government of Japan, had already been approved at the 62nd meeting of the Executive Committee and had been included in the stage I of HPMP.
支持拖放编辑复杂Java3D场景图片,三维场景快 成型。
Support drag and drop editing complex Java3D
[...] scene pictures, rapid prototyping three-dimensional scene .
科盛科技股份有限公司(Moldex3D)正式成立於1995年,以提供塑膠射 成型 業 界專業的模具設計優化解決方案為己任,陸續開發出Moldex與Moldex3D系列軟體。
(Moldex3D) has been providing the professional CAE analysis solution “Moldex” series for the plastic injection molding industry since 1995, and the current product “Moldex3D” is marketed worldwide.
只用几步即可成型材轴模型, 确定连接 和截取方式, 紧固件, 钻孔和螺丝也就完 成了.
Only a few working steps are necessary to provide an
[...] axis model complete with profiles, to generate [...]
the cut parts and the façade elements,
also simultaneously provided with fastening components, holes and screws.
1)信息电子 去除蜡、助焊剂 去除毛刺
电子零部件的清洗 半导体零部件的清洗 制造锂二次电池零部件用溶剂 半导体用光阻剂的稀释剂
[...] 彩色滤光片用光阻剂的稀释剂 2)汽成型模具的清洗 金属(零部件)清洗 [...]
3)化学 萃取剂(乙炔、BTX、丁二烯) 合成树脂表面涂层溶剂 反应溶剂(PPS、聚酰亚胺等)
设备清洗 4)光学 制造塑料镜片用的模具、夹具的清洗 5)医药、农药 水溶性溶剂 清洗 萃取 《储存及操作处置》 适用危险品第4类第3石油类(规定数量4000L)水溶性、危险等级Ⅲ。
NMP is replacing 1,1,1-trichloroethane in metal cleaning applications due to the world-wide environmental pollution problems associated with chlorinated solvents. 1) Electronics Wax, flux removal Burr removal Electronic parts cleaning Semiconductor parts cleaning Solvent for lithium battery manufacturing Semiconductor photo-resist thinner Color filter photo-resist thinner 2) Automotive
Mold cleaning Metal (parts) cleaning 3)
[...] Chemical Extract agent (acetylene, BTX, [...]
butadiene) Synthetic resin surface coating
solvent Reaction solvents (PPS, polyimide, etc.) Equipment washing 4) Optical Plastic lens manufacturing equipment cleaning 5) Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemicals Water-soluble solvent Cleaning Extraction [Handling and Storage] NMP is classified under the Japanese Fire Services Act as a hazardous material, Class 4, Petroleums No.3 (4,000 liter quantity specified), water soluble, Hazardous Rank III.
成型电缆 ,Cicoil 还在细线规电缆的精密焊接方面有着丰富的开发经验,因为该公司经常要将 40AWG 电线与连接器焊接和模压一起。
In addition to molding cables, Cicoil developed a strong expertise in precision soldering of fine gauge wires, as the company would routinely solder and mold 40AWG wires into connectors.
层共挤PVDC高阻隔吹塑薄成型设备由7台GET-60-30S挤出机,GET-500-7 7层共挤低型体螺旋式IBC模头,专利的AutoKu-500全自动双风唇风环,IBC内冷控制,自动膜厚控制系统,GET-1400BC导辊式稳泡架,碳纤维辊式电动调节人字板,专利的齿轮旋转水平牵引装置,带自动张力控制的二级牵引装置,GET-2300SCW全自动高速中心/表面收卷机,称重料斗控制每层物料比例,整线中心电脑控制iPC。
Seven-layer co-extrusion blown-film line for high  barrier PVDC film , is consists of 7 model GET-60-30S extruders, [...]
GET-500-7 7-layer low-profile
die design with spiral mandrel, patented AutoKu 500 auto-profile air ring, IBC control system, auto-profile control system, GET-1400BC guide-roll bubble cage, carbon fiber roller collapsing, patented wheel horizontal hall-off, Auto-tension control Secondary -NIP, GET-2300SCW Full automatic surface-center winder, gravimetric hopper for extruder throughput control, iPC computer system for line.
這種新的聚丙烯(PP)是專門為藥品和醫療應用中的吹瓶 - 灌裝 -
[...] 密封(BFS)的製造 - 開發以及在擠出吹成型過程 中,並且其特徵在於由一個特別低的可萃取物水平。
This new polypropylene (PP) was developed specifically for the manufacture of pharmaceutical and medical applications in
the Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS) - developed as
[...] well as in the extrusion blow molding [...]
process and is characterized by a particularly low level of extractables.
单片双伺服钉箱机是制造纸箱的最后一道工序设备,主要用于单片瓦楞纸 成型 的 钉 合,以满足多品种,不同批量生产要求,适应食品,棉纺等出口产品包装需要,是目前较为理想的纸箱设备。
monolithic double servo nail box machine Is the last procedure of the carton manufacturing equipment, mainly used for single piece of corrugated shape was close, in order to meet the many varieties, different batch production requirements, adapt to the food, such as cotton export product packaging need, is the ideal equipment of the carton.
公司拥有国际上最先进的瑞士SPIRO公司全套金属螺旋风管、配件生产流水线,包括JPX自动制 成型 机 、R1530等离子切割机、CU-30缀缝熔接机、立得锁定机、COMBI三角段锁定机等,另外还引进了美国AMD自动冲床,及国内先进的数显折边机,剪板机,园法 成型 专 用 机等一系列风管配件制造设备,从而从根本上保证产品质量的先进性。
The company has the most advanced Swiss SPIRO Company complete metal spiral tuber pipe , fittings production line in the world, including JPX make person who in charge ofs shaping automatically, R1530 plasma cutting machine , CU-30 is it sew person who weld , set up person who lock , COMBI trigonometry sections of locking machine ,etc. to sew, introduce automatic puncher , AMD of U.S.A. , also in addition, and domestic advanced number show hem plane, person who cuts board, garden flange shaping special-purpose plane ,etc. a series of tuber pipe fittings make equipment, thus guarantee the advance of product quality fundamentally.
2006年以来公司已经完成《聚丙烯吹 成型 机 》、《塑料瓶输液洗灌封一体机》、《非PVC 膜单室软袋大输液生产线》这三项产品行业标准的制定。
Since 2006 the company has completed the establishment of these three products’ industry standard of PP Bowing Machine, Plastic Bottle Washing and Filling and Sealing Machine, Non-PVC Film Single Chamber Soft Bag I.V. Production Line.
不管你想以一种简洁并面向对象的方式(即使用数据结构图表运行静态模型与分析)开发你的数据库应用程序或你使用一种更传统的方法(即使用ER图表开始数 成型 与 分 析)来开发,DB-VA都可以通过一个简单的可视模型进程全程为你监控。
Whether you would like to build your database applications in a clean and pure object oriented manner by performing static modeling and analysis using Class Diagram, or alternatively, you would like to
adopt a more traditional approach by
[...] starting your data modeling and analysis [...]
using ER diagram, DB-VA will take care of
the entire process for you through a simple visual modeling process.
[...] 8”帶藍寶石水晶首飾版本的擋板集,其中包含的代碼的Maison迪奧:白,灰,金 成型 , 而 且還提供了一個非常有創意的變化對手鐲蟒蛇,其中第二個手,圍成一個圓圈,湊合用的衛星,根據其重疊的錶盤刻漆和金箔裝飾藝術風格的圖案。
The "Dior Christal 8" strap sapphire crystal jewelery is available in version with a bezel set that
contains the codes of the Maison Dior:
[...] white, gray, gold, molding, but also offers [...]
a very creative variation on bracelet python,
where the second hand, formed a circle, improvise with the satellite according to its Art Deco motifs with overlapping dial carved lacquer and gold leaf.
由于它们具有独特的特性,因此特别适用于多种用途,如牲畜标签、传送带、汽车车 成型 、 屋 面垫层、安全玻璃的层压夹层、防弹背心、可折叠油囊、软管、密封件和垫圈、服装、导管和输液管、医用气囊和心血管疾病医疗设备。
Their properties make them particularly well-suited for a variety of uses
such as livestock tags, conveyor belts,
[...] automotive body moldings, roof under layers, [...]
laminates for safety glass, body armor,
collapsible tanks, hoses, seals and gaskets, apparel, catheters and IV tubes, and medical balloons and cardiovascular devices.




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