单词 | 成交价 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 成交价 —sale priceless common: negotiated price • price reached in an auction See also:成交 n—transaction n 成交—reach a deal • complete a contract
这些钢材价格都取材于全球各地实际交易 的 成交价。 steelorbis.cn | These steel prices are [...] actual market prices garnered from real transactions being made around [...]the world. steelorbis.com |
2012年傅抱石的《杜甫九日蓝耕会饮诗意图》在北京保利拍卖行以1,380 [...] 万美元成交,是全年傅抱石最高价作品,位列傅抱石作 品 成交价 格 排 名的第 二位。 imgpublic.artprice.com | In 2012, Fu Baoshi’s Landscapes Inspired by Du Fu’s Poetic Sensibilities was [...] auctioned at $13,800,000 at Poly Auction, which [...] was the highest price of his works in [...]the year and the second highest to date. imgpublic.artprice.com |
马蒂斯 [...] 的作品在近十年几乎翻了一番,但似乎并 没有回落的势头(1998年到2010年,成交价 格上涨108%)。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Matisse’s price index – which almost [...] doubled over the past decade – does not seem to have ended its [...] progression (his price index rose 108% [...]between 1998 and 2010). imgpublic.artprice.com |
注:所列价格为落槌价未计入税费、手续费等 的 成交价 格 ; 所有含dollar的价格 单位为美元;本报告分析的拍卖艺术品只涉及纯艺术(Fine Art)作品,即油画、雕 塑、装置、素描、摄影、版画、水彩画,不包括古董、匿名文化财产以及家具。 imgpublic.artprice.com | NB: all given prices refer to hammer prices before fees; all references to the dollar ($) relate to the US dollar; all sales of art works mentioned in this report relate only to Fine Art sales, i.e. paintings, sculptures, installations, drawings, photographs, prints, watercolours and exclude antiques, anonymous cultural goods and furniture. imgpublic.artprice.com |
为了将全球艺术市场的中心从西方转 到东方来,中国不需要借助任何手段,比如 [...] 说借用画廊的数据(私人市场比公开拍 卖更加模糊),还是动产或者中国传统艺 术品的数据来提高在全球范围内的成交 价。 imgpublic.artprice.com | To reverse the polarity of the global art market from West to East, China has done without artifices such as art gallery figures (a more opaque private market than the [...] public auction market) or even furniture or traditional [...] Chinese art objects (the prices of which are shooting [...]up worldwide). imgpublic.artprice.com |
2 0 0 7 年 ,他 的 画 作《 White [...] Center》(1950年)已凭借6,500万美元的 成交价成为拍 卖市场上身价最高的战后艺术作品及2007年度拍价最高的作品 [...](5月于苏富比拍卖行)。 imgpublic.artprice.com | In 2007, his White Center (1950) had already become the most expensive [...] Post-war painting in the auction market, achieving [...] the highest sale price of that year with [...]$65 million (15 May, Sotheby’s). imgpublic.artprice.com |
按国家分布 在年收益方面,北京的市场地位仅次于 纽约成为世界第二大市场,Big Apple在 2010年获得了27亿美元的拍卖成交价,比 北京多出4亿。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The Beijing marketplace is now the second marketplace in the world behind New York in terms of revenue since the Big Apple generated auction revenue of $2.7 billion in 2010, i.e. $400m more than Beijing. imgpublic.artprice.com |
2010 年12月10日,徐悲鸿的一幅3米水墨人物 画以2300万美元的成交价刷新了本人的 记录(«巴人汲水图»在北京瀚海拍卖行 上买的1.53亿人民币)。 imgpublic.artprice.com | On 10 December 2010, a 3-metre roll entitled Landscape and figure set a new record for Xu Beihong with a winning bid of ¥153m ($23m) at Beijing Hanhai Art Auction. imgpublic.artprice.com |
Frieze艺术博览会 (2003年以来最好的拍卖成绩)和FIAC艺 术博览会(增加6%的参观人数)的成功反 [...] 映了伦敦的艺术品和巴黎的摄影作品的 拍卖成绩,四天时间里产生了1400万美元 多的成交价,其中佳士得拍卖的阿维顿摄 影作品就取得了450万美元的成绩,这也让 [...]AMCI指数攀升至35点。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The success of the FRIEZE fair (best revenue figure since 2003) and of the FIAC (attendance up 6%) [...] translated into auction revenue at the [...] London Art sales and the Paris Photography sales (over €14m [...]in just 4 days, of which €4.5m [...]for the Richard Avedon sale at Christie’s alone) pushing the AMCI to beyond 35 points. imgpublic.artprice.com |
另 一 方 面 ,拍 卖 行 也 已 经 将 注 意 力 转 向 价格较低的艺术市场( 47%的印刷画和67%的素描作 品 成交价 格 在1000欧元以 下 ,近 8 0 % 的 摄 影 和 印 刷 画 售 出 价 格 在 1 0 0 0 欧 元 和 1 万 欧 元 之 间 ) 和 顶 级 市 场 中 更 加 稳 定 的 艺 术 家 。 imgpublic.artprice.com | On the one hand, auction houses have given preference to the affordable market (47% of drawings and 67% of prints sold for under €1,000 and nearly 80% of the photographs and paintings fetched between €1,000 and €10,000) and on the other hand, they have focused on more “stable” artists at the top end of the market. imgpublic.artprice.com |
这件完成 于 1 9 2 8 年 的 作 品《 Les jours gigantesques》在佳士得拍卖会上的 成交价 是 最 低估价 的10倍,从而再次跨过了1,000万美元的门槛(640万英镑,即1,000万美元)。 imgpublic.artprice.com | With the sale of a 1928 painting entitled Les jours gigantesques, Christie’s once more achieved this level (£6.4 million, i.e. $10 million), multiplying the low estimate by ten. imgpublic.artprice.com |
面对这种形势,全国政协委员、中国机械工业集团有限公司董事长任洪斌建议:一是以国内市场需求为筹码,按市场规则运作,迫使发达国家向我国转让技术,放松对我国高端装备的出口管制,放弃对我国中低端产品的进口限制;二是制定有利于自主创新的高端装备的采购政策,明确国家重点工程有义务做高端装备国产化的依托工程,在项目设备采购招投标时必须优先采购国产装备;对外商的报价应按其3年~5年前在中国市场的实 际 成交价 计 算 ,以防止其恶意降价打压我国新进入该领域的内资企业。 hensheng.com | Face this situation, National Committee members, and China machinery industrial group limited Chairman Ren Hongbin recommendations: a is to domestic market needs for chips, by market rules operation, forced developed to my transfer technology, relax on my high-end equipment of export control, abandoned on my in the low-end products of imports limit; II is developed conducive to independent innovation of high-end equipment of procurement policy, clear national focus engineering has obligations do high-end equipment localization of relies on engineering, In project bidding of equipment procurement must be given priority when purchasing domestic equipment; foreign quotes should be [...] assessed on its 3 years [...] ~5 years ago, actual transaction prices in the Chinese [...]market, in order to prevent their malicious price pressure on new entrants to the [...]field of domestic enterprises in China. hensheng.com |
但此文件并未对披露信息做出要求。59 [...] 2012年,中国国土资源部颁布了试行版的《矿业 权交易规则》,要求转让要通过指定交易平台进行公示,并完全公开中标人 和 成交价等 相关信息。 eisourcebook.org | In 1998, the State Council issued the Measures for the Administration of Transfer of Mineral Exploration Right and Mining Right to guide domestic mining rights transfer activities, but this document did not include a disclosure requirement.59 In 2012, the Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources issued a pilot version for a revised guideline on mining rights transfers, requiring transfers to be carried out on a designated trading [...] platform and provide full disclosure [...] of bidders and transaction price.60 Articles aiming [...]specifically for disclosure in the [...]resource extractive industries are included in the country’s reporting regime. eisourcebook.org |
另外一点:艺术得到了中国政府和中国 收藏家的支持,同样爱国人士的资金注入 也让艺术如虎添翼,中国艺术品的拍卖成 交价纪录会一直刷新,因为中国的亿万富 翁正在以每年20%的速度递增,到2014年, 除中国之外其他国家的亿万富翁只占到 全球的5.6%16。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Another strength: art enjoys the support of the Chinese government and of Chinese collectors who are as patriotic as they are eager to invest - and with the number of Chinese billionaires set to increase by around 20% by 2014, (vs. 5.6% for the rest of the planet16 ), we can expect Chinese art prices and auction records to continue forging ahead over the coming years. imgpublic.artprice.com |
一个月以后,第二项令人惊叹的新纪录诞生,这件以1,790万美元拍出 的作品比2007年在纽约拍出时的成交价 多 出了490万美元(《Untitled》首 先 于 2007年5月15日以1,300万美元的价格在苏富比拍卖行拍出,随后又于2012年6 月27日以1,150万英镑,即1,790万美元的价格在伦敦佳士得拍卖行成交)。 imgpublic.artprice.com | A month later, a second record was set at $17.9 million, a performance all the more remarkable in that the same work was worth $4.9 million less in 2007 in New York (Untitled first sold for $13 million on 15 May 2007 at Sotheby’s and then for £11.5 million/$17.9 million on 17 June 2012 at Christie’s London). imgpublic.artprice.com |
文 森 特·梵 高 — 1,420万美元:文森特·梵高的一件极其罕见的画作《Vue de l'asile et de la Chapelle de Saint Rémy》出自伊丽莎白·泰勒的私人收藏,最 终成 交价达到 1,420万美元(900万英镑,佳士得拍卖会),比预期价格整整高出200 万英镑。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Vincent Van Gogh - $14.2 million: a very rare painting by Van Gogh, Vue de l’asile et de la Chapelle de Saint Rémy, from the Elizabeth Taylor collection, sold for £2 million more than expected. imgpublic.artprice.com |
享有盛誉的纽约拍卖会所拥有的超强拍卖实力令人惊叹,2012年度拍价 [...] 最高的三件西方艺术作品均在这里拍出,其中包括以1.07亿美元 的 成交价刷 新 世界纪录的爱德华·蒙克的作品《呐喊》(5月2日于苏富比拍卖行)。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The strike power of prestige sales is impressive in New York The three top [...] Western hammer prices of the year were [...]naturally obtained there, including the [...]new highest record ever posted, the $107 million fetched by Edvard Munch’s The Scream (2 May, Sotheby’s). imgpublic.artprice.com |
然而, 该场拍卖会上售价最高的作品以500,000美元的差距与最高预期价格失之交臂 《Endangered Species : San Francisco [...] Silverspot》扣 除 手 续 费 后 的 成 交 价 格 为 1 0 5 万 美元)。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The top price was not achieved however, for want [...] of nearly $500,000 (Endangered Species: San Francisco Silverspot sold for $1.05 [...] million excluding the buyer’s premium). imgpublic.artprice.com |
随着价格的一路飙升以及收藏家和投 资者的需求水涨船高,成交价百万美元的 拍品数量达到历史新高:仅仅是2007年上 [...] 半年就有4023位艺术家的记录被打破,价 格的普遍上涨压倒了1990年的价格飞涨 (Artprice总指数,通过重复商品销售的方 [...]法计算得出比1990年高出16%)。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Driven by galloping prices and an intensified [...] demand from rich collectors and investors, million-dollar results rained down [...]like never before: in just the first six months of 2007, 4,023 artists’ records were beaten and the general inflation went substantially higher than the speculative peaks reached in 1990 (the Artprice Global Index based on repeat sales was 16% above the 1990 level). imgpublic.artprice.com |
Statue of Liberty》( 1 9 6 2 年 ) [...] 是该艺术家在2012年度拍价最高的作品,3,900万美元 的 成交价 格 超 过了所有 预期,使之成为沃霍尔所有作品中拍价排名第三的作品(佳士得拍卖行,2012 [...]年11月14日)。 imgpublic.artprice.com | His best bid of the year went to Statue of Liberty (1962) which now reigns in [...] third place among Warhol’s achievements, [...] thanks to a sale price that defied all [...]predictions, $39 million (Christie’s, 14 November 2012). imgpublic.artprice.com |
据笔者了解8月份最低报价报至27800元/吨,相较于本地市场及无锡市场价差较大,但值得注意的是此价位也只针对个别厚度卷板;而321冷轧方面也存在着此类的现象,最低报至23000元/吨,可无奈由于佛山地区本身对于此类资源钢性需求较弱,这样的报价也仅成为一个数字,对于市场正常成交以 及 成交价 格 并 无影响。 hxdtg.com | As far as I know the lowest in August offer to 27800 yuan / ton, compared to the local market and Wuxi market difference is big, but it is worth noting that this price is only for individual thickness plate; and the 321 cold also exist such phenomena, the lowest reported to 23000 yuan / ton, but because of Foshan area for such resource [...] steel demand is weak, so the price will only become a digital, for [...] normal market transactions and prices had no effect. hxdtg.com |
如果您想在JForex相同或更好报价成交 单 一信号(实时成交),您可以使用"Execute at Equal or Better Price"(在相同或更好报价成交)插件 的复选框。 dukascopy.com | If you would like to execute [...] only signals (Instant Execution) by equal or better price on JForex, then you can use the checkbox in Plugin "Execute at Equal or Better Price". dukascopy.com |
此外,还有更多的BM交易所(BM&FBOVESPA以前被称为仅作为 喊 价交易 Bovespa指数):再也看不到尖叫为什么股市在上个世纪 已 成 为 众 所周知的。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Moreover, there is more outcry trading on the BM & FBovespa (formerly BM & FBovespa was known only as Bovespa): No longer see that screaming why the stock market has become known in the last century. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
Chor集市是孟买有名的小偷市场,这里是喜欢砍价的游客在琳琅满目的商品中翻出明朝和楼兰花瓶,并以一 口 价成交 的 地 方。 shangri-la.com | Chor Bazaar is Mumbai's famous thieves market where bargain-hungry tourists rummage for Ming [...] vases and Muranos at throwaway prices. shangri-la.com |
其中朱德群1987年创作的 《白色森林之二》以683.34万美元($6,834,036)的 高 价成交 位 居2012年度中 国纯艺术拍卖TOP100第16位。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Zhu Dequn’s 1987 creation Second White Forest came 16th in the 2012 Chinese Fine Art Auction Top 100. imgpublic.artprice.com |
发言者提到,在初级商品期货市场过度的投机行 为是造成价格极 端波动、繁荣与萧条循 环 交 替 的 主要原因。 daccess-ods.un.org | The role of excessive speculation in the commodities [...] futures markets was [...] highlighted as a major reason for extreme price volatility and the boom and bust in [...]commodity markets. daccess-ods.un.org |
咨询委员会 认为,应该在本两年期结束时对业务连续性能力作出 评 价 , 还应 提 交一 份进展情况报告,说明取得了哪些成 就 以 及如何将任务、职责和实施工 作列入现行组织管理结构。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee is of the opinion that an [...] evaluation of the business continuity capacity should be carried out at the end of this period and that a progress report should be submitted indicating what has [...]been achieved and how [...]the tasks, responsibilities and operationalization have been incorporated into existing organizational and management structures. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中, 黄永玉的作品尤其值得关注,其1988年的作品《湘荷在水》以11.5万美金底价 起拍,经过数轮竞价后,最终以77.2万美金的 高 价成交 , 暂列画家个人书画拍 卖作品TOP5。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Of these, Huang Yongyu’s works were especially noteworthy, with the 1988 Lotus going up for a reserve price of $115,000 and after several rounds of bidding finally selling for $772,000, temporarily listing in the individual artist artwork ales Top 5 Wang Mingming’s Birds and tress selling for $956,000 easily came up trumps, taking the lead and setting him a personal record. imgpublic.artprice.com |
咨询委员会回 顾,多年来发展账户管理和行政得到了改善和加强,包括规定为期四年的项目实 施周期,必须按照全面逻辑框架提交详细项目文件并 提 交 最 终 评 价 报 告,以及设 立指导委员会和能力发展办公室,重新设计网站,改进基于互联网的协调,使各 方更容易了解项目信息和扩大影响(A/64/7,第十三.6-十三.7 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee recalls that the management and administration of the Development Account have been improved and strengthened over the years, including the institution of a four-year [...] project implementation [...] cycle, mandatory submission of detailed project documents based on comprehensive logical frameworks and final evaluation reports, the [...]establishment of the Steering [...]Committee and the Capacity Development Office, and the redesign of the website for improved Internet-based coordination and greater accessibility to project information and impact (A/64/7, paras. XIII.6-XIII.7). daccess-ods.un.org |