

单词 懵懂





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然 而 , 我 发 觉 政 府在目前经 济 如此差 劲 的 时 候,好像又 盲 又 聋 一 样,对 眼 前 的 民 间 疾 苦懵懵懂懂既 听 不 到 , 亦 看 不见。
However, I find that the Government appears to be blind and deaf in such an economic hard time because it is "dumb" to the immediate hardships suffered by people.
懵懂多次,总是想 着限制和管制。
How could he be so muddleheaded all the time, always thinking about how to regulate and control?
再加上大陆的渔船又“香港水域内捕鱼,这是由於没有注 册、没有牌照,所以大陆的渔船也可以进入。
Since there are no requirements on registration and licence, the mainland fishing vessels are able to enter Hong Kong waters.
其实,局长是有责任的,局长也是失职的,他不知道发 生了甚麽事,是完知。
Moreover, there is also dereliction of duty on his part, for he has no idea about what has happened at all.
Gary is placed in a cell hall with other alien geniuses named Doc, Io, and Thurman, who tell Gary that various human technology has been invented by them for Shanker to rip off and sell to the world so he will release them.
第㆓,今日的教师必须学习新的技巧,以便何掌握活动教学法、运用最现代 的教具和使用其他很多先进的设备和方法。
Secondly, the teachers of today have to learn new teaching techniques to master the activity approach, up-to-date teaching aids and many other innovations.
他们 认为,食品标签委员会应认真检查列在指南里的所有功能类别标签的需求,如搬运工具 和包装气体,而且应讨论为贴标签用来说明类别标题所用术语的
They considered that the Committee on Food Labelling should carefully examine the need for labelling of all functional classes listed in the Guidelines, such as carriers and packing gases, and that the understandability of the terms used to describe the class titles for labelling purposes should be discussed.
所谓大局,究竟是否便是有很 多人联同政党一起游行,说自己是苦主,心存“明明是知道投资 工具的风险,但为了想赚取较高利息而照样购买,最後输掉了,便说要 取得赔偿,要政府负责呢?
By overall situation, does it mean that many people have staged rallies together with political parties and plan to fish in troubled waters by saying that they are the victims, whereas they knew full well the risks of these investment tools but still bought them all the same in order to earn higher interests and when in the end they lost, they say that they want to get compensation and the Government has to assume responsibility?
不过 , 如 果 有关当事人连个人 资料被 披露知, 又 如 何提出投 诉呢?
But how can a data subject lodge a complaint if he does not even know that his personal data are disclosed?
主席先生,我欢迎这项动议,因为我相信政府不但没有正视贫富悬殊的问题,而且实 际㆖对贫富悬殊的存知。
MRS ELSIE TU: Mr President, I welcome this motion because I believe that the Government has not only failed to address the issue of the disparity between the rich and the poor but is in fact ignorant that such disparity exists.
当局 究竟处理过多少宗商户“租的个案呢?
How many cheating cases have the authorities handled so far?
所以,政府在条例草案通过後,正如我刚才也描述了数方面实际运 作上可能出现的问题、业界的忧虑和技术上的问题,政府事实上必须制 订简洁易明和有实际例子说明的执行守则,让雇主能够知所遵从,不会 因为法例当中存有任何灰色地带,令他知而误堕法网,这是雇 主不希望碰到,我们亦不希望看到的。
Therefore, with regard to the problems that may arise in practical operations, the concerns of the trade and industries and the technical problems involved mentioned by me earlier, the Government must draw up a set of concise and clear codes of practice with the illustration of actual examples after the passage of the Bill for compliance by employers, so that they will not be unknowingly caught in the net of justice by mistake due to the presence of grey areas in the law.
该报告还指出,成员国表示支持采取以下步骤:(a) 进一步精 简文件数量及其内容;(b) 进一步合并各种报告,例如可将委员会
的报告作为背景文件或资料文件等,仅将每届委员会会议的主要建 议编入委员会自己的文件,提交经社会审议;(c)
[...] 所编写的报告应 内容简洁、直截了当和平实 且应与会议结果密切相关;载 [...]
有必要的参考信息和背景文件链接;并能反映所达成的共识和提出 的建议;(d) 逐步实现经社会届会无纸化,确保所有文件都可以在
网上读取,印刷和分发给每一成员国的文件不超过两套,其中包括 成员国所选择的官方语文的一套文件,同时通过电邮通知各成员国 可在网上读取文件。
The report also noted that member States voiced support for the following steps to be taken: (a) further streamlining the number of documents and their contents; (b) further consolidating reports; for example, committee reports could serve as background or information documents, with only the key recommendations from each committee session compiled into its own document for consideration by the
Commission; (c) producing reports that are concise,
[...] direct and easy to understand, and [...]
directly related to the outcome of the meeting,
containing the necessary references and links to background documents and reflecting consensus and recommendations; and (d) moving towards a paperless Commission session by ensuring that all documents are available online and that no more than two sets of documents are printed and sent to each member State, including one in the official language of its preference, and notifying member States via e-mail of the availability of the documents online.b 4.
主席,我很希望我们的特区政府经过今次辩论之後,能仔细考虑一 下是否可以跟随我刚才提出的例子,如英国、欧洲等地,设立一些真正 让青年人有机会表达意见的地方,不要让传媒或其他人抹煞了他们的意 见,指所有青年人都是非常激进,坏及骂人。
President, I eagerly hope that after this debate, the SAR Government will carefully consider the possibility of developing platforms that provide genuine opportunities for young people to express views, as in the examples of the United Kingdom or Europe which I cited earlier on, so as not to allow the media or anyone else to rubbish their views by saying that young people are all very radical, who do nothing but causing destruction and scolding others.
食典委同意要求食品标签委员会根据指南第 2 部分修改过的功能类别目录来修订 通用标准第 4
[...] 部分标题目录,尽可能协调这些术语以满足通用标准的目的,并考虑用于 功能类别/类别标题术语的,确保消费者的信息和公平的贸易措施。
The Commission agreed to request the Committee on Food Labelling to revise the list of class titles in Section 4 of the General Standard in the light of the revised list of functional classes in Section 2 of the Guidelines to harmonize the terms to the extent possible to fit the purposes of
the General Standard and to
[...] consider thematter ofunderstandability of the terms applied [...]
to functional classes/class titles
to ensure consumer information and fair trade practices.
明显㆞,政府并非不知 事实的真相,但基於㆒无良策,㆓无决心改变历来维护财团及公共事业机构的利益,只好 「诈傻找菜贩来做替死鬼。
But due to the lack of a good solution and the lack of resolve to change the long standing practice of safeguarding the interests of large consortums and public utility companies, the Administration can only "pretend to be ignorant" and make the vegetable vendors scapegoats.
就这些谬误,以往可能问题不大,但一旦实施最低工资,随时因 计算错误,时薪低於法定水平,雇主也仍 知的。
While these erroneous concepts might not cause any serious problems in the past, once the minimum wage is implemented, employers may be vulnerable to miscalculation without being aware of it andthus pay their employees an hourly rate which is below the statutory level.
因此,当香港人沉醉在50万人上街的人民力量时,当董建华知自己即将被撤换时,中央其实已藉其驻港的直属机关 ⎯⎯ 尤其中 联办 ⎯⎯ 开始建立香港的第二个权力中心,而香港的“ 高度自治”和 “港人治港”终於成为《基本法》的历史装饰。
Therefore, while Hong Kong people were intoxicated with the power of the people as half a million people took to the street, and while Mr TUNG Chee-hwa was kept in the dark to the fact that he was about to be replaced, the Central Government had already begun to build up a second power centre in Hong Kong through its direct organs stationed in Hong Kong, in particular the Liaison Office.
我不知道周梁淑怡是还是真的 不知道。
I wonder if Selina CHOW is "muddle-headed" or she really has no idea about this.
连这些这麽基本、这麽重要的事实知, 又怎可就新界的事务大发议论呢?
As one who is so ignorant about such an essential and important fact, how can he talk about matters concerning the New Territories?
局长会如 何 确 保这些 机 构 不 再失职 , 并 确 保 即 使 工人不 举 报 ,劳工处 也 会主动 进行调 查 , 而不会 再 出 现 6 年 来知的 情况呢 ?
How can the Secretary ensure that there is no dereliction of duty on the part of these agencies and the LD will take the initiative to conduct investigations despite the workers' failure to report their cases, rather than remaining totally unaware of the situation for six years?
但是,政府 现时用的字眼 ⎯⎯ 局长,你说它 ⎯⎯
[...] 是 “不恰当使用”,这字眼的使 用似乎比较弱,“不恰当使用”即是它可以如此使用的,可以“只 是 “不恰当地已。
Seemingly, the tone of such wordings is a little bit weak, as "an improper
use" implies that the FTNS
[...] provider may make useof themechanism,onlythat it has taken "an [...]
improper advantage" of it.
我和潘佩璆议员准备出版一张彩色的猪只分 解图,教育市民如何当一个精明的消费者,不致出现潘佩璆医生所说 的以猪筒骨代替猪尾骨的事件,令市民被骗後知。
What measures have been or will be put in place? Dr PAN Pey-chyou and I have planned to publish a colored exploded view of different parts of a pig in order to educate the public on how to be a smart consumer and pre-empt the situation where pork femur bone is passed off as pig coccyx, as mentioned by Dr PAN Pey-chyou, such that people would not cheated unawares.
当主耶稣被带到大祭司的院内被审时,他仍凭肉体、 血气之勇走进敌人的领域,知自己对生命受威胁 是全无准备的。
And as Jesus was led to the court of the high priest, he thought he was courageous enough to enter into enemy’s territory through his own strength, not knowing that he was far from spiritually prepared to face the greatest threat of his own life.
正因为大家都是以 利益为主,政府便会监察市场情况,当有人“ 便会站出来指证, 令这些人不敢胡作非为。
Precisely because everyone has his benefits as the foremost consideration, the Government has to monitor the market and when someone breaks the rules of the game, it will come out to stop him, so that these people dare not cause any mischief.
因此 ,民 建 联 呼 吁 市 民 应 尽 量 在 装 有 闭 路 电
视 的 自动柜 员 机 提 款 , 而 提 款 时 除了要用 手或物件遮挡才 按密码 外 , 亦应尽 量 在 每 次 使用柜 员 机 时,先查看户 口 结 余 , 以免因长
[...] 期没有留意户 口 的 变 动情况, 而出现损 失知。
The DAB advises members of the public that they should withdraw money from ATMs equipped with video cameras as much as possible, and that besides keying in their personal identification numbers under the cover of their hands or other objects, they should check their account balances as far as possible
beforehand, lest they may fail to detect losses of
[...] their deposits if theykeepon neglecting [...]
to check their balance changes.
香港一直以自由市场经济而自豪,当 然,这不代表对商人完全放任,但对营商手法的规管则必须遵循清晰、一贯、 制度化的原则,不能在商知的情况下,突然对商人作出新的规限。
Hong Kong has all along prided itself in being a free market economy. This does not mean that a free rein can be given to the business sector, however, the regulation of business practices must follow clear, consistent and institutionalized principles.
他曾经把自己的作品偷运到纽约都会美术馆,迳自挂在墙上展览,并记录了参观觉的神态;他又把Paris Hilton的唱片改头换面,在小册子上写上不少讽刺这名人之後的字句,然後印制成500张赝品,偷换成唱片店内的「正货」。
He sneakily delivered and hung his own work inside the Metropolitan Museum (New York), and then recorded innocent viewers glancing at it; He produced 500 counterfeit Paris Hilton albums (completed with a booklet filled with mockery towards the socialite singer) and artfully swapped them in record stores.
我以较早前发生的一宗事件为例,“毒蛋”事件事实上是靠国内传 媒的报道,香港政府才有反应,甚至国内食物安全单位已得悉此事并进行回 收,香港仍无动於中,及至在裕华有“毒蛋”出售,局长知,仍呼 吁市民无须担心,说香港无“毒蛋”出售。
Then even as these tainted eggs were sold in the Yue Hwa department store, the Secretary was totally ignorant of the fact and he even called upon the public not to worry, saying things like there were no tainted eggs for sale in Hong Kong.




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