

单词 慕道者

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加葬者必須是天主教教友或已接受收錄禮 慕道者。
The new deceased must be either a
[...] Catholic or a catechumen who has received the Catholic Rite of Becoming Catechumen
要培慕道者福传 使命感、祈祷的经验和读经的习惯(例如教授圣言诵读法Lectio [...]
Catechumens should be helped to [...]
acquire a sense of mission and evangelization, experiences of prayer and the habit of reading
the Word (e.g. they should be taught about Lectio Divina).
假体准备的经验教训(小高考)和账面从祭品到祭坛(大门口)成为庄严的游行,但礼仪纲要:他们解雇 慕道者 和 群 众,在一长串;照应开头的单词“正确和公正的”,并桑克蒂斯中断了;院校的话; [...]
The preparation for the lessons (the little Entrance) and the carrying of the oblation from the Prothesis to the altar (the great Entrance) become solemn
processions, but the outline of the liturgy: the
[...] Mass of the Catechumens and their dismissal; [...]
the litany; the Anaphora beginning
with the words "Right and just" and interrupted by the Sanctus; the words of Institution; Anamimnesis, Epiklesis and Supplication for all kinds of people at that place; the Elevation with the words "Holy things to the holy"; the Communion distributed by the bishop and deacon (the deacon having the chalice); and then the final prayer and dismissal–this order is characteristic of all the Syrian and Palestinian uses, and is followed in the derived Byzantine liturgies.
a. 编制“家庭教理”,慕道者及教 友采用。
a. Publish a "Family Catechism"
[...] for the use of catechumens and the faithful.
在整个礼仪的编译器假设,这是制定了由使徒,他告诉我们哪些句子插入使徒每个单独的组成部分,例如:“我,詹姆斯,约翰的兄弟西庇太的儿子,说,执事会说在一次:'没 慕道者 之 一 ,'“等使徒宪法的第二本书包含一纲一礼仪(即很难超过表)本几乎都是一致的。
Throughout this liturgy the compiler supposes that it was drawn up by the Apostles and he inserts sentences telling us which Apostle composed each separate part, for instance: "And I, James, brother of John the son of Zebedee,
say that the deacon shall say at once:
[...] 'No one of the catechumens,'" etc. The second [...]
book of the Apostolic Constitutions
contains the outline of a liturgy (hardly more than the rubrics) which practically coincides with this one.
堂区和慕道团应加强彼此间的关系和沟通,如堂区牧职人员或牧民议会成员定期探访,介绍堂区近况、邀 慕道者 参 加 堂区活动及 慕道者 进 行 家访等,堂区神父更好担任慕道团的成员,以便多与导师 慕道者 接 触
The relationship and communication between the parish and the catechumenate should be strengthened, e.g. members of pastoral team or parish
pastoral council should
[...] visit the catechumenate periodically, and share the recent development of the parish, invite catechumens to take part in parish activities and to conduct home visits to the catechumens etc. Parish priests are encouraged to be visiting speakers in the catechumenate, as to have more contacts with the catechumens.
应培慕道者阅读 书籍(包括圣经、公教报及灵修书籍)、参加不同团体举办的信仰培育活动、参加堂区礼仪生活的习惯,特别是四旬期和圣周的礼仪。
They should
[...] be encouraged to read books (including [...]
the Bible, Kung Kao Po and spiritual books), to take part in activities
of Christian formation organized by different groups, to acquire a habit to participate in liturgical life of the parish, especially in the liturgy of Lent and the Holy Week.
在慕道过程中,着重培慕道者积极 活泼的信仰观,避免单向和授课的形式(例如透过专题研习的形式),内容不单只灌输道理上的知识,还要透过团体的分享,强调圣言和生活的整合,并以此为日后信仰小团体的刍型,以祈祷礼仪、圣言、服务及生活实践和见证作为基本要素。
With regard to content, it should not be merely a transference of knowledge, but should be communicated through a form of group sharing, where emphasis should be given to the integration of the Word and daily living, and such group would serve as a preliminary form of small community of faith, the basic components of which are liturgical prayer, the Word, service, and faith put into practice as well as giving testimony.
前奉献的执事站在男子的门,执事的和修士在那些妇女“,任何人不得外出,也没有门被打开”,再次警告所有 慕道者 , 异 教徒和异端退休,母亲照顾自己的孩子,没有人留在虚伪,和所有站在恐惧和颤抖。
Before the Offertory the deacons stand at the men's doors and the subdeacons at those of the women "that no one may go out,
nor the door be opened", and the deacon
[...] again warns all catechumens, infidels, and [...]
heretics to retire, the mothers to look
after their children, no one to stay in hypocrisy, and all to stand in fear and trembling.
慕道团导师要鼓慕道者从教 会社会训导的原则反省日常生活中所遇到的问题,例如透过专题研习的方式, 使 慕道者 可 以较深入地探讨和反省信仰及生活。
Catechists should
[...] encourage catechumens to reflect on the problems of daily living based on the principles of the Church's social teaching, It can be conducted in the form of a seminar on specific topics, in order to enable catechumens to investigate [...]
deeper into and reflect
on the challenges faced by faith and daily living.
在慕道的过程中,应培慕道者对信 仰小团体的意识和经验,并鼓励他们于领洗后加入堂区的信仰小团体,定时相聚,分享圣言,将信仰配合于生活经验和挑战中,或由新教友组成新的信仰小团体,延续在慕道过程中的经验和成长。
They should also let the newly baptized faithful to form new small communities of faith, and to continue their experience found during the period of catechumenate, so as to mature in faith.
Pantamus是第一次使城市的著慕道学 校
Pantamus was the first to make the Catechetical school of the city famous.
這見證將會幫助許多弟兄姊妹慕道 朋 友
This witness will help a lot of brothers and sisters and inquirers.
我的質詢是,雖然幼稚園和 幼兒中心的收費受《教育規例》和《幼兒服務規例》規管,但據報最 近有幼稚園以第者名義 藉舉辦各項興趣班 慕道 班 , 向參加的學生 收取費用,而道班據稱由家長自發組織,但其收入卻落入由幼稚園 校長和校監擔任董事的有限公司的帳戶。
My question is: although the fees of kindergartens and child care centres are regulated under the Education Regulations and the Child Care Services Regulations, it has been reported that recently, a kindergarten had organized various interest classes and catechism classes in the name of a third party and collected fees from students who attended those classes.
还禁止雇用未成年人从事搬举和移动重物、从事长时间工作、夜间工作和其 性质可能有害于此类工者道德的 工作。
It is also prohibited to employ children for work involving lifting and moving heavy loads,
long working hours, night work and work which by its nature could
[...] be harmful to the morals of this category of workers.
股份購回授 權將於下列日期(以最者為準)失效:a)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束之日;b) 按慕達法 例或本公司之公司細則規定本公司召開下屆股東週年大會之期限屆滿 之日;及c)股東以普通決議案撤銷或修訂該決議案之授權之日。
The Share Repurchase Mandate will expire at the earliest of: a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the laws of Bermuda or the Company’s Bye-laws to be held; and c) the date on which the authority given under the ordinary resolution is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution of Shareholders.
者,我們亦可以在主體答覆中看到,其實幼稚園也有跟香港天主教教 區聯絡,而天主教教區清楚表示,所 慕道 班 、 主日學均須在本區的 堂區舉行,並且是全部不收費的。
We can also see from the main reply that the
[...] has contacted the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong which has explicitly opined that catechism and Sunday school classes should be approved by the parish concerned and should [...]
be free of charge.
[...] 予本局的家長通告,表示校方已與天主教教會聯絡,並已 舉行簡介會,慕道班將於幼稚園其中一個校址舉行。
According to the kindergarten's notice to parents subsequently submitted to the Education Bureau, the kindergarten had contacted the
local Catholic Church and held a briefing
[...] session, and the catechism classes would [...]
be held in one of the kindergarten premises.
堂区应定期为教友举办慕道培育,可以邀请合适的 者 , 如堂区牧职人员、圣神修院神哲学院各学部(哲学部、神学部及宗教学部)或圣经学院毕业的堂区教友、堂区慕道班导师或教区有关培育机构的干事,让教友有系统地重温圣经、礼仪、伦理、要理和生活的关系。
Appropriate speakers can be invited, e.g. pastoral team members, parishioners [...]
graduate from the Institute of Theology, Philosophy
and Religious Sciences of the Holy Spirit Seminary College or Biblical Institute, catechists of the parish or staff members of formation institute of the Diocese, so as to enable the faithful to review systematically the relationship between daily life and the bible, liturgy, morals and catechism.
参加大选和其他选举或全民投票的选民必须年满 18 岁,在百慕大出生或具 有慕大人身份,者为英 联邦公民并自 1979 年以来每年登记投票的非百慕大 人的长期居民。
Voters in the general and other elections or referendums must be 18 years of age and Bermudian by birth or status, or non-Bermudian long-term residents who are citizens of the British Commonwealth and have registered to vote annually since 1979.
倘若李柱銘議員的修訂者鄭慕智議 員的修 訂不獲通過,最後我會投票反對麥理覺議員的原動議或者經葉錫安議員修訂的動議。
If neither Mr Martin LEE’s
[...] amendment nor Mr Moses CHENG’s amendment [...]
are passed, I will at the end of the day vote against
Mr McGREGOR’s original motion or the motion as amended by Mr Simon IP.
较早时教区会议代表给该等决议案选出十项优次,涉及深化教友的培育、推广信仰小团体、改 慕道 班 、 促进基督化的婚姻及家庭生活、在堂区及天主教学校推广青少年的牧民服务、加强教会领 者 及 一 般教友对社会正义的关注、积极向外教人士福传,以及成立一所本地的天主教大学。
These priorities
[...] aimed at deepening the Christian formation of the lay people; promoting the catechumenate, basic ecclesial communities and Christian marriage and family life; youth [...]
ministry in parishes
and Catholic schools; more involvement in social justice issues by Church leaders and other Church members; active participation in evangelization; the establishing of a local Catholic university.
参加大选和其他选举或全民投票的选民必须年满 18 岁,在百慕大出生或具 有慕大人身份,者为英 联邦公民的非 慕 大 人 长期居民。
Voters in the general and other elections or referendums must be 18 years of age, Bermudian by birth or status, or non-Bermudian long-term residents, citizens of the British Commonwealth.
剛才所帶出的問題是, 校董或校監會有機會牽涉在一些活動中,擔當學校的服務提 者 或供 應商,而這些活動可能慕道班、提供教科書、課外活動或補習班等。
From our discussion a while ago, we know that school directors or supervisors may be involved in some activities, such as being the providers or suppliers of school services.
在建立品牌後, 它便會成為企業無形的資產,即使其定價高於同類產品,消 者 也 會慕 名購買。
After a brand has been built, it will become the intangible asset of an enterprise, and consumers will
purchase the relevant products
[...] because of their brand name even if their prices are higher than those [...]
of similar products.
圣西里尔耶路撒冷已经给我们留下了完整的一系列指示 慕道 的 洗 礼,从而提供一个对宗教教职确切的知识传授我们在东中的第四个世纪中叶重要的教会人民。
St. Cyril of Jerusalem has left us a complete series of
[...] instructions to catechumens and the baptized, [...]
thus supplying us with an exact knowledge
of the religious teaching imparted to the people in an important Church of the East in the middle of the fourth century.
道路或者道路状 况很差、缺少公共交通以及 存在安全方面的关切等情况促使特派团在整个 任务区为乘客、货物和巡逻提供充足的空运和陆 运。
Non-existent roads or poor road conditions, lack of public transport and security concerns have guided the Mission in providing adequate air and ground transport for passengers, cargo and patrols throughout the Mission area.
是否应当参照主要营业地(或“神经中心”),参照与公司打 道者 将哪里视为债务人协调、指挥和控制的实际发生地来处理这一问题?
(i) Should the issue be addressed by reference to the principal place of business (or “nerve centre”), by reference to what those dealing with the company would regard as the actual place where coordination, direction and control of the debtor occurred?
(4) 如本公司並無法定人數之董事日常居於百慕達,本公司須按照法案委任及維持一名常 駐代表(即日常居於慕達者),該名常駐代表須在百慕達設有辦事處及遵守法案之 規定。
(4) Where the Company does not have a quorum of Directors ordinarily resident in Bermuda, the Company shall in accordance with the Act appoint and maintain a resident representative (being a person ordinarily resident in Bermuda) and the resident representative shall maintain an office in Bermuda and comply with provisions of the Act.




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