

单词 慕道友

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This witness will help a lot of brothers and sisters and inquirers.
管理我们心靈生命的主阿!当我们众弟兄姊妹有份於这圣禮时,求你 圣靈也帮助尚未洗禮慕道友心迫切寻求真理,來进入你的家中,早 日同享你救恩的福份。
When our brothers and sisters participate in this Sacrament, we also pray that the Holy Spirit help those inquirers coming to your house to seek the truth sincerely and urgently, and enjoy the blessing of salvation with us one day.
a. 编制“家庭教理”,慕道
a. Publish a "Family Catechism"
[...] for the use of catechumens and the faithful.
加葬者必须是天主教 接受收录礼 慕道
The new deceased must be either a
[...] Catholic or a catechumen who has received the Catholic Rite of Becoming Catechumen
AIA 香港及澳门」、「AIA 香港」或「公司」是指美( )有限公司(於百慕达注册成立之有限 公司)。
AIAHong Kong and Macau”, “AIA Hong Kong” or “the company” refers to American International Assurance Company(Bermuda) Limited.
亲爱的主,当我们弟兄姊妹聚集參加这个洗禮时,求你的圣靈再一次叫 醒我们这些已经受洗归入你名下的人,使我们反省自己是否已经偏離你的正 道,以致失去你的同在与恩典,求你帮助我们回转归向你,求你再一次用耶 稣基督的宝血洗清我们的罪,让我们能够与他们手牵手,心連心,相扶持, 相劝勉來奔跑这属天的道路,若有未 慕道
Dear Lord: When our brothers and sisters join this baptism, we pray your Holy Spirit wake up us these who have been baptized into your name, so We can rethink ourselves that do we leave your way, or not, so that we loose your grace and without you.
堂区应定期为慕道,可以邀请合适的讲者,如堂区牧职人员、圣神修院神哲学院各学部(哲学部、神学部及宗教学部)或圣经学院毕业的堂区 慕道师或教区有关培育机构的干事,让教友有系统地重温圣经、礼仪、伦理、要理和生活的关系。
Appropriate speakers can
[...] be invited, e.g. pastoral team members, parishioners graduate from the Institute of Theology, Philosophy and Religious Sciences of the Holy Spirit Seminary College or Biblical Institute, catechists of the parish or staff members of formation [...]
of the Diocese, so as to enable the faithful to review systematically the relationship between daily life and the bible, liturgy, morals and catechism.
Besides the
[...] Catechetical CorrespondenceCourse offered by the Central Council of Catholic Laity (including [...]
text model and web model),
it is hoped that other institutions (Diocesan Audio-Visual center and Diocesan Laity Formation Office etc.) can make use of information technology, to produce multi-media catechism revision courses, by means of self- learning CDs and websites etc., emphasizing interaction and interest.
大使馆可为游客和当地居民提供支持与领事服务,也可提供代表国政治和经济发展的相关资讯,同时努力与 关系。
Embassies provide support and consular services for visitors and residents. They also provide information on
political and economic developments in the country they represent
[...] and workto maintainfriendly relations with the [...]
host country.
Tucker先生於2010年7月加入本集团,亦为美国友邦保险有限公司及美( )有限公司的主席。
Mr. Tucker joined the Group in July 2010 and is also
Chairman of American International Assurance Company, Limited and American
[...] International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited.
堂区亦宜专诚邀请 天主教配偶参加特别课程--俾能明了天主教一方的生活价值取向及促进家庭和谐,也可设立为非天主教一方在配偶陪同下参与 慕道
Parishes are also recommended to cordially invite the non-Catholic spouses to participate in some specially designed courses, so that they can understand the outlook on life of their Catholic spouses and to enhance harmony in the family.
作为慕道团一分子,陪谈员一方面可以和慕道团导师合作,减轻导师工作量;另一方面,也可为陪谈员提供 慕道的机会,他们日后更可成 慕道师的人选,并协助跟进新的信仰小团体。
As part of the catechumenate, the sponsors on the one hand cooperate with catechists,
thence lessening
[...] their work load; on the other hand, it could be an occasionof catechism review for the sponsors, so that in future these will become [...]
potential catechists,
and can assist in the follow up of small communities of faith formed by the newly baptized.
假体准备的经验教训(小高考)和账面从祭品到祭坛(大门口)成为庄严的游行,但礼仪纲要:他们解雇 慕道 群众,在一长串;照应开头的单词“正确和公正的”,并桑克蒂斯中断了;院校的话; [...]
The preparation for the lessons (the little Entrance) and the carrying of the oblation from the Prothesis to the altar (the great Entrance) become solemn
processions, but the outline of the liturgy: the
[...] Mass of the Catechumensandtheir dismissal; [...]
the litany; the Anaphora beginning
with the words "Right and just" and interrupted by the Sanctus; the words of Institution; Anamimnesis, Epiklesis and Supplication for all kinds of people at that place; the Elevation with the words "Holy things to the holy"; the Communion distributed by the bishop and deacon (the deacon having the chalice); and then the final prayer and dismissal–this order is characteristic of all the Syrian and Palestinian uses, and is followed in the derived Byzantine liturgies.
Pantamus was the first to make the Catechetical school of the city famous.
[...] 本网站所载资料是以「现状」形式提供,且不带有任何明示或隐含的保证,英属寿保险股份有限公司台湾分公司及总公司暨友邦保险集团旗下之的分公司、附属公司及联营公司 [...]
(统称「AIA」) 就所有明示或隐含保证作出免责声明,而此等保证范围包括但不限於隐含的可销售性及特殊用途合适性保证;(2)
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To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law: (1) The materials on this website are provided “as is” and without warranties or any kind either expressed or implied and American International Assurance Company,
Limited and its subsidiaries and
[...] affiliates (collectively,“AIA”)disclaim all warranties, [...]
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在慕道的过程中,应培育慕道者对信仰小团体的意识和经验,并鼓励他们于领洗后加入堂区的信仰小团体,定时相聚,分享圣言,将信仰配合于生活经验和挑战中,或由新新的信仰小团体,延续 慕道 中的经验和成长。
They should also let the newly baptized faithful to form new small
communities of faith, and to continue their
[...] experience found during the period of catechumenate, so as to mature in faith.
较早时教区会议代表给该等决议案选出十项优次,涉及深化育、推广信仰小团体、改 慕道促进基督化的婚姻及家庭生活、在堂区及天主教学校推广青少年的牧民服务、加强教会领导者及一般教友对社会正义的关注、积极向外教人士福传,以及成立一所本地的天主教大学。
These priorities aimed at deepening the
Christian formation
[...] of the lay people; promotingthe catechumenate, basic ecclesial communities and [...]
Christian marriage and
family life; youth ministry in parishes and Catholic schools; more involvement in social justice issues by Church leaders and other Church members; active participation in evangelization; the establishing of a local Catholic university.
友邦香港」、 「澳门友邦保险」、「AIA」、「公司」或「我们」是指美 险(有限公司。
AIA Hong Kong", "AIA Macau", "AIA", the "Company", "we", "us" or "our" as used in this webpage refers to
由于北京和苏丹的 关系之前几乎完全通过喀土穆及其执政党全国大会
[...] 党(NCP)的政治渠道维系,所以中国政府不得不 从头开始建设与南苏丹的关系,特别是与南苏丹执 政党苏丹人民解放运动(SPLM)的关系,同时还 要让喀土穆消除疑虑,表明自己无意与老
Because Beijing’s relationship with Sudan was previously channelled almost exclusively through Khartoum and its ruling National Congress Party (NCP), it has had to build a relationship in the South, particularly with the ruling Sudan Peoples’
Liberation Movement (SPLM), from
[...] the ground up, while reassuring Khartoum that it has no intention of leaving old friendsbehind.
在整个礼仪的编译器假设,这是制定了由使徒,他告诉我们哪些句子插入使徒每个单独的组成部分,例如:“我,詹姆斯,约翰的兄弟西庇太的儿子,说,执事会说在一次:'没 慕道 一,'“等使徒宪法的第二本书包含一纲一礼仪(即很难超过表)本几乎都是一致的。
Throughout this liturgy the compiler supposes that it was drawn up by the Apostles and he inserts sentences telling us which Apostle composed each separate part, for instance: "And I, James, brother of John the son of Zebedee,
say that the deacon shall say at once:
[...] 'No oneof thecatechumens,'" etc.The second [...]
book of the Apostolic Constitutions
contains the outline of a liturgy (hardly more than the rubrics) which practically coincides with this one.
堂区慕道加强彼此间的关系和沟通,如堂区牧职人员或牧民议会成员定期探访,介绍堂区近况、邀 慕道加堂区活动及 慕道 行家访等,堂区神父更好担 慕道成员,以便多与导师 慕道触。
The relationship and communication between the
[...] parish and thecatechumenate should be strengthened, e.g. members of pastoral team or parish pastoral council should visit the catechumenate periodically, and share the recent development of the parish, invite catechumensto take part in parish activities and to conduct home visits to thecatechumens etc. Parish priests are encouraged to be visiting speakers in the catechumenate, as to have more contacts withthe catechumens.
显然,在阿富汗和伊拉克目前都存在持续的非国际武装冲突, 在这两种情况中,美国部队及其同意下参加了敌对行动,敌对部 队构成有组织武装集团并可以被认定为有组织武装集团,而且已经达到了必要的 暴力门槛。
It is clear that there are ongoing non-international armed conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, as in both instances the United States forces and their alliesare engaged in hostilities with the consent of the host Government, the opposing forces constitute organized armed groups who are identifiable as such, and the requisite threshold of violence has been met.
圣西里尔耶路撒冷已经给我们留下了完整的一系列指示 慕道礼,从而提供一个对宗教教职确切的知识传授我们在东中的第四个世纪中叶重要的教会人民。
St. Cyril of Jerusalem has left us a complete series of
[...] instructions to catechumens and the baptized, [...]
thus supplying us with an exact knowledge
of the religious teaching imparted to the people in an important Church of the East in the middle of the fourth century.
不丹正在制定 2040 年交通远景规划,其第十个五年计划和方案中包括扩大城市交通服务的可行性研 究,以便包括路等生通方式和替代交通方式以及智能交通系统。
Bhutan’s Transport Vision Plan 2040 is in the pipeline and its tenth Five-Year Plan and programmes cover the scope of expanding its urban transport
services feasibility
[...] study toinclude eco-friendlymodesof transport and alternative modes of transport suchas ropewaysandwaterways, [...]
and intelligent transport systems.




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