

单词 感染性



infective diarrhea

See also:

感染 n

infections pl
virus n
prevalence n

感性 adj

sensitive adj
sensual adj



External sources (not reviewed)

有理由限制自由流动措施的疾病指世界卫生组织相关文书界定 为可能是流行性的疾病,以及接待国为保护其国民而规定的其 感染性 疾病 或寄生虫病。
The only diseases justifying measures restricting freedom of movement shall be the diseases with epidemic potential as defined by the relevant instruments of the
World Health Organisation and other
[...] infectious diseases or contagious parasitic diseases [...]
if they are the subject of protection
provisions applying to nationals of the host Member State.
感染性甲状 腺炎:病毒感染也会引起甲状腺的炎症,影响其功能。
Infectious thyroiditis: A viral infection can also cause [...]
inflammation of the thyroid gland, affecting its function.
有些细菌会引感染 性疾病 ,被称为病菌;另一些细菌帮助有机物分解 并保持土壤健康。
Other bacteria help break down organic matter and keep soil healthy.
人口基金向各国政府和执行伙 伴提供了生殖健康急诊包,感染性 传 染 疾病和其他性暴力后果的幸存者提供治 疗。
UNFPA provided Governments and implementing partners with emergency
reproductive health kits in order to treat survivors for sexually
[...] transmitted infections and other consequences of sexual violence.
脚气是一种极常见的真感染性皮肤 病,通常被称为脚癣 - 红色毛癣菌为足癣的主要致病菌,目前尚未涉及蠕虫感染。
Athlete's foot is a fungal infection, often called ringworm -- although there is no worm involved.
在各种国际会议上发言,包括:维也纳国际艾滋病大会:题为“在马来西亚 减少药物滥用及危害”(2010 年);维也纳第十八届国际艾滋病大会:题为“受访 者主导的抽样调查——让社区参与”(2010 年);全球卫生中心:题为“马来西亚 的艾滋病毒预防”,由哥伦比亚大学在哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图举行(2010 年);第十
三届亚洲和太平洋地区艾滋病国际大会(ICAAP):题为“印尼:扩大在马来西亚 减少危害的工作”(2009 年);第 20
[...] 届澳大利亚艾滋病毒医药学会年会(2008 年); 吉隆坡第 13 届国感染性疾病大会(2008 年);中国西安第十届国际药物依赖问 [...]
题会议:题为“减害伤害国际经验”(2008 年)。
Speaker at various international conferences, including: International AIDS Conference: “Substance Abuse and Harm Reduction in Malaysia”, Vienna (2010); XVIII International AIDS Conference: “Respondent Driven Sampling — Involving the Community”, Vienna (2010); Global Health Centre: “HIV Prevention in Malaysia”, Columbia University, Almaty, Kazakhstan (2010); XIII International Congress of AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP): “Indonesia: Scaling up Harm Reduction in Malaysia” (2009); 20th Annual Australian Society for HIV
Medicine Conference (2008); 13th
[...] International Congress in Infectious Diseases (ICID), [...]
Kuala Lumpur (2008); X International Conference
of Drug Dependence: “International Experience of Harm Reduction”, Xian, China (2008).
教科文组织的一些办事 处(阿皮亚、温得和克、达卡、内罗毕、圣多明各、阿拉木图和莫斯科)开办了培训政策人 员和决策者的地区性和国家级的研习班。这些培训班以在校学习活动为主,目的在于减少对 艾滋病病毒/艾滋病的感染性和危 险,以保证综合实施国家全民教育行动计划中的预防教 育。
Several UNESCO Offices (Apia, Windhoek, Dakar, Nairobi, Santo Domingo, Almaty and Moscow) implemented regional and national workshops for training of policy- and decision-makers on school-based activities to reduce risk and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in order to ensure the integration of preventive education in EFA national action plans.
最后,美援署全球卫生方案还 将目标对准传染病,因为男女的生理差异可影响到某些传染病的 感染性 , 而性 别规范、文化习俗和行为可严重影响疾病的预防、求医和治疗机会。
Finally, USAID global health programmes target infectious diseases, as biological differences between
men and women can affect
[...] vulnerability to certain infectious diseases, while gender norms, cultural [...]
practices and behaviours
can strongly influence disease prevention and care-seeking, as well as access to treatment.
绝大多数的死亡人数增加是由 感染性 疾 病 和肿瘤、溺水和 与车祸有关的伤害,然而,这些组合的比率每年之间的差异很大。
Most of the increased
[...] deaths are due to infectious diseases and neoplasms, [...]
drowning and vehicle-related injuries, however,
the rates for these groupings vary considerably from year to year.
这十个部分按现代医疗术语讨论了以下主题:(1) 解剖学、生理学以及已知的性格、体液和要素;(2) 一般病理生理学(包括一个描述脉搏类型的章节和一个关于可导致死亡的原因的章节);(3)
卫生与营养(包括单独介绍儿童疾病、老人疾病以及特别介绍旅游期间容易感染的疾病的章节);(4) 诊断和预后;(5) 发烧及其分类;(6)
[...] 治疗(当时的医生参阅最多的内容); ( 7) 感染性疾病;(8) 皮肤疾病;(9) 毒理学;(10) 药理学。
In current medical terminology, the ten parts discuss the following topics: (1) anatomy, physiology and knowing temperaments, humors, and elements; (2) general pathophysiology (including a chapter describing the kinds of pulses and a chapter on causes of death); (3) hygiene and nutrition (including separate chapters on diseases of childhood, of age, and especially diseases contracted while traveling); (4) diagnoses and prognoses; (5) fever and its classification; (6) treatments (the volume of the
encyclopedia most sought after by
[...] physicians of the period); (7) infectious diseases; (8) skin [...]
diseases; (9) toxicology; and (10) pharmacology.
在现实生活中,剥夺青年的性健康和生殖健康及权利造成的直接后果是使青 年人成感染性传染 疾病(包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病)最严重的群体,艾滋病毒感染 者中近四分之一年龄不到 25 岁,女性艾滋病感染者 中有三分之一是 15 至 24 岁(见A/60/61-E/2005/7)。
The direct consequences of the
denial of the SRHR of
[...] young people in practice has led to young people being the most severely affected by sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS – almost 1/4 of those living with HIV are under the [...]
age of 25, and 1/3
of women living with HIV are between 15 and 24 years of age (see A/60/61-E/2005/7).
[...] 和施加性暴力,包括以此作为战略性和战术性战争武器的做法,除其他外, 这增加了妇女和女感染性传播 疾病和艾滋病毒/艾滋病的危险。
The Security Council condemns all violations of the human rights of women and girls in situations of armed conflict, and the use of sexual violence, including as a strategic and tactical weapon of war,
which, inter alia, places women and girls at increased risk of
[...] contracting sexually-transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS.
[...] 干预措施, 为保护母亲, 照顾他们的孩子, 接种疫苗, 诊断和治感染性疾病.
The Italian National Health System provides every woman with services aimed at
prevention, motherhood protection, assistance of children, vaccination, diagnosis
[...] and treatment of infectious diseases.
海巴戟果含有的acubin、L-车叶草苷和茜草素(alizarian),以及根中的一些蒽醌化合物可抑制一些治病菌株,如:绿脓桿菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草桿菌、大肠桿菌、沙门氏菌、誌贺氏菌,以及摩式变形菌Proteus morgaii等真菌,这也是海巴戟可以治疗皮肤感染及其 感染性 疾 病 的物质基础。
Morinda citrifolia fruit contains acubin, L- Woodruff Gan and alizarin ( alizarian ), as well as the root of some anthraquinone compounds can inhibit some disease strains, such as: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, bacillus coli, Salmonella, Shigella, and friction type deformation
strain Proteus morgaii fungi, this is Hai Baji can
[...] treat skin infection and other infectious diseases of the material basis.
处理用过的探针帽时,必须遵循当前的医疗惯例或当地有 感染性 生 物 医药废弃物 的处理规定。
Dispose used probe covers in accordance with current medical practices or local regulations
[...] regarding disposal of infectious, biological medical waste.
感染性疾病 :例如脑膜炎和脑炎CSF分析可用于确定致病菌是细菌、结核菌、真菌还是病毒,可对其它疾病进行鉴别诊断;还可用于检测感染是否靠近脊髓;或者用于研究不明原因的发热。
Infectious diseases such as meningitis [...]
and encephalitis—testing is used to determine if the cause is bacterial, tuberculous,
fungal or viral, and to distinguish it from other conditions; may also be used to detect infections of or near the spinal cord or to investigate a fever of unknown origin.
在肌肉骨骼手术中使用ORTHOSET®不透射线骨水泥的禁忌症有 感染性 关 节 炎、活 性感 染、未 完全治愈的可能会累及装置植入部位的感染、或有此类感染的病史。
The use of ORTHOSET® Radiopaque Bone Cement in musculoskeletal surgery is contraindicated in the presence of infectious arthritis and in active infection, an incompletely treated infection that could involve the site where the device will be implanted, or if there is a history of such infection.
超声心动图适用于评价各种儿童后天性心脏病, 诸如川崎 病(Kawasaki)感染性心内 膜炎、 各类心肌病、风湿热及心脏炎、系统性红斑狼疮 心肌炎、心包炎、艾滋病毒感染,以及服用过具 [...]
有心脏毒性 的药物。
An echocardiogram is indicated for the evaluation of acquired heart diseases in
children, including
[...] Kawasaki disease, infective endocarditis, all forms of cardiomyopathies, rheumatic fever and carditis, [...]
systemic lupus
erythematosus, myocarditis, pericarditis, HIV infection, and exposure to cardiotoxic drugs.
31 这类疾病的实例包括严重营养不良儿童患莱 尔综合症、严重营养不良儿童的 感染性 伤 口,骨髓增生异常综合症和坏疽性口 炎。
Malnutrition compromises the immune system, which acts as a trigger for severe diseases with unclear aetiology and wounds in kwashiorkor.31 Examples of such diseases include Lyell’s syndrome in severely malnourished children, noninfectious wounds in children with severe malnutrition, myelodysplastic syndromes and noma.
我們對下列事項不作出任何陳述或保證:本網站可供使用且滿足您的要求,對網站的取覽不會被中斷,資訊的傳輸不會出現延遲、故障、差錯、遺漏或丟失,不會傳播病毒或其他 感染性 或 破 壞性的特性,及您的電腦系統不會受到損害。
We do not represent or warrant that this Website will be available and meet your requirements, that access will not be interrupted, that there will be no delays, failures, errors or omissions or loss
of transmitted information, that no
[...] viruses or other contaminating or destructive [...]
properties will be transmitted or that
no damage will occur to your computer system.
一方面自然和人类安全面 临着重大的威胁,如全球气候变化 感染性 疾 病 的出现和蔓延、生物多样性的丧失,另一方 [...]
Major threats to natural and human security
such as global climate change,
[...] emergence and spread of infectious diseases and loss [...]
of biological diversity are testing
our intellectual capabilities, while humanitarian imperatives and development needs remain as critical as ever.
委员会还尤感关注的是,企图自杀 感染性 传 播 疾病和少女怀孕的青年 人的比例越来越大。103 委员会建议基里巴斯制订基于权利的行动计划,保护所 [...]
有的儿童尤其是青少年免受毒品和有害物质的危害;为滥用药物的受害儿童提供 康复和重新融入社会的服务;加强向青少年进行生殖健康教育;向怀孕少女提供
It was also concerned, inter alia, about the increasing
rates among young people of
[...] attempted suicides, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and [...]
teenage pregnancies.103 It recommended
that Kiribati formulate a rights-based plan of action for the protection of all children, and particularly adolescents, from the dangers of drugs and harmful substances; develop recovery and social reintegration services for child victims of substance abuse; strengthen reproductive health education for adolescents; and provide teenage pregnant girls with the necessary assistance and access to health care and education.104 49.
呼吸道感染常常以病性感染开始 ,随后转变为可能需要接受更多治疗的细菌重叠感染。
Often respiratory infections will start with a virus, and then become super-infected with bacteria which may require more medical treatment.
一些症状是 由于机性感染所引 起,另一些是HIV感染 自身的症状部分,如像皮肤干燥、瘙痒性丘疹 [...]
Some are due to opportunistic infections, others [...]
are part of the HIV infection itself such as dry skin and papular pruritic
eruptions (‘itchy bump disease’).
还应高度重视对性传感染的治疗和 控制,因为性传感染容易 助长艾滋病毒传播:2 型单纯疱疹病毒、软下疳或梅 毒等溃性感染能把 艾滋病毒传播的效力增加 2 倍或 3 倍。
The treatment and control of sexually transmitted infections also deserve priority because of their role in HIV transmission: ulcerative infections, such as the herpes simplex virus type [...]
2, chancroid or syphilis,
triple or quadruple the effectiveness of HIV transmission.
我们强调,艾滋病毒及艾滋病、疟疾、肺结核、 感 、 小 儿麻痹症等染 性疾病 仍是严重的全球性问题,因此我们承诺加倍努力普及艾滋病毒预防、治疗、 护理和支持服务,根除艾滋病毒母 感 染 现 象,并恢复和加强防治疟疾、肺结核 和被忽视的热带疾病的努力。
We emphasize that HIV and AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, influenza, polio and other communicable diseases remain serious global concerns, and we commit to redouble efforts to achieve universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, [...]
care and support and to eliminate
mother-to-child transmission of HIV, as well as to renew and strengthen the fight against malaria, tuberculosis and neglected tropical diseases.
(c) 与伙伴合作,确保利用防治艾滋病毒与实现千年发展目标之间的协同作
用,方法包括加大努力协调一致地处理艾滋病毒和结核病合并感染问题,利用艾 滋病防治工作改善妇幼保健以及性保健和生殖保健成果,以及将艾滋病毒相关服
[...] 务与食品和营养辅助相结合,适当情况下也可与慢性疾病服务相结合,包括提供 缓和医疗和防治机性感染、心 血管病、糖尿病和丙型肝炎。
(c) Work with partners to ensure that synergies are exploited between the HIV response and efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, including by scaling up efforts to coherently address HIV and tuberculosis coinfection, by leveraging the AIDS response to improve maternal, child and sexual and reproductive health outcomes, and by integrating HIV-related services with food and nutrition support and, where appropriate, services for chronic illnesses,
including providing palliative care and
[...] addressing opportunistic infections, cardiovascular [...]
disease, diabetes and hepatitis C.
这些活动包括开展有关艾滋病毒的宣传和提高认识运动,酌情为自愿保密 咨询和测试提供转介服务,为性传 感染 提 供 检查和治疗,提供治疗机 性感染 的信 息,培训前战斗人员,使之成为“变革推动者”,以协助其社区开展防治艾 滋病毒感染的活动,向感染艾滋病毒的前战斗人员提供支助,并在可行时,在国 [...]
These activities include implementing HIV public information and awareness campaigns, providing referrals for voluntary confidential counselling and testing where
appropriate, screening and
[...] treatment for sexually transmitted infections, providing information on treatment for opportunistic infections, training [...]
ex-combatants to become
“change agents” assisting in their communities with HIV prevention activities and providing support for ex-combatants living with HIV and, where feasible, referral for antiretroviral treatment within the national health-care system.
该组织关于预防和减少艾滋病毒传播的战略包括通过同伴相互教育与学 校的青少年进行合作,支持高中的提高艾滋病毒/艾滋病认识俱乐部,培训社
[...] 联系起来,为艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者的家属提供基于家庭的护理和家庭教育, 提供自愿咨询、检测以及医疗援助,为机 性感染 提 供 艾滋病毒检测试剂盒和 药物,为医疗培训提供奖学金,以及促进当地社区团体发起的鼓励当地政府领 [...]
. The organization’s strategies for the prevention and reduction of the spread of HIV include working with teens in schools through peer educator training, supporting HIV/AIDS awareness clubs in high schools, training community and religious leaders and women’s groups to provide prevention education, linking vulnerable adults and children to health clinics, providing home-based care and family education in homes where people are living with HIV or AIDS, offering voluntary counselling and testing and medical
assistance, providing HIV test kits and
[...] medicines for opportunistic infections, providing [...]
scholarships for medical training and
promoting advocacy activities by local community groups that encourage local government leaders to prioritize access to quality health care.
[...] 断;大幅度增加和改善感染艾滋病毒的少年儿童接受治疗的机会,包括接受预防 和治疗机性感染的机 会,通过增加对其父母、家庭和法律监护人提供更多财政、 [...]
Commit to develop and implement strategies to improve infant HIV diagnosis, including through access to diagnostics at point of care, significantly increase and improve access to treatment for children and adolescents living with HIV,
including access to prophylaxis and
[...] treatments for opportunistic infections, as well as [...]
increased support to children and adolescents
through increased financial, social and moral support for their parents, families and legal guardians, and promote a smooth transition from paediatric to young adult treatment and related support and services




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