

单词 感愤

感愤 ()

moved anger

愤愤 ()

extremely angry

See also:


indignation n
outrage n


angry adj
indignant adj
fury adj

External sources (not reviewed)

由于越来越被剥夺了传统的事业前景,工作人员中的不满情绪在增长,普遍感到 工作保障不确定,对于权利的得而复 感 到 愤 懑。
Discontent has been growing among the staff due to being increasingly deprived of their traditional career
prospects, with a general feeling of precariousness with regards to
[...] job security and resentment over the loss of acquired rights.
他们不 仅对袭击者经常不分军事目标与平 感 到 愤 怒 ,而且 对国际社会首先长期听任围困、然后听任战争发感 到不愤怒。
There is rage against the attackers for often failing
[...] distinguish between military targets and civilians, and there is also resentment against the international community for having [...]
allowed first
the siege and then the war to go on for so long.
令巴勒斯坦人感到愤慨的 是,岁月不断流逝, 地平线上却始终不见获得国家实体地位的前景。
The Palestinian people are exasperated by the fact that [...]
the years continue to pass with no prospects on the horizon for
achieving status as a national entity.
但我们可能能认识到他们真感到愤怒 的 是因为失去至爱,我们便能接受和体谅他 [...]
But if we recognise that what
[...] they are really angry about is their [...]
loss, we can accept and absorb their feelings.
美国对于安理会居然未能解决一个紧迫的道义 挑战和对区域和平与安全的日益增长的威 感 到愤 怒。
The United States is outraged that
this Council has utterly failed to address an urgent moral challenge and a
[...] growing threat to regional peace [...]
and security.
据强调,加沙民众生活在严重的心理创伤之中。这 导致许多人感到他们失去了对自己生活的控制,并使一些人 感愤 怒 和 出现试图 以暴力解决问题的倾向。
It was stressed that the people of Gaza were living under an intense degree of psychological trauma, which
for many people was
[...] leading to a sense of loss of control over their lives and, for some people, deep anger and a proclivity [...]
to try to resolve problems through violence.
过去悲剧的最痛苦的教 训之一是,受影响的幸存者及其家人以及失去亲人的家属到各种办公室和部门办 理复杂的官僚程序时得不到专门、可靠的协助,他们对此表示了强烈的挫 感和 愤懑。
One of the most painful lessons of past tragedies is that affected survivors and their families, as well as bereaved families, have conveyed strong feelings of frustration and resentment as they try to work through complex bureaucratic procedures in a variety of offices and departments without dedicated and reliable assistance.
我们对以色列军队残酷镇压巴勒斯坦人 感到 愤怒,同时,我们也对巴勒斯坦人民各派四分五裂感 到沮丧。
While we are outraged by the brutal suppression of the Palestinian people by the Israeli forces, we are also frustrated at the factional divisions among the Palestinian people.
阿拉伯人不仅对于安理会未能就被占领巴勒斯 坦领土的以色列所有定居点的非法性问题作出表态 感到沮丧,而且感到愤慨, 因为在第 1860(2009) 号决议通过两年多后,以色列继续对加沙地带实施非 法和不道德的封锁,而且一再袭击该地区平民。
Arabs are not only frustrated with the failure of the Council earlier this year to pronounce itself on the illegality of all Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory, but they are also outraged that, two years after the adoption of resolution 1860 (2009), Israel continues its illegal and immoral blockade of the Gaza Strip and its repeated attacks against its civilian population.
它还对与 Yobatan 极端分子的定居 点合作,在 It’am 建立新的旅游定居感到愤慨。
It further deplored the establishment of a new tourist settlement near the settlement of It’am in cooperation with the extremist settlement of Yobatan.
3 月 18 日,安理会主席向新闻界发表讲话,表示安理会成员对联科行动所报 告的科特迪瓦防卫和安全部队 3 月 17 日在阿比让阿博博的一个市场对手无寸铁 平民进行野蛮袭击的行感到愤慨, 并且谴责科特迪瓦任何一方对手无寸铁的平 民的暴力行径。
On 18 March, the President of the Council delivered remarks to the press, expressing the indignation of Council members at UNOCI reports of brutal attacks against unarmed civilians allegedly committed by the Ivorian Defence and Security Forces at a market in Abobo, Abidjan, on 17 March and condemning violence committed by an Ivorian party against unarmed civilians.
所以,虽然我们对 本国人员以及我们与阿富汗友谊的象征遭到攻击感到愤慨, 但我们不能因为此类犯罪行径而却步。
It is for that reason that while we are outraged by attacks upon our people and symbols of our friendship with Afghanistan, we cannot be deterred by such criminal acts.
本案中的上诉人应邀参加学 校任用的面试,之后一感到愤愤不 平 的公民强迫 学校校长举行第二次面试,而在这次面试中上诉人 [...]
The appellants in the case had been invited to an
interview for an appointment at a school,
[...] after which some aggrieved citizens had coerced [...]
the school principal to hold a second
interview, from which the appellants had been excluded.
[...] 奇怪的是,这起不幸事件并未令法国外交部 感 到愤 怒,特别是鉴于叙利亚已设立一个由一名法官主持并 [...]
有该名记者曾经工作过的法国电视频道的一位代表 参加的调查委员会来调查这起事件的细节。
Syria finds it strange that this tragic event did not move the French
[...] diplomacy to indignation, particularly [...]
given that Syria established a committee
of inquiry to investigate the details of the event, chaired by a judge and with the participation of a representative of the French television channel at which the journalist used to work.
整个世界继感 到愤慨,但却不能采取行动。
The world continues to be outraged, but is unable to act.
我的同事、美利坚合众国代表说,安全理事会的 两个常任理事国使用否决权使感到 愤 慨。
My colleague, the representative of the United States of America, said that she was disgusted at the use of the right of veto by two permanent members of the Security Council.
与此同时,由于我们没有对国际金融交易和避税 天堂的存款征税,全球金融和经济危机还在持续,当 公民看到他们自己的生活水平受到侵蚀,公 感 到愤 愤不平 ,社会示威成倍增加,政府由于缺乏治理而受 到威胁,混乱充斥社会,并且不确定性蔓延到所有地 方。
In the meantime, through our failure to tax international financial transactions and the deposits made in tax havens, the global financial and economic crisis continues, citizens become indignant as they see their standard of living erode, social demonstrations multiply, Governments are threatened by the lack of governance, chaos takes over societies, and uncertainty expands everywhere.
同激进组织一样,他们也对2010年2月亚齐训练营解体后对恐怖分子嫌疑人的逮捕和杀 感 到 愤 怒。
They also shared the widespread anger in the radical community over the arrests and deaths of suspected terrorists that arose in the aftermath of the breakup of the training camp in Aceh in February 2010.
阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府在其普通照会中对以下事 感 到 愤 慨 : 2010 年 12 月以色列在被占领戈兰将水源充公,以便将水只分配给以色列定居者,这给在戈 兰依赖耕作和捕鱼为生的叙利亚公民造成 2 000 多万美元的经济损失。
In its note verbale, the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic deplored the fact that, in December 2010, Israel had confiscated water sources from the occupied Golan in order to allocate water exclusively to the Israeli settlers, resulting in more than 20 million dollars in financial loss for the Syrian nationals of Golan whose livelihoods depend on farming and fishing.
另一方面,它是要让穆斯林国家对这一冒天下之 大不韪的事感到义愤填膺 ,从而转移它们对穆斯林世界和中东问题和局势的关 注。
On the other hand, it is intended to divert the attention of Muslim nations from the issues and
circumstances of the Muslim world and of the Middle East by
[...] causing them to be enraged and offended by [...]
this great offence.
在现阶段之后,未来道路方面的最迫切问 题将要求我们关注阿拉伯各国人民的自尊心和需要 解决的令他感到气愤的问题。
After the current stage, the most pressing issue on the
way forward will require attention to the Arab peoples’ pride
[...] and sources of indignation that will need [...]
to be resolved.
在得知营地中有袭击者时,当地 平民对营地内一再出现犯罪活感到 义 愤 填 膺
On learning of the presence of the assailants in the camp,
[...] local civilians exasperated by repeated criminality [...]
descended on the camp.
就我国而言,我要说, 这种情形让我感到气愤。
Speaking from my country’s perspective, I would like to say that such images offend us.
面对既有证 据,人们忍不住会对顽固坚持将核能作为一种威慑手 段继续用于军事目的的做感到义愤 填 膺 ,因为同样 众所周知的是,这类武器的使用会产生可怕的滥杀滥 伤后果,从而削弱人权和国际人道主义法并粉碎一切 人道主义或人性理念。
Given the evidence, one cannot help but be indignant at the stubborn attachment to the continued use of nuclear energy for military purposes as a means of deterrence, when it also well known that such use would have a horrendous and indiscriminate impact, undermining human rights and international humanitarian law and shattering any notion of humanism or humanity.
没收巴勒斯坦人领土和财产、驱逐领土 上的人民以及用以色列定居者取代原有居民的系统 性政策,加之关闭巴勒斯坦机构和对老城内穆斯林和 基督教圣地采取挑衅行为,包括袭击阿克萨清真寺, 这令阿拉伯国家和伊斯兰国家深受伤害 感 到 义 愤填 膺
The systematic policy of confiscating Palestinian territory and wealth, depopulating that land and replacing its inhabitants with Israeli settlers, along with the closure of Palestinian institutions and the provocative acts against Muslim and Christian Holy Sites in the Old City, including attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque, have produced bitterness and great rancour in the Arab and Islamic worlds.
最近,当地 Griffith
[...] 灌溉者“对州政府于灌溉季中期中断配 感 到 很 愤 怒 ” (Daily Advertiser, Wagga [...]
Wagga, 2007 年 1 月 13 日),2000 名灌溉者在德尼利昆“要求政 府对他们被窃取的水进行补偿”
(Daily Advertiser, 2006 年 12 月 16-17 日)。
Recently, local Griffith
[...] irrigators are ‘fuming over mid season allocation [...]
cuts imposed by the state’ (Daily Advertiser,
Wagga Wagga, 13 January 2007) and 2000 irrigators turned out in Deniliquin ‘to demand compensation from the government for water they believe was stolen’ (Daily Advertiser, 16-17 December 2006).
在此方面必须牢记,由于以色列几次三番企图改变巴勒斯坦领土(特 别是东耶路撒冷)的特点、组成及地位的非法做法,以及正如以色列最近就哈利 勒(希伯伦)和伯利恒的圣地的声明中所表明的,对圣地进行控制,造成了宗教感性加强,愤怒情绪蔓延。
In this regard, it is imperative to bear in mind the heightened religious sensitivities and anger prevailing due to repeated Israeli illegal attempts to alter the character, composition and status of the Palestinian Territory, particularly in East Jerusalem, and to control holy sites, as indicated by the recent Israeli declarations regarding holy sites in Al-Khalil (Hebron) and Bethlehem.
这些杀戮不仅令受害者家属和社区 感 痛 心 和 愤 怒 ,而且影响了全体巴勒斯 坦人民,他们饱受以色列在巴勒斯坦城镇和村庄不断升级的,甚至针对非暴力和 [...]
平示威者的军事行动和暴力的骚扰,再次认识到了占领国的残暴和对其占领下的 生命的完全无视。
These killings
[...] have not only deeply grieved and angered the victims’ [...]
families and communities, but have affected the entire
Palestinian population, which has been disturbed by the escalation of Israel’s military raids and violence in Palestinian towns and villages, including against non-violent and peaceful demonstrators, and has been reminded anew of the brutality and absolute disregard for life by the occupying Power against the civilian population under its occupation.




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