

单词 感情用事


act impetuously (idiom); on an impulse

See also:




deep affection for sb.or sth.
likes and dislikes
relationship (i.e. love affair)





External sources (not reviewed)

此外,虽然机器人或许 有不感情用事处,但它们也不会有怜悯、自责或同情,而这些感情往往适 [...]
In addition, while robots may have the benefit of not
[...] acting based on emotion, they also do not [...]
have the kind of sympathy, remorse or
empathy that often appropriately tempers and informs the conduct of fighters and their commanders.
新宪法草案的产生不是偶然的,也不 感情用 事来自索马里人的愿望,他们一直在等待过渡制 [...]
The new draft constitution is not the result
[...] of happenstance oremotion,but has emerged from [...]
the aspirations of the Somalis, who
continue to await the end of the transitional system and a return to the regular system of governance.
其中一名警察明确表示:感情用事 常不可取的,而且容易坏事, 我们需要别人教我们怎样去控制它。
One officer saidthatemotions aretreacherous [...]
and make you ineffective; we need to be taught how to control them”.
Make clearthat “emotion”can never be used [...]
to justify excessive use of force, especially in reacting to attacks by Papuan groups.
[...] little to do with sentimentality. Rather, it is [...]
an expression of our acute awareness of quality.
该节目夺得「五连冠」,结合了人物描绘、异乡情怀、天涯游历和民 感情 子的 历史,似乎正切合了香港人旁徨的心态。
Through telling histories by Chinese compatriots afar, this programme seems to resonate well with Hong Kong people's feeling ofhelplessness.
国际原子能机构(原子能机构)总干事最近的报 告表明,伊朗再次未同原子能机构充分合作,并强调 他对伊朗核计划的可能事用“日 切”。
The latest report of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) makes clear that once again Iran has not fully
cooperated with the Agency and highlights his “increasing concerns”
[...] at the possible military dimensions to Iran’s programme.
(B) 倘任何股东交出代表其所持股份之一张股票予以注销,并要求本 公司按该股东可能指定之有关比例另发两张或以上代表该等股份之股票替代,则董事 会可於就首张股票以外每张股票支付董事会不时厘定的有关为任何於香港证 券交易所上市的股本,则该费用不得超过有关证券交易所不时规定或准许的最高金 额,而倘为任何其他股本,则为董事会就有关股东名册所在地区而言属合理而可能不 时厘定的以有关货币计值的有关款项,或否则於 能不时厘定的有关 其他款项)後酌情遵照有关要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding,in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
该制度明显旨在损害人的尊 严和制造用感在许施加严重的身心痛苦,以获得配合和供词, 导致衰竭、人格解体和非人化。
This regime was clearly designed to
undermine human dignity
[...] and tocreate a senseof futility by inducing, inmany cases, severephysical [...]
and mental pain and
suffering, with the aim of obtaining compliance and extracting information, resulting in exhaustion, depersonalization and dehumanization.
该科负责为现有外地行动提 供日常支助;为开办特派团编写工程特派团资源计划和预算;编写有关环境、住 宿、供电、供水、资产管理和防火的工程导则与政策,协助在研究和向特派团持 续供水方面提供技术支助;订立关于发电机、电力设备、预制结构、水净化和废 水系统、防御和建筑服务的全球系统合同;监测工程系统合同的使用情编写该科的预算和执行情况报告。
It is responsible for providing day-to-day support to existing field operations; preparing engineering mission resource plans and budgets for start-up missions; preparing engineering guidelines and policies related to environment, accommodation, power, water, asset management and fire prevention and assisting in providing technical support in researching and providing a continuous supply of water to the missions; establishing global system contracts for generators, electrical equipment, prefabricated structures, water purification and waste water systems, field defence stores and construction services; and monitoring the utilizationof the engineering system contracts; and preparing the budget and performance reports of the Section.
已经有人指出,在下列因素出现时,最可能发 生教派的暴动:(a) 在宗教路线上出现长期严重的敌对局面,特别是在乡村和城
[...] 市地点出现这种局面;(b) 宗教社区成员对突如其来 感情的反 应;(c) 暴动者及其所属规模较大的宗教集团心里觉得教派的暴力行为是正当合 [...]
理的;(d) 暴动者估计警察对教派的暴力行为,不是没有反应,就是做出偏袒或 无效的反应。
It has been noted that sectarian riots are most likely to occur when the following elements are present: (a) severe long-standing antagonism on religious lines in particular
villages and urban
[...] localities; (b)anemotional responseof members [...]
of religious communities to a precipitating event; (c) a feeling in the minds of rioters and the
larger religious group to which they belong that sectarian violence is justifiable; and (d) the assessment by the rioters that the reaction from the police to sectarian violence will be either absent or partisan or ineffective.
某代表团对“振兴”执委会的提议表示关注,注意到执委会已经在发挥重要的功 能,应该继续保留其对食典委的咨询不应该对属于食典委职责 事情任何 决定。
One delegation expressed some concern with the proposal to “revitalise” the Executive Committee, noting that it was already carrying out important functions and should retain its advisory role to the Commission, but should not take decisions that were the responsibility of the Commission.
他建议,首先,不应该使 成一致意见的指标将国 家列在不遵情事风险名单上,而且这些指标在秘书处评估完成之前应停止使二,秘书处在列入某一国家时,事先应与之协商。
He proposed, firstly, that indicators that
[...] were non-consensual should notbe usedto place countries on the list of those at potential risk of non-compliance, and should be withdrawn from use until the Secretariat's evaluation [...]
had been completed,
and, secondly, the Secretariat should consult a country before including it in the list.
国际人 权案件中所使庭概念是指强迫失踪受害人同其共同生活的人或者与受害感情的家庭成员之间实际存在的 感情”。
The notion of family in international human rights
cases refers to the
[...] presence ofan actualemotional bond”between the victim of the enforced disappearance and the persons with whom the victim lived or family members with whom the victim had close emotionalties.
所需资源增加的项目 包括:其他工作人员费用(16 800 美元),咨询人(85 700 美元),专家(27 300 美元),工作人员公务差旅(185 000
美元)。所需资源减少的项目包括:订约承办 事务(154 900
[...] 美元),特别是专业服务和语文训练服务;一般业务费用(1 059 600 美元),主要原因是用事1 086 500 美元;用品和材料(1 181 400 美元),这是根据以往期间的消出的数字;家具和设备(836 700 美元), 主要原因是延迟更换家具和设备(670 000 [...]
800 美 元),但软件包项下的所需资源增加额(338 700 美元)与之部分相抵。
The decrease reflects the net effect of increases under other staff costs ($16,800), consultants ($85,700), experts ($27,300) and official travel of staff ($185,000), and decreased requirements under contractual services ($154,900), in particular specialized services and language training services; general operating expenses ($1,059,600),
mainly attributable to
[...] a reduction of $1,086,500 in utilitycosts;supplies and materials ($1,181,400), based on the consumption patternof previous periods; furniture [...]
and equipment ($836,700),
due mainly to the delayed replacement of furniture and equipment ($670,000) and office automation equipment ($763,800), offset in part by additional requirements for software packages ($338,700).
此类信息包括启运点和目的地以 及偷运移民使用的路线、承运人和运输工具;活动的组织或有组织犯 罪集团的身份和手法;缔约国签发的旅行证件的真实性和应有形式,以及关于 空白的旅行或身份证件失窃或有关 用情藏匿和运送人口的手段和方法以 及旅行证件或身份证件的非法变更、复制、获取或其他形式的滥用及其侦查办 法;预防和打击偷运移民活动的立法经验和做法及措施;有助于执法工作的科 学和技术信息,以提高各自预防、侦查和调查偷运移民及相关活动的能力。
Such information is to include embarkation and destination points as well as routes, carriers and means of transportation used to smuggle migrants; the identity and
methods of
[...] organizations or organized criminal groupsinvolved;the authenticity and proper form of travel documents issued by a State party and the theft or related misuseof blank travel or identity documents; means and methods of concealment and [...]
transportation of
persons and the unlawful alternation, reproduction or acquisition or other misuse of travel or identity documents and ways of detecting them; legislative experiences and practices and measures to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants; and scientific and technological information useful to law enforcement so as to enhance each other’s ability to prevent, detect and investigate the smuggling of migrants and related conduct.
[...] 1970(2011)号决议第 9 和第 10 段及第 1973(2011)号决议第 6 和第 7 段,已向白俄罗斯航空公司和航空货运商下发了关于禁止和(或)限制向阿 拉伯利比亚民众国空运或从该国运出制裁和利比亚领空禁飞规定及不 用情或其他货运的相关准则。
With respect to paragraphs 9 and 10 of Security Council resolution 1970 (2011) and paragraphs 6 and 7 of Security Council resolution 1973 (2011), Belarusian air carriers and air cargo operators have been given appropriate guidance regarding the ban and/or restrictions on air transport into or out
of the Libyan Arab
[...] Jamahiriya of military goods or other cargo covered by the sanctions and the ban on flights in Libyan airspace and the exceptionsthereto.
(1) 就任何目的而言属有关精神健康的病人的股东,或由任何对於保护或管理 无能力管理其本身事务人士的个人事务具有管辖权的法院作出的命令所指人士的股 东,不论是在举手或按股数投票表决中,均可由其接管人、受托监管人、财产保佐 人,或由该法院所指定具有接管人、受托监管人或财产保佐人性质的其他人士作出表
决,此等接管人、受托监管人、财产保佐人或其他人士均可在按股数投票表决中,由 代表代为表决,亦可以其他方式行事及就股东大会而言,被视作犹如该等股份的登记
[...] 持有人,惟须於大会或续会或按股数投票表决(视情况而定)指定举行时间不少於四 十八(48)小时前,向办事处、总 过户登记处(视 用情定)提交能要求声明表决权人士的授权证据。
(1) A Member who is a patient for any purpose relating to mental health or in respect of whom an order has been made by any court having jurisdiction for the protection or management of the affairs of persons incapable of managing their own affairs may vote, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by his receiver, committee, curator bonis or other person in the nature of a receiver, committee or curator bonis appointed by such court, and such receiver, committee, curator bonis or other person may vote on a poll by proxy, and may otherwise act and be treated as if he were the registered holder of such shares for the purposes of general meetings, provided that such evidence as the Board may require of the authority of the person claiming to vote shall have been deposited at the Office, head office or
Registration Office, as appropriate, not less than forty-eight (48) hours before
[...] the time appointed for holding the meeting, or adjourned meeting or poll,as thecase may be.
军事服务是指与军事行动有关的专业服务,包括战略规划调查、 陆地、海洋或空中侦察、各类有人或无人飞行业务、卫星监视、任何具有事用知识转让、向武装部队提供材料和技术支持以及其他相关活动,而安全服务 指武装守卫或保护建筑物、设施、财产和人员,具有安全和警务用途的任何类型 的知识转让,制定和实施信息安全措施以及其他相关活动。
Military services refers to specialized services related to
military action, including
[...] strategic planning, intelligence, investigation, land, sea or air reconnaissance, flight operations of any type, manned or unmanned, satellite surveillance, any kind of knowledge transfer with military applications, material [...]
and technical support
to armed forces and other related activities while security services refers to armed guarding or protection of buildings, installations, property and people, any kind of knowledge transfer with security and policing applications, development and implementation of informational security measures and other related activities.
根据该框架的用情 政府将制定一项孕产 妇健康联合行动计划,以巩固部门承诺,并促进非政府组织、私营部门、双边和 多边捐助者以及联合国系统在乌干达的其他利益攸关方对加速进展的承 诺。
Based on the application of the MAF, the Government will develop a joint action plan for maternal health to consolidate sector commitments, and tap the commitments of other stakeholders such as NGOs, the private sector, bi- and multilateral donors and the UN system in Uganda, towards accelerated progress.




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