

单词 感情




deep affection for sb.or sth.
likes and dislikes
relationship (i.e. love affair)

情感noun, plural



move (emotionally)





act impetuously (idiom); on an impulse


love lifen

External sources (not reviewed)

国家之间建立外交关 系并不表示特别的友感情密的友好关系,而是表明一种把彼此视为国际社 [...]
The establishment of diplomatic relations between
countries does not necessarily mean
[...] especially favourablesentiment or closefriendship; [...]
it is an indication of political stand
that they regard each other as an equal part of the international community.
已经有人指出,在下列因素出现时,最可能发 生教派的暴动:(a) 在宗教路线上出现长期严重的敌对局面,特别是在乡村和城
[...] 市地点出现这种局面;(b) 宗教社区成员对突如其来的事件做 感情的反 应;(c) 暴动者及其所属规模较大的宗教集团心里觉得教派的暴力行为是正当合 [...]
理的;(d) 暴动者估计警察对教派的暴力行为,不是没有反应,就是做出偏袒或 无效的反应。
It has been noted that sectarian riots are most likely to occur when the following elements are present: (a) severe long-standing antagonism on religious lines in particular
villages and urban
[...] localities; (b)anemotional responseof members [...]
of religious communities to a precipitating event; (c) a feeling in the minds of rioters and the
larger religious group to which they belong that sectarian violence is justifiable; and (d) the assessment by the rioters that the reaction from the police to sectarian violence will be either absent or partisan or ineffective.
(5) 延迟三年时间并非很长,而且有助於巩固打算结婚的男 女双方感情
(5) A delay of three years is not long and would help to test the strength of the relationship.
在 商 业 和 贸 易 问 题 等 共 同 利 益 上 ﹐ 它 打
破 了 一 些 敌 对 的 强 大 堡 垒 ﹐ 为 发 展 政 治 上 的 民 族 性 舖 路 ﹕ 它 清
[...] 除 了 一 些 地 方 上感 情惯 ﹐ 取 而 代 之 [...]
的 是 更 广 更 强 的 德 意 志 民 族 元 素 。
By the community of interests on commercial and trading questions it had broken down some of the strongest holds of alienation and hostility and its has paved the
way for a political nationality- it has
[...] subdued muchlocal feeling and habit and [...]
replaced them by a wider and stronger element of German nationality.
国际人 权案件中所使用的家庭概念是指强迫失踪受害人同其共同生活的人或者与受害感情的家庭成员之间实际存在的 感情”。
The notion of family in international human rights
cases refers to the
[...] presence ofan actualemotional bond”between the victim of the enforced disappearance and the persons with whom the victim lived or family members with whom the victim had close emotionalties.
占领国仍在建造种族主义隔离墙,这侵犯 了西岸,特别是东耶路撒冷巴勒斯坦人民的所有权
[...] 利,而国际社会不愿采取行动,使得占领军更加胆 大妄为,无视世界各地穆斯林感情耶路撒冷 地下进一步挖掘隧道。
The occupying Power was still building the racist separation wall which violated all the rights of the Palestinian people in the West Bank, particularly in East Jerusalem where the reluctance of the international community to take action
had emboldened the forces of occupation
[...] to disregardthefeelings of Muslimsaround [...]
the world by digging further tunnels under Jerusalem.
想象你自己在一个休闲的周末上午漫步于五颜六色的食物市场,还可以边走边吃!爱尔兰将自己对美食 感情 在热闹而多彩的农夫市场,那也算得上爱尔兰城镇的特点之一。
Imagine yourself strolling through an array of colourful food markets on a lazy weekend morning, tasting as you go!
只能通过正式的政治进程实现和平;但是, 为了持久,我们必须把人当作个人、社区和真实的人 来对待,他们有伤痛、情绪和怒气,但也有希望、善 心感情
It can be achieved through a formal political process; but, to be sustained, we have to deal with human beings as
individuals, communities and real people
[...] with traumas,emotions and anger, but also with hopes, with heartsandfeelings.
我认为我们今天已经看到了我们的努力所取得的成果:我一走进博物馆,就有一大群中国和美国儿童挥舞着旗子欢迎我;随后是聆听中国和美国学生优美的合唱,他们以充沛 感情了两支歌曲,一支是英文的,另一支是中文的;之后是听取副国务卿和副部长扼要阐述已经完成的各项工作和今后的工作任务的报告;然后是特别令人高兴地听我们的两名学生讲话。
I think we have already seen today the fruits of our efforts: starting as I walked into the museum with a large group of Chinese and American children waving flags and greeting me; listening to the wonderful chorus of Chinese and American students singing a powerful duo of songs, one in English, the other in Chinese; hearing the report from the under secretary and the vice minister outlining all of the work that has been done and the work that lies ahead; and then the special treat of hearing from our two students.
[...] 爱、安全和激发兴趣的关系可为其身心 情感 力发展奠定基础且增强他们的 信心和自主能力。
Conversely, loving, secure and stimulating relationships of young children with their
families and caregivers build a foundation for
[...] their physical, emotional and intellectual [...]
development and enhance their confidence and free agency.
在数字(位)中间后期制作环境里,调光不仅 被用于建立在镜头和场景之间的连续性,同时也提 情感 以帮助诠释故事。
In the digital intermediate environment, color
grading is not only used to establish continuity between shots and
[...] scenes, butto provide emotion to help tell the story.
会议向卡塔尔国埃米尔谢赫哈马德·本·哈利法·阿勒萨尼殿下、卡塔尔政 府和人民致意,感谢他们的支持、慷慨们承诺寻求持久解决达尔富 尔冲突。
The Conference paid tribute to His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar, the Government and the people of Qatar for their support, their generosity and their commitment to finding a durable solution to the Darfur conflict.
委员会注意到,缔约国对于促进方案和预防方案远远不能满足儿童和青少年 的需要感到关切,它建议缔约国制定全面的儿童与青少年精神卫生政策,该项政 策包括世界卫生组织建议的关于以下诸方面的所有强制性内容,以期改善儿童的 精神卫生情感:尤其是促进精神卫生,在初级保健中预防精神疾病,以及 门诊和住院病人精神卫生服务。
The Committee takes note of the State party’s concern that promotion and prevention programmes are far from meeting the needs of children and adolescents and recommends that it develop comprehensive child and adolescent mental health policy, which includes all obligatory components as recommended by the World Health Organization, inter alia, regarding mental health promotion, prevention of mental disorders in primary care and outpatient and inpatient mental health services, with a view to improving mental health and emotional well-being of children.
联合国共同国家方案的发展面临着一些挑战:首先是国内的政治形势,特别是对人权 问题的日益关注以及政府对人权的以很难制订由国家工作队和政府共享的共同国家 方案;其次,伊朗的捐 差,很难形成信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在 国家工作队成员在集中财务和人力资源开展联合行动方面仍然存在不情愿和技术障碍。
Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations common country programmes: firstly, the domestic political situation, especially the growing concern over human
rights issues and the
[...] government’ssensitivity on human rights, have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations country programme for which UNCT and the government would have shared ownership; secondly, the profile of thedonorcommunity in Iran is very [...]
low and it has been
very difficult to generate FIT resources and joint United Nations programming; and, thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers among UNCT members to put together financial and human resources for joint activities.
飞行攻击,大概也超越世代的音乐激情,众议院一直找到了正确的音符寻找一块手表,通信,仪器的球迷的关注,除了时间,强烈 情感
Flying attacks, probably also by passion for music beyond generations, the House has always found the right
note for the attention of fans looking for a watch that communicates instrument, in addition to
[...] the time, intense emotion.
[...] 正案,其中将父母的角色确定为照料者和教育者,并明文规定父母不得对子女施情感体暴力行为或任何其他形式有辱人格的待遇。
She also referred to an amendment of the Civil Code which defined parents’ role as caretakers and educators and
explicitly stated that parents were not allowed to
[...] employ either emotional nor physical violence [...]
or any other form of humiliating treatment against children.
每位咨询师都受过专业的训练,可在求助者发生危机时、情绪低落或需要建议时提 情感 支持。
They are trained to offer emotional support in times of crisis or when
[...] callersmay be feelinglow or inneed [...]
of advice.
(e) 建立相关机构并拟订相关程序,以确保法律援助提供人与其他专业人 员之间展开密切合作并且建立适当的推介制度,目的是争取对受害人有一个全
[...] 面的了解,并能对其法律、心理、社会 情感体和认知状况与需要作出评 估。
(e) Establishing mechanisms and procedures to ensure close cooperation and appropriate referral systems between legal aid providers and different professionals to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the child, as
well as an assessment of his or her legal,
[...] psychological, social,emotional,physical and [...]
cognitive situation and needs.
2006 年期间,社会事务部将 28 个被遗弃的儿童托付给雅温得恩科莫困难 儿童救助中心(CAED),在该中心接情感方面的护理和相应的培训。
In 2006, MINAS assigned 28 abandoned children to the Shelter for Children in Distress (CAED) in Nkomo, Yaoundé, where theyreceived psychological care and appropriate training.
促请会员国以及私人部门、有关非政府组织和专业协会制定和酌情改进预 防犯罪和刑事司法对策,打击特别是通过新信息技术包括互联网制作、拥有和 传播描述或宣扬对妇女和儿童的暴力行为的游戏、图像和其他各种材料的现
[...] 象,并减轻这些游戏、图像和材料在公众对妇女和儿童的态度以及儿童智力情感方面造成的影响。
Member States and the private sector, relevant non-governmental organizations and professional associations are urged to develop and improve, where appropriate, crime prevention and criminal justice responses to the production, possession and dissemination of games, images and all other materials that depict or glorify acts of violence against women and children, and their impact on the general public’s
attitude towards women and children, as well as
[...] the mental and emotionaldevelopment of [...]
children, particularly through new information
technologies, including the Internet.
因 此,委员会得出结论,为可受理目的,申诉人无需以人道主义 情感 提出申 请。
It therefore concludes that, for purposes of admissibility, the author did not need to make an application on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
[...] 杂的教育、环境和个人因素以及与他人 情感 会和文化的纽带关系,具一定的自由度。
Nevertheless, a person’s identity should not be reduced to genetic characteristics, since it involves
complex educational, environmental and
[...] personal factors and emotional, social, spiritual [...]
and cultural bonds with others and implies a dimension of freedom.
全球行动呼吁源自于一份未定稿的报告,该报告强调必须将湿性AMD疾病作为慢性病看待,并将与治疗AMD疾病相关 情感体和经济负担作为一个重要问题。
The global call to action stems from a pending report that underscores the need to
recognize wet AMD as a chronic disease, and
[...] the significant emotional, physical and [...]
economic burden associated with treating
the disease as an acute condition.
在随后的讨论中,与会者谈到经常受到忽视的《公约》第31 条必须加以解
[...] 决的问题,这一条款确认儿童享有休闲和游戏权,因为在紧急情况下游戏的作用 可以非常重要,可以帮助儿童克情感 创伤。
In the discussion that followed, participants touched on the need to address the often neglected article 31 of the Convention, which recognized the child’s right to leisure and
play, because play could be very important in emergency situations and could help the
[...] child recover fromemotional trauma.




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