单词 | 感恩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 感恩 —thanksgiving感恩 adjective —thankful adj感恩 noun —gratefulness nExamples:感恩戴德—deeply grateful 感恩节—Thanksgiving Day 感恩图报—grateful and seeking repay the kindness [idiom.] See also:恩 n—favorAE n • kindness n 恩—grace
沒有民主選舉,沒有人民 授權,誰可高高在上地說自己的管治是以民為本,期望人 民 感恩 戴 德 呢? legco.gov.hk | Without democratic elections, without the [...] people's mandate, who can say [...] condescendingly that one's governance is people-oriented and expect the populace to be grateful for it? legco.gov.hk |
我们也為最近 去世的陈弟兄的生命感恩。 leedsccc.org.uk | We thank God for the life of brother Chen Wei, he has gone to be with the Lord recently. leedsccc.org.uk |
我们也很感恩,能够听到其他一些同工在不同地区进行的奇妙工作。 amccsm.org | We were also really thankful to be able to hear [...] about the amazing work some of our other co-workers are doing in some of [...]the different areas of the country. amccsm.org |
是的,他們也許會覺得我們講述的事蹟太 過重複,然而我們分享這些個人經歷時 的 感恩 與 真 誠會幫 助他們的心對神的信實有深刻的印象,幫助他們在人生的 [...] 考驗中能跟隨我們的腳踪,以至在他們的一生中也能親身 經歷到神各應許的真實。 lordsgrace.ca | Yes, they may find our stories too [...] repetitive, but the gratitude and sincerity with [...]which we share these personal stories [...]will help impress upon their hearts the faithfulness of our God, and help them follow our footsteps in their times of trials, and they, too, will come to experience the reality of the promises of God in their own lives as well. lordsgrace.ca |
老人的这番良苦用心、这份真情实意,让宏源人为之感动 、 感 激 、 感恩 , 李维德董事长也不禁感慨:“这是我这生中最为之感动的一件事”。 cn.lvd.cc | Chairman Li sighed with emotion that “it is [...] the most moving thing that has ever happened in my life”. en.lvd.cc |
我相信我們中間不少的信徒都有類似的經歷,就是在 遇到很大的苦處、艱難或挑戰時,在沒有人了解之時,卻 被神用祂的話語或作為來摸著我們的心,叫我們深深的感 受到祂的眷顧和關懷,雖然環境尚無改變的跡像,但已足 夠叫我們跪下、感恩、敬拜 lordsgrace.ca | Many of us have had similar experiences in that while we were still in our plight, whether it was a financial disaster, a relational nightmare or some trouble that was too grievous to share with anyone else, God touched us with His word showing us that He was “concerned” and that He had “seen” our misery. lordsgrace.ca |
我们将在那一天悼念并缅怀死去的人 们,那一天也将为我们提供一个机会,对一个饱经破 坏的岛屿获得重生以及人类精神逐渐战胜重重逆境 表示感恩。 daccess-ods.un.org | While it will be a day to mourn and pay homage to the memories of those killed by the tsunami, it will also provide a window of opportunity for thanksgiving for the rebirth of a devastated island and for the gradual triumph of the human spirit over the elements. daccess-ods.un.org |
至於要求日皇公開致歉㆒事,由於是次紀念活動的目標,是希望香港㆟和那些曾 經參與保衛及光復香港的海外㆟士,能夠好像主要問題所說的㆒樣,有機會對各方面 [...] ㆟士在戰爭期間表現的犧牲精神及勇氣致以敬意,並為香港獲得重光表 示 感恩 及 表 達 新的願望,因此我認為不宜在此大前提之㆘牽涉到日皇。 legco.gov.hk | As regards the request to seek an assurance from the Japanese Emperor, the object of the commemoration is for the people of Hong Kong and for those from overseas who fought for its defence and eventual liberation to, as the words of the principal question read, pay tribute to the sacrifice and [...] courage of the people of the territory during the war [...] years and to give thanks for deliverance and [...]to express renewed hope. legco.gov.hk |
來到神的 面前,第一件要做的事就是感恩。 cbcwla.org | Thanksgiving is the way to [...] approach God. cbcwla.org |
1997 年, [...] 小兒患奇症,(詳情登在使者 1998 年 11 月感恩月刊—恩典的記號)在紐澤西看了五個醫生, [...] 無效之後 轉診賓州兒童醫院,一些姊妹冒著風雪為他禱告,從這些姊妹 身上, 深深感受主的愛,這樣的愛永銘不忘,願主厚厚的獎賞 她們的愛。 mccc.org | Our younger son came down with a [...] mysterious ailment in 1997 (we detailed the incident [...] in the 1998 Thanksgiving issue of Ambassador [...]Monthly, “The Scar of Grace”), [...]and we went through five different doctors in New Jersey who couldn't diagnose the problem, we then transferred him to the Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia (CHOP), and many sisters prayed for him during a snow storm. mccc.org |
在2007 年感恩節時 ,我有機會重訪美門,也和一 些對我在信仰上很有幫助的朋友重敘舊誼。 mccc.org | Over the Thanksgiving 2007 holiday, I [...] had the opportunity to visit MCCC and renew friendships with many people whom God [...]has used to shape and inform my faith in the LORD. mccc.org |
我很感謝雲彩,如果沒有他們,今天的我和兒子可能已 在某一個角落流浪或乞討,此刻有說不盡 的 感恩 , 謝謝每一位 曾經幫助我們的人士,從黑暗把我拉到光明,並幫助我的家庭 和婚姻才得重生。 thesilverliningfoundation.org | Silver Lining Foundation serves as a great encourager to us when we see how our children are improving by undergoing the rehabilitation training. thesilverliningfoundation.org |
为神对这个世代的至高计划以及祂对这个计划的亲自参与 存 感恩 的 心。 sallee.info | Be grateful to God for His Sovereign plan for the ages, and for his own personal participation in this plan. sallee.info |
国家零售体系联盟称,为宣传店铺而创建的cybermonday.com,今 年 感恩 节 后 周一的流量是去年同期流量的三倍。 akamai.cn | The National Retail Federation says cybermonday.com, a [...] website it set up for store promotions, had three times as much traffic [...] the Monday after Thanksgiving as it did last year. akamai.com |
首先,大老闆為大家致詞,接著,由其中一位員工率領大家 念 感恩 詞。 4tern.com | First of all, our big boss gave a speech to welcome everyone to the party. 4tern.com |
我们要感恩无需 活在心惊胆跳的火山口下啊。 4tern.com | They are living at the border line between live and death. 4tern.com |
阿肯色州的Betty向我叙述了诺丽是怎样对她的乳房肿块起作用的,她说,三年前,我的乳房X照片显示一个黑影,医生说是乳房肿块,不久又做了一次X光,显示肿块长到了5.5厘米,医生马上让我做切片检验,尽管如此,我还是等到过 了 感恩 节 , 因为我们要出城去走亲访友。 int-tm.com | Arkansas Betty told me the story of noni is how a lump on her breast at work, she said, three years ago, my breast X photo shows a shadow, the doctor says is a breast lump, and soon made a X light, showed a mass will grow up to 5.5 cm, the doctor [...] let me do section inspection, even so, I still [...] had to wait until Thanksgiving, because we have [...]to go out of town to visit. en.int-tm.com |
虽然有些伩徒离去,感恩的是 他们都有加入其它教会,愿主继续祝福他们为他多结果子。 leedsccc.org.uk | Glad to say that those few that have left us have gone to other evangelical churches and we wish them well and continue to bear fruits for our Lord. leedsccc.org.uk |
在美国麻省(Massachusetts)的普里茅斯(Plymouth),当地人都知道记 念 感恩 节 的 普里茅斯岩石和大大的高帽子跟早期移居美洲大陆在欧洲被迫害的清教徒(Pilgrims)有关。 cbnhongkong.org | PLYMOUTH, Massachusetts - We all know that the Pilgrims had [...] something to do with Thanksgiving and Plymouth [...]Rock and big tall hats. cbnhongkong.org |
历史作家菲拉尔赫(Phylarchus)(公元前3世纪)通过一个短篇故事试图证明海豚实际上是 一种很喜欢人类、非常聪明、懂得 感恩 的 动 物。 minpress.gr | The historical writer Phylarchus (3rd century BC) narrates a short story, proving that [...] the dolphin is in fact an animal which is very fond of men, and very intelligent, and [...] one very susceptible of gratitude. minpress.gr |
在新的征途中,永艺人将秉承“诚信务实、开放创新、谦 虚 感恩 、 合 作共赢”的企业精神,继续专注于座椅行业,持续为客户提供创新的产品和可信赖的服务,与供应商协同成长,为员工打造高效率、高价值的事业平台,引领中国椅业达到世界一流水平。 uechairs.cn | In the future, with the business philosophy of "Integrity [...] and Pragmatism, Openness and [...] Innovation, Modesty and Gratitude, Cooperation and Win-Win", [...]UE will continuously devoted herself [...]to seating industry to lead China chair industry into the world class, providing constantly our customers with innovative products and reliable service, growing with our suppliers and building the career platform for employees of high efficiency, high value and high income. uechairs.com |
教区拟举办一系列的活动,以达至教宗提供的两个主要目标,即:复兴作为教会原始庆节的主 日 感恩 祭 ,及推广于弥撒外对圣体的敬礼。 catholic.org.hk | The diocese planned for a series of activities to achieve two main goals set by the Holy Father, namely, the revival of Sunday Mass as the original feast day of the Church, and an increase in Eucharistic worship outside Mass. catholic.org.hk |
然而,我们的称义是重价买来的,这应该激励我们因着神为我们 所做的一切而过一种感恩的生活。 sallee.info | However, our justification came at a great price that should inspire [...] us to live out of gratitude for what God has done. sallee.info |
承蒙邀請出席是次貴會之午餐會,殊 感恩 寵 ,本人非地產行政之專業人士,亦深信在座各位對市場的認識,遠遠在我之上,故是次對貴會之誠邀,既感榮幸,又覺戰戰兢兢。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Honoured that you should see fit to invite a non-professional to address you; challenged by the knowledge that you all know so very much more about the market than I do. housingauthority.gov.hk |
開光外的暗色地有效地襯托洛可可式的葉紋飾,近底和頸部一周的橄欖褐色地純黃點絕無僅有,也顯示,當時所有跟琺瑯彩的技術革新有關係的設計專家、管理員、琺瑯匠等,因皇帝對他們的工藝和技術突破也那麼感興趣,一定 要 感恩 圖 報 ,不論大小要竭力盡能。 e-yaji.com | The palace artists, designers, and administrators responsible for enamels in the first two decades of the reign were obviously revelling in their newfound technical skills and responded to the intense interest of the emperor with astonishing artistry. e-yaji.com |
披戴著自1953年後首位進入NBA哈佛大學學生和首位進入NBA美籍華裔球員光環的林書豪,並沒有因自己上了新聞頭版而衝昏頭,反而謙虛地不忘將功勞和自己的團隊分享 , 感恩 地 不 忘將榮耀歸給神,明白光環只是一時,皆以平常心與人相處。 hkmbc.org.hk | Having notoriety of being the first Harvard graduate since 1953 and also the first Asian-American entering the NBA, Lin was not infatuated, but in fact, humbly shared credits with his team, and did not forget to glorify God. He understands that glory was but a temporary, and doesn’t let the fame change him. hkmbc.org.hk |
不論是以靜物或風景,葉子奇善感的心靈,總是以緩慢而冗長的繪畫過程,走過哀傷、悲苦、思念 與 感恩 ︰ 一尾沈睡的金魚、一顆故鄉的水果、一朵屬於母親的茶花、一片夏天吃剩得西瓜皮⋯,在在述說著藝術家私密而深沈的感情故事。 ravenelart.com | They traverse through sorrow, bitterness and pain, [...] longing and thankfulness: a sleeping [...]goldfish, a fruit from his homeland, his [...]mother’s camellias, the watermelon rind in summer…these are all deep and personal narratives of the artist’s emotions. ravenelart.com |