单词 | 感叹 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 感叹 noun —exclamation nless common: sigh n 感叹 —lamentless common: sigh (with feeling) Examples:感叹号—exclamation mark ! (punct.) 感叹句—exclamatory phrase • exclamation 感叹语—expletive • exclamation 感叹词—interjection (part of speech) • exclamation See also:叹—exclaim • gasp
中国官员感叹他们是在媒体 上得知美国部署军队,而不是直接通过外交部获知。 crisisgroup.org | Chinese officials lamented that they first [...] learned of the U.S. deployment through the media rather than directly from U.S. diplomats. crisisgroup.org |
面对如此多的国家动用大量的资金购买武器, 只能感叹面对 不断恶化的该问题,国际社会是多么 软弱无力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the scale of resources wasted by so many countries on the purchase of weapons, it was hardly surprising that the international community was powerless in tackling that ever-growing problem. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了感叹北京与非洲独裁者的合作伙 伴关系,助理国务卿卡森还提醒非洲官员:“中国是一 [...] 个非常具有野心并且毫无道德的恶性经济竞争者。 crisisgroup.org | In addition to lamenting Beijing’s partnerships [...] with authoritarian strongmen on the continent, Assistant Secretary Carson [...]cautioned his African counterparts: “China is a very aggressive and pernicious economic competitor with no morals. crisisgroup.org |
在本手册中,警告和危险标志的感叹 号 表 示某 些特殊危险。 graco.com | In the text of this [...] manual, the exclamation point symbol alerts [...]you to a warning and the hazard symbol refers to specific risks. graco.com |
在该城市的监狱中,两个女Jokerz,Deidre和迪莉娅丹尼斯,由他们的祖母,一个老人Harley昆因 , 感叹 他 们 是什么失望的人被保释出来。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | In the city jail, two of the female Jokerz, Deidre [...] and Delia Dennis, are bailed out by their grandmother, an [...] elderly Harley Quinn, who laments what disappointments [...]they are. seekcartoon.com |
我们知道如何让磋商更加具有互动性,但就是不这么做,”一位与会 者感 叹道。 daccess-ods.un.org | We know how to make consultations more interactive, but we just [...] do not do it”, lamented one participant. daccess-ods.un.org |
无需感叹,Ch opard 与众多世界精美奢侈品牌一样都产自瑞士。 hk.ashford.com | Chopard, like so many of the world’s finest luxury brands, is a product of Switzerland. ashford.com |
阿德南的父亲看着孩子们围在屋外的火堆旁,一脸的迷茫与悲伤 , 感叹 道 , “除了叙利亚儿童,没有人会吃这样的东西!这是他们的命啊 unicef.org | Adnan’s father observes the children gathered outside around the fire and exclaims, with a look of perplexity and sadness, “No one would ever eat this except Syrian children! unicef.org |
右侧三个按钮可控制消息筛选器:内有白叉的红色圆圈表示筛选出错邮件,内 有 感叹 号 的 黄色 三角形表示筛选警告,内有“i”字母的蓝色圈圈表示筛选消息类邮件。 seagate.com | The three buttons to the right control message filters: the [...] white cross in the red circle filters error [...] messages, the exclamation mark in a yellow [...]triangle filters warnings, and the "i" [...]in the blue circle filters information messages. seagate.com |
如果您的 USB [...] 驱动程序有问题,您会在通用串行总线控制器类别下看到一个黄色的带 有感叹号的图标。 redlion.net | If you have a problem with your USB drivers, you will see a yellow [...] icon carrying an exclamation point under the [...]Universal Serial Bus controllers category. redlion.net |
我们常听到一些中小企业老板的抱怨 , 感叹 申 请 手续比较严格复杂。 sccci.org.sg | In their feedback to us, SME owners have constantly voiced their frustration with regard to the stringent and complex application procedures. english.sccci.org.sg |
感叹号或 者星号在Code39条码字体中用于作为起始和终止字符,因此不能作为条形码数据输入。 evget.com | Microsoft® Office [...] Compatibility - the exclamation character or [...]the asterisk in the Code39 barcode font is used as a start [...]and stop character and therefore should not be part of the data in the bar code. evget.com |
再创建一个 VM 窗口。然后在 VM 窗口定义的前面 添加感叹号 (!)。 stall.goip.de | Then add an exclamation mark (!) in front [...] of the VM window definition. stall.goip.de |
进入页面后首先您会看见一个红色的 感叹 号 : 这表示您的资料还未更新。 steelorbis.cn | The first thing you'll notice [...] is the red exclamation point: this [...]indicates that your profile has not been updated. steelorbis.com |
SATA 控制器和 [...] SATA 硬盘在“设备管理器”中显示时,不可带有黄 色 感叹 号 或 其他任何出 错标记。 seagate.com | The SATA controller and SATA hard drive must not be displayed in the Device Manager [...] with a yellow exclamation mark or any [...]other error indication. seagate.com |
这是个既需要重视又令人感叹的事 实,在过去的十二个月中,据知国外有 10359 项发明, 但只有 42 项在美国申请到专利,究其原因,不过是外国人的专利申请费用过高,以及美国 的专利申请制度对外国人过于另眼看待,可以说是严格有加...以得出这样的结论,美国政府 对国外的发明如果不是视其为害的话,也是视其为险,与生俱来的危险。 iprcommission.org | It is a fact, as significant as it is deplorable, that of the 10,359 inventions shown to have been made abroad during the last twelve months, but forty-two have been patented in the US. iprcommission.org |
望洋兴叹原指在伟大事物面前感叹自 己的渺小,现多比喻做事时因力不胜任或没有条件而感到无可奈何。 chinesestoryonline.com | The Chinese idiom produced by this [...] Chinese fable story was "Wang Yang Xing Tan", which [...] originally meant feeling one's own littleness [...]upon seeing another's might. chinesestoryonline.com |
文本的左侧会出现一个带有感叹号的 三角形符号。 wolke.com | They have a triangular [...] symbol with an exclamation mark to the [...]immediate left of the text wolke.com |
之后杰罗姆列举了所有的国家何去何从犹太人被驱散, 他 感叹 地 说 :“Hæe东部,Judæe,tuarum longitudo等latitudo terrarum”(“书信集cxxix广告Dardanum。 mb-soft.com | After Jerome has enumerated all the countries whither the Jews had been dispersed, he exclaims: "Hæe est, Judæe, tuarum longitudo et latitudo terrarum" ("Epistola cxxix. ad Dardanum"). mb-soft.com |
又是一个胜利的星期,在足球的世界里,很多事情是可以利用数据研究和经验来预测结果的,但是会总有一些事情完全的出乎意料,只能让 你 感叹 世 事 难料。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Again, it was another winning week. In the football world, many things can be predicted by studying data and working with experience, but there are some things that happen that are definitely unpredictable, so unbelievable in fact that you’ll just be left scratching your head. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
如果您看到显示屏右侧出现带圈的 感叹 号 指示 符,请检查您的 Livescribe [...] smartpen 的可用存 储空间,因为存储空间差不多要满了。 livescribe.com | If you see [...] the circled exclamation mark indicator [...]on the right side of the display, check your available memory on the Livescribe [...]smartpen as it is almost full. livescribe.com |
并且没有感叹号"!"或错误提示信息。 asrock.cn | And there is no exclamation mark or error [...] message. asrock.cn |
大家都惊讶于工厂的 [...] 规模之大和大型机器,尤其是参观排水处理设施时,当看到污水变成清澈的水排出,有的孩子不 禁 感叹 道 : “日 本的技术太棒了”。 global.lixil.co.jp | Many were particularly impressed with the [...] wastewater processing plant, exclaiming, “Japanese technology [...]is extraordinary” after seeing [...]sewage processed into clear water before being effused as waste. global.lixil.co.jp |
接着,您会感叹经过数百万英里检验而得到的结论:杰出的燃油经济性、操纵灵活性与绝佳的可靠性。 scania.com.cn | Then the practical proofs: outstanding fuel economy, driveability and legendary reliability – proven over millions of miles. scania.co.th |
在库里欧湾(Curio Bay)参观石化林;观赏由海水冲刷形成的大教堂洞穴(Catheral Caves),感叹大自 然鬼斧神工的神奇;欣赏隐藏在雨林中气势磅礴的瀑布——普拉考努伊瀑布(Purakaunui Falls)和长达数千公里原始自然的海岸线。 cn.yha.co.nz | See a petrified forest at Curio Bay, impressive natural sea caverns at Catheral Caves, wonderful waterfalls in the rainforest like Purakaunui Falls and many, many kilometres of pristine coastline. yha.co.nz |
正如洪博培大使先生上周四所言,我 们 感叹 于 中国救灾应急的速度和力量,为在抗震灾区全力奉献的人们喝彩。 embassyusa.cn | As Ambassador Huntsman said last Thursday, we are impressed by the speed and strength of China's response efforts and we applaud the dedication of those who are already fully engaged on the ground in Qinghai. eng.embassyusa.cn |
同时广州现代肿瘤医院为方便国外患者前来就诊,先后在越南、印尼、菲律宾、孟加拉、柬埔寨等国家设立了办事处,当谈及到为什么会选择在孟加拉国家建立广州现代肿瘤医院办事处时,王院长由 衷 感叹 : “由于医疗技术水平发展有限,孟加拉中晚期的肿瘤患者在本国内得不到有效治疗,而作为友邻国家,当我们的医疗科技得到提高时,理应给孟加拉患者帮助,这是他们的需要。 asiancancer.com | What’s more, in order to provide more convenience to the patients who want to have treatment in this hospital, branch offices in Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Bangladesh, and Cambodia were set up one by another,. When director Wang was asked [...] why you wanted to set up branch office in [...] Bangladesh, he sincerely answered that [...]due to limited development of medical technology, [...]many middle-late stage cancer patients in Bangladesh can’t get effective treatment; as a friendly neighboring country, we should help Bangladeshi patients when our medical technology was improved. asiancancer.com |
可以想象,为维护“准社会利益”而提起抽象行政行为诉讼的原告如能得到法定的帮助或保障,则不但对这些“原告”来说,包括其后将会受其影响的更多行政相对人都 会 感叹 : 我 们生活的社会该是多么的美好和健康!这是在建构一个国家权力和公民权利“双赢”的模式。 lylawyer.com | As you can imagine, to maintain social benefit "and" abstract administrative action lawsuit filed the plaintiff if get legal protection, is not only to help or to the plaintiff ", including thereafter will be affected by the administrative relative person more, we will live in a society that is so beautiful and healthy! lylawyer.com |
在“文档检查器”对话框中单击“检查”按钮,就会把检查出的文档的批注、修订、版本和注释,文档属性和个人信息,隐藏文字等多方面的内容中可能引起个人隐私泄露的小项 用 感叹 号 标 记出来,我们接着点“全部删除”按钮就可以高枕无忧的去睡大觉了。 oapdf.com | in the "Document Inspector" dialog box, click the "Check" button, the document will be to check out the comments, tracked changes, versions and annotations, document properties and personal information, hidden text and other aspects of the content may [...] leakage of personal privacy caused small term [...] marked with an exclamation point, we then [...]point "delete all" button to sit back and relax in sleep a great feel. oapdf.com |
第叁件事:同一天晚上,我和几位亚洲的牧师一起用晚餐,我们因为这一代的教会没有几位真正的英雄,很少人像信心和正直的人一样地站出来 而 感叹。 amccsm.org | Event 3: The same evening over dinner with some Asian pastors we lamented that the church of our generation has few genuine heroes, few who stand out as men and women of faith and integrity. amccsm.org |