

单词 感化院

See also:


reform (a criminal)
redemption (of a sinner)
corrective influence
guide sb.back to the right path by repeated word and example
influence (a malefactor to a better life)

External sources (not reviewed)

例如:隔离时间通常不应超过 1 至两天,而根据感化院》,最长的隔离时间不能超过 [...]
7 天。
For example, the period of segregation should not normally exceed one or two
[...] days andthe Reformatory School Rules [...]
specify a segregation period of not more than seven days.
The EYAB assiststhe YOIin providing basic [...]
1999年 12月 1日 李华明议员感化院少年罪犯作出的隔离惩 罚提出书面质询。
1.12.1999 Hon Fred LI raised a written question on segregation punishment for
[...] young offendersin reformatory schools.
感化院务局下属的实体,负责对违法青少年灌输符合法律的价值 [...]
The YOI is the entity under the [...]
Legal Affairs Bureau responsible for the teaching, education and re-education, vocational
guidance and training of juvenile offenders.
同 样 , 在 安 大 略 省 , 加 拿 大 枢 密 院 或 安 大 略 省 行 政 局 的 每 一 名 议 员 、 加 拿 大 参 议 院 或 众 议 院 或 立 法 议 会 的 每 名 议 员 、 每 名 法 官 及 每 名 太 帄 绅 士 、 每 名 大 律 师 及 事 务 律 师 及 每 名 见 习 律 师 、 每 名 在 法 律 上 合 资 格 并 正 在 执 业 的 医 生 及 兽 医 、 每 名 死 因 裁 判 官 、 每 名 执 法 者 , 包 括 治 安 官 、 任感 化 院长 、 监 狱 或 惩 教 机 构 或 拘 留 所 的 监 督 、 狱 卒 或 看 守 人 、 治 安 人 员 、 警 务 人 员 、 消 防 员 及 法 院 人 员 等 , 均 没 有 资 格 出 任 陪 审 员 。
Similarly, in Ontario, every member of the Privy Council of Canada or the Executive Council of Ontario, every member of the Senate, the House of Commons of Canada or the Assembly, every judge and every justice of the peace, every barrister and solicitor and every student-at-law, every legally qualified medical practitioner and veterinary surgeon who is actively engaged in practice and every coroner, every person engaged in the enforcement of law, including sheriffs, wardens of any penitentiary, superintendents, jailers or keepers of prisons, correctional institutions or lockups, sheriff's officers, police officers, firefighters and officers of a court of justice, etc, are ineligible to serve as jurors.
(二 ) 每感化院定出准则以决定隔离的时间,并将该等准则知会 院内员工及被羁留儿童;若否,原因为何;及
(b) whethereach reformatoryschool has laid [...]
down criteria for deciding on the duration of confinement, and informed its
staff and children under custody of such criteria; if not, of the reasons for that; and
感 化院努 力 以不同 方 式尊重其居民的 尊 严 ,其方式 如下:(a) 分 类 : 分 区 的 增 加 为 居民的 更 好隔离和 分类提供了便 利感 化院为年轻 男 犯 人、女性居民、 脆 弱 犯 人、需 要 心 理治疗 的 犯 人以及需 要其他医 疗 的 犯 人提供安 全和人道环境;(b) 生活条件:尽管犯人的数量增加了(2008 年 10 月 1 日,412 人 ), 但 多 数 犯 人有自己的监室和个人卫 生设施 ; (c) 保 健感 化院有居民均 可 经 常享受 医 疗 和 心 理治疗 。
CCF has always sought to respect the dignity of its residentsin different ways as follows: (a) Classification: the increase in divisions facilitated the better segregation and classification of the residents. CCF caters separately for the safe and humane containmentof young male offenders, female residents, vulnerable inmates, inmates needing psychiatric attention as well as inmates needing other medical attention; (b) Living conditions: despite the increasing number in the inmate population (412 residents on 1 October 2008), the vast majority [...]
of the residents have their own cell with private sanitary facilities; (c) Health:all residents residing at CCF have access tocontinuous medical and psychiatric attention.
(一 ) (i) 在社会福利署(“社署”)辖下 7 所收容 7 至17 岁儿童及 青少年感化院住宿院舍当中,只有坳背山男童院(性 质感化院海棠路儿童院(性质属羁留院)可采取隔离 措施.
(a) (i) Of the seven
[...] correctional/residentialhomes operated by the Social Welfare Department (SWD) for juveniles aged 7 to 17, the practice of segregation is only permitted and therefore exercised at the O Pui Shan Boys' Home (a reformatory[...]
school) and the Begonia Road
Juvenile Home (a remand home).
(s) 感化院》(第 225 章)得以行使的职能移转给劳 工及福利局局长,而为使该项移转能切实施行,修订该 条例
(s) theReformatory Schools Ordinance [...]
(Cap. 225) be transferred to the Secretary for Labour and Welfare and, for the purpose
of giving full effect to such transfer, that Ordinance be amended
在过去 1
[...] 年,两所院舍的社署员工对院童实施隔离安排的次 数如下感化院有 47 次(每次大约为期 5 天),羁留 [...]
院则共有 8 次(每次不足 10 小时)。
In the past year, the SWD staff in these Homes have segregated residents on
47 occasions (each lasting for about five
[...] days) in the reformatory school, and [...]
on eight occasions (each lasting for under 10 hours) in the remand home.
Corradino感化院(感化院)称马耳他监狱,成立于 1850 年,自此成为 监 禁马耳他犯 人的主要监 狱 设 施 。
Corradino Correctional Facility (CCF),formerly known as Malta Prisons, was established in 1850 and has since then served as the main prison facility for the Maltese population.
感化院看管被法庭判处入住这类院舍的少年犯, 入住时间为 1 至 3 年;羁留院则负责羁留候判或已定罪的少 年,羁留期较短,由数小时至 6 个月不等。
The reformatory school deals with youngoffenders who are sentenced by the Courtto the school [...]
for between one to three
years, while residents of the remand homes are either accused or convicted juveniles detained at the home for a relatively shorter period from a few hours to six months.
为达致此目的,社会重返厅与少感化院门特区监狱 密切合作。
To this end, the DSR acts in close
[...] collaboration with the YOI andthe MSAR Prison [...]
(ii) 只有 1 名院童因违感化院律,而在隔离 7 天获释後的 两天内再次被隔离。
(ii) There was only one case involving a juvenile being segregated again, within two days, after release from a seven-day segregation for violating discipline in the reformatory school.
在服 务发展方面,社署於 2007 年 7 月重置辖下六感化宿院舍於一 所特感化院院舍设施现代化,为院童提供安全和受保障的环 境。
Regarding service development, the SWD has since July 2007 co-located its six
correctional/residential homes into one
[...] purpose-built correctional home with modernised facilities to provide a safe [...]
and secure environment for the residents.
此外,法律也规范了处理 入感化院年人的程序,当中最严重的纪律处分是青少年在晚间被安排入住 [...]
Furthermore, the Law details the procedures for dealing with
[...] the minors in the YOIandthe most serious [...]
disciplinary action is placing them into
an individual bedroom during the night period for at the most a month, without prejudice to counselling concerning their education and normal activities.
(i) 在该条例下被指定 为 禁 止 吸烟区的范围扩大至包括幼儿 中心、
[...] 学校、 核准院舍、 拘留地方、收容所感化院及工作地方、公众地方、店舖、百货公 [...]
司、购 物 商 场、 公众街市、超级市场、银 行、食肆处所、酒吧、卡拉OK 场所、麻将天九耍乐处所、浴
室、医院、 留 产 院 、安老 院 、 治疗中心、 专 上 学校及 指明教育机构的室内区域 。
(i) the areas designated as no smoking areas under the Ordinance are extended to cover child care centres, schools,
approved institutions, places of detention,
[...] places of refuge, reformatory schools and [...]
indoor areas in workplaces, public places,
shops, department stores, shopping malls, public markets, supermarkets, banks, bars, karaoke establishments, mahjong-tin kau premises, bathhouses, hospitals, maternity homes, residential care homes, treatment centres, post secondary schools and specified educational establishments.
(二 ) 有关采取隔离措施的指引,包括隔离时间的规定,悉载於感化 院住宿院舍守则》。
(b) Instructions on the use of segregation, including the duration allowed, are set out in the Manual of Procedures for Correctional/Residential Homes.
感化院的社工会与有关的专业人士合作,在少年离院後继续 为他们提供善後辅导服务,直至法庭判令完结。
Social workers of
[...] the SWD's probation home will, in collaboration with the professionals concerned, provide [...]
aftercare services
to discharged juvenile offenders until the end of court orders.
(三 ) 上述院舍守则所载有关社署辖感化院住宿院舍的运作(包 括隔离安排的执行),均符合《联合国儿童权利公约》的有关规 定。
(c) The operation of the SWD's correctional/residential homes, including the imposition of segregation, as laid down in the Manual, is in compliance with our obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
社署和惩教署均没有刑满後离感化院惩教院所 的少年入读学校类别的统计数字。
Both the SWD and the CSD do not have statistical data on the types of schools attended by juveniles who have left the probation home or correctional facilities after having served their sentence.
感化院》 (第 225 章)和《羁留院规则》(第 226 章)均载有条文, [...]
There are
[...] provisions inthe Reformatory School Rules [...]
(Cap. 225) and the Remand Home Rules (Cap. 226) governing the use of segregation in these homes.
10.81 政府设立住宿院舍,为有行为或家庭问题的儿童和青少年 提供教育及职前训練;同时亦为青少年罪犯设感化院
10.81 The Government runs residential homes that provide education and prevocational
training for children and juveniles with behavioural or family problems, as well
[...] as correctional homes for young offenders.
社署及非政府机构营运的社区支援服务,为接感 化院务的青少年违法者及接受警司警诫的青少年,提供 深入的社交及辅导小组工作服务、就业训练、就业辅导、技 巧训练和户外体验活动等。
- the Community Support Service Scheme operated by the SWD and NGOs offers intensive social group work and counselling groups, programmes on job training, placement service, skill learning classes, adventure outdoor activities to young offenders who are put under probation orders, reformatory school orders or the PSDS.
又例如,青少年外展服务每宗个案的每月成本是 588 元,感 化院院童的平均每月成本是 72,174 元,如增加青少年外展服务,是可 以减少青少年误入歧途的话,便可间接减感化院支。
If outreaching youth services can be strengthened, more young people may be prevented from going astray, and the expenses on operating probation homes may then be indirectly reduced.
( xi ) 受 雇 於 根 据感 化 院》 ( 第 2 2 5 章 ) 设 立 的 任感 化 院据 《 少 年 犯 条 例 》 ( 第 2 2 6 章 ) 指 定 的 任 何 拘 留 地 方 或 《 罪 犯 感 化 条 例 》 ( 第 2 9 8 章 ) 所 指 的 任 何 认 可 机 构 的 全 职 社 会 工 作 者
(xi) a social worker employed full-time in any reformatory school established under the Reformatory Schools Ordinance (Cap 225), any place of detention appointed under the Juvenile Offenders Ordinance (Cap 226), or any approved institution within the meaning of the Probation of Offenders Ordinance (Cap 298) (c) members of the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force and persons summoned to act or enrolled or appointed as special constables under any enactment
( xiii ) 受 雇 於 根 据感 化 院》 ( 第 2 2 5 章 ) 设 立 的 任感 化 院据 《 少 年 犯 条 例 》 ( 第 2 2 6 章 ) 指 定 的 任 何 拘 留 地 方 或 《 罪 犯 感 化 条 例 》 ( 第 2 9 8 章 ) 所 指 的 任 何 认 可 机 构 的 全 职 社 会 工 作 者
(xiii) a social worker employed full-time in any reformatory school established under the Reformatory Schools Ordinance (Cap 225), any place of detention appointed under the Juvenile Offenders Ordinance (Cap 226), or any approved institution within the meaning of the Probation of Offenders Ordinance (Cap 298)
所有手 续 的进行都保证尊重 居民的隐私权和保密 权;(d) 毒性检验:毒性检验感化院种例行工作,既是出于医疗目的,也是 为了执行 纪律;(e) 扩大探亲 :自 2004 年起感化院有居民,在监禁一年之 后,除正常探访和其他出狱假特权之外,还可定期享受扩大探亲。
All procedures are carried out in full respect of the privacy and confidentiality rights of the resident; (d) Toxicology testing: Toxicology testing is an on-going practice at CCF.




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