

单词 感到疑惑

See also:


think that
have the feeling that


puzzle over

External sources (not reviewed)

感 到 疑 惑 , 可 查 询 食 品 的 使 用 材 料。
Do enquire about the ingredients in a food item, in case of doubt.
此外,一 些和香港 生當局維持聯繫的國際組織,也 感到疑惑 , 甚至會感到混淆。
Besides, those international organizations which have contacts with the health authorities in Hong Kong will feel puzzled and even become confused.
許多客戶在作業系統回報時 感到疑惑 , 例如,他們新買的 1 TB (或 1000 [...]
GB) 硬碟機僅回報約 909 GB 的「可使用容量」。
Many customers are confused when their operating [...]
system reports, for example, that their new 1 Terabyte (1 TB, or 1000 GB)
hard drive is reporting only about 909 gigabytes (GB) in "usable capacity".
很多利益相关方对如何计算出标准化的每股社会 贡献感到疑惑。
and many stakeholders feel uncertain about how to work out a standardized SCVPS score.
此情況會使 一些醫生及醫院行政人員對本身接受同意的權 感到疑惑。
This can give rise to uncertainty in the minds of some doctors and hospital administrators as to their power to accept consent.
但是,羅議員在 議 案中提 到要訂 立 一個“僱用 殘 疾 人士的指 標 ” , 這 卻 令感到疑 惑 。
However, I have misgivings about Mr LAW's proposal of "establishing an indicator for employing people with disabilities" in the motion.
鑑於政府最近在本局就退休保障制度公布政策意向,已令社會各階層市 感到疑惑, 本局促請政府在短期內,就老年退休金計劃制訂公平、合理和為港㆟接受的具體執行細 [...]
節;並須盡快就全港強制推行的僱員退休保障計劃,建立可行、可信和可託賴的制度,以 確保現在與將來的年長者的退休生活得到足夠和合理的保障。
That in view of the fact that the Government's recent announcement in this
Council of its policy intention concerning the retirement protection system
[...] has already aroused feelings of doubt among people of all [...]
social strata, this Council
urges the Government to draw up shortly, in respect of the old-age pension scheme, specific implementation details which are fair, reasonable and acceptable to the people of Hong Kong; and to put in place as soon as possible a feasible, credible and reliable system for a community-wide mandatory scheme of employees' retirement protection, so as to ensure that elderly people are provided with adequate and reasonable retirement protection now and in the future.
面對九七移交、主權回歸,國籍與居留權的問題,不能夠再含糊處理,市民對感到疑惑、猜 測及憂慮,是可以理解的。
In face of the transfer in 1997 and the return of sovereignty to China, the issue of nationality and right of abode can no longer be dealt with in ambiguous terms.
黃維則堂分契土㆞㆖的物業將可以如常買賣,就像未發 生最近的糾紛時㆒般;而發生紛糾後,有意購買這類物業的㆟士,以及有㆟要求提供 按揭貸款的銀行,感到疑惑。
It will be possible to buy and sell properties on the land sub leased from the Tong in the normal way, just as it was until the current disputes created uncertainty in the minds of prospective purchasers and the banks who were asked to lend money in the form of mortgages.
Khoshnaw 先生(伊拉克)对儿童“自愿”入伍 的概感到疑惑,在 他看来,儿童只能是被意识形 态团体所操纵,他也对在负责儿童和武装冲突问题 的秘书长特别代表与新设的负责针对儿童的暴力行 为问题的秘书长特别代表之间分配责 感到疑惑。
He also wished to know how the new Special Representative on violence against children and the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict would divide their responsibilities.
新使用者经感到疑惑 (这是 符合情理 的),如果用一个简体小人来表达不是人的事物,那就像是另外一个系统了。
Newcomers are often confused (not unreasonably) [...]
by a stick person representing something non-human, like another system.
首先,令感到疑惑的是 ,如果警方沒有保存日期、㆞點及場合的紀錄,這些 底片及錄影帶又如何能夠呈堂作為證據。
First of all, I am puzzled as to how
[...] they are given for keeping the films and tapes. First of all, I am puzzled as to how [...]
they can use these tapes
or films as evidence in court if they do not have record of the can use these tapes or films as evidence in court if they do not have record of the can use these tapes or films as evidence in court if they do not have record of the can use these tapes or films as evidence in court if they do not have record of the dates, place and location.
儘管市民在較早前對申亞一事有所保留,他們 主要是對預算數感到疑惑,質 疑該等花費是否值得,但隨着過去數 月我們在諮詢期間向市民進一步解釋,又看到廣州亞運會、亞洲殘疾 人運動會的實況,公眾對申亞的支持度已有上升。
Following our further explanation in the past months of consultation, and upon the completion of the Guangzhou Asian Games and the Asian Para Games, the public is more supportive of hosting the Asian Games.
過去,香港人或許感到疑惑、困 惑,究竟我們還要跑多久,才能跑到終點?
In the past, the people of Hong Kong might wonder and query how long we would have to run until we reach the destination.
正当我感到疑惑的时 候,祂就消除我们的 顾虑。
He reassures us right in the midst of our uncertainty and doubt 正當我們 感到疑惑的時候,祂就消除我們的 [...]
如果完全不同,就像MuchMusic的例子中那样,很可能忠实客户和潜在客户都 感到疑惑 , 扭 头离开。
If it is completely different, as we
saw in the Much Music example, it is very likely both loyal fans and potential
[...] consumers will be confused and turn away.
我感到沮丧,并时感到疑惑:如 果对换角色, 我们将处于何种境地。
In my frustration, I often wonder where we would be if the roles were reversed.
某些關於機場問題的言論曾令 感到疑惑 , 這 不單指 過去數㆝就機場所說的㆒些話,亦包括了過去數年就機場所發表的言論。
I have been puzzled by some things that have been said about the airport, puzzled not only by one or two things that have been said about the airport in the last couple of days but in the last couple of years.
感到疑惑的是今日的動議在㆗英聯合 聯絡小組雙方政府代表表示不會重開談判修改協議,以及這個協議在沒有違背㆗英聯 [...]
But to carry
[...] this motion would as good as put forth such a request. [...]
Representatives of the Chinese and British Governments
sitting on the Joint Liaison Group have indicated that they would not reopen talks to amend the agreement and that the agreement does not conflict with the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law.
如果我們要真正落實「 ㆒國兩制」的構想,要保護香港成功的經濟制度, 我們絕不能把國內商業運作模式搬過來,令本港和海外投資 感到疑惑 和 失 去信心。
We should never seek to transplant the commercial practice of China to Hong Kong. To do so will only baffle local and overseas investors and make them lose confidence in Hong Kong.
例如,在《蒙特雷共识》中许下宏伟誓言整整八 年之后,我们仍对官方发展援助承诺的诚 感到疑 惑,因为大多数发达国家仍远远落后于它们大张旗鼓 地在墨西哥自愿定承担起的基准。
For example, eight years to the day after the lofty pledges of the
Monterrey Consensus, we
[...] are left to wonder about the sincerity of commitments to official development assistance, as the majority of developed countries continue to [...]
fall woefully short
of the benchmark that they voluntarily assumed — to much fanfare — in Mexico.
在Dhul Hijja,先知和他的同伴4日上午达成的麦加,假设朝觐Ihram,他下令他的同伴Ihram
[...] for'Umra他们的意图(而不是朝觐),所以他们认为他的命令伟大的东 西 感到疑惑 , 并 说,“安拉的使者!允许什么样的Ihram(整理)?
In the morning of the 4th of Dhul-Hijja, the Prophet and his companions reached Mecca, assuming Ihram for Hajj and he ordered his companions to make their intentions of the Ihram
for'Umra only (instead of Hajj) so they considered his order as
[...] something great and were puzzled, and said, "O Allah's [...]
委员会对最高法院法官人数的减 感到 困 惑, 希望知道做出这一决定的原因,以及其对政府在法 官理事会成员任命方面的作用有何影响。
The Committee was puzzled by the reduction in the number of judges in the Supreme Court, and wished to [...]
know the reason for
that decision, and what impact it had had on the Government’s role in the appointment of members to the Council of the Magistrature.
這項要求實在令我感到大惑不解 ,因為此舉 疑 是 意味 專 業㆟士在提升員工方面歧視女性,但我會將這個論題交由專業㆟士,即律師和會計師 等,發表意見。
We are puzzled by this demand because it implies professionals discriminate against women for promotion, but I will let professionals, that is, lawyers, accountants and so on, to address this topic.
一開始的清純花果香,在飄散的瞬間撲鼻而來的是由洋梨、香橘與甜桃皮組成的前調,如同搖滾樂瞬間節奏的開場;漸入香調的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉與荷花,帶來清新與 惑 的 味 道,就像旋律由內心釋放出來,引領聽 到 更 高的境界;而在香調的一連串音符譜出搖滾的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所組成,雪松木、琥珀與香草,讓這首搖滾旋律散發能量,並以最溫暖的味道結尾,讓香味自己譜出一曲搖滾樂,讓聆聽者隨著樂曲的律動 感 受 AN NA SUI搖滾天后的搖滾魅力。
At the start of the pure fruit, in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange and peach skin consisting of top notes, like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, bringing
fresh and enticing flavor, like the melody
[...] from the heart released, lead the listener to the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock melody distributed energy, and the most warm smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a rock, let the listener with the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm.
在当前危机时期,就连最乐观的人也心 怀 疑惑, 存在不确感,因 此,人权理事会为维护宽容、不同 文化间对话和负责任的言论自由等基本价值观所作 的巨大贡献,令人到希望和欣慰。
In the current
[...] period of crisis, when doubt and uncertainty dampen even the most optimistic souls, the immeasurable contribution of the Human Rights Council to safeguarding such fundamental values as tolerance, intercultural dialogue and responsible free expression is a source of hope and comfort.
当角色们出入中国人的邻里时具有的 惑 之 感 贯 穿 全文的叙述,这可以跟进入(比如说)一个外交代表场合时坚称我们正在接近一个不同的领域而悬置我们的 怀 疑 的 感 觉 相比较——或者说,为此,这有点像在世界博览会和国际展览这些应该灌注国家表述的场合里去参观其他国家的展馆的时候的感觉。
The feeling of bemusement the narrative conveys as the characters move in and out the Chinese neighborhood could be compared to the one experienced when entering, say, a diplomatic representation [...]
as it entices us into suspending our disbelief
by sustaining that we are accessing a different territory – or, for that matter, when visiting other countries’ pavilions in world fairs and international exhibitions that are supposed to encapsulate national representations.
他还鼓励伊朗接受原子能机构提出的核燃料供 应建议,将其作为一个重要的建立信任举措,并强调 伊朗伊斯兰共和国总统应建设性地参 到 目 前 的努 力中,以消除人们对其国家计划 疑惑 和 关 切。
He also encouraged it to accept the nuclear fuel supply proposal put forward by the Agency as an important confidence-building measure and stressed that the President of the Islamic
Republic of Iran should engage
[...] constructively in ongoing efforts to clarify doubts and concerns about his country’s programme.




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