

单词 感兴趣


使 ... 感兴趣 v

interest sth. v

See also:


interest (thing in which one is interested)
interest (desire know about sth)

interest in sth
become popular
feeling or desire do sth
surname Xing
maybe (dialect)
(often used in the negative) permit or allow (dialect)


interest n


interesting adj

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 功实施债务转换的前景,并为对这种新型融资机 感兴趣 或 参 与其中的国家考虑了分享信息和经验 的各种途径。
It also formulated potential scenarios for the successful implementation of debt swaps, and considered
ways of sharing information and experience
[...] among countries interested or involved in [...]
this innovative financing mechanism.
联合主席依据收到的意向及感兴趣 的 代表团进行的磋商, 提议了一组共五个新的缔约国,它们在缔约国第十一届会议上当选。
On the basis of interest expressed to the Co-Chairs and consultations with interested delegations, [...]
the Co-Chairs proposed
a set of five new States Parties which were elected at the 11MSP.
特别报告员感谢各委员对他的报告作出的非常有用、令 感兴趣 的 批评性 评论,并指出这些发言体现了各种不同的思想流派。
The Special
[...] Rapporteur thanked members for the very useful, interesting and critical comments [...]
on his reports, noting that
the interventions revealed a variety of schools of thought.
太平洋岛感兴趣的另 一个重要领域是“蓝色经济”以及高 效管理渔业,尤其是金枪鱼的捕捞,为此应妥善发放许可证,加强监测和监 督。
Another key area of interest for the Pacific [...]
island countries was the ―blue economy‖ and the efficient management of fisheries,
especially tuna, through the proper issuance of licences and increased monitoring and surveillance.
另外三个共感兴趣的领域是包容性增长、绿色增长和基于知识的增长,在 这些方面进一步开展合作对于克服中等收入陷阱是互利互惠的。
Three additional
[...] areas of common interest, for which further [...]
cooperation could be mutually beneficial in overcoming the
middle-income trap, were inclusive growth, green growth and knowledge-based growth.
在这个项目的框架内,开展了一项调查,以摸清雇主对两性平等的认识, 对两性平等问题和对私营部门执行两性平等法规的态度;以了解欧盟成员国的私 营部门为了落实男女待遇平等原则,为了促进两性平等所用的准则、方法和措施
的概况;拟订爱沙尼亚私营部门工人的准则,特别是拟订工资计算和工作评价标 准的准则,以消除男女之间的工资差距;以加深私营部门对有关法规的认识,增
[...] 进私营部门利用有关方式方法促进两性平等的知识和技能,以创建一个私营部门 雇主感兴趣团体 的网络,传播有关促进两性平等的信息、经验和最佳做法。
Within the framework of the project, a survey is carried out to find out the awareness of employers about gender equality, attitudes to the issue and implementation of gender equality legislation in the private sector; to receive an overview of the guidelines, methods and measures used in the private sector of the EU member states to implement the principle of equal treatment of women and men and to promote gender equality; to draw up guidelines for the private sector workers in Estonia, inter alia for drafting the basic principles of wage calculation and criteria of work evaluation to eliminate the wage gap between women and men; to increase the private sector awareness of the relevant legislation and to improve their knowledge and skills in using the means and methods for promoting gender equality,
and to create a network of private
[...] sector employers and interest groups to mediate [...]
information, experience and best practices on promoting gender equality.
[...] 会期间工作方案必须保持其包容性,以便所 感兴趣 的 行为者都有机会参与实现 《公约》核心目标的讨论,同时闭会期间工作方案还必须保持其独有的合作性和 [...]
It was highlighted in particular that the Intersessional
Work Programme must remain an inclusive
[...] process with all interested actors permitted [...]
to have the opportunity to take part
in discussions on the pursuit of the Convention’s core aims and that the Intersessional Work Programme must remain a uniquely cooperative and collegial process with any adjustments to the work programme not diminishing this cooperative spirit.
它意 在向那些对海洋数据和信息内容尤 感兴趣 的 用 户配备的一项快速有效查询信息的工具。
It is intended to
[...] provide users interested in particular [...]
aspects of ocean data and information with a fast and effective information locator tool.
专家组注意到, 安理会在专家组同安理会成员进行的非正式磋商中并通过第 2021(2011)号决议, 表示对这些问题特感兴趣,安理会该项决议第 12 段中鼓励刚果民主共和国政 府继续处理国家军队凝聚力这一重大问题,包括进一步确保前武装团体,特别是 全国保卫人民大会,适当整编入刚果(金)武装力量。
The Group has taken note of the particular interest of the Security Council in such issues through its informal consultations with Council members as well as by paragraph 12 of resolution 2021 (2011), by which the Council encourages the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to continue to address the underlying issue of the cohesion of the national Army, including by further ensuring proper integration and vetting of former armed groups, in particular the Congrès national pour la défense du peuple (CNDP), into FARDC.
为了 减少这一风险,WIPO
[...] 鼓励对主办国家技术和对创新支持中 感兴趣 的 机 构,利用现有可利用的人 力资源(比如:以兼职为基础),并考虑有必要培训更多有潜力的技术和创新支持中心工作人员, [...]
To mitigate this risk, WIPO encourages
[...] institutions interested in hosting TISCs [...]
to use existing human resources as available
(e.g., on a part-time basis) and takes into account the need to train a greater number of potential TISC staff in order to ensure that a sufficient number of trained individuals are available to staff TISCs.
许多代表团支持制定一项全球标准,指出石榴的生产和贸易已经扩展到近东以外 地区,由于许多国家对此商品越来 感兴趣 , 因 而将有巨大的市场潜力。
A number of delegations supported the elaboration of a worldwide standard, noting that the production and trade of pomegranate extended beyond the Near East
Region and that there would be significant market potential in
[...] view of growing interest in this commodity [...]
in many countries.
特别委员会注意到部队及警察派遣国表 感兴趣 , 所 以促请秘书处确保及 时向特别委员会成员以及维持和平行动部/外勤支助部成员分发政策文件、指导 [...]
和培训文件、手册和条例,并要求秘书处确保合并和更新这些文件,并将其纳入 一个数据库,便于获取。
Noting the interest expressed by troop- [...]
and police-contributing countries, the Special Committee urges the Secretariat to
ensure the timely dissemination to members of the Special Committee, of Department of Peacekeeping Operations/ Department of Field Support policy papers, guidance and training documents, manuals and regulations, and requests the Secretariat to ensure that such documentation is consolidated, updated and incorporated into a database which can be easily accessed.
如果您对历史景区感兴趣,也 能如愿以偿:拉多夫采尔拥有风景绮丽的老城 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其狭窄的小巷与惬意的购物体验触手 [...]
可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲历神奇的中世纪生活,攀登霍恩特 菲尔火山上的骑士城堡也是不错的选择。
Those who love historical locations, [...]
will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful historic district,
the university town of Constance with its narrow alley ways and excellent shopping facilities is within easy reach, and you can marvel at the life in the Middle Ages in Meersburg, or climb up the knights‘ castle on the Hohentwiel.
此类组织可为对特定市场的商业与投 感兴趣 的 企业提供相关信息与援助,以寻找海外拓展的机遇。
These organisations provide information and
assistance on finding networking opportunities
[...] for companies interested in trade and [...]
investment within particular markets.
此外,各分庭法律干事起草了一本题为《黎 巴嫩问题特别法庭程序快照》的法庭简明指南,简要总结了黎巴嫩问题特别法庭
[...] 程序的主要特点,并为国家法官、律师、执业人士、学生以及所有对法 感兴趣 者提供了一个简单方便的解释工具。
In addition, a compendious guidebook on the Tribunal, entitled “A snapshot of the STL procedure”, was drafted by the legal officers of the Chambers; it concisely summarizes the main features of the procedure before the Tribunal, and serves as a clear and easily
accessible explanatory tool for national judges, lawyers, practitioners,
[...] students and all those interested in the Tribunal.
它有一个董事会,由人数相等的海地人和对海地重 感兴 趣的外国人组成。
It has a Board comprising equal numbers of Haitians
[...] and foreigners interested in the reconstruction [...]
of Haiti.
(f) 感兴趣的着 重在执行防范标准方面取得的进展,以长期养护跨界鱼类种 群和高度洄游鱼类种群以及海洋生态系统,并强调必须明确生态系统分析概念和 [...]
(f) Note with interest and appreciate the progress achieved [...]
in the application of the precautionary approach in order to
ensure long-term conservation of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks and marine ecosystems and stress the need to specify the concept and the implementation of the ecosystem approach.
除了调解,大法官还分析法规适用如何影响社会不同成员的处境,向国家机 构感兴趣的人 员提供适用平等原则和待遇平等原则的信息,提出修正法律法规 [...]
的建议,为了确保平等原则和待遇平等原则发展个人与法人之间的合作,本人与 其他人合作宣扬这些原则。
In addition to conciliation proceedings, the Chancellor of Justice analyses how application of legislation affects the situation of
different members of society, informs state
[...] agencies and interested persons about [...]
the application of the principles of equality
and equal treatment, makes proposals for amending legislation, develops cooperation between individuals and legal persons in the interests of ensuring the principles of equality and equal treatment, and himself or herself promotes these principles in cooperation with other persons.
因此,预期买受人和有担保债权人以及与设保人打交 道的其他第三方都可能希望由登记中被指明为有担保债权人的人进行独立核
[...] 实,以确信其实际上是否对其根据与被指明设保人的既有担保协议而可 感兴 趣的资产主张担保权。
Consequently, prospective buyers and secured creditors and other third parties with whom the grantor is dealing may wish to have independent verification directly from the person identified in the registration as the secured creditor as to whether it is in fact currently
claiming a security right in an asset in
[...] which they are interested under an existing [...]
security agreement with the named grantor.
以下方 面也有令感兴趣的研 究结果:风险忍受程度,认为发展情况引起的程度不同要 [...]
比性别因素引起的差异大的多;从事社会媒体的工作,在这个领域,妇女似乎普 遍比男性活跃,与发展情况没有关系;贸易促进活动的参与,男女在这个领域的 差别在发达国家和发展中国家都有。
Interesting findings also related to [...]
risk tolerance, which was seen to vary much more by the development context than by
gender; engagement in social media, where women seemed to be generally more active than men, independently from the development context; and participation in trade promotion activities, where the gap between women and men was present in both developed and developing countries.
因此,我们特别重视说明(S/2006/507)附 件第 46
[...] 段所述措施的执行情况,因为该段要求附属 机构征求对所讨论议题特感兴趣的 会 员国的意见。
We therefore attach particular importance to the implementation of the measure set out in paragraph 46 of the annex to note S/2006/507,
which asks subsidiary bodies to seek the views of Member States that
[...] have a particular interest in a topic under [...]
该观察员还表达了在共感兴趣的问 题上与粮农组织开展合作的愿望,并在最后 表示,这些例证展现出该局对食典工作持有的兴趣,以及两个组织有必要在共 感兴 趣的领域进行协调并开展合作。
The Observer
[...] also expressed interest in cooperating with FAO on issues of common interest, and concluded that these examples demonstrates the interest that the OIV has in Codex work and the need for the two organisations to coordinate and cooperate in fields of common interest.
和平利用核 能是《条约》的重要支柱,大韩民国对于核燃料循 环和创新核反应堆的多边办法 感兴趣。
The peaceful use of nuclear energy was an important pillar of
the Treaty and the Republic of Korea
[...] was particularly interested in multilateral [...]
approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle and innovative nuclear reactors.
理事感兴趣地注 意到技术委员会关于加强各成员国下列各项能 力的提议:(a)转让和利用可再生能源技术;(b)规划和实施技术转让 [...]
项目;(c)促进国家创新制度;(d)促进可持续并具商业可行性的传统 医药部门;以及(e)促进基层创新的商业化。
The Council noted with interest the proposals of the [...]
Technical Committee to strengthen the capacity of member countries
to: (a) transfer and utilize renewable energy technologies; (b) plan and implement technology transfer projects; (c) promote national innovation systems; (d) promote a sustainable and commercially viable traditional medicine sector; and (e) facilitate the commercialization of grass-roots innovations.
这种框架包括插入式的被成为频道的组件,它提供用 感兴趣 的 信 息。
This framework includes a plug-in is a channel component that provides
[...] the user information of interest .
主席回顾说,根据第 51/13
[...] 号决定,将在本次会议的间隙期间为各执行机构 感兴 趣的执 行委员会成员举办一次研讨会,讨论参照使用新的标准化格式的经验报告多年期协 [...]
The Chair recalled that, pursuant to decision
51/13, a workshop for implementing
[...] agencies and other interested Executive Committee [...]
Members would be held in the margins
of the present Meeting to discuss reporting on multi-year agreements (MYAs) in the light of the experience gained in using the new standardized format.
再说因为我们不只是对知识产权制度在促进革新方面的动态作 感兴趣 , 而且还要考虑知 识产权保护制度给社会增加的成本,特别是给穷人增加的成本,我们在确定现有知识产权 [...]
Moreover, since
[...] we are not just interested in the dynamic effect [...]
of IPRs in promoting innovation, but also the costs that
IP protection imposes on society, particularly on poor people, we need to take account of these costs in considering the evidence and the value of any given IP system.
美洲空间大会试图统 一各国在和平利用外层空间方面共 感兴趣 的 问 题 上的立场,商定促进切实利用空间应用以支持区域 [...]
社会经济方案从而促进发展空间立法的战略,以及 加强空间科学和技术方面的教育和培训方案。
The Space Conferences of the Americas sought to
align positions on
[...] issues of common interest in respect of [...]
the peaceful uses of outer space, to agree on strategies to promote the practical
use of space applications in support of regional socio-economic programmes, to promote the development of space legislation, and to strengthen education and training programmes in space science and technology.
科索沃特派团密切关注影响族裔关系的问题,以 便促进区域合作,包括参加会议;重点侧重科索沃北
[...] 部,包括在米特罗维察北部行使行政职责;与所感 兴趣方面接触,以解决有关文化和宗教遗产问题;并 [...]
提供斡旋,争取解决贝尔格莱德和普里什蒂纳之间存 在的实际问题,希望能在双方之间建立更直接的对话
UNMIK is devoting close attention to issues affecting relations between the communities to facilitate regional cooperation, including through its presence at meetings; to focus on northern Kosovo, including by exercising administrative
responsibilities in northern Mitrovica; to
[...] engage with all interested parties on issues [...]
relating to cultural and religious heritage;
and to offer its good offices for the resolution of practical issues between Pristina and Belgrade in the expectation that more direct channels of dialogue for the resolution of such issues can be activated between the parties.
会议注意到管理局打算举办一个讲习班,以进一步推动为中部太平洋克拉里 昂-克利珀顿区制定环境管理计划的建议,该区是多金属结核方面的主 感兴趣 区域
The Meeting took note of the intention of the Authority to convene a workshop to further a proposal aimed at developing a regional environmental management
plan for the Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the Central Pacific, which was
[...] the prime area of interest for polymetallic [...]




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