单词 | 愚昧 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 愚昧 noun —ignorance n愚昧 —ignorant • uneducated Examples:愚昧无知—stupid and ignorant [idiom.] See also:愚—be stupid • cheat or deceive • me or I (modest)
这 里同样需要强调的是不能忽视那些像不宽容、歧视、仇外或新形式 的 愚昧 等 对 和平和安全的 无形威胁的严重性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Equally, there is a need to point to the danger of intangible threats to peace and security, such as intolerance, discrimination, xenophobia or new forms of ignorance. unesdoc.unesco.org |
其中一項特權……是批評公職人員及公共措施的權利 — 那是指不但可作出明達和負責任的評論,還有自由不受約束 地發表愚昧的言論。 legco.gov.hk | One of the prerogatives … is the right to criticize public men and [...] measures – and that means not only informed and responsible criticism but [...] freedom to speak foolishly and without moderation. legco.gov.hk |
圭亚那宪法第 40 条第 1 [...] 款规定,圭亚那人人享有过上幸福、具有创造性和 富有成效的生活,免受饥饿、疾病、 愚昧 和 匮 乏困扰的基本权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Article 40, paragraph 1, of the Constitution of Guyana provides that every person in Guyana [...] is entitled to the basic right to a happy, creative and productive life, free from [...] hunger, disease, ignorance and want. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样,还应不断推动各种文明间的 对话,以防无知和愚昧。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the same way, dialogue among civilizations must constantly be stimulated in order to guard against [...] incomprehension and obscurantism. unesdoc.unesco.org |
愚昧是 阻碍 穷 人提高生活水 平的一大障碍,因为他们会受到歧视并 被排 除在发展进程之外。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ignorance was a hindrance to the improvement of the poor people’s living standard because they were under the discrimination and outside of the circle of development process. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果是,我恐怕香 港人不會如特首想像般愚昧,甚 麼也看不見,更被這些政治化妝術及公關手 [...] 段所蒙蔽,以為這樣便是最好。 legco.gov.hk | Even so, I am afraid that Hong Kong [...] people are not as stupid as the Chief Executive [...]thinks and fail to notice any problem, [...]and become so blinded by the political spinning and public relations tactics to think they have already had the best. legco.gov.hk |
為了利益,或因為愚昧,或 出於他們的傲慢,他們以保護 人民為藉口,遮掩他們權欲薰心,做出損害人民權利自由的事。 legco.gov.hk | They may, [...] out of interests, stupidity or arrogance, or [...]being driven by the lust for power, do something to infringe upon [...]the rights and freedoms of people on the pretext of protecting the people. legco.gov.hk |
我必須提出警告,愈來愈多社會問題都是因為這 項愚 昧的移民政策而引起的。 legco.gov.hk | I warn that there are increasing social problems resulting from this mindless immigration policy. legco.gov.hk |
在此,恕我以 我對這課題的愚昧知識 ,重點解說我們應怎樣務實地發展核能發電, 從而在人類安全與可持續的生活質素之間,作謹慎的平衡。 legco.gov.hk | Here I shall mainly illustrate [...] how nuclear power, stupid as I may be on this [...]subject, should pragmatically be developed [...]as a careful balance between the safety and the sustainability of quality of lives would be struck. legco.gov.hk |
柬埔寨王国政 府的愿 景是,建 立一个高度团 结、教育昌 盛 、文化繁荣、人人健康、没 有 贫困、 没 有 饥饿和 摆 脱 愚昧的社会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The vision of the Royal Government of Cambodia was to have a society of strong solidarity, education and lively culture without poverty, hunger, ignorance, and deteriorating health. daccess-ods.un.org |
他以為市民愚昧得連甚麼是應該要求 的、甚麼是應該爭取的、甚麼是應該堅持的也不知道。 legco.gov.hk | Also underestimated is the intelligence of the public. He thinks [...] the people are so stupid that they know not [...]what they ought to ask for, fight for or insist upon. legco.gov.hk |
但如果政府認為可自行釐訂樓價,而最終不讓市場本身以供求情況來決定樓 價,則是愚昧無知的想法。 legco.gov.hk | But we would be a spectacularly foolish government if we thought that we could set property prices rather than the market with a balance between supply and demand ultimately determining property prices. legco.gov.hk |
如果是這樣,為何到了 今時今日 ─ 恕我愚昧,我 沒有你的扭曲智慧,我想來想去也想不通 ─ 為何已經到了最終普選,為何仍然有功能界別的存在呢? legco.gov.hk | That being the case, why is it that even now ― excuse me for being ignorant, for I am not wise enough to follow their sophistry and I simply cannot understand why ― even when they are talking about the ultimate implementation of universal suffrage, they still want to maintain the functional sectors? legco.gov.hk |
人们现在只能听到环境运动人士反杀虫剂的条件反射式的鼓噪,那 是 愚昧 的 Ra chel Carson及其门徒的不幸遗产。 project-syndicate.org | People now hear only the reflexively anti-pesticide drumbeat of the environmental movement, the lamentable legacy of the benighted Rachel Carson and her acolytes. project-syndicate.org |
面對這類現象,我們除了一笑置之或覺得別人 很 愚昧 外 , 還真的 要反省為何會有這種現象呢? legco.gov.hk | In the face of such phenomena, apart from a good laugh or [...] teasing others as stupid, should we also [...]ponder why such phenomena exist? legco.gov.hk |
傲慢的特徵,第一是有點自以為是,以為自己決定了、想好了政策後, 便一定是對的,無須作出修改;第二是市民的意見是噪音, 是 愚昧 , 沒 有分 析過,沒有需要聽的;第三是認為政黨、立法會議員這一羣是敵人,他們不 是夥伴,所以,不同的意見便要扣帽子。 legco.gov.hk | The second feature is that people's opinions are all noises of ignorance devoid of any analytical thinking, so there is no need to listen to them. legco.gov.hk |
當我們有這種程序,而對於已經發生的所有事 [...] 情,當時人亦承認其作為,我們便不需要如此鄉愿 及 愚昧 , 堅 持說某 些制度一定要做足才可以處理。 legco.gov.hk | Since such a process is available and since the party involved has admitted that all the [...] facts are true, then we should not be so [...] simple-minded and foolish as to insist that [...]the matter be handled only after certain [...]requirements of a system are fulfilled. legco.gov.hk |
這種扭橫折曲的說辭,試圖掩 飾錯誤的做法,反映當 地處理事件的有關部門的愚昧。 legco.gov.hk | This sort of distorted rhetoric and such attempts of concealing [...] faults reflect the foolishness of the relevant [...]local authorities which are responsible for handling the incident. legco.gov.hk |
它还深深扎根于这样的一种信念,即:在我们集 体努力摆脱让人类长期无法享有一个没有饥饿、贫 困、愚昧和不安全的世界的那些负担时,越来越全球 化的世界要求容忍、谅解和尊重人权。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also rooted in the notion that this increasingly globalized world calls for tolerance, understanding and respect for human dignity as we collectively strive to free ourselves from those burdens that have long deprived humankind of a world free from hunger, poverty, ignorance and insecurity. daccess-ods.un.org |
是愚昧也好,是故意也好,董建華上述三項決定,完全沒有顧及市民的利益,亦陷中央政府於不義。 hkupop.hku.hk | Be they deliberate [...] tactics or sheer stupidity, these three moves [...]of Tung had absolutely no regard for public interest, they [...]also framed up the Central Government. hkupop.hku.hk |
當真理越辯越明時,這些道理必須真的有機會和渠道化為政 [...] 策,否則,如果經過數次辯論後,政策仍然是維護小圈子,不理民生死 活的話,便只會凸顯政府的愚昧專橫 ,加深民怨。 legco.gov.hk | When debating a point till getting to the truth, we must have the opportunity and channel to make them turn into policy. Otherwise, if after several debates, our policy still takes care of the interests of small circles and [...] remains indifferent to people's livelihood, [...] the Government's foolishness and dominance will [...]only be magnified, deepening people's resentment. legco.gov.hk |
在这个纪念日,我们应当追忆第二次世界大战, 回顾逝去的生命、被摧毁的国家以及战争的恐怖 和愚 昧。 daccess-ods.un.org | On this day of remembrance we should recall the Second World War, the lives lost, the countries destroyed, [...] the horror and senselessness of it all. daccess-ods.un.org |
我覺得說出是新方向,便好像是國王的新衣般,而支持和認同香港會因此走 向新方向,便只會令香港人更無知、 愚昧。 legco.gov.hk | I think if this is said to be a new direction, it is like the emperor's new clothes, and it only makes Hong Kong people more naive and stupid if they support and agree that Hong Kong will hence be moving forward in a new direction. legco.gov.hk |
试想一下削减教育预算会出现什么情况:因此而造成 的 愚昧 无 知 的成本又该如何计算? unesdoc.unesco.org | Imagine calculating the cost of ignorance if education budgets are reduced”, warned one speaker. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果說 50 萬人上街反對政府就第二十 [...] 三條立法,對公眾而言還沒有迫切性的話,主席,恕 我 愚昧 , 知 識不足,我 想不到有第二個例子,較這個例子更有迫切性的。 legco.gov.hk | If one says that 500 000 people taking to the streets in opposition to the Government enacting laws on Article 23 does not represent any degree of urgency to [...] the public, then, Madam President, [...] forgive me for being stupid and ignorant, I cannot [...]think of a second example which is more urgent than this one. legco.gov.hk |
因此,任何怎樣壯烈的死、或要為後世留下值得人記 念的遺產的妄念都是愚昧的, 不曉得我們的渺小,也是在 奪取單屬於神的尊貴與榮耀。 lordsgrace.ca | Therefore, all thoughts such as dying on the pulpit or wanting to leave a legacy to be remembered reveal our vain glory, not knowing how insignificant we are, and our desire to usurp the glory and honor that belong only to the Triune God. lordsgrace.ca |
如果媒体服务于社会正义、真相和对文化多样性的 尊重以及各民族间兄弟般情谊,则它就是一种积极 资源;但如果被用于巩固欠发达、 愚昧 、 不 公正和 新殖民主义统治,则就是危险武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | The media were a positive resource if they served social justice, truth, respect for cultural diversity and brotherhood among peoples; but they were a dangerous weapon if they were used to entrench underdevelopment, ignorance, injustice and neo-colonial domination. daccess-ods.un.org |
我 也 要 在這裏 向 全 港 的教師 和 校 長 說 , 無 論教育有多艱 難 ,政府有多愚 昧 , 都 要 緊 守 你 們 的 崗 位 , 要 尊 重 家長,要愛護學 生,要 做 好 教育。 legco.gov.hk | I also wish to appeal to all teachers and principals in Hong Kong that no matter how difficult the situation is, how ignorant the Government is, they must remain dedicated to their duties, love their students and respect students' parents, so as to do a good job as educators. legco.gov.hk |
這個道 理是如 此 顯 淺 , 令 人 不 得 不 懷疑提 出這種論點的人, 究 竟 只 是 礙 於自己 的 愚昧不 明,還 是 為了要達 至一些 不 真 實 的 結 論 , 便 千 方 百計混 淆 視 聽 , 指 鹿 為 馬 呢? legco.gov.hk | The matter is as simple as that. One cannot help but suspect that the person who raises such an argument is doing this out of sheer ignorance or trying every means to pull wool over the eyes of the public, so as to reach some conclusions which are groundless. legco.gov.hk |
我剛才聽到很多這類說話,其中包括“斷送”、“港人治港”、“垃 圾”、“愚昧”、 “獻媚”,甚至“跪在地上”、“用銀碟送上北京”等, [...] 這些話實在過於情緒化。 legco.gov.hk | I have heard a lot of similar remarks made by Members earlier, including [...] "forfeiture", "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong", [...] "rubbish", "ignorance", "flatter" [...]or even "kneeling down", "surrendering it to [...]Beijing on a silver platter", and so on. legco.gov.hk |