单词 | 意象 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 意象 noun —imagery nSee also:象 n—elephant n • appearance n • shape n • ivory n
科埃略先生,您如何产生您的文学 意象? iwc.com | Mr Coelho, how do you [...] generate your literary images? iwc.com |
我发现我创作的文学意象与现 实情形竟然如此接近,这令我感到非常惊讶。 iwc.com | And I was utterly astonished to find that the [...] way my literary imagination had envisaged it [...]was so close to the reality. iwc.com |
这些万花筒似的、迷幻般的多姿多彩 的 意象 和 图 案闪耀着生命的光辉,并随着时尚的步伐而快速变换。 swatch.com | These kaleidoscopic, psychedelic tapestries of image and pattern shine with life, and fairly snap at the heels of fashion. swatch.com |
一个合院建筑的意象转化 为了室内回字型的环廊式建构。 chinese-architects.com | The two-level high corridor surrounds the inner cube. chinese-architects.com |
他所谓 “错不了的” [...] 风格特点,就是大胆剪开领口,拼布和偏心的三维结构,以及他的黑色幽默和无政府主 义 意象。 visitfinland.com | His unmistakable style features bold [...] cut-outs, patchwork and eccentric three-dimensional structures, which he combines with darkly [...] mischievous anarchic imagery. visitfinland.com |
可是,我真的有點擔心,大家 的下一代是否仍然能夠真切領略詩中的情 境 意象 , 因 為屆時他們舉頭望到的 不知是清風明月,還是緊鎖香江的污霧。 legco.gov.hk | But I am really worried about whether our next generation can still truly understand the scenes and feelings depicted in the poem, because when they raise their heads to look at the sky, I do not know whether they will see the bright moon in soft breezes or a smog-shrouded Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
现代的地平线意象配合 着传统中国胡同“家” 的 意象 , 优美的音乐丝带盘旋在楼宇内外。 ycis-bj.com | Spiraling in and out of buildings is a ribbon of music. ycis-bj.com |
在P1410的色彩強化模式中,你可以選擇保留紅色、藍色或綠色,而將照片中的其他顏色變成黑白,以便突顯拍攝重點,傳達深入內心 的 意象 , 以 一抹色彩啟發黑白世界。 benq.com.tw | In the Color Accent Mode, you can select the color red, blue or green to reveal in the photo so that everything else is desaturated into black and white. benq.com |
在作为新城起点的入口广场,有代表其面貌的叠水景观,还有由水的气势而派生出代表龙 的 意象 雕 塑。 todafu.co.jp | In the entrance square, which is the starting point of the new town construction, we placed a monument inspired by a dragon and representing spouting water, which will be the face of the town. todafu.co.jp |
延续一种独特文化的最好方式,或许是讨论在这种文化中,文化对象所产生 的 意象 , 正 如台湾土著居民的服装、工艺品、装饰、器皿、家具、饰物、包装等等,并且于此同时,通过产品使用的方式在日常生活中传播这 些 意象。 uigarden.net | Perhaps the best way to extend a unique culture is [...] to examine the impressions of the cultural object within that culture, as might be done with Taiwan aboriginal garments, crafts, decorations, utensils, furniture, ornaments, packages, etc., and to promote those impressions in daily life through [...]product usage. uigarden.net |
杜氏的装置刻划了历史上有关欺诈和偽装 的 意象 , 焦 点放在娛乐 (魔术表演) 及社会文化政治 (中国的文化大革命和当中人物) 两个领域。 venicebiennale.hk | Overall, the installation charts historical moments of fraud and trickery in the realms of past entertainments (magic acts) and socio-cultural politics (China´s Cultural Revolution and its actors). venicebiennale.hk |
產品外型上,L23HL以“衝浪”為設計概念,前傾頸架與底座結合呈現出猶如在海面上衝浪 的 意象 , 藉 以帶出消費者上網飆速的使用快感。 taiwanexcellence.org | As for the industrial design, “Surfing” is the basic concept of L23HL, which is designed to follow the fashion and to convey the speedy experience surfing on the websites. taiwanexcellence.org |
(ix) 重点通过联合研究项目(例如意象学 领 域的研究项目)和参与教科文组织各重大计划 [...] 的)教席网,促进两个地区大学间的合作 unesdoc.unesco.org | (ix) promotion of inter-university cooperation [...] between the two regions, in particular through joint research projects (e.g. [...]in imagology) and participation in the system of UNESCO Chairs (all major programmes) unesdoc.unesco.org |
Rorrim (镜像)(GZ107) (单词mirror的逆向书写) 既指向日本传统的媒体(里面有一只竹毛笔的专门袋子),又指向城市生活中广告似 的 意象 , 而 后一点Yokoo(横尾忠则)将之融合在自己的艺术中。 swatch.com | Rorrim (GZ107) (mirror written backwards) references both traditional Japanese media (the special packaging includes a bamboo ink brush) and the characteristic condensation of urban, ad-like images that Yokoo reworks in his art. swatch.com |
他的绘画风格来自于复古的科幻电影,东 方 意象 和 音 乐的启发。 playbling.com | His graphic style is inspired in retro sci-fi films, oriental imagery and music. playbling.com |
本文意在展示如何通过呈现这些文化特征的本初含义 和 意象 , 以 及通过应用新的生产技术,将这些特征转变成满足当代消费者市场需求的现代产品。 uigarden.net | The paper attempts to illustrate how, by enhancing [...] the original meaning and images of these [...]cultural features and by taking advantage [...]of new production technologies, they can be transformed into modern products that meet the needs of the contemporary consumer market. uigarden.net |
意境是在情感主导下情理形神多层次交融的统一体, 是 意象 系 统的特殊结构与审美知觉的整合作用共同创造的可供心理情思自由活动的艺术空间,是能诱发人们超越具体意系去领悟含蓄丰富的人生最高灵境的诗意胜境”(见《文学概论》,主编童庆炳)。 phmszy.com | Mood is reasonable under the guidance of [...] emotion and spirit of the multi-level integration [...] entity is the Image System structure [...]and the special aesthetic perception integration [...]role for the creation of common psychological The free art space, is to induce people to go beyond the specific intention of the rich to comprehend subtle Ling maximum of life throughout the classical poetic" (See "An Introduction to Literature," edited Tong Qingbing). phmszy.com |
物妖》,結合馬戲式的情境、現代舞的張力和戲劇性的效果,加上令人目眩的雜技元素,構成一幅魔幻迷人 的 意象。 yp.mo | Together they have conceived and perfected a mix of performing genres wrapped in a dreamlike circus universe inhabited by wandering acrobats and oddly beautiful creatures. yp.mo |
延展至今,代表「台灣晶技股份有限公司」之 TXC 三字,雖陸續運用於各式招牌、廣告文宣、產品之上,唯 TXC [...] 每每出現在各式文宣或傳媒的印象,卻往往僅是相似卻不盡相同的標誌,因而無法累積塑造代表企業 的 意象。 txc.com.tw | Even TXC has been treated as the [...] only identity of the company, the variations [...] can still be seen in different [...]promotion scenarios and thus may cause mixed perception to outsiders. txc.com.tw |
以Briccole作為弧形的風帆,完美結合水都威尼斯 的 意象。 archireform.org | We only require a writing sample for M.S. Arch, M.Arch II, MEBD, and Ph. archireform.org |
或許因為人類是唯一自知生命有限的生物,因此骷髏這 個 意象 , 長 久以來存在於東西方文化系統中 — 是禁忌的同時,亦是一個意涵豐富的符號。 think-silly.com | Human is, perhaps the only species aware of his own morality, hence skull has long been a fascinating symbol in global cultures. think-silly.com |
因此在这个阶段,奇形怪状的意象,以 其 基本态度的变化对待季节和它的矛盾心理,开始成为艺术和思想表达的主要的漏斗,解读历史和用非凡的时期--文艺复兴引发的电力和能源来衡量历史,。 luxe-immo.com | So it is at this stage that grotesque imagery, with its fundamental attitudes towards the changing of the seasons and its ambivalence, starts to become the main funnel for artistic and ideological expression, interpreting history and counter-history with the power and energy that was evoked in that extraordinary period - the Renaissance. luxe-immo.com |
日落时份,在池畔上演的光影/ 火焰舞蹈、杂技表演,便是阖家欢聚的最佳活动;表演还配有活灵活现的火 焰 意象及 L ED 视 觉效果,令一天精彩的户外活动更觉完美。 galaxymacau.com | At sunset, get the family together by the Wave Pool for the Light and Fire Dance Show, featuring acrobatics and dynamically patterned fire elements with LED effects, to cap a fun-filled day. galaxymacau.com |
歸國後的「稻田系列」與「遠眺系列」,大同小異地覆述著靜純樸世界的眷戀,他的鄉土寫實不再是攝影鏡頭獵取下的切面空間,而是透過細緻描繪與嚴謹結構組合出的鄉 土 意象 , 一 吋吋貂毛筆所犁過的畫布,似乎意欲攫取住每一吋畫面所能擁有的寂靜,似幻似真地抗拒了外來世界的侵擾。 ravenelart.com | Returning to Taiwan from abroad, Huang devoted his creative energy to two sets of similar projects, the 'Rice Field' series and the 'Views from Afar' series, both keen representations of the artist's [...] love of a simpler and more serene world. His paintings of local scenery were no longer random photographic 'snapshot s' , but rather succinctly [...] composed rural imageries that speak to [...]audiences through their [...]meticulous attention to detail, deftly combined to produce impressive tapestries of tranquility. ravenelart.com |
其在传播媒体中所使用的吸引眼球的 意象 、 尤 其是那四张海报及广告语“巴比伦不是通天塔”,充分利用了真实的巴比伦和人们心中巴比伦神话印象之间的强烈对比。 metadesign.com | The eye-catching imagery used in the communication [...] media, especially for the four posters, and the slogan “Babylon was not [...]Babel” played with the contrast between the real Babylon and the mythical ideas engrained in people’s minds. metadesign.com |
同方与欧司朗光电半导体的合作是基于后者在LED技术领域的领先地位,但这一合作伙伴关系有着更深层的中 国 意象 — — 双龙合璧:欧司朗光电半导体的“金龙”(Golden DRAGON LED) 和同方的“龙形喷泉”(dragon fountain) 的完美结合。 osram-os.net | Tong Fang turned to OSRAM Opto Semiconductors for its leading-edge LED technology, but the partnership may have a deeper, if coincidental, Chinese connection as well: two dragons, OSRAM's Golden DRAGON LED lamps and Tong Fang's “dragon fountain”, working together to show strong support for Beijing’s Olympic Games. osram-os.net |
对于Ben van Berkel来说,这种对空间的重视是与他的“ 后 意象 ” 理 念相联系的,指的是三维物体从不同视角能看出许多不同印象的能力。 unstudio.com | In the case of Ben van Berkel this spatial awareness is connected to his idea of the ‘after image’, referring to the capacity of three-dimensional objects to produce many different impressions when seen from different angles. unstudio.com |
92. 此外,尽管取得了上述进展,但某些机构中存在的抵制或否认 现 象意 味 着可 能发现了问题,但并未加以解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, despite these improvements, resistance or denial within some agencies means that problems may be identified, but not addressed. daccess-ods.un.org |
介绍性报告处理了一些问题,其中包括:术语问题;嗣后协定和惯例在条 约解释中的一般意义; 演变解释与嗣后协定和惯例之间的相互关系;时际法问 题;嗣后协定和惯例的各种要素;包括:可能发生这一 现 象 的 有 关期间的起点和 终点、确定各当事方的共同谅解或协议,包括沉默的可能作用、将行为归于国家 的问题;以及嗣后协定和惯例作为条约修改的可能手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | The introductory report addressed a number of questions including: terminological issues; the general significance of subsequent [...] agreements and practice [...] in treaty interpretation; the question of inter-temporal law; the relationship between evolutionary interpretation and subsequent agreements and practice; the various elements of subsequent agreements and practice, including: the beginning and the end of the relevant period within which this phenomenon may take place, [...]the identification [...]of a common understanding or agreement by the parties, including the potential role of silence, questions of attribution of conduct to the State; as well as subsequent agreements and practice as a possible means of treaty modification. daccess-ods.un.org |