

单词 意符



logographic stage

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External sources (not reviewed)

警告(后⾯跟着应该遵循的指⽰或应该遵守的注 意事项。
Warning (caution)symbol followed by instructions [...]
that should be followed or precautions that should be observed.
警告(後面跟着应该遵循的指示或应该遵守的 预防措施。
Warning (caution)symbol followed by instructions [...]
that should be followed or precautions that should be observed.
The letter, aside from some brief strokes that aspire at being ideograms, is a drawing of a house in the midst of winter, with two dry pines representing fortitude towards adversity.
13 章,高等法院在所有事项上拥有无限的初审管辖权 和可能赋予它的上诉及其他补充管辖权;只要其行使符合成文法、普通法和公平 原理;任何既定的和当前的习俗和惯例;或以其他方式符合正义、公平和良知的
[...] 原则以及与自然公正、公平和良知不相抵触且直接或通过必然 意符 何成文 法的现有习俗。
Under the Judicature Act, Cap 13, the High Court has unlimited original jurisdiction in all matters and such appellate and other supplementary jurisdiction as may be conferred upon it; provided it is exercised in conformity with the written law, the common law and doctrines of equity; any established and current custom or usage; or otherwise, in conformity with the principles of justice, equity and good conscience and any existing custom which is not repugnant
to natural justice, equity and good
[...] conscienceand notincompatible either directly [...]
or by necessary implication, with any written law.
本手册安全注意事项会使用 警告 和意 符.
This manual uses the following safety labels for WARNING and CAUTION that you must follow.
[...] Point安全网关,以强制执行企业安全策略,而且还提供给 意符 LD AP的应用程序,以实现整个企业的集中用户管理。
This information is then available not only to Check Point security gateways
to enforce enterprise security policy,
[...] but to any LDAP-compliant application, enabling [...]
centralized user management throughout the enterprise.
所有非投资项目的项目完成报告都报告了总评估情形。16.7%的项目的评估是非常满 意,68.8%是划,8.3%是划,这一数字高于去年,去年为 1.5%(见表 13)。
All non-investment PCRs did report an overall assessment. 16.7% of the projects were marked as highly satisfactory, 68.8% as satisfactory as planned and 8.3% as satisfactory though not as planned, more than last year when this figure was 1,5% (see Table 13).
(b) 与可识别之个人有关连的人类基因数据不得向第三者,特别是雇主、保险公司、
[...] 教育机构和家庭披露,也不得让他们查询,除非国家法律或法规另有规定,或经 当事人的同意,且该意符家法律和国际人权法的规定。
(b) Human genetic data linked to an identifiable person shall not be disclosed or made accessible to third parties, in particular, employers, insurance companies, educational institutions and the family, except in cases provided for by national legislation or regulations or where the consent of the
person concerned has been obtained
[...] provided thatsuchconsent is incompliance with [...]
national legislation or regulation and
the international law of human rights.
经过漫长的谈判后,美国和欧盟于今年五月底一致 洲安全计划AEO(特许的经济运行体)和美国计划C-TPAT(海关-贸易反恐伙伴)的证书将会被双方相互认可。
After lengthy negotiations between the USA
[...] and the EUit was agreed at the end of May [...]
that the certifications according to the
European security program AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) and the US program C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) are to be reciprocally recognized.
(e) 书面表达(除非有相反的含义)应当解释为包括列印、平版印刷品、图 片和各种其他用视觉形式表达语言或图形的可见形式,并且包括采 用电子显示方式的表示,只要同样的内容可以下载到用户的电脑上
或通过传统的小型办公设备列印;同时,无论采用何种方式,所涉 及的股东(在根据本章程细则的规定必须就其股东身份向其递送、送
[...] 达任何文件或通知的情况下)已经选择或被视作同意采用电子方式 进行相关下载或通知接收,并且无论是相关通知/资料的送达模式 还是股东的选择或视作 有适用法规、规则及条例的规 定
(e) expressions referring to writing shall, unless the contrary intention appears, be construed as including printing, lithography, photography and other modes of representing words or figures in a visible form, and including where the representation takes the form of electronic display, provided that the same is available for download onto a user’s computer or for printing through conventional small office equipment and, in each case, the Member concerned (where the relevant provision of these Bye-laws require the delivery or service of any document or notice on him in his capacity as Member) has elected or is taken to have agreed for the receipt of the relevant download or notice through electronic means and both the mode of
service of the relevant
[...] documentor notice andthe Member’s election or deemed agreementcomply withall applicable [...]
Statutes, rules and regulations
根据工作方案修正案中的项目说明,有一名成员本效益的替代技 术成功淘汰了非洲的甲基溴。
Upon presentation of the project in the context of work programme amendments, one memberdrew attention to the successful phase-out of MB in Africa through the adoption of cost-effective alternatives.
但在实践中,这意味着进行私下审理,并会产生果,即审理工作几无透明度可言,或是公众对家庭法律制度中发生的情 况不甚了解。
However, in practice, this has meant that cases are heard in camera, with the unintended effect that there is little transparency or public awareness of what is happening in the family law system.
他询问,一名司法人员如何能够裁定宗纯宗教问题以及这些问题同个人宗教自由之间 [...]
He asked how a judicial official could hand down rulings on
purely religious issues, including the
[...] importance of religioussymbols and howthey were [...]
linked to an individual’s freedom of religion.
最近当选的 巴基斯坦民主政府,其表现与《宪法》和人民对一 个现代化、温和的民主政体 将扞卫 一切人权并促进尊重人权,尤其是妇女、儿童和少 数民族的权利。
The vision of the recently elected democratic Government in Pakistan was consistent with the aspiration of the Constitution and the desire of the people for a modern, moderate and democratic polity that would uphold all human rights and foster respect, especially for the rights of women, children and minorities.
[...] 力和资产支助人道主义援助活动的局势中,利用这些能力和资产必须得到受灾 国 家法律和国际法,包括国际人道主义法,并且充分尊重大 会第46/182号决议规定的各项原则。
The Ministers emphasized the fundamentally civilian character of humanitarian assistance, and reaffirmed the need, in situations where military capacity and assets are used to support the implementation of humanitarian assistance, for
their use to be
[...] undertaken with the consent oftheaffected State and in conformity withnational law, [...]
international law, including
humanitarian law, and in full respect of the principles set for in General Assembly Resolution 46/182.
一个缔约国重申其关切,认为根据先前对日内 瓦呼吁“承诺书”的签署来采取这样的接触行动,是
One State Party reiterated its concern regarding the
engagement on the basis of one previous signing of the “Deed of Commitment” of
[...] GenevaCall as inconsistent with theabove view.
不应将直布罗陀 从委员会名单中删除,因为这样做将损害联合国在 一种所谓的现代宪法关系基础上建立的进程,事实
[...] 上,这无异于“经同意的殖民主义”,其中的同意 是指管理国而非遭受殖民统治的人民,即西班牙人 民的这种议的精神,也不符 合其文字。
Gibraltar should not be removed from the Committee’s list, since doing so would jeopardize the process established by the United Nations on the basis of a so-called modern constitutional relationship that was in fact no more than “colonialism by consent”, in which the consent was that of the administering Power and
not the colonized people, the people of Spain,
[...] and didnot comply witheither the spirit or the letter of the resolutions.
Separately, under the Supplement to CEPA signed on 27 October 2004, we have successfully secured the agreement of the Mainland to allow eligibleHong Kong residents to take part in the following 18 Mainland professional examinations related to the construction and engineering services: registered architect, registered structural engineer, registered civil engineer (geotechnical), construction supervising engineer, cost engineer, registered town planner, certified safety engineer, registered nuclear safety engineer, constructor, registered public facility engineer, registered chemical engineer, registered civil engineer (harbour and waterway), registered facility supervising engineer, environmental impact assessment engineer, real estate appraiser, registered electrical engineer, certified public valuer and registered consulting engineer (investment).
In the description of wine taste-flavor the term "sweet" is almost always used as an identifierdenoting the presence of residual sugar and/or glycerin.
,任标准的完好产品的销售将不得受到有关国家与消费者健康或其 它食品标准事项有关的并为该项通用标准的要求所涉及的任何法律或行政规定的阻 碍。
Italso means that the distribution of any soundproducts conformingwith the standard [...]
will not be hindered by any legal
or administrative provisions in the country concerned, which relate to the health of the consumer or to other food standard matters and which are covered by the requirements of the general standard.
大会第 64/230 号决议第一节第 2 段核准会议委员会提交的联合国 2010 和 2011
[...] 两年期会议日历草案,同时考虑到委员会 ,并议的规定为前 提;决议同一节第 4 段授权会议委员会因大会第六十四届会议的行动和决定所需 [...]
而对 2010
和 2011 年会议日历加以改动。
In section I, paragraph 2, of its resolution 64/230, the General Assembly approved the draft biennial calendar of conferences and meetings of the United Nations for 2010 and 2011, as submitted by
the Committee on Conferences, taking
[...] into account the observations of the Committee [...]
and subject to the provisions of the
resolution, and, in paragraph 4 of the same section, authorized the Committee on Conferences to make any adjustments to the calendar of conferences and meetings for 2010 and 2011 that might become necessary as a result of actions and decisions taken by the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session.
在没有得到联合国的反应和会员国响应的情况下,总干事认为,大会可以审议该报告 向执行局提供的有关情况,因其中提出了一项有关在教科文组织各主管领域促进各国人民之 间对话的详细而严密的行动计划布‘全提倡各国人民之间对话伦理国际 年’的用意和目标。
In the light of the lack of response by the General Assembly of the United Nations and of action by Member States, the Director-General considers that the General Conference may wish to consider that the report provided to the Executive Board, which outlines a detailed and structured programme of action for promoting a dialogue among
peoples in UNESCO’s domains, which
[...] corresponds to theintention and objectives of the proclamation of an International Year of Global Consciousness andthe Ethics [...]
of Dialogue Among Peoples.
根据本公司之公司细则第100(A)条,周伟伟先生、区庆麟先生、郭炳联先生、康百祥先生及杨杰圣先生会於即将举行之 股东周年大会上轮席告退格并 连任。
In accordance with Bye-law 100(A) of the Company’s Bye-laws, Mr. Chow Wai Wai, John, Mr. Au Hing Lun, Dennis, Mr. Kwok Ping Luen, Raymond, Mr. Hong Pak Cheung, William and Mr. Yeung Kit Shing, Jackson will retire by rotation at the forthcoming annual general meeting and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election.
实际上,更仔细的分析表 明,它看来,而不是反向推定,因为它比反向推定更进一步,维 护缔约国和组织的意愿,同时完全尊重保留国的意愿,但有一项谅解,即保留国 随时可表示无意在无法从保留中受益的情况下同意受条约约束,正如准则 [...]
4.5.3 第3 段所明确规定。
In fact, on closer
[...] inspection, it seems to be more in keeping with the principle ofconsent thanthe reverse [...]
presumption, because,
more than the negative presumption, it preserves the will of the other contracting States and organizations while fully respecting that of the author of the reservation, on the understanding that the latter can express at any time its intention not to be bound by the treaty without the benefit of the reservation, as expressly stated in paragraph 3 of guideline 4.5.3.
独立非执行董事确定上述关连交易乃基於以下情况下 签订:(甲)在本集团一般及日常业务过程中订立;(乙)按正常商业条款或按不逊於本集团提供予独立 第三方或由独立第三方提供的条款订立;及(丙)根据规管该等交易的相关协议,按公平合理公司股东整体利益的条款订立。
The INEDs confirmed that the aforesaid connected transactions were entered into (a) in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group; (b) either on normal commercial terms or on terms no less favourable to the Group than terms available to or from independent third parties; and (c) in accordance with the relevant agreements governing them on terms that are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the shareholders of the Company as a whole.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 [...]
关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关
政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a)
[...] establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent withinternational [...]
standards and norms; (b)
strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.




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