

单词 意志

意志 noun ()

volition n
spirit n


德意志 n

Germany n


German (phonetic rendition of "Deutsch")


the will live

See also:


aspiration n
ambition n
record n

External sources (not reviewed)

如果违背未来配偶意志,用 欺诈或强迫手段取得婚姻同意,法院会应有 资格之人的请求,宣布婚姻无效。
If consent for marriage was obtained [...]
against the will of a prospective spouse by fraud or duress, the court will annual
a marriage at the request of an entitled person.
尽 管面临报告中提到的前所未有的挑战,国家仍将保持坚 意志 , 决 心尽最大努 力,应对这些挑战,推动实现人权原则的崇高目标。
Notwithstanding the multitude of unprecedented
[...] challenges, which have been reflected in the [...]
report, the national will remains firmly
set on exerting greater efforts to face these challenges and progress towards achieving the lofty purposes of human rights principles.
意志联邦共和国:对确认适用的国际法以及这些规定的建议表示欢迎,这些规定当 时已被认为是源自 [...]
1907 年海牙公约(IV)“陆战法规和惯例公约”附件 第 46 (2) 和 56 (2) 条 所载的保护概念,后来这些规定又在 1954 年《关于在武装冲突情况下保护文化财产的公
Federal Republic of Germany: welcomes the confirmation [...]
of applicable international law and this recommendation of provisions
which at the time were already regarded as deriving from the concept of protection contained in Article 46 (2) and Article 56 (2) of the Annex to the Hague Convention (IV) Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land of 1907 and which were later dealt with more specifically in the 1954 (First) Protocol to the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.
因此,德国重申其关于对没有能力表示同意的人所进行的研究的立场,并批准《生物伦 理宣言》,同时明确指出,确定不同于德国法律的最低国际标准并不会使 意志 联 邦 共和国有 理由背离更严格的德国法律标准。
Germany thus reaffirms its position on research on persons lacking the capacity to consent and approves the Declaration on Bioethics with the express note that the determination of international minimum standards that differ from German legislation does not give the Federal Republic of Germany any cause to deviate from the stricter German legal standards.
坎帕拉爆炸事件所凸显的这一令人不安的趋势,表明青年党不仅拥有进 行这种攻击意志和能 力,而且还在催生新一代东非圣战组织团体,对该地区 乃至整个国际社会的安全产生新的挑战。
This disturbing trend, highlighted by the Kampala bombings, suggests not only that Al-Shabaab possesses the will and capability to conduct such attacks but that it is giving rise to a new generation of East African jihadist groups that represent a new security challenge for the region and the wider international community.
各位部长回顾近期在几个拉丁美洲国家进行的宪法程序,该程序体现了尊 重和巩固基于这些国家的人民自由表 意志 和 参 与决定政治、经济、法律、社 会和文化制度的民主。
The Ministers recalled the constitutional processes that have been taking place recently in several Latin American countries as an expression of respect to and strengthening of democracy based on the freely expressed will and participation of the people of those countries to determine their own political, economic, legal, social and cultural systems.
1.1 本資料摘要旨在提供有關法蘭西共和國(法國)、 意志 聯邦 共和國(德國)、美利堅合眾國(美國)、聯合王國(英國)、新加坡共和國 [...]
(新加坡)、美國新澤西州(新澤西州)及英國蘇格蘭等地挑選國家元首/ 地方首長及政府首長的資料。
1.1 This information note aims at providing [...]
information about the selection of head of state and head of government in the
French Republic (France), the Federal Republic of Germany (Germany), the United States of America (US), the United Kingdom (UK), the Republic of Singapore (Singapore), the State of New Jersey (New Jersey) of the US and Scotland of the UK.
相反,如果選民的意向明顯,領導者只是憑一 意志 扭 曲 民意,戀棧權位,則肯定是不科學和不道德。
However, if the voters have a clear aspiration,
while leaders exercise their own will to
[...] distort the public opinion and remain in [...]
power, this is definitely unscientific and immoral.
我决定参加安全理事会本次会议的原因很简单, 那就是,叙利亚正在发生的情况是如此严重;国际社 会的不作为是如此令人震惊;阿拉伯解决办法是如此 紧迫;联合国的决定是如此重要,以致我感到必须参 加本次辩论会,并尽我所能把僵局变为解决办法,把 犹豫不决变为果意志。
I decided to participate in this meeting of the Security Council for the simple reason that what is happening in Syria is of such seriousness; that the inaction of the international community is so shocking; that an Arab solution is so urgent; and that a decision of the United Nations is so essential that I felt compelled to participate in this debate and to do whatever I can to transform deadlock into solution, hesitation into will.
凡属 巴克莱亚洲有限公司,
[...] 瑞士信贷(香港)有限公司, 大和资本市场香港有限公司, 德意志银行香港分行, 经济通有限公司, [...]
麦格理资本证券股份有限公司,荷兰合作银行香港分行,法国兴业证券(香港)有限公司,香港上海汇丰银行有限公司, 苏格兰皇家银行及瑞士银行伦敦分行所提供并印有"Powered
By" 之资料(「 资料」),乃由恒生银行有限公司(「本行」)在日常运作过程中再转送予阁下并只供参考之用。
Information (the "information") which is "Powered By" Barclays Capital Asia Limited, Credit Suisse (Hong
Kong) Limited, Daiwa Capital Markets Hong
[...] Kong Limited, Deutsche Bank AG Hong [...]
Kong Branch, ET Net Limited, Macquarie Capital
Securities Limited, Rabobank International Hong Kong Branch, SG Securities (HK) Limited, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V. and UBS AG London Branch re-transmitted by Hang Seng Bank Limited (the "Bank") in the ordinary course of business to you for information and reference purpose only.
然而﹐ 應該注意的是﹐意志和意大利的統一是這兩種力量互相交織的產 物﹐因為這兩國同時爭取統一﹐以及擺脫奧地利的統治。
But one should be reminded
[...] that the unifications of Germany and Italy were a product [...]
of the interaction of these two forces
as they desired to get unification and independence from Austrian control at the same time.
逃犯(德國)令》(第 503章,附屬法例X)根據《逃犯條例》 (第 503章 )第 3條制定,指示就香港與意志聯邦共和國("德國")於 2006年 5月 26日簽訂的移交逃犯雙邊協定而言,香港法例第503章 中的有關程序在該兩個司法管轄區之間適用,但須受該協定所載 的限制、約束、例外規定及約制所規限。
The Fugitive Offenders (Germany) Order (Cap. 503 sub. leg. X) was made under section 3 of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance (Cap. 503) to direct that the procedures in Cap. 503 shall apply as between Hong Kong and the Federal Republic of Germany in relation to the bilateral surrender of fugitive offenders agreement signed between the two jurisdictions on 26 May 2006, subject to the limitations, restrictions, exceptions and qualifications contained in it.
联合王国政府无意违背他们意志而 强 加独立 (A/C.4/63/SR.2)。
Her Government had no intention of imposing [...]
independence against their will (see A/C.4/63/SR.2).
联合王国提供的一些信息载于题为“第一和第二个铲除殖民主义国际十年宣 布以来通过的各项非殖民化决议的执行情况”的秘书长报告(A/64/70),其中特 别指出,联合王国对海外领土的政策建立在由每个领土的人民来决定是否希望保 持与联合王国关系的基础之上,联合王国政府无意违背有关人民 意志 而 强 加独 立。
Information provided by the United Kingdom for inclusion in the report of the Secretary-General entitled “Implementation of decolonization resolutions adopted since the declaration of the First and Second International Decades for the Eradication of Colonialism” (A/64/70), stated, inter alia, that the United Kingdom’s policy towards the Overseas Territories rested on the basis that it is the people of each Territory who determine whether they wish to stay linked to the United Kingdom or not and that the United Kingdom had no intention of imposing independence against the will of the people concerned.
如《宣言》序言部分所阐明,政府某部门或某级政府的官员,或代表政府、或 在政府直接或间接 支持、同意 或 默 许
[...] 下的有组织团体 或个人,违 反 某意 志 , 将 其 逮捕、 拘留或 绑架或以其他方式剥夺其自由 [...]
, 随 后 又拒绝透露 其 命运或下落 , 或拒绝承认剥夺其自由,因而将其置于法律保护之外,这类行为即强迫失踪。
As defined in the preambular part of the Declaration, enforced disappearances occur when persons are arrested, detained or abducted against their will or otherwise deprived of their liberty by officials of different branches or levels of Government or by organized groups or private individuals
acting on behalf of, or with the support,
[...] direct or indirect, consent or acquiescence of [...]
the Government, followed by a refusal
to disclose the fate or whereabouts of the persons concerned or a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of their liberty, which places such persons outside the protection of the law.
在 商 業 和 貿 易 問 題 等 共 同 利 益 上 ﹐ 它 打
破 了 一 些 敵 對 的 強 大 堡 壘 ﹐ 為 發 展 政 治 上 的 民 族 性 舖 路 ﹕ 它 清 除 了 一 些 地 方 上 的 感 情 和 習 慣 ﹐ 取
[...] 而 代 之 的 是 更 廣 更 強 的意 志 民 族 元 素 。
By the community of interests on commercial and trading questions it had broken down some of the strongest holds of alienation and hostility and its has paved the way for a political
nationality- it has subdued much local feeling and habit and replaced them by a wider and
[...] stronger element of German nationality.
意志联邦共和国认为缅甸联邦就《儿童权利公约》第 15 和第 37 条提出的 保留不符合该公约的目的和宗旨(第 51 条第 2 款),因此对这些保留提出反 对。
The Federal Republic of Germany considers that the reservations made by the Union of [...]
Myanmar regarding articles 15 and 37
of the Convention on the Rights of the Child are incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention (article 51, paragraph 2) and therefore objects to them.
在过去的140年里,TÜV 南意志集团 已经在德国建立了良好的品牌声誉并成为了优秀的安全及检验服务提供商。
Over the past 140 years, TÜV SÜD has built a sterling brand reputation in Germany as the premium provider of safety and inspection services.
She was a senior management of Deutsche Securities Asia Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Deutsche Bank AG.
他是創造萬物的-天,地,人-所有的事情由他 意志( vashna ) ;他認為,知道所有的事情,人必須服從他的戒律( framana ) ,並按照“好辦法” ( pathim拉斯塔姆) ;男子必須援引並讚揚他;他討厭罪,特別是謊言是譴責首席催產素的罪孽,也服從和專制。
He is Creator of all things - heaven, earth, and man - all things happen by His will (vashna); He sees and knows all things, man must obey His precepts (framana), and follow the "good way" (pathim rastam); man must invoke and praise Him; He hates sin, especially falsehood which is denounced as the chief ot sins, also insubordination and despotism.
在不影响与意志联邦 共和国政府签署的《总部协定》给予《公约》秘书处、 《公约》干事、一个或多个缔约方、个人、官员及成员代表的法律地位和豁免的 情况下,作为本议定书缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议应审查在本议定书下设 立的机构任职的个人的豁免问题。
Without prejudice to the legal status, immunities accorded to the Convention secretariat, officials, a Party or Parties, persons, officials, representatives of Members by the Headquarters Protocol with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall examine the issue of immunities for persons serving on bodies constituted under this Protocol.
我不认为甚至一个外来强者可以长久 地强加意志或施 行违反有关各方意愿的某些 新安排。
I do not think even an outside power can impose its will for long or enforce some new arrangements against the will of the parties concerned.
最初,他尝试着在美国和法国找工作,之后于1950年回到德国,成为新成立的 意志 民 主共和国最为重要的建筑师之一。
In 1950, he returned to Germany and soon became one of the leading architects of the newly founded GDR.
因为 工会代表都是通过工人/雇员的个人意愿意志选 举 出 来的,未 受到任何 强 迫 ,因此成立起 来 的工会能在工厂 和 企 业 中 运 行 顺 畅 ,保障和促 进 工 人的共同利益。
The trade unions established have a smooth operation at their factories and industries in defending and increasing the common interests of workers since those representatives of the trade unions were selected through election made by personal wills and intentions of workers/employees without suppression.
以色列正在采取的这些非法行动和措施公然违反了《日内瓦第四公约》、国 际法的其他条款以及联合国安全理事会和大会的多项决议,同时也是对国际社会 集意志的公然蔑视和挑战。
These illegal Israeli actions and measures are being perpetrated in grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and other relevant provisions of international law and numerous relevant United Nations Security Council and General Assembly resolutions, and are also being perpetrated in flagrant defiance of and as a challenge to the will of the international community.
就以色列违反国际法行为的其他问题而言,联合国内、特别是其会员国中间缺乏 任意志,对 隔离墙的存在和继续建造提出质疑,这座墙给西岸、特别是东耶路 撒冷的占领之下的许多巴勒斯坦人的生活带来如此负面的干扰。
As with other issues of violations of international law by Israel, there continues to be a lack of will within the United Nations, and especially among its Member States, to challenge the existence and continuing construction of the Wall, which intrudes so negatively on the lives of many Palestinians living under occupation in the West Bank, especially East Jerusalem.
确认一些机制具有潜力,但认为实现这种潜力将需要 国际协议和相应的政意志来开 发资源,以及为使用和分配设计适当的管理机 制。
It confirms the potential of a number of mechanisms, but concludes that realizing that potential will require international agreement and corresponding political will to tap sources, as well as the design of appropriate governance of uses and allocation mechanisms.
歐洲聯盟駐香港及澳門辦事處與法國教育中心(Campus France)、意志學術 交流中心(DAAD)及歐洲各領事館聯手於2013年3月9至10日,假銅鑼灣香港中央圖書館舉辦「歐洲高等教育展覽2013」。
The Office of the European Union to Hong Kong and Macao in cooperation with Campus France, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and European Consulates General will hold the European Higher Education Fair (EHEF) 2013 on 9th and 10th March 2013 at the Hong Kong Central Library in Causeway Bay.




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