

单词 意式浓缩咖啡

See also:


espresso coffee
concentrate (a liquid)

咖啡 n

coffee n
cafe n
caffeine n

External sources (not reviewed)

在这里小驻来一意式浓缩咖啡或者 品尝美味的手工冰淇淋,带给您置身与绿洲中般的美妙感觉。
An oasis of sensual pleasures.
从精致的意大利佳肴、手工冰激凌、纯正 意式 特 浓咖啡 , 到 充满各国风情的美味烹饪,我们装饰典雅的餐厅提供多样选择迎合您的口味。
From exquisite Italian specialities, handmade ice cream and real espresso coffee to the finest [...]
international cuisine, the
restaurants on each MSC Cruises ship offer a huge choice of dishes - and décors - to suit every taste.
家用机的精巧设计,商用机的优越性能!Samco出品的Fantastica意大利浓缩全自动咖啡机,为全世界的咖啡爱好者带来醇正的Esp re s s o 意 大 利 浓缩咖啡 体 验
The SAMCO Fantastica automatic espresso machine brings the experience of an
[...] authentic Italian espresso into the lives of coffee lovers worldwide.
咖啡杯温杯 您可以使用热水或蒸汽对咖啡杯温杯,越 浓缩 的 咖啡 , 温 杯就越为 重要。
You can warm the cups in advance with hot water or stream.
[...] The smaller the quantity of coffee, the more important [...]
the warming of the cups.
星巴克咖啡 (Starbucks) 旗下零售产品包括30多款全球顶级的咖啡豆、手工制作 浓缩咖啡 和 多款咖啡冷热饮料、新鲜美味的 式 糕 点 食品以及丰富多样的咖啡机、咖啡杯等商品。
Starbucks Coffee (Starbucks)'s retail products include a variety of the world's top 30 coffee beans, hand-made espresso and a variety of hot and cold coffee drinks, delicious pastries fresh food and variety of coffee machines, coffee mugs and other merchandise.
(b) 使用共溶剂(即乙醇)制作浓缩配 方 ,然后放入滤毒罐,按照与 CFC 产品相 同的式进行卷曲和液化。
(b) Preparing the formulation as
[...] a concentrate using a co-solvent (i.e., ethanol) and by then filling it into canisters that are crimped and gased in the same way as the CFC product.
它不仅能做出大众喜爱咖 啡,如芮丝崔朵意式浓缩和拿 铁,而且可以做许多特殊品式的咖 啡,如卡布基诺、拿铁玛琪雅朵,所有这些您只需轻触一下按键,甚 至不用挪动杯子。
Cappuccino, latte macchiato or milk coffee at the press of a key and without shifting around cups.
鉴于该地 区磋商会议确定的式主要以“世 咖啡 屋 ”表格(见下) 式 包 含 在为联合国教科文组织 《2010——2011 两年期计划和预算》(35 C/5)制定和确定的事项、提案和建议中,本全体 辩论小结主要涉及对众多国家委员会 意 义 重大的一般议题上。
Since the approach chosen for this regional consultation consisted of inventorying and prioritizing items, proposals and suggestions for UNESCO’s Programme and Budget in the 2010-2011 biennium (35 C/5) mainly through the format of the “World Café” (see below), this summary of the plenary debate is limited to a focus on general issues of importance to many National [...]
此外,如果伊朗意“向外界公布浓缩能力 的进展,并由国际机构而 非伊朗本身执行任何工业规模行动”将很有帮助。
It would also be
[...] helpful for Iran to agree to “stretch out over time the development of its enrichment capability [...]
and to have any industrial-scale
activity conducted not by Iran but by an international consortium”.
一楼为LUSITANUS葡萄牙风情区,在这里您可以放松身心,边观赏葡国土风舞表演、电影或浏览葡萄牙手工艺品,边 意 地 叹 一杯葡国特色的毕架(“bica” 浓咖啡 , 品 尝美味的 式 蛋 挞
Relax and enjoy Portuguese-style "bica" espresso with delectable Portuguese egg tarts, a local specialty, while experiencing traditional Portuguese dance performance, movie, or demonstration of Portuguese handicrafts at LUSITANUS on the first floor.
Bezzera 生产专业和半专业浓缩咖啡机,精心挑选的经销商网络,其产品出口到世界近50多个国家和地区。
Bezzera produces professional and
[...] semi-professional espresso coffee machines, exporting [...]
its products to approximately 50
countries around the world thanks to a carefully selected network of resellers.
最后,北欧人和横跨大西洋的来访者觉得所有这些对他们的口味而言太过浓烈,所以多数店老板就出售一种americano,它的成份也 浓缩咖啡 , 但 是用一大杯水稀释,作为其中成份的牛奶便放在一个小壶中。
Finally, for northern European or visitors from across that Atlantic who find all these a little strong for their palate, most bar
owners will serve an americano, which again
[...] consists of an espresso shot but diluted [...]
in a large cup of hot water with a portion
of milk provided in a little jug.
同步辐射在下述基础研究领域的应用将为这些 领域的研究提供新的机会:原子物理;具有生 意 义 的 复杂分子的结构;集束结构 浓缩物 质 ,磁性;化学的基本反应过程;催化作用;半导体的表层和中间层;软 X 光显微镜和细 胞生物学。
Novel opportunities are being offered by these applications in basic research areas such as the physics of atoms; the structure of complex biologically-important molecules; clusters; condensed matter, magnetic properties; elementary processes in chemistry; catalysis; the surfaces and interfaces of semiconductors; soft X-ray microscopy; and cell biology.
在重新装意式咖啡冲煮 器时,请遵循下列步骤
To reassemble the espresso group follow the [...]
following steps
除了世界一流的教育体系,参与澳洲人日常生活的机会也数不胜数:不论文艺活动或运动,聚会或书友俱乐部,绝妙的户外活动或在 意 的 咖啡 馆 , 您都会发现有许多 式 加 入其中,尽情享乐。
Apart from a world-class education system, the opportunities to get involved in daily life are endless: whether you're into the
arts or sport, partying or book clubs,
[...] the great outdoors or cosy cafés, you’ll find many ways to join in and have fun.
除了務必一嘗之日本著名UCC咖啡、獨 特的雪芳西餅外,尚有多款 式意 粉 及精選美點供應。
Apart from
[...] the famous UCC Coffee、unique chiffon cake, a variety of Japanese-style spaghetti and selected [...]
desserts are served as well.
为根据联合国安全理事会相关决议寻求全面、长期和适当地解决伊朗核问 题,并在 2006 年 6 月向伊朗提出的提议的基础上(这项提议依然有效),特此提
出以下内容,作为中国、法国、德国、伊朗、俄罗斯、联合王国和美利坚合众国 之间并在欧洲联盟高级代表的参与下进行谈判的主题,但前提是伊朗必须根据安 理会第
[...] 1803(2008)号决议第 15 段和第 19 段(a)分段的规定,以可核查的式暂 停其浓缩相关活动和后处理活动。
In order to seek a comprehensive, long-term and proper solution of the Iranian nuclear issue consistent with relevant UN Security Council resolutions and building further upon the proposal presented to Iran in June 2006, which remains on the table, the elements below are proposed as topics for negotiations between China, France, Germany, Iran, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, joined by the High Representative
of the European Union, as long as Iran
[...] verifiably suspends its enrichment-related and [...]
reprocessing activities, pursuant to
OP 15 and OP 19(a) of UNSCR 1803.
提供给总统府办公室的其他非官方资金主要来自以下各方:科特迪瓦海关 署以“回扣”式提供的在科特迪瓦海港阿比让和圣佩德罗港获得的关税“折扣”, 国家官方彩票机构,科特迪瓦炼油公司( Société ivoirienne de raffinage)以 及科特迪咖啡可可 豆业管理委员会(Comité de Gestion de la Filière Café Cacao)。
Other unofficial funds supplied to the office of the Presidency were derived
mainly from the Ivorian
[...] customs agency in the form of “kickbacks” from customs tax “discounts” at the seaports of Abidjan and San Pedro, the official national lottery, the Ivorian oil refinery company (Société ivoirienne de raffinage), and the Ivorian management agency for cocoa and coffee (Comité de gestion [...]
de la filière café cacao).
直通心扉,浓郁并带有陈年葡萄酒所具有的浓郁的果香,同时,又裹有奶糖 咖啡 和 可可 的 浓浓 暖 意。
Freely pass through the nose, high
intensity, with excellent aromas of fruits and well assembled with
[...] hints of toffee, coffee, cocoa and spicy balsamic notes.
這些措施包括僱主在工作編排方面應 意 的事項;員工在結束夜間輪值工作後,應營造有助睡眠的環境,盡快 在黑暗及安靜的環境中睡眠,以及僱員應避免睡眠前飲 咖啡、 茶或含酒精的飲品等。
These include, for instance, measures to which employers should
[...] pay attention in arranging work; the advice that employees should sleep in a dark and quiet environment as soon as possible after night shift work to create a favourable environment for sleeping; and that employees should avoid drinking coffee, tea or alcoholic [...]
beverages before sleep.
Bezzera 浓缩咖啡机的全部生产过程均在公司内部完成,从原材料的挑选开始,每一阶段都是精心操作。
The entire Bezzera espresso machines productive [...]
process takes place inside of the company, with the utmost care taken in
every stage, starting from the selection of raw materials.
我们深感关切地意到原 子能机构总 干事的最新报告(见 A/66/95),其中确认,伊朗伊斯 兰共和国违背其所承担的义务,继续扩大 浓缩活 动,包括通过将浓缩能力提高到 20%。
We have noted with deep concern the latest report of the Director General of the IAEA (see A/66/95), which confirms that the Islamic Republic of Iran, in violation of its obligations, continues to expand its enrichment activities, including by increasing its capacity for enrichment to 20 per cent.
意味着,不浓缩和后 处理实施,而且处理受禁产条约管制的裂变材料的 转化设施也应该得到核查。
This implies that not only the enrichment and reprocessing [...]
facilities, but conversion facilities processing fissile materials
subject to FMCT should also be under verification.
[...] 安全理事会第 1718(2006)号和第 1874(2009)号决议 的行为,并敦促它充分遵守安理会其它有关决议,特 别是以可核查和不可逆式彻底 放弃包括 浓缩计 划在内的所有核计划。
In that regard, the international community must strongly condemn North Korea’s clear violation of Security Council resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009) and urge it to fully comply with other relevant Council resolutions, especially by abandoning all
of its nuclear programmes,
[...] including its uranium enrichment programme, in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner.
打开,拆卸料筒意式咖啡冲煮 器,拆除滴水盘、咖啡粉渣盒和 混料系统的可拆除部件,然后开 始清洁机器内部和外部的所有表 面。
Open, disassemble the
[...] canisters, the espresso group, remove the drip-tray, coffee waste tray, [...]
and mixing system removable
parts, and proceed to clean all surfaces both inside and outside of the machine.
尤其的,Cheery 菜单则很丰富多样:栗子咖啡、水果冰沙、牛肉粉、生菜肉卷、1人用 Cheery 火锅、式面条 凉拌、欧亚菜诸如此类,可以说,这就是一 缩 小 饭店 的 咖啡 馆。
In particular, the cheery café’s menu is rich and varied such as walnut coffee, mixed vitamins (combination of many types of
fruit), beef
[...] noodle, rolled mixed cake, cheery hot pot for one eater, Thai-styled mixed vegetable and other Western Asian dishes.
同时这里还是一个品尝各种啡的天 堂:从 式 热 咖啡 到 冷 咖 啡 , 包 括多样的热巧克力选择,甚至还包括了“零卡路里”的版本:拥有所有的美妙味觉却没有任何糖分!。
The bar list includes a seductive selection of hot and cold coffee delights, as well as a range of flavoured hot chocolate temptations, including a “zero calorie” version: all the taste with none of the sugar!
5 月 27 日,在第三次论坛开幕时,在里约热内卢 Candido Mendes 大学和里 斯本时装设计博物馆的两个“对 咖啡 馆 ” 正 式 启 用
The first two cafés opened on 27 May in Rio de Janeiro at Candido Mendes University and in Lisbon at the Design and Fashion Museum on the occasion of the third Forum, thanks to a partnership with Lisbon Municipality, Candido Mendes University and the use of the European network GÉANT.
如果不出意外,策展人难免会提出这样的问题:这样在既定场馆举办一场展览,展出带有 意 深 刻 的图画和高 浓缩 的 艺 术作品,其本身能否成为一种终极沉淀呢?
As a possible result, the curators cannot help but pose the question: can an exhibition as such, with metaphorical sketches, condensed and intense gestures in a designated pavilion ever be a final distillation in and of itself?
公共建筑空调应采用循环冷却水系统,冷却 水循环率应达到 98%以上,敞式系统冷却浓缩倍数 不低于 3;循环冷却水系统可 以根据具体情况使用敞开式或密闭式循环冷却水系统。
The air-conditioners in public buildings should adopt circular water-chilling systems, the recycling rate of the chilled water should be above 98%.




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