单词 | 愉快的情绪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 愉快的情绪 noun—cheer nSee also:愉快的 adj—pleasant adj • cosy adj 愉快—pleasant • delightful • cheerful • pleasing • pleasantly • delighted • cheerily 情绪 n—emo n • feeling n • spirit n 情绪—moodiness • state of mind
目前事态 已得到控制,但是局势依然高度紧张,潜 在 的 不满 情绪尚待解决。 crisisgroup.org | The situation is now under control, but tensions are still high and the underlying grievances are yet to be addressed. crisisgroup.org |
儿童积极的情绪的影响 范围越大,儿童就越有 可能快乐和有更强的幸福感。 ipaworld.org | The larger [...] the sphere of influence of the positive emotions, the more likely that the child will [...]be happy and have a strong sense of well-being. ipaworld.org |
游戏的作用 贯穿几个适应系统以有利于健 康、幸福和快速恢复力,这些系统包括 : 快 乐 和 享受 ; 情绪 调 节 ;压力反应系统;依恋;和 学习和创造。 ipaworld.org | Play acts across several adaptive systems to [...] contribute [...] to health, well-being and resilience. These include: pleasure and enjoyment; emotion regulation; stress response systems; attachments; and learning [...]and creativity. ipaworld.org |
另外,改善學前教育不可以對學童造成壓 力,學童需要的是愉快輕鬆的幼兒 教育,使他們在無憂慮無壓迫 的 情 況 ㆘ 學習和獲得 教育。 legco.gov.hk | Besides, any step to improve pre-primary education should not impose pressure on children who should receive a happy and relaxed pre-primary education in a learning environment, free of worries and stress. legco.gov.hk |
今 年夏季這個不愉快的經歷 ,正好提醒我們絕不可以鬆懈,必須繼續努力控制通脹。 legco.gov.hk | This summer's [...] experience is an unpleasant reminder that [...]we must not relax our efforts to bring inflation under control. legco.gov.hk |
成功的教育计划必 须有:(1)健康的,营养好的,和学习积极性高的学生;(2)训练有素的教师和生动 活泼的学习方法;(3)必要的设施和学习资料;(4)能用当地语言进行教学并且结合 教师和学生的知识与经验的一套课程;(5)不仅有助于学习而且是令人 心 情愉快的 ,注 重男女平等的,健康和安全的环境;(6)对学习成绩,包括知识、技能、态度和价值 观,有明确的定义和准确的评估;(7)参与式的管理与经营;和(8)尊重和接触当地 社区和文化。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Successful education programmes require: (1) healthy, well-nourished and motivated students; (2) well-trained teachers and active learning techniques; (3) adequate facilities and learning materials; (4) a relevant curriculum that can be taught and learned in a local language and builds upon the knowledge and experience of the teachers and learners; (5) an environment that not only encourages learning but is welcoming, gender-sensitive, healthy and safe; (6) a clear definition and accurate assessment of learning outcomes, including knowledge, skills, attitudes and, values; (7) participatory governance and management; and (8) respect for and engagement with local communities and cultures. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在最后实施日之前很早就计划和准备临时财务报表供外部审计员审查,以避 免不愉快的让人有突然的感觉。 daccess-ods.un.org | Plan and prepare interim financial [...] statements for review by external auditor(s) well ahead of the final [...] implementation date to avoid unpleasant surprises. daccess-ods.un.org |
艺术家为情节安排了许多转折点,有时候电影甚至为了强 调 情绪的 崩 溃 ,还 要 快 退。 shanghaibiennale.org | The choreography of the plot takes numerous turns, and sometimes the film runs backwards in order [...] to emphasis the effect of the clash of emotions. shanghaibiennale.org |
游戏为“日常的、短暂的充满希望的形式”提供了时间-空间(Kraftl 2008: 88),其中游 戏时的愉悦和快乐——只为了做而做 事 情 , 而 不是为了完成成人任务——使儿童能对世界保 持开放,使儿童只是为了“继续”他们的生活而制造和利用环境资源。 ipaworld.org | Play becomes time–space for ‘everyday, momentary forms of hopefulness’ (Kraftl 2008: 88) in which the joy and pleasure of playing – of doing things for the sake of them, rather than performing obligations to adults – enable children to maintain an openness to the world, to create and take advantage of environmental resources to simply ‘go on’ with their lives. ipaworld.org |
政府的自满情绪表明缺乏结 束人民苦难的政治意愿。 daccess-ods.un.org | The complacency of the Government revealed [...] the lack of political will to put an end to the suffering of the population. daccess-ods.un.org |
被占领的巴勒斯坦领土颜盎(YANOUN),2012年9月18日 —— 生活在被占领的巴勒斯坦领土上的学生约有120万名,对于许多学生而言,上周返校是件 很 愉快的 事 情。 unicef.org | YANOUN, occupied Palestinian territory, 18 September 2012—For [...] many of the 1.2 million [...] students living in the occupied Palestinian territory, returning to school last week was an enjoyable experience. unicef.org |
虽然可以 确认存在不满意的情绪,但 在讨论中人们感到特设委员会是可以在所提到的两个 议题的基础上向前推进的。 daccess-ods.un.org | While feelings of discontent had been recognized, it had been felt during discussions that the Ad Hoc Committee could move forward on the basis of the two topics mentioned. daccess-ods.un.org |
游戏在通过适应系统——快乐、情绪 调 节、压力反应系统、对同伴和地 方 的 依 恋 、学习 和创造中具有关键作用。 ipaworld.org | Play has an [...] essential role in building children’s resilience across adaptive systems – pleasure, emotion regulation, stress [...]response systems, peer and [...]place attachments, learning and creativity. ipaworld.org |
在医疗保健领域,毛里塔尼亚与世界卫生组织里 昂办事处和世卫组织驻努瓦克肖特分局合作开展的 [...] 一项研究显示出如下结果:接受调查的个人中 35%患 有至少一种精神疾病,20%的人患有焦虑症, 1 9 % 的人 有情绪问题,2.4%的人表 现出某种精神问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the field of mental health care, a study in Mauritania carried out in cooperation with the World Health Organization Lyon office and the WHO bureau in Nouakchott showed the following results: 35 per cent of individuals sampled had at least one mental [...] problem, 20 per cent had problems [...] with anxiety, 19 per cent had mood problems, and 2.4 per cent [...]showed some psychotic problems. daccess-ods.un.org |
對一些原意本為中立的字彙﹐如"公投"﹐由於老人家經歷太多﹐很容易聯想到一些 不 愉快的 事 情 ﹐ "公投"莫名的跟"獨立"成了親家。 hkupop.hku.hk | Even some vocabularies having a neutral usage such as "referendum" could hit the officials' nerves. hkupop.hku.hk |
的四个季节的气氛,提供不同的颜色画的空调客房和公寓,适合每一种 心 情愉快的 住 宿。 instantworldbooking.com | The fours seasons atmosphere [...] provides pleasant stay in air conditioned rooms and apartments painted in different colours, suitable for every mood. instantworldbooking.com |
於1973年成立巧新企業有限公司,以OEM型態,從事即熱式瓦斯熱水器的生產,交於國內各知名廠牌銷售,受到巿埸肯定,我們瞭解熱水器出廠後經由各銷售管道分佈於各個家庭使用,攸關人民生命財產安全,在品質方面是極為重要的,所以本公司以品質第一為目標的理念,要求各同仁確實做到,提高與本公司往 來 的 客 戶 對本公司產品信任、交貨準時、品質優良,彼此都能長期合 作 愉快。 tgas.org.tw | Established the Charl Sign Enterprise LTD. in 1973, by OEM condition, was engaged in namely the hot gas water heater production, handed over to the domestic each well-known trade mark sale, received market the affirmation, after we understood the water heater left the plant distributes by way of each sales pipeline in each family use, the matter people life and property security, in the quality aspect was extremely important, therefore this company take the quality first as the goal idea, requested various colleagues truly to achieve, enhanced punctually with this company intercourse [...] customer to this [...] company product trust, the delivery, excellent in quality, each other all could the long-term cooperation be happy. tgas.org.tw |
提供其他适合不同性别的课外活动,促进经历过危 机事件的女孩和男孩心情愉快、心 灵创伤痊愈。 globalprotectioncluster.org | Number of single female- and male-headed households and number of households headed by children (girls and boys). globalprotectioncluster.org |
Eleviv 補充品以科學方式結合四種經過驗證的成份,其精確的配方可讓 您 的 身 體 獲得自然平衡,有助您保持 心 情愉快 、 精神充沛、持久耐力與青春活力。 xango.com.hk | The supplement Eleviv is a scientifically studied blend of four proven ingredients precisely formulated to restore your body’s natural balance, helping you feel cheerful, alert, resilient, vigorous and youthful. xango.com.hk |
这个镇有一个丰富而愉快的建筑遗产与历史悠久的市中心,教堂(圣母院LA GRANDE)和“优雅的修剪整齐的花园中的Parc [...] de Blossac。 leapfrog-properties.com | The town [...] has a rich and pleasant architectural [...]heritage with an historic centre, churches (Notre-Dame-la-Grande) and elegantly [...]manicured gardens in the Parc de Blossac. leapfrog-properties.com |
最后,长期服务工作 人员不断离职,对留下的人造成情绪 上 的 消 极 影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, continuous departures of long-serving staff impact the morale of those left behind. daccess-ods.un.org |
刑法典》界定了下列方面的责任:实施恐怖主义犯罪,挑起民族、种 族、宗教或地区间敌对情绪,获 取、保存、转交和邮寄极端主义材料以进行传 播、编制和散布,以及故意使用极端主义组织标志和工具。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Criminal Code defines responsibility for crimes of a terrorist nature, the instigation of national, racial, religious [...] or inter-confessional hatred, the acquisition, [...]possession, transport or dispatch of extremist materials with a view to disseminating or preparing to disseminate them, and the intentional use of symbols or attributes of extremist organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一潜在的威胁笼罩着在职人员的心 头,除此之外,工作人员现在还具 有不安全感和不满情绪。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The latent threat looming over the staff in post feeds the sense of insecurity and dissatisfaction that today characterizes the members of staff. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在厄瓜多尔的全部城市有很多有趣的网站和容易记住它,不过,在少数地方可以像我们这样的享受自己的安第斯景观丰富多彩,忠实地反映和本种族混杂和自豪拉丁美洲他们的习俗和他们的省代表“钦博拉索”使这个荣誉是在哪里,现代性和传统,是在一个混乱的游 客 愉快的 本 质奇异的混合物。 instantworldbooking.com | All cities in Ecuador have a lot of interesting sites and easy to remember it, nevertheless in few places can be enjoyed so colorful of own Andean landscapes as ours, faithful reflection and representative of this racially mixed and proud Latin America of their customs and their province “Chimborazo” makes [...] honor is this singular mixture in where, modernity and the traditions [...] are confused in a pleasant essence for the [...]visitors. instantworldbooking.com |
其他有趣的城市,缪拉,在那里走来走 去 的 中 世 纪街道和城墙是非 常 愉快 , 圣面粉,一个中世纪小镇,有一 定 的 重 要 性,足以媲美欧里亚克部门的资本,但也Chaudes-艾格,温泉镇的温泉用于治疗风湿和地板下的供暖系统的房子和游泳池。 leapfrog-properties.com | Others interesting cities are; Murat, where [...] walking around its medieval streets and ramparts is very pleasant, St Flour, a medieval town of some importance, rivalling [...]Aurillac as the capital [...]of the department but also Chaudes–Aigues, a spa town where the hot springs are used to treat rheumatism and provide an under floor heating system for most of the houses and the swimming pool. leapfrog-properties.com |
我们还愉快地欢迎孟加拉国外交部长迪布·莫尼女士阁下,感谢她所 作 的全 面而重要的发言 ,其中重申孟加拉国将致力于消除大规模毁灭性武器,尤其是核 武器,并在此基础上实现全世界的和平与安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are also pleased to welcome Her Excellency Ms. Dipu Moni, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh, and to thank her for her [...] comprehensive and [...]important statement, confirming the commitment of Bangladesh to establishing peace and security throughout the world based on the elimination of weapons of mass destruction, in particular nuclear weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际社会需要加强合作、增强全球 难民保护制度的应急反应能力、还需防止其被滥用, 而且个别国家还必须通过消除一切形 式 的 种 族 歧视 和仇外情绪、保护难民权利、不断改善难民的生活条 件来帮助难民。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community needed to improve cooperation and enhance the emergency response capacity of the global refugee protection system, as well as prevent its abuse, and individual countries should assist refugees by discouraging all forms of racial discrimination and xenophobia, protecting their rights and continuing to improve their living conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
显然,阿拉伯世界的普遍情绪是深 感沮丧,因为 安全理事会今年早些时候未能就以色列定居点这一 [...] 关键问题作出表态,尽管空前之多的国家成为了我国 代表团向安理会提出的决议草案(S/2011/24)的提案 国。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is clear [...] that the prevailing sentiment in the Arab world [...]is one of deep frustration following the failure of this Council [...]earlier this year to express itself on the critical issue of Israeli settlements, even though the draft resolution (S/2011/24) that my delegation had presented to the Council had been sponsored by an unprecedented number of States. daccess-ods.un.org |