单词 | 想起 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 想起—recallless common: think of call to mind 想起verb—thinkvExamples:联想起—think of associate 想起来v—rememberv 想起来—recall
这 种想法使人想起力图宽容对妇女或儿童的家庭暴力,将其作为“私事”的陈词滥 调,而不承认这类行为构成的罪行。 daccess-ods.un.org | This thinking is reminiscent ofarchaic [...] arguments that sought to condone domestic violence against women or children as [...]a “private matter”, rather than recognizing the crimes that such acts constitute. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些措施令人想起现代史上最黑暗的岁 月,即欧洲在第二次世界大战刚开始时,某个国家袭 [...] 击并兼并其他国家部分领土。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those measures recalled [...] the darkest days of modern history [...]when, at the beginning of the Second World War in Europe, a particular [...]State had attacked and annexed parts of other countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有适当措施”的措辞让人回想起《经济、 社会、文化权利国际公约》第 11 条中所提及的“适当步骤”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The wording “all appropriate [...] measures” recalls the reference to “appropriate steps” in article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social [...]and Cultural Rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
于是他们就把我扔进监 狱,那状况想起来就觉得可怕。 daccess-ods.un.org | They then put me in jail under circumstances that I can only recall with dread. daccess-ods.un.org |
只需按一下按钮并把购物清单或是您刚想起来的精彩引语告诉您的手机就行了(您怎么这么聪明呢)。 jabra.cn | Simply press a button, and tell your phone your grocery list, or that snappy quote you just thoughtup (so clever, you). jabra.com |
在介绍其第四次报告时,特别报告员想起他在其第三次报告(A/CN.4/629) 中提议了关于受灾国同意的原则的一项规定(载于他的草案第 8 条第 2 款)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In introducing his fourth report, the Special Rapporteur recalled thathe had, in his third report (A/CN.4/629), proposed a provision (contained in his proposal for draft article 8, paragraph 2), on the principle of the consent of the affected State. daccess-ods.un.org |
每天一早,我就会想起孩子们及他们的未来 —— 这就是为什么我现在的工作是全世界我能拥有的最好的工作。 unicef.org | Because every [...] morning I think about children and their [...]futures – and that is why it is the best job I could possibly have in the world. unicef.org |
这令人想起汇金在2008年9月也曾作出类似的举动,H股市场(在香港 [...] 上市的中资股)随之见底。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | This is reminiscent of a similar operation [...] that Huijin did in September 2008, which marked the bottom of the H-share market [...](Chinese corporations listed in Hong Kong). abnamroprivatebanking.com |
科里森先生说,“它会令你想起那个些孩子,现在他们不会患上脊髓灰质炎了 —— 他们可以生活得更好,享受更长的人生时光。 unicef.org | It just made you think of that individual kid, and he’ll avoid getting polio now – and can hopefully live a much better, longer life. unicef.org |
在行星51蜗牛般的触角,耳朵尖的,绿色的类人型机器人与和平地生活在一个社会让人想起1950s美国的,但外来技术与1950s为主题的空间于家庭和外来。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | On Planet 51, green humanoids with snail-like feelers and pointed ears live peacefully in a societyreminiscent of1950s America, but with alien technology and with 1950s themed space-ships and alien homes. seekcartoon.com |
此外,其他独家产品,如奥玛仕的兰博基尼钢笔和圆珠笔以及华硕的 VX7 [...] 兰博基尼笔记本电脑,在本季推出了全新的橙色款,让人不禁想起金橘色的 Aventador LP 700-4。 lamborghini.com | In addition, other exclusive products, such as the Automobili Lamborghini fountain and ballpoint pens by Omas and the [...] Laptop VX7 Automobili Lamborghini Asus, take on a new [...] orangecolorreminiscent of theAventador [...]LP 700-4 in Arancio Atlas. lamborghini.com |
想起贝克的音乐天赋,Oris 在其一如既往的传统精致的表款特色之上,添加了看似复杂的音乐乐谱,交相辉映。 oris.ch | Remembering the musical talent of Baker, the watch delivers an aura of sophistication and typical Oris refinement, with a musical twist. oris.ch |
在这方面,我们想起了西撒哈拉和巴勒斯坦人民所处的困境,尽管该区域掀 起了政治和经济变革的巨浪,但是他们却仍在期盼自 由。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, we arereminded ofthe plight of the people of Western Sahara and Palestine, who still yearn for freedom despite the seismic political and economic shifts that have engulfed the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
这架精心制作的机器同化并接受了自身的架构限制,似乎要利用展厅有限的空间来支撑自己的生长,时刻让人联想起具有顽强生命力的常青藤在向高处攀爬。 shanghaibiennale.org | The elaborate organic machine assimilates and conforms to its architectural confines, as if it were using the limited space the building provides to support its own growth – reminding us of a tenacious growing ivy. shanghaibiennale.org |
同时,利比里亚武装部队人员不服从命令的事件令人关切,必须加大努力,确保 处理那些令人想起过去安全人员为非作歹情况的不当行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same time, incidents involving insubordination of Armed Forces of Liberia personnel are of concern, and greater effort [...] needs to be made to ensure that [...] inappropriate behaviour, reminiscentofpastabuses [...]by security personnel, is addressed. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于不同的原因(预算,W3C [...] 残疾人法案兼容,最小下载时间),HTML版本的站点在视效上非常简单,正如屏幕的比较截图所揭示的那样使人回想起1996-1998时期的网站。 uigarden.net | For various reasons (budget, W3C ADA compliance, minimal downloading time), [...] the HTML version of the site is very [...] simple visually, reminiscent ofWebsites circa [...]1996-98 as the comparison screenshots reveal. uigarden.net |
就有无可能编制一份更便于用户使用的简本 C/4 进行过意见交流之后,与会者回想起在编制上一份 C/4 时,就曾就这种想法进行过讨论。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Following an exchange on the possibility of preparing a shorter, abridged and more userfriendly version of the C/4 document, it was recalled that this idea had been discussed earlier, in the context of the preparatory work for the previous C/4 document. unesdoc.unesco.org |
阿根廷任何大城市边缘向来有些杂乱,但此地不只如此,下游两岸堆满垃圾,让人想起一星期之前,这条溪流掀起怒涛,吞没桥面与城市。 thisbigcity.net | Trash is lined along the downstream side of the bridge, a grim indication that a week ago, this murky creek had exploded intoaraging torrent, overflowing the surface of the bridge and the rest of the city. thisbigcity.net |
这些都为受难者想起过去或最近的他人犯罪活动,不管这些犯事实有否向警方报道。 discoverireland.com | These help victimsrecover from the experience of past or recent crime whether or not the crime has been reported to the police. discoverireland.com |
24 “他自己的国家”一词使人想起这样的因素:长期的居 留、紧密的个人和家庭联系纽带和留下的意愿,以及在其它地方没有这种联系。 daccess-ods.un.org | The words “his own country” invite consideration of such matters as long standing residence, close personal and family ties and intentions to remain, as well as to the absence of such ties elsewhere. daccess-ods.un.org |
最後下车的是一头失去全条右手(及肩)的雄性黑熊,他对新事物好奇、有着慈祥的脸孔、棕色而热情的眼睛,这种种都让我不其然想起多年前在成都遇见的Andrew。 animalsasia.org | And last but definitely not least – a male - missing his entire front right limb at the shoulder and, with his curious stance, kind face, and sultry brown eyes, straight away reminding me of Andrewso many years ago in Chengdu. animalsasia.org |
一提到草案的适用范围,人们总是回想起一个会员国提出的意见159 (见上 文,第 120 段),根据这一意见,适用范围应限于条约法,不涉及关于使用武力 的法律。 daccess-ods.un.org | Still on the subject of the scope of the draft articles, it will be recalled thatone Member State159 (see para. 120 above) has commented that the scope should be limited to the law of treaties and should not be extended to the law governing the use of force. daccess-ods.un.org |
时尚新颖的中心组件是中控台,充满力量感和机翼式的造型让内部显得更加宽敞。整合在中控台内的电镀空调出风口格外醒目,十字形的银色页令人赫然想起喷射机的引擎。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The interior continues the breathtaking design idiom of the exterior, and awakens associations with an aircraft cockpit: prominent stylistic features include the [...] dashboard in the shape of a wing section and the air vents with adjustable, [...] cruciform nozzles reminiscent of jet engines. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
做为短期大型活动场地,许多体育馆平日是个毫无用途的庞然大物,注定要逐渐崩坏,也时时提醒人们往日荣景,无论体育馆早期曾展现多少动人奇观,始终都会让人想起,规划时未针对地点思考,亦未设想长期效益。 thisbigcity.net | No matter the inspiring spectacle that the structures once held early in their lives, sometimes it is too plain to see that a stadium will serve as a reminder of planning that was not site-specific and did not consider long-term effects. thisbigcity.net |
此外,分钟刻度缀以朴实的黑色和白色图案,令人想起赛道格子旗织的设计,而经电镀处理的定时器(钛合金款和玫瑰金款采用黑色设计,铂金款采用蓝色设计)则搭配立体外框,创作灵感源于高性能赛车的仪表盘。 audemarspiguet.com | The minute track, meanwhile, is depicted with a discreet, black and white pattern evoking the design of a chequered flag and the galvanic chronograph counters (black on the titanium and pink gold editions, blue on the platinum edition) feature raised frames based on the dashboard instruments of a high-performance car. audemarspiguet.com |
如果时间更为充裕,厄立特里 亚愿意就这一耸人听闻的指控提供更确切的进一步信息,目 前 的 指控使人想起早先监察组曾指责厄立特里亚向索马里派遣 2 000 名士兵,甚至还包括他们在何时 以及如何抵达,还有多少人部署在何处。 daccess-ods.un.org | If given the time, Eritrea wishes to provide crucial extra information pertaining to thissensationalized accusation, which remindsof an earlier accusation by the Monitoring Group that Eritrea had 2,000 soldiers in Somalia, with detailed information on when and how they arrived and where and in what numbers they were deployed. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一军事命令因此令人不禁回想起1967年 6 月之后在巴勒斯坦被占领土上 设立的以色列军事政府和 1969 年的一批军事命令,占领国通过这些命令授权它 自己驱逐那些被认为“非法”进入被占领土的所谓“渗透者”。 daccess-ods.un.org | This militaryorder thus harkens back to the period of the Israeli military government established in the Occupied Palestinian Territory following the occupation in June 1967 and the 1969 military orders by which the occupying Power granted itself the power to expel so-called “infiltrators” that were deemed to have entered the Territory “illegally”. daccess-ods.un.org |