单词 | 想像 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 想像—imagineimaginationless common: visualize conceive of 想像noun—imaginarynExamples:想像力n—imaginationspl 想像力—imagination conception 可想像—conceivable 富于想像—imaginative
然而另一种意见认为,“放 松”一种义务可能导致相关的条约义务得到修改,这是可以 想像到的。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to another view, however, it was conceivable that a “deregulation” of one obligation could lead to a modification of related obligations under the treaty. daccess-ods.un.org |
人们还可以想像在条 约只获得有限参与的情况下可以设想到的一个情况, 在保存人向所有缔约国征询意见以后,所有缔约国表示接受保留。 daccess-ods.un.org | One couldalsoimagine a situation — one that wasconceivable inthe case [...] of a treaty with limited participation — in which [...]all the contracting States, having been consulted by the depositary, expressed their acceptance of the reservation in question. daccess-ods.un.org |
我在无法想像的环境中度过了一段时 间,那是文明社会所不能容忍的。 daccess-ods.un.org | I lived under unimaginable conditions that [...] cannot be tolerated in a civilized society. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种风险偏好有时只有独立的小可以负担得起,ADDITI ON的 想像力,将梦想变为现实时,自由的访问。 zh.horloger-paris.com | This risk appetite sometimes only the small independent can afford ADDITION leaves [...] free access to imagination to transform [...]the dream into reality. en.horloger-paris.com |
资讯保险一直是科技业界的热门话题,因为层出不穷的资料外泄显示许多企业不如领导者 想像的那样安全。 seagate.com | Information assurance has been a hot topic in [...] the tech industry as high-profile data breaches reveal that many companies aren't as [...] secure as leaders may have thought. seagate.com |
它你可以把它想像成是浏览器的一个SQL数据库。 javakaiyuan.com | Youcan think of it as it is a SQL database browser . javakaiyuan.com |
学校应尽量运 用资讯科技的优势來协助学生理解、 想像和探究數学知識与技能。 3890.com.hk | Schools should make full use of the advantages of using [...] information technology to assist students in [...] understanding,visualising and exploring [...]mathematical knowledge and skills. 3890.com.hk |
可是,我们还应该想想,像艺术公司总监这样的职业应该归入哪个类别,因 为艺术行业的经理和高级管理人员都还没有相应的代码。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, it is important to consider where occupations, such as a director of an art company, could be included. For example, no code exists for managers and officials in the arts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们可以仔细想像多个 可能性,但也许最佳的方法是从这两方面构想:乐观的情况和悲 [...] 观的情况。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | A detailed range of [...] scenariosis conceivable, but perhaps [...]it is best to think along two lines: a positive scenario and a negative one. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
国家博物馆透过过去物证,引导现在, 想像将来。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | The National Museum has exhibits that explore the past, illuminate [...] the presentandimagine the future. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
如果我们支持这项计 [...] 划,我们这里不仅仅是在帮助海地;我们可能是在帮 助全世界的发展中国家想像完全不同的建设可持续 经济的方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are not just helping Haiti here if we support the plan; we [...] may be helping the developing countries [...] of theworld to imagine awhole different [...]way of building sustainable economies. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,一旦在手腕上,“汉普顿”顺其自然谁做什至无法 想像穿着钟表矩形稍微弯曲。 zh.horloger-paris.com | And yet, once the wrist, the "Hampton" comes naturally to those who do [...] wouldnot even imaginewearingatimepiece [...]rectangular slightly bent. en.horloger-paris.com |
然而,不难想像资料中心操作者还面临其他风险,特别是在资讯量增加时。 seagate.com | However, itis easy to imagine additionalrisk for [...] data center operators, particularly as information volumes increase. seagate.com |
提问者通常会要求被访者想像一个摄氏温度计,0度表示冰冷,100度表示沸腾,50度表示不冷不热,然後要求被访者打分形容其对某人的感觉。 hkupop.hku.hk | The interviewer would normally ask the [...] respondent to imagine aCelsius thermometer, [...]with 0 degree as the freezing point, [...]100 degree as the boiling point, and 50 degree as half and half. hkupop.hku.hk |
像素、分形 以至坊间对3D技术的抨击也让人无法 想像,科技正是美学的新方向。 interfiliere.com | Not only for comfort and construction, but [...] also asan imaginary source. Pixels, fractals and [...]the onslaught of 3D technology boggles the mind. interfiliere.com |
通过将现实和想像、艺术和建筑、违法和合法的主张并置,集体愿望将显现,作为公众愿望的共同基础,这是"创造场所"的本质。 venicebiennale.hk | Through juxtaposition of real vs speculative proposition, art vs architecture, illegal vs legitimate, collective aspiration will be revealed as the common ground of public desire, the essence of 'place making'. venicebiennale.hk |
朝鲜常驻联合国代表辛善虎向安理会递交的一份外交部声明称, 让朝鲜撤消 2003 年作出的退出《无扩散条约》的决定是“无法想 像的。 crisisgroup.org | A foreign ministry statement delivered to the UN Security [...] Council by North Korean Ambassador Sin Son Ho [...] describedas “unimaginable”anyreversal [...]of North Korea’s 2003 withdrawal from the NPT. crisisgroup.org |
基督本人解释了为什么摩西准许离婚(“由你的心硬的原因”,马修19时08分);启示和立法都得到锻炼到一个奇实际和缺乏 想像力的人,谁得到了更为有效的确认身份神的崇拜和服务由他报复性普罗维登斯比在地球上,他们将被而是一个更高,更全面的未来不朽与道德回报推迟学说生动的感觉。 mb-soft.com | Christ himself explains why Moses permitted divorce ("by reason of the hardness of your heart", Matthew 19:8); revelation and legislation had to be [...] tempered to the capacity of a singularly [...] practicaland unimaginativepeople, who [...]were more effectively confirmed in the worship [...]and service of God by a vivid sense of His retributive providence here on earth than they would have been but a higher and fuller doctrine of future immortality with its postponement of moral rewards. mb-soft.com |
一个 20 年前 [...] 在索马里出生并在那里度过整个童年的孩子或许无法想像另外一种和平的生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | A child born 20 years ago in Somalia who has lived there throughout his childhood might [...] not be able toenvisage an alternative, [...]peaceful life. daccess-ods.un.org |
并且,当孩子坐在电视机前时,他们是缺少运 动和运用他们的想像力。 countdowntokindergarten.com | Also, when children sit in front of a TV, they are missing out on getting [...] exercise and using their imagination. countdowntokindergarten.com |
不难想像一个 灾难性的情况由此产生:包括主权债务 违约、银行业和金融陷入严峻的危机,以及部份外围国家脱离欧 [...] 元区,原因是欧洲将会深陷长期的经济衰退。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | It does not take too muchimagination to sketch adisaster [...] scenario from here, including sovereign defaults, a severe banking [...]and financial crisis, and some peripheral countries leaving the eurozone, as Europe’s economies slide into a very deep and long recession. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
一旦您安装了这款虚拟打印机,就可以快速创建可靠的PDF文档,同时仍然保留有原文档的观感,在创建PDF文档的过程中您会体验其难以 想像的快捷的速度。 oapdf.com | Once you have installed this virtual printer, you can quickly create reliable PDF documents, while still retaining the [...] original document's perception, in the creation of PDF documents you will experience the [...] processof its unimaginablespeed. oapdf.com |
但我还是期望,全国各地许多地区能发挥 想像力,改造传统封闭的购物中心,帮助环境、大众健康与社区活力。 thisbigcity.net | But hope I shall, for the many [...] other sites across the country that [...] have a chance to re-imaginethe traditional enclosed [...]shopping center into something [...]much better for the environment, public health, and the vibrancy of communities. thisbigcity.net |
曜越科技董事长暨执行长表示:「曜越Thermaltake为水冷市场的领导先驱,我们融合顶级元素,打造出兼顾多种需求且超乎 想像、完美无瑕的水冷产品。 thermaltakecorp.com | The new Thermaltake Liquid-Cooling Solution of 【Level 10 GT LCS】chassis and CPU liquid cooling system【Bigwater A80】&【Bigwater 760 PLUS】embody excitement and high-technology at the very highest level. thermaltakecorp.com |
教育系统必须接 纳所有的儿童,积极寻找失学的儿童,以灵活的方式适应所有学生的情况与需求,2000 [...] 年全民教育评估提出了各种方式让学校满足学生的需要,包括消除妨碍女孩上学的障碍 的赞助性行动计划,为少数民族儿童办双语教育和为未上学的儿童开展各种富有 想像力的活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The EFA 2000 Assessment suggests a wide range of ways in which schools can respond to the needs of their pupils, including affirmative action programmes for girls that seek to remove the obstacles to their enrolment, bilingual education [...] for the children of ethnic [...] minorities, and a range of imaginative and diverse approaches [...]to address and actively engage [...]children who are not enrolled in school. unesdoc.unesco.org |
赫尔与穆林斯并非特例,他们身体力行,挑战社会一般对残障的看法,他们邀请大众一同 想像,在 不久的将来,高科技与人体能够结合,赋予人们新能力,甚至是只在梦想与漫画中出现的超能力。 thisbigcity.net | They invite us to imaginea time,not far [...] away, when high technology and the physical body are married in ways that endow [...]people with entirely new capabilities. thisbigcity.net |
结果,在加沙的 Al-Hilu [...] 一家人正忍受着以色列大炮的最近一轮轰击所造成的无法 想像的悲痛和 震惊,这一轮轰击是以加沙市以东 Al-Shoja’iyya [...]区的一栋民房和附近一个足球场 为目标,当时球场上有儿童在玩,有 5 名巴勒斯坦平民被炸死。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result, the Al-Hilu family in Gaza [...] is coping with unimaginablegrief andshock [...]caused by the latest barrage of Israeli [...]artillery that targeted a home in the Al-Shoja’iyya neighbourhood east of Gaza City and a nearby soccer field in which children were playing, killing five Palestinian civilians. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是事实(一些机关,如西底家本亚伯拉罕和以赛亚德特拉尼,年轻的)国家规定的必要性时强调讲话的翻译圣经成,但犹大Azahel德尔拜奈(费拉拉角1650 [...] )表示对实践教学的意大利女孩,因为他担心他们会 想像一个多情的诗丽格爱(Vogelstein和“二贾登在ROM中,”。 mb-soft.com | It is true that some of the authorities (such as Zedekiah ben Abraham and Isaiah de Trani, the younger) laid stress upon the necessity of translating the Bible into the speech of the country; but Judah 'Azahel del Bene (Ferrara, c. 1650) advised against the [...] practise of teaching girls Italian, as he [...] feared they would conceivealove for [...]amorous poetry (Vogelstein and Rieger, "Juden in Rom," ii. 300). mb-soft.com |