单词 | 惫 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 惫adjective—exhaustedadjExamples:疲惫n—exhaustionn wearinessn 疲惫adj—exhaustedadj 疲惫—tired beaten
维他命E和胶原蛋白为你疲倦的肌肤提供营养,使肌肤健康明亮,让您疲惫的肌肤回复弹性。 glamabox.com | Vitamin E and Collagen – it provides your tired skin nutrition and makes your skin healthy and bright and keeps your tired skin elastic. glamabox.com |
在 Naniseni 一 案 中 , 法 庭 所 处 理 的 情 况 是 被 控 人 ‚疲惫,没有 睡 觉 , 并 且 在 情 绪 方 陎 受 到 压 力 ‛ 。 hkreform.gov.hk | In Naniseni the Court was dealing with a situation where the accused was "tired and without sleep, and under emotional strain". hkreform.gov.hk |
有效保持手部的湿润、滋养每个疲惫的细胞,令整天都柔软光滑。 aster.com.hk | The skin is soft, velvety smooth and well moisturized for the whole daylong. aster.com.hk |
石榴水”系列之一,鲜活营养精华水,宛如一座能量聚集中心,将暗沉、疲惫一扫而尽。 bonjourhk.com | All with the power of pomegranate and more. bonjourhk.com |
然而接连唱了四、五首不同的曲子後,那个金发男子似是有点疲惫地坐在地上,可是音乐却没有停止。 think-silly.com | After a few songs, the blond little man seemed to give up and just sat on the floor, with the music still knocking the air. think-silly.com |
所有肤质皆适用,疲惫、缺水或敏感性肌肤尤其适合。 priceless.com.hk | Suitable for all skin types, it is especially suitable for tired, dehydrated or sensitive skins. priceless.com.hk |
它也导致其他的健康问题如加重呼 吸道疾病,造成肺部深层的损坏,导致哮喘﹑喉咙乾燥﹑头痛﹑恶心﹑疲惫加重﹑影响运动成绩等等。 sacbreathe.org | It can also cause other health problems such as aggravated respiratory disease, damage to the deep portions of the lungs, wheezing, dry throat, headache, nausea, increased fatigue,weakened athletic performance and more. sacbreathe.org |
县浮式避震车架体(分离式),可减低座舱震动,尤其在操作升降作业时更平稳,让操作者长期作业不疲惫。 tailift.com | The suspension shock absorber frame (separate) can reduce the vibration of the capsule cabin, [...] especially make the rise-and-fall operation more stable, and make the [...] operator feelno exhaustedduring the long-term [...]operation. tailift.com |
为了疲惫的旅客着想,Everki为Versa公事包设计了行李拉杆固定带,可将公事包固定於行李拉杆上,减少负担、行动更便利。 everki.com.hk | A bag is only as strong as its wearer, and for the weary traveler Everki designed the Versa with a trolley handle pass-through strap to help lighten the load. everki.com |
草本生命精华液是源自於狮子国(斯里兰卡古名)古代宫廷的尊贵御方,这珍奇的配方中,运用了数十种原生草本植物与花卉,遵循五百年来所传承的古法,一点一滴精心炼制出高山花草的精粹,形成蕴含阳光气息、能量具足的草本生命精华液,随着体温散发出多层次的心灵香氛,可缓缓地涤净繁杂的喧嚣与疲惫。 trade-taiwan.org | Vivacious organic herbal essencewas the secret recipe for the noble family in Ancient Kingdom of Lion. trade-taiwan.org |
针对网页与文件滚轴的需求, [...] 开发了自动感应功能,藉由滑动光学感应器移动的方向会自动辨识X轴或是Y轴的滚轴命令, 免去了手指长时间滚动滚轴的压力与疲惫。taiwanexcellence.org | For the convenience of the web browsing or document needs, Pen Mouse has developed the auto-induction function, which will recognize X axis and Y axis [...] automatically and tracks to perform as acted , thus exempted the finger [...] from pressure and exhaustedinlong-hour operation. taiwanexcellence.org |
其成份以自古以来被韩医视为能补气养生的珍贵补药精粹「拱辰丹」为基底,可直达肌肤底层,活络肌肤气血循环,令肌肤清雅红润, 解决皮肤乾燥和疲惫的问题。 aster.com.hk | This Asian skin care product works with a unique combination of herbal medicine-based ingredients to reach deep into the layers of your skin and retain moisture. aster.com.hk |
ASUS K5 系列是个针对大部分使用者所需而设计的笔记本,丰富且坚固的材质搭配,考虑了容易维护的外观设计;舒适的触控板与键盘输入,让使用者长时间使用而不疲惫。 asusdesign.com | ASUS K5 series notebook designed for mainstream users, embodied with rich and sturdy materials, easy maintenance design consideration, providing comfortable touchpad and keyboard input, allowing for long-term usage without fatigue. asusdesign.com |