

单词 惩处

惩处 ()

administer justice



deal with sb severely [idiom.]

See also:


punish v
penalize v
warn v

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 通过了2006年4月4
[...] 日法案,加强了对暴力侵害配偶和暴力侵害儿童 案件的预防惩处,加 重了对暴力侵害妇女行为的处罚。
(b) The adoption of the Act of 4 April 2006, which strengthens the
[...] prevention and punishment of conjugal violence [...]
and violence against children and
increases the penalties for violence against women.
妇女提出基于权利的诉求,仍是赋予妇女权能惩 处侵犯 人权行为的一项重要战略和政治举措。
The formulation of rights-based claims by
women remains an important strategic and political tool for women’s
[...] empowerment and for addressing human rights [...]
[...] 员在给大会的报告(A/64/295)中表示,虽然需要采取立法措施禁止 惩处 传播 基于种族优越或仇恨的思想,煽动种族歧视以及暴力行为和煽动针对某一具体 [...]
组群的暴力行为,但特别报告员认为,立法措施本身通常不足以有效防止和打 击上述现象。
The Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, in his report to the Assembly (A/64/295) expressed the view that
while legislative measures are necessary to
[...] prohibit and sanction the dissemination [...]
of ideas based in racial superiority or
hatred, as well as acts of violence or incitement to such acts against a specific group of persons, such measures are usually insufficient to effectively prevent and combat the aforementioned phenomena.
研讨会最终通过了一些结 论,其中特别重申编制国家文化财产清单和相 关文件的重要性,强调使用特别标志标示文化
[...] 财产的意义,并要求确定保护文化财产的相关 人员或修订相关的国家法律惩处破 坏 文化财 产的罪行。
The Seminar resulted in the adoption of conclusions which, among other things, reiterated the importance of compiling national inventories of cultural property and preparing the relevant documentation, the significance of using distinctive signs for the marking of cultural property, the need to identify the relevant personnel for the protection of
cultural property or the necessity of updating the relevant
[...] national legislation penalizing offences against [...]
cultural property.
[...] 包括保健方面的服务,以更好地保护和帮助妇女,包括暴力行为的女受害人; 制定国家行动计划;起诉惩处暴力 施害者;实施有的放矢的措施促进妇女 的权利;努力确保妇女充分享有人权,包括通过对性别问题有敏感认识的预 [...]
From the replies received, the Working Group was encouraged to note that some Governments had carried out investigations into the allegations made and taken measures, including enacting new legislation, conducting legal reform, introducing policies and services, such as health-related services, to better protect and assist women, including women victims of
violence, developing national plans of
[...] action, prosecuting and punishing perpetrators of violence, [...]
introducing targeted measures
for the promotion of women’s rights, making efforts to guarantee the full enjoyment of human rights by women, including through gender-sensitive budgeting, and improving public awareness-raising activities to promote gender equality and the advancement of women in accordance with relevant international standards.
(b) 对有关酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚的所有指控, 以及凡是有合理的理由认为已发生此种行为的,均采取一贯、果断和切实有效的 措施,将其交由独立的国内主管部门做出迅速、有效、公正的调查;追究纵容、 下令、容忍或实行此种行为的人员的责任,包括那些业已查明发生这种被禁行为 的拘留场所的管理人员的责任,并将其绳之以法、按罪行的严重程度相 惩处; 并 在这方面注意《有效调查和记录酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处 罚的原则》以及经过更新的通过打击有罪不罚行动保护人权的成套原则是防止和 打击酷刑的有效手段
(b) To take persistent, determined and effective measures to have all allegations of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment investigated promptly, effectively and impartially by an independent, competent domestic authority, as well as whenever there is reasonable ground to believe that such an act has been committed; to hold persons who encourage, order, tolerate or perpetrate such acts responsible, to have them brought to justice and punished in a manner commensurate with the gravity of the offence, including the officials in charge of the place of detention where the prohibited act is found to have been committed; and to take note, in this respect, of the Principles on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the updated set of principles for the protection of human rights through action to combat impunity as a useful tool in efforts to prevent and combat torture
迄今为止,那些一再无视教科文组织关于确定有效未清偿承 付款的政策和指示的部门并没有受 惩处。
To date, no sanction has been applied against sectors that repeatedly ignored UNESCO’s policies and directives on the setting up of valid ULOs.
委员会请缔约国在下次定期报告中提供资料,说明报告的 家庭暴力案件的数量和性质、定罪情况、对肇事者实施 惩处 , 以 及为家庭暴力 受害者提供的援助和康复措施。
The Committee requests the State party to include in its next periodic report available information on the number and nature of reported cases of domestic violence, on the conviction, and the sanctions imposed on perpetrators, as well as any assistance and rehabilitation measures provided to victims of domestic violence.
航行守则》第 1135 和 1136 条规定的罪行和《刑事诉讼法》第 12
[...] 条规定 的有关罪行按照《刑法》第 7 条惩处,并 指定罗马法院管辖下述案件:对意大利 [...]
国家、意大利国民或意大利资产犯罪,在公海上或他国领水内犯罪,确定所述罪 行发生在执行第
3 条第 14 款所述任务的地区。
Crimes under articles 1135 and 1136 of the Navigation Code and related crimes
pursuant to Art. 12 of the Code of
[...] Criminal Procedure are punished pursuant to art. [...]
7 of the Criminal Code and jurisdiction
is assigned to the Court of Rome in case they are committed against the State of Italy, Italian citizens or Italian assets, in the high seas or in the territorial waters of another country and in case it is ascertained that the said crimes were committed in the area where the mission mentioned in art. 3, para. 14, takes place.
除了罚 款和法律责任外,因操纵投标而受 惩处 的 公 司还必须承担其它甚至更高的费 用,如诉讼费、公共形象受损费用,司法程序带来的内部冲突也是公司必须对比 守法成本仔细权衡的费用。
Besides the associated penalties and liabilities there are other –perhaps higher- costs that a firm prosecuted for bid rigging must bear, such as the costs of litigation, costs in public image and even the internal conflicts that a judicial process may generate are a cost that firms will carefully weigh against the cost of complying with the law.
美国对苏丹局势和在达尔富尔所犯罪行继续得 不惩处从而 阻碍苏丹乃至该区域人民实现公正与 持久和平感到严重关切。
The United States is gravely concerned about the situation in the Sudan and the role that continuing impunity for crimes committed in Darfur has played in forestalling a just and enduring peace for the people of the Sudan and the region.
[...] 这类投诉导致的调查数量,以及进行调查的结果,包括对被判罪的施行酷刑者 予惩处以及 向受害者给予补救和赔偿的情况。
Please provide statistical information on the number of cases in which detainees have alleged that their confessions were extracted through torture, the number of such complaints which led to
investigations, and the outcomes of these
[...] investigations, including punishments meted out to [...]
convicted perpetrators, if any, and reparations
and compensation offered to victims, if any.
政府应在民间社会发展伙伴的支持下,更加坚决地努力打击这一现象,尤其要起 诉惩处此类罪行的行为人。
The Government, with the support of development partners and civil
society, must step up its efforts to curb such violence, in particular by
[...] prosecuting and punishing the perpetrators [...]
[...] [...] 题:(a)国家一级提供统计数据的情况;(b)在贩运文化财产方面的专门立法情况 以及在拟订具体法律上所可能遇到的挑战;(c)对贩运文化财产实施强有力惩 处;(d)针对具体利害攸关者或部门 惩处 ; (e)举证责任倒置的问题;(f)对非法 文化财产请求人和购买人加以定罪的刑法措施;以及(g)在打击贩运文化财产行 [...]
The Chair of the meeting invited speakers to focus their contributions on the following specific issues regarding the criminalization of cultural property: (a) the availability of statistical data at the national level; (b) the existence of specific legislation on trafficking in cultural property and potential challenges in developing specific
legislation; (c) the
[...] imposition of strong penalties for trafficking in cultural property; (d) the existence of penalties directed at specific [...]
stakeholders or
sectors; (e) the question of reversing the burden of proof; (f) criminal law measures criminalizing those requesting and purchasing illicit cultural property; and (g) the use of new technologies in the fight against trafficking in cultural property and the criminalization of such use when done for illicit purposes.
(b) 制定关于防止和根除针对妇女和女孩暴力的国家计划,其中包括开展
[...] 宣传活动和教育公众家庭暴力是不能接受的;加强执法部门和司法部门的能力; 保护受害者和帮助他们康复以惩处 肇 事 者。
(b) Develop a national plan to prevent and eradicate violence against women and girls, including public sensitization and education that domestic violence is unacceptable, capacity
building for law enforcement and judiciary, protection and rehabilitation of
[...] victims as well as punishment of perpetrators.
(a) 制定立法和其他有效措施,防止、打击 惩处 仇 恨犯罪和仇恨言论以 及煽动仇恨言论
(a) Enact legislation and other effective measures to
[...] prevent, combat and punish hate crimes and [...]
speech as well as incitement to hatred
为此,不仅开展了大量调 查,披露了与这一问题相关的违法违规现象并进行了相 惩处 , 同时也对私人部 门的努力予以认可,树立了相应的行为典范,以营造更具包容性的社会。
Thus, campaigns are being implemented not only to identify violations and impose the relevant sanctions, but also to acknowledge individual efforts and public-spirited actions to promote a more inclusive society.
刚果民主共和国当局在致力于依 惩处 被 控 对平民犯下罪行的刚果(金)武 装力量人员的同时还应与联刚稳定团和其他伙伴一起,探讨各种可能办法,激励 刚果(金)武装力量指挥官和部队尊重国际人权、人道主义和难民法。
As they pursue justice against FARDC personnel accused of crimes against civilians, the Democratic Republic of the Congo authorities should also explore, together with MONUSCO and other partners, possible incentives for FARDC commanders and troops to respect international human rights, humanitarian and refugee law.
[...] 狱设施里进行的,而且是接受同样的监禁制度,如同他被宣判犯有刑事罪行一 样,据此就构成惩处性的效果。
The author further underlines the punitive effect of his continuing imprisonment which
was carried out in a prison facility and
[...] under the same imprisonment regime as [...]
if he were convicted of a criminal offence.
然而,令委员会关注的是,该国立法似乎并未将 为以下目的的买卖儿童行为定为刑事犯罪,包括非法收养、强迫劳动、以及通过
[...] 移植器官谋取利益,这被定为是情节严重的贩运儿童行为,但并未被作为单独的 一项罪行来加惩处。
However, the Committee is concerned that the legislation does not seem to criminalize the sale of children for the purpose of illegal adoption, the sale of children for the engagement of the child in forced labour and the sale for
the transfer of organs of the child for
[...] profit, which is punished as an aggravated [...]
form of trafficking, but not as a separate offence.
经济及社会理事会题为“开展国际合作,预防、侦查、起诉 惩处 经 济 诈骗和 与身份有关犯罪”的第 2009/22 [...]
号决议请毒品和犯罪问题办公室收集、制定并传 播相关材料和准则,协助会员国预防并打击经济诈骗和与身份有关犯罪,并通 过与身份有关犯罪问题核心专家组继续开展工作来继续促进公共与私营部门实
The Economic and Social Council, in its resolution 2009/22, entitled “International
cooperation in the prevention, investigation,
[...] prosecution and punishment of economic fraud [...]
and identity-related crime”, requested
UNODC to collect, develop and disseminate materials and guidelines to assist Member States in preventing and combating economic fraud and identity-related crime and to continue to promote the exchange of views between public and private sector entities on related issues through the continuation of the work of the core group of experts on identity-related crime and to report on the outcome of its work to the Commission on a regular basis.
(c) 宣布凡传播基于种族优越或仇恨的思想,煽动种族歧视,对任何种族或
[...] 属于另一肤色或人种的群体实施暴力行为或煽动此种行为,以及对种族主义活动 给予任何协助,包括为其筹供经费,概为犯罪,应受法 惩处
(c) To declare as an offence punishable by law all dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred, and incitement to racial discrimination, as well as all acts of violence or incitement to such acts against any race or
group of persons of another colour or ethnic
[...] origin, and also the provision [...]
of any assistance to racist activities, including the financing thereof
这样看来,竞争主管当局很有必要深入了解各项 影响公共采购的竞争问题,而不仅仅是操纵投标行为 惩处 问 题
It therefore appears important that competition authorities have an in-depth understanding of the whole range of competition issues that affect public procurement, which go beyond the prosecution of bid-rigging.
此外, 尽管摩洛哥通过将非法干扰证人和举证的妨害司法行为定为刑事犯罪,实施了 《公约》第 25 条(a)项,但摩洛哥立法没有充分遵守《公约》第 25
[...] 条(b)项,因 为只有在干扰司法职责或执法官员的行为由其他公职人员实施时才进 惩处。
Furthermore, although Morocco has implemented subparagraph (a) of article 25 of the Convention by criminalizing obstruction of justice by unlawful interference with witnesses and production of evidence, Moroccan legislation does not fully comply with subparagraph (b) of article 25 of the Convention, as
interference with the duties of justice or law
[...] enforcement officials is punished only if committed [...]
by other public officials.
[...] 有人的人权和基本自由,必须恪尽职守,采取有关措施,以期预防、调查 惩处 暴力 侵害妇女行为人,消除有罪不罚现象,并为受害人提供保护,不这么做便是 [...]
The updated Model Strategies and Practical Measures recognize that States have the obligation to promote and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all people, including women, and that they must exercise due
diligence and take relevant measures to prevent,
[...] investigate and punish the perpetrators [...]
of violence against women, to eliminate
impunity and to provide protection to the victims, and that failure to do so violates and impairs or nullifies the enjoyment of women’s human rights and fundamental freedoms.
此外,密克罗尼西亚联邦是下列七项国际反恐怖主义公约 和议定书的缔约国:1971
[...] 年《关于制止危害民用航空安全的非法行为的公约》; 1973 年《关于防止惩处侵害 应受国际保护人员包括外交代表的罪行的公约》; [...]
1979 年《反对劫持人质国际公约》;1988 年《制止在为国际民用航空服务的机场
上的非法暴力行为的议定书》;1988 年《制止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约》; 1997 年《制止恐怖主义爆炸的国际公约》;1999 年《制止向恐怖主义提供资助的 国际公约》。
Moreover, the FSM is a state party to seven international conventions and protocols on counter-terrorism: the 1971 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of
Civil Aviation; the 1973 Convention on the
[...] Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against [...]
Internationally Protected Persons, including
Diplomatic Agents; the 1979 International Convention against the Taking of Hostages; the 1988 Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation; the 1988 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation; the 1997 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings; and the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism.




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