单词 | 惩前毖後 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 惩前毖后—lit. punish those before to prevent those after (idiom); to |
(d) 说明在拟建综合监狱用後,把现有惩教设施所占用的土地 改作其他发展用途预期可得的经济收益。 legco.gov.hk | (d) the expected economic return from the existing penal sites to be released for alternative development afterthe commissioning of the proposed prison complex. legco.gov.hk |
在行使纪律惩处权力前,保监局须书面通知有关人士当中目的, 并给予该人士合理的陈词机会。 legco.gov.hk | Beforeexercising such disciplinarypower,[...] the IIA shall inform the person concerned in writing of its intention and give [...]the person a reasonable opportunity of being heard. legco.gov.hk |
请问政府可否考虑向美国政府请求,在公布正式向㆗国入口货 品徵收惩罚性的关税前,就最後订定受打击货品的准确清单,先行谘询香港政府,以 确保港商所受影响减至最低? legco.gov.hk | Can the Administration consider requesting the United States Administration to consult the Hong Kong [...] Administration on the finalized list of [...] affected productsbefore announcing anypunitive tariff on Chinese [...]goods, so as to ensure that [...]the effects on Hong Kong's businessmen are minimized? legco.gov.hk |
然而,要判断是 否犯错足以作出惩处,前提是议员是否已清楚应被惩处的尺度,以及 议员是否蓄意违反。 legco.gov.hk | However, if we are to decide whether or not [...] a mistake made by a Member should [...] warrant sanction,the premiseis whether or not [...]the Member in question knows well the [...]yardstick used in imposing sanction and whether or not the Member has wilfully contravened the rule. legco.gov.hk |
所有在囚人士获释前,惩教署均会安排他们参加释前启导课程, 课程内容包括一般社会服务资讯和对更生人士特别适用的机 构,例如社会福利服务和社区服务设施简介,以及获释後可协助 更生人士寻找工作的政府和志愿机构、求职面试技巧和劳工法例 等。 legco.gov.hk | It includes, for example, a brief introduction on social welfare services and community service facilities, information on government and voluntary agencies which offer assistance to rehabilitated offenders in finding jobs, job interview skills, and labour legislation. legco.gov.hk |
选举代理人或监察投 票代理人如想进入设於惩教院所的专用投票站,须於投 票日前最少一周,向惩教署署长提出申请。 legco.gov.hk | The election agent or a polling agent of a candidate must [...] apply to the Commissioner [...] of Correctional Services at least one week before the polling day [...]for admission into a DPS situated at penal institutions. legco.gov.hk |
除革职和降级外,若单靠这些惩罚不足以反映不当行为或罪行的严重性,或达致所需的惩前治後之效, 但较高级别的惩罚却不适用或并不合理,则当局处以这些惩罚时可另加金钱上的惩罚,例如罚款和扣减薪金。 psc.gov.hk | In cases where there is a difference of opinion on the level of punishment between the department and SCSD, the views of both parties would be submitted to the Commission for consideration. psc.gov.hk |
早前,我们便曾检讨公务员屡次干犯轻微 [...] 刑事罪行的个案,并颁布指引,提醒部门首长因应每宗个案的案情及具体 情况,在适当情况下向有关人员处以免职处分,以收惩前治後之效。 legco.gov.hk | In this connection, we have, following an earlier review of the punishments meted out to officers who have committed criminal offences, including cases where the criminal offence committed is minor in nature but repeated, issued guidelines to remind heads of department to award removal [...] punishments where the circumstances of the cases so warrant in order to [...] achievethe desired punitive and deterrent effects. legco.gov.hk |
15.43 吴霭仪议员询问,当局会采取甚麽措施处理荔枝角收押 所和大榄女惩教所的挤迫情况,因为前者的收容率为135%,而後者的收容率在罗湖综合惩教所启用後仍会偏高。 legco.gov.hk | 15.43 Dr Margaret NG asked what measures would be taken to address the overcrowding conditions of Lai Chi Kok Reception [...] Centre and Tai Lam [...] Centre forWomen asthe occupancy rate of the former was 135%, and that of the latter would still be higheven afterthecommissioning of Lo WuCorrectional [...]Complex. legco.gov.hk |
田中义 一原本准备严惩肇事者,但遭受军方的巨大压力,他又不能妥善的向天皇解释事件,最後反而被迫辞职。 hkahe.com | Tanaka at first wished to punish the troublemaker severely, but he faced great pressure from the army and he could not explain the matter clearly to the emperor; at last he was forced to resign. hkahe.com |
新设施投入服务後,惩教署辖 ㆘的惩教名额总数 会 达 至 13,860个,不但可解决目前及将持续至 当 时 的监狱挤迫问题,还 可应付预计至㆓零㆒五 年的 在囚㆟口增 长 。 legco.gov.hk | Not only willthe current overcrowding problem, which will persist until that time, be solved, but the forecast growth [...] of the penal population until 2015 will be met. legco.gov.hk |
所有纪律个案会按规定循适当方式和程 序,并按自然公正原则尽快处理,确保证实行 为不当或干犯罪行的公务员得到适时和恰当的 惩罚,以收惩前治後之效。 psc.gov.hk | At the end of the period, the officer will be considered for confirmation to the rank subject to his/her satisfactory performance and the appointment authority’s satisfaction that he/she fully meets the requirements of the grade for confirmed appointment in the long term. psc.gov.hk |
政 府当局 在考虑过委员的意 见之後,同意授权惩教署署长规定如 何 处 理 条例草案第 II [...] 部分所列 同时有效的 命 令,并 会 就此动议 全体委员会审 议 阶 段 修 正 案。 legco.gov.hk | Afterconsidering members' views, the Administration [...] agreed to empower the Commissioner to provide for the treatment of [...]concurrent orders under Part II of the Bill and would move Committee stage amendments (CSAs) to such effect. legco.gov.hk |
所 以,陈 议 员,这 个 例子可以证明城规程序的效率可以很高, 由寻找土地至土地投入市场,前後只需短短一年半时间便已完成。 legco.gov.hk | So, Mr CHAN, this example can prove that the town planning procedure can be very efficient and it may just take a year and a half from identifying a site to placing it for sale in the market. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 指定励顾惩教所( 先前名为" 喜灵洲戒毒所( 附属中 心 )")为戒毒所,但该惩教所第11号至第14号囚仓除外 [...] (第 263号法律公告)。 legco.gov.hk | (c) appoint the Nei Kwu [...] Correctional Institution (formerlyknownas the"Hei [...]Ling Chau Addiction Treatment Centre (Annex)"), [...]other than its Dormitories 11 to 14 (used as prison), as an addiction treatment centre (L.N. 263). legco.gov.hk |
77 除降级和革职外,若单靠其他惩罚不足以反映不当行为或罪行的严重性,或达致所需的惩前治後之效,但较高级别的惩罚却不适用或并不合理,则当局处以这些 惩罚时会另加金钱上的惩罚。 psc.gov.hk | 77 Financial penalty is used concurrently with other punishments (except in the case of reduction in rank and dismissal) when the other punishment alone is inadequate to reflect the gravity of the misconduct or offence, or to achieve the desired punitive and deterrent effect, but a higher level of punishment is not applicable or justified. psc.gov.hk |
(d) 确保剥夺自 由 是最後才判处的惩罚,并尽 可能以其他 措施取而代之,例如进 行调 全面实施少年司 法的准 则以及为负责少年司 法行政事 宜 的人员提供培训 legco.gov.hk | (d) ensure that deprivation of liberty is always used as a last resort, and strengthen and expand possibilities for alternative sentencing, such as such as mediation, probation, community service or suspended sentences. legco.gov.hk |
(一 ) 直到目前为止,在惩教署辖下的惩教院所及社会福利署辖下的感 化住宿院舍皆无犯人或院童感染严重急性呼吸系统综合症(下称 [...] “ SARS")。 legco.gov.hk | (a) Up tothe present, none of the inmates of [...] the correctional institutions of the CSD or the correctional/residential homes [...]of the SWD has contracted Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). legco.gov.hk |
若被裁定投诉成立,该局会就该个 案违规的严重程度和性质,经考虑持牌机构呈交的申述,以及过往违规 纪錄等因素後,决定适当惩处,包括向有关持牌机构发出劝谕、要求持 牌机构道歉、警告或罚款。 legco.gov.hk | In case of a breach of the relevant code of practice, the BA will, having regard to the severity and nature of the breach, the representations submitted by the licensee, and the record of non-compliance of the licensee, decide on the appropriate sanction to be imposed on the concerned licensee, including the issue of advice, request for apology, warning, or financial penalty. legco.gov.hk |
他们将来出狱後,如果要以惩教院所的工作 经验来在市场上找同样的工作,当然并不容易。 legco.gov.hk | If these prisoners are to use the working experience they have gained in the correctional institutions to find similar jobs in the market after release, it is certainly not so easy. legco.gov.hk |
内务委员会主席表示,该条例草案旨在 修订纪律部队法例,使关於在纪律部队服务,并 属公务员公积金计划成员的公务员在两方面( 即 针对退休福利的免职惩罚,以及退休後在纪律部 队福利基金下所享的利益)的安排,与可享退休金 公务员或其他公务员的安排看齐。 legco.gov.hk | The Chairman said that the Bill sought to amend the disciplined services legislation so that removal punishments impinging on retirement benefits and post-retirement entitlement under disciplined services welfare funds relating to civil servants who were members of the Civil Service Provident Fund Scheme in those services would be aligned with their pensionable counterparts or the rest of the civil service. legco.gov.hk |
但是,当传媒报道 了这宗个案後,惩教署已主动联络善导会,善导会已跟该人接触,并提供了 [...] 所需的协助,包括善导会现已帮助他找到工作。 legco.gov.hk | However,after the media's coverage of [...] the case, the CSDtook the initiative to contact that person and provided him with [...]the necessary assistance, including the job identified for him by the SRACP. legco.gov.hk |
阁下通过接受本协议书同意就由於阁下使用本产品或以任何其他方式与本产品相关的事宜(包括但不限於使用任何协力厂商服务)而引起、与之有关或导致的任何直接、间接、附带的、特殊的、後果性或惩戒性的损害赔偿, 向SEAGATE 及其高级职员、雇员、代理人、附属公司、关联公司及其他合夥人作出补偿并以其他方式使其免受损害。 seagate.com | By accepting the EULA, you agree to indemnify and otherwise hold harmless Seagate, its officers, employees, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and other partners from any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages arising out of, relating to, or resulting from your use of the Product or any other matter relating to the Product, including, without limitation, use of any of the Third Party Services. seagate.com |
如果裁判员判给第二次自由踢,该踢球将等到裁判员做好标点指出惩罚地点後才能执踢。 irblaws.com | If the referee awards a second free kick, the second free kick is not taken before the referee has made the mark indicating the place of the free kick. irblaws.com |
根据联交所函件附件,倘对本公司股本进行任何合并或拆细,则根据服务购股权将予发行之 [...] 本公司股份之行使价及数目须根据股份合并或股份拆细之比率作出调整,然而,倘本公司股 份进行红股发行,则服务购股权之行使价将参考红股发行比例予以削减,而根据服务购股权 [...] 将予发行之本公司股份数目将参考红股发行比例予以增加,两种情况均旨在将服务购股权在 相关公司行动前後之内在价值维持不变。 equitynet.com.hk | Pursuant to the appendix to the Exchange Letter, in the event of any consolidation or sub-division of the share capital of the Company, the exercise price of, and the number of shares of the Company issuable under, the Service Option shall be adjusted according to the ratio of the share consolidation or share sub-division whereas in the event of bonus issue of the shares of the Company, the exercise price of the Service Option will be reduced with reference to the bonus issue proportion while the number of shares of the Company issuable under the Service Option will be increased with reference to the bonus issue proportion, in each case, with an [...] intent that the intrinsic value of the Service [...] Option remains unchanged before and after therelevant corporate action. equitynet.com.hk |
关 於这一点 ,我们已明 确 地告知港灯,当局审议或 批准港灯二零零四至二零零八年 度财政计划,均不属於 或不得 视 为下述的申 述 或承諾 – 政 府认为或 接纳港灯的减 排 废气项目足以 符 合拟规定的废气 排 放 上限,而当局可能会在二零零八年十二月三十一日,或其前後,在根据《空气污染管制条例》 向 港灯续 发的指明工 序牌照中,订明有关 上限为牌 照 条 件。 legco.gov.hk | In this connection, HEC has been informed specifically that the consideration or approval of HEC’s 2004 to 2008 Financial Plan shall not be or be taken as a representation or promise that the Government considers or has accepted as adequate the emission reduction projects in meeting the intended emission caps as conditions which may be specified upon renewal of Specified Process Licences issued by the Authority to HEC pursuant to the Air Pollution Control Ordinance before, on or after 31 December 2008. legco.gov.hk |
(e) 为了向获释离开惩教机构的更生人士提供更佳的支 援服务,惩教署由2006年 10月开始委托香港善导会 ( 下称" 善导会"),为已完成惩教署释前职业训练的 更生人士提供就业跟进服务。 legco.gov.hk | (e) to provide better support services for rehabilitated persons after their discharge from penal institutions, CSD had, since October 2006, engaged the Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong ("SRACP") to provide follow-up employment services for rehabilitated offenders who had completedpre-release vocational training provided by CSD. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 将拟议综合监狱内的惩教院所分为数个区域,每个 [...] 区域以独立的围墙与其他区域分隔,收禁约3,000名 囚犯,名额与赤柱监狱区目前的在囚㆟数(惩教名额 2,894个 ) 相近。 legco.gov.hk | Each cluster will have its own boundary wall and contain a penal [...] population of about 3,000, which is [...] similar to the size of the current penal population in the [...]Stanley prison area (2,894 penal places). legco.gov.hk |
在荔枝角惩教所的在囚人士迁入罗湖惩教所後,惩教署正进行工程,将已腾空的荔枝角惩教所 改建为茘枝角收押所的附属中心,以纾缓收押所的挤迫情 况。 legco.gov.hk | As the inmates in Lai Chi Kok Correctional Institution (LCKCI) have been transferred to LWCI, CSD is carrying out works to expand the Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre (LCKRC) by converting the decanted LCKCI into an Annex for the LCKRC to relieve the overcrowding situation in the remand centre. legco.gov.hk |