

单词 惩一警百

See also:

一百 n

hundred n

External sources (not reviewed)

委员会请缔约国在一次定 期报告中提供关于为改善此种代 表性而采取措施的资料,以及关警 察 和 惩 戒 系 统组成情况的详细统计资料。
The Committee invites the State party to provide in its
next periodic report
[...] information on the measures taken to improve such representation as well as detailed statistical information on the compositions of the police force and correction system.
2009 年,中大西洋健康研究所、百慕大的心理健康医院, 惩 戒 部 签署 一 项 谅 解备 忘录,确定该医院百慕大各惩戒所 的心理健康负总责。
In 2009, the Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute, Bermuda’s mental health hospital, signed a memorandum of
understanding with the
[...] Department of Corrections establishing the Institute as having overall responsibility for mental health in Bermuda’s correctional facilities.
(e) 第一百零一條 —— 政府可任用原香港公務人員中的或 持有香港特別行政區永久性居民身份證的英籍和其他外 籍人士擔任政府部門的各級公務人員,但下列各職級的 官員必須由在外國無居留權的香港特別行政區永久性居 民中的中國公民擔任:各司司長、副司長,各局局長, 廉政專員,審計署署長警務處 處長,入境事務處處長, 海關關長。
(e) Article 101 - the Government may employ
[...] British and other foreign nationals previously serving in the public service in Hong Kong, or those holding permanent identity cards of the Region, to serve as public servants in government departments at all levels, but only Chinese citizens among permanent residents of the Region with no right of abode in any foreign country may fill the following posts : the Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries of Departments, Directors of Bureaux, Commissioner Against Corruption, Director of Audit, Commissioner of Police, Director of Immigration [...]
and Commissioner of Customs and Excise.
在地震发生后,稳定团调整了业务,以完成四个增列的优先事项:(a) 国家 能力丧失和选举推迟后维护政治稳定;(b) 恢复震后海地国警察、司法惩教 机构的体制能力,以确保安全和法治;(c) 加强国家能力,保护震后弱势群体的 权利,特别是妇女和儿童;(d) 确保公平有效地提供人道主义援助,确保恢复进一视同仁且资源充沛。
In the aftermath of the earthquake, the Mission realigned its operations in order to meet four additional priorities: (a) maintaining political stability in the wake of the loss of State capacity and the postponement of elections; (b) restoring
institutional capacity of the
[...] Haitian National Police, judicial and correctional institutions affected by the earthquake to ensure security and the rule of law; (c) increasing State capacity to protect the rights of vulnerable groups affected by the earthquake, in particular women and children; and (d) ensuring fair and effective delivery of humanitarian assistance and an equitable and well-resourced [...]
recovery process.
因此,巩固国家政权(其中包括行 政、司法(包惩戒)和警察)仍一 个 关键的重点领域。
Therefore the consolidation of State
authority which includes administrative,
[...] judicial (including corrections), and police, would remain a crucial [...]
area of focus.
这些学者的许多赞誉只有少数句子或即使只有一个,而对 一 些 冲高 的 警 句 , 教导,问题和答案数 百 计 , 以及那些百年犹太传统的代表,该tannaim和亚摩兰,收到了他们对名利的作者放弃传统保留丰富的赔偿时,他们的各种论述与他们的名字一起,从而救出甚至遗忘了他们最少。
Many of these scholars are credited with
only a few sentences or
[...] with even but one, while to others are ascribed many hundreds of aphorisms, teachings, [...]
questions, and answers;
and the representatives of Jewish tradition of those centuries, the Tannaim and the Amoraim, received an abundant compensation for their renunciation of the fame of authorship when tradition preserved their names together with their various expositions, and thus rescued even the least of them from oblivion.
增加的原因是重新调配 用于常警察、司法惩戒能 力的预算资源,以及文职人员的部署前培训小组(52 个续设员额),这些是位于后勤基地(后勤基地)的支助职能(租户单位),支援外 地并向总部维和部报告;拟议新设 6 个员额;以及 2010/11 年度新批准的续设员 额,为此适用了 65%(一般事务职类)和 50%(专业职类)的延迟征聘因数。
The increase is attributable to: the redeployment of the
budgetary resources
[...] pertaining to the standing police, justice and corrections capacities, and the civilian predeployment training team (52 continuing posts), which are support functions (tenant units) located at UNLB backstopping the field and reporting to DPKO at Headquarters; the proposed establishment of 6 new posts; and the continuation of posts newly approved in 2010/11, in respect of which the delayed recruitment factors of 65 per cent (Professional category) and 50 per cent (General Service [...]
category) were applied.
为此, 建警察、司法惩戒、 解除武装、复员和重返社会、地雷行动、安全部门改革 结构和职能由法治和安全机构厅一 领 导
In support of that approach, it was recommended that the police, judicial, corrections, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, mine action and security sector reform [...] [...]
structures and functions be brought together under the Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions.
它回顾酷刑做法警察局 、宪兵队 和传统威权机构所涉的所谓平行监狱中很普遍,鼓励乍得在其刑法中纳入对一 罪行的惩治。
It recalled that the practice of torture
[...] was recurrent in police stations, gendarmerie and the so-called parallel prisons run by the traditional authorities, and encouraged Chad to incorporate in its criminal code appropriate sanctions against this crime.
减贫战略侧重于六个干预渠道: 改进法律系统的运作;改善诉诸法律机会的获得; 改惩教系统;营一个有助于商业活动和经济增 长的安全的法律环境;改善少年和妇女得到公理的 机会;进行司法制度专业人员能力建设,这包警 察学院的能力建设。
The strategy focuses on six axes of intervention: improving the functioning of the legal system; improving access to justice; improving the
penitentiary system; creating a
[...] secure legal environment for commercial activity and economic growth; improving justice for juveniles and women; and building the capacity of justice system professionals, which includes capacity-building of the police academy.
總體而言,地 方政府可能需要支出百萬美元對警 官 進 行 一 次性 訓練。
Collectively, local governments could need to spend a few million
[...] dollars on training for police officers on a one-time basis.
此外,我亦反對純粹因為現時不是 警察調查警察,於是便要把整個投 警 察 課 的經 一 筆 勾消,完全抹煞了投警察課的 170 位人員;投訴警方獨立監察委員會(“警監會”)19 位成員, 包括 3 位立法會議員;警監會辦事處 25 位人員,包括我們特委警監會觀 察員 63 位人士;以及百位就投訴警察工 作作出嚴肅而公正的調查和監察 的人士的貢獻,我對於這種態度感到十分可惜。
I also oppose cancelling the entire provision to the CAPO simply because the investigations against the
police are carried out by the
[...] police. This would be tantamount to ignoring the contribution made by the 170 members of the CAPO, 19 members of the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC) (three members of the Legislative Council included), 25 staff of the IPCC office together with 63 specially appointed observers, and several hundred people who have worked [...]
towards a serious
and impartial investigation into, and towards monitoring, the complaints against the police.
一项 案 例研究还 查 明一些 可警察歧视问题的措 施,如 加大国内 反歧视宣 传 的 力 度 ; 从少数群体中挑 选 更多成 员加入警察 部 队 , 因 为就其社 区问题而言,少数族 裔 警 察比来 自 其他社 区的警官更敏感; 警 察 更多参与黑 人 社 区 活 动;对歧视行为 进惩处;在警员培 训中强调正当执法等。
A case study also identified some measures that could
decrease the problems
[...] in discrimination by police, such as promoting internal campaigns against discrimination; selecting a greater number of members of minority groups for the police force as these are more sensitive to the problems of the community than police officers from other communities; more police involvement with black communities; punishing cases of discriminatory actions; and emphasizing proper law implementation in the training of the police.
过 分和滥用使用武力,以及针对巴勒斯坦平 百 姓的惩罚政策导致巴勒斯坦被占领土上死亡、受伤、 流离失所者人数高得惊人,贫穷率超过了 65%。
The excessive and indiscriminate
use of force and policy
[...] of collective punishment against the Palestinian civilian population had [...]
resulted in alarmingly high
numbers of deaths, injuries, displacements and a poverty rate exceeding 65 per cent in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
(一 ) 過去 3 年,每 年 涉 嫌 參與黑社會 活動而警方 拘捕的 中小學學生 人 數 , 以 及 該 數 字 佔 被拘捕的 中小學學生 總 數百 分比, 並警 區表列 分項數字
(a) the number of primary and secondary school students arrested by the police for suspected involvement in triad activities in each of the past three years, and the percentage of such cases in the total number of primary and secondary school students arrested, and provide a tabulation of the figures by police districts
需要制定新的行动方案,动员百万 军 警 人 员 推动变革,特 别是在打击各种暴力侵害妇女行为方面,并调整艾滋病毒预防战略,使之与冲突 期间、冲突后及建设和平的行动一 致。
A new course of action is needed that mobilizes the millions of members of uniformed services as important agents of change — especially in combating all types of violence against women — and aligns strategies for [...]
HIV prevention with
conflict, post-conflict and peacebuilding operations.
根據《基本法》一百零一條,警務處 處長、入境事務處處長及海關關長這 3 個職位均是公 務員編制內的職位,必須由在外國無居留權的香港特別行政區永久性居民中 的中國公民擔任。
As stipulated in Article 101 of the Basic Law, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of Immigration [...]
and the Commissioner
of Customs and Excise are posts within the civil service establishment which may only be filled by Chinese citizens among permanent residents of the SAR with no right of abode in any foreign country.
我 想 先 簡
[...] 單介紹 一 下,這 6,400 萬 元其實 是 警 隊 內 投警 察 課一百 多 人的撥 款 。
First of all, I would like to briefly explain that the $64,000,000 in
question is actually provision for meeting the costs of the 100 or so
[...] staff of the Complaints Against Police Office (CAPO).
百慕大警察局 经过改组,以调拨局内现有资源, 使“更安全街道”行动的资源成为维持治安计划 一 个 永 久特征。
The Bermuda Police Service reorganized to move existing resources within the organization to enable resources for “Operation Safer Streets” to become [...]
permanent feature of their policing plan.
可能妨碍实现本预算期目标的主要外部因素包括:刚果民主共和国当局的政 策;提供国际人道主义援助的情况;各方遵守和平协定中所作承诺的情况;刚果
[...] 方案提供资金的情况;为解除武装、复员和重返社会工作提供自愿捐款的情况; 捐助方为军事司法惩教方案、警察 方 案、司法 惩 教 方案提供援助的情况;刚 果民主共和国的政治动态;政府提供资源和捐助方提供援助以筹备和进行地方选 [...]
Major impeding external factors that may affect the targets for the budget period include the policies of the Congolese authorities; the availability of international humanitarian assistance; the adherence of all parties to commitments made in peace agreements; the actions of the Congolese authorities with regard to national disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes; the availability of donor resources for stabilization programmes; voluntary contributions for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration; the availability of donor
assistance for
[...] military justice and corrections, police programmes and justice and corrections [...]
programmes; political developments
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; and the availability of Government resources and donor assistance for the preparation and conduct of local elections.
伊斯兰会议组织呼吁 以色列停止对加沙平百姓施加集 惩 罚 措 施,并 要求以色列立即取消不公正的封锁并开放与加沙的 所有过境点,以符合国际法和联合国各项决议的要 求。
The OIC calls on Israel to end its
[...] collective punitive measures imposed on the civilian population in Gaza and [...]
calls for the immediate
lifting by Israel of the unjust Israeli blockade and for the opening of all crossing points with Gaza, in accordance with international law and United Nations resolutions.
4 月,欧 盟驻科法治惩教股和警察与科索 惩 教 署 和科索 警 察 进行 了 一 次 演 习,以测 试应对杜布拉瓦监狱发生事件的联合反应能力,这是 2006 年以来的首次演习。
In April,
[...] the EULEX Correctional Unit and Police, with the Kosovo Correctional Service and the Kosovo Police, conducted [...]
exercises to test joint
responses to incidents at Dubravë/a Prison — the first such exercises since 2006.
根据行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告(A/64/660(第 26 段),A/64/660/Add.12 (第 16 段)和
A/64/753(第 8 段))所载建议,资源 3.154 亿美元包括 860 万美元的
[...] 机械增加,这是向总部维和部转移位于后勤基地的支援外地和报告等支助职能的 预算经费(警察、司法惩戒常 备能力以及文职人员部署前培训),为此,后勤基 地预算已经核减。
Pursuant to the recommendation contained in the relevant reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/64/660 (para. 26), A/64/660/Add.12 (para. 16) and A/64/753 (para. 8)), the resource level of $315.4 million includes a mechanical increase in the amount of $8.6 million associated with the transfer of budgetary requirements of the support
functions located at UNLB
[...] (standing capacities for police, justice and corrections, and civilian [...]
predeployment training) backstopping
the field and reporting to DPKO at Headquarters, for which a decrease has been reflected in the UNLB budget.
如以下表框所述,为支持落实稳定团的任务规定,平均为 8 720 名军事特遣 队人员、2 021 名建制警察、1 330 名联合警察和惩教干 事以及 1 995 名文职人 员提供了必要的行政、后勤和安保服务。
As detailed in the frameworks below, an average strength of 8,720 military
contingent personnel,
[...] 2,021 formed police personnel, 1,330 United Nations police and corrections officers and [...]
1,995 civilian staff
were provided with the necessary administrative, logistical and security services in support of the implementation of the Mission’s mandate.
委 员会经查询获悉,留在金沙萨的 44
[...] 个人力资源工作人员将继续处理本国工作人 员、承包商、军事参谋人员、联合 警 察 、 惩 教 干 事和政府提供人员的行政管理 事务,而留在金沙萨的 24 [...]
个财务员额将履行与以下方面有关的职能:特派团人 员报道和离职手续、本地供应商、医务报销、向个体承包商支付款项、第三方索
赔、账目、差旅费报销、派任和搬迁补助金、外联活动和速效项目预付款以及出 纳职责。
The Committee was informed, upon enquiry, that the 44 human resources staff remaining in Kinshasa would continue to handle the administration of national staff,
contractors, military staff officers,
[...] United Nations police officers, corrections officers and Government-provided [...]
personnel, and
that the 24 finance posts remaining in Kinshasa would perform functions related to check-in and checkout of mission personnel, local vendors, medical reimbursement, payments for individual contractors, third-party claims, accounts, travel claims, assignment and relocation grants and advances for outreach activities and for quick-impact projects, as well as cashier duties.
该法第 15 节列举了适用于其解 释一些条约,亦即:(a) 1948 年的《防止惩治灭 绝种族罪公约》;(b) 1949 年日内瓦四公约及其《一和第 二附加议定书》(1977 年)和《第三附加议定书》 (2005 年);(c) 1954 年《关于发生武装冲突时保护文化财产的海牙公约》及其 《议定书》和《第二议定书》(1999 [...]
年);(d) 1989 年《儿童权利公约》及其 2000 年《关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》;(e)
习惯国际法规则和原则; (f) 各个国际法院和法庭的司法裁判。
Section 15 of the Act enumerates several
treaties to be applied in
[...] its interpretation, namely (a) the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide; (b) the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Additional [...]
Protocols I
and II (1977) and Additional Protocol III (2005) thereto; (c) the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, its Protocol and its Second Protocol (1999); (d) the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child and its 2000 Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict; (e) the rules and principles of customary international law; (f) the judicial decisions of international courts and tribunals.
2012 年 5 月 26 日 23 时,一个武装恐怖团体引爆了两个噪声炸弹, 一 个是 在 Nahr 街,第二个在 Thum 街心转盘附近的学校西边,并在街头开火乱射 警告 老百姓。
At 2300 hours on 26 May 2012, an armed terrorist group detonated two noise bombs, the first in Nahr Street and the second west of the schools near the Thum roundabout, and opened random fire in the streets to alarm the population.
(J) 倘董事連同其任何聯繫人士合共持 百 分 之 五(5)%或以上其任 何類別股本或其股東可享有之任何類別股份之投票權之公司 一 項 交 易中涉及重大 利益,則該董事亦須被視作在該交易中涉及重大利益。
(J) Where a company in which a Director together with any of his associate(s) holds five (5) per cent or more of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares available to shareholders of the company is materially interested in a transaction, then that Director shall also be deemed materially interested in such transaction.




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