

单词 惨遭



die tragically
meet with disaster

See also:


suffer v

colloquial classifier for number of times of movement from one place to another or number of turns, times, occasions.

meet by chance (usually with misfortune)

External sources (not reviewed)

在世界上一些地方,媒体 承受着巨大的压力,每年都有众多记者因进行正常工 惨遭 杀 害,这其中大部分 人都无从讨还公道。
In some parts of the world, media is under pressure, many journalists are killed carrying out their profession every year, and most of the cases are never brought to justice.
我们深切缅怀并向在世界反法西斯战争中英勇献 身的烈士们致以崇高敬意,惨遭侵 略 者杀戮的所有 无辜死难者表示深切哀悼。
We deeply mourn for and pay high tribute to those
who sacrificed their lives in the war and extend our deepest condolences to all
[...] innocent victims of the invading armies.
世界许多地区的平惨遭虐待 ,似乎并非只是战 争的副作用。
The overwhelming mistreatment of civilians in too many parts of the world does not seem to be just a side effect of war.
克罗地亚在请求书中,除其他外,指称塞尔维亚须为“直接控制其在克罗 地亚境内克宁区、斯拉沃尼亚东部和西部及达尔马提亚的武装部队、情报人员和 各种准军事分遣队的活动”,对克罗地亚公民实施“种族清洗”这种“导致许多 克罗地亚公民流离失所惨遭杀害 、遭受酷刑或非法拘押并且造成大量财产被破 坏的灭绝种族行为”负起责任。
In its application, Croatia contends, inter alia, that, “[b]y directly controlling the activity of its armed forces, intelligence agents, and various paramilitary detachments, on the territory of ... Croatia, in the Knin region, eastern and western Slavonia, and Dalmatia”, Serbia was liable for “ethnic cleansing” committed against Croatian citizens, “a form of genocide which resulted in large numbers of Croatian citizens being displaced, killed, tortured, or illegally detained, as well as extensive property destruction”.
以保护平民为幌子,安全理事会通过了第1973 (2011)号决议,从而为北约提供一个借口,用来 摧毁利比亚大量民用基础设施,从而造成数千名平
[...] 民死亡,其中包括妇女和儿童,并导致政权更迭和 国家元惨遭暗杀
Under the guise of protecting civilians, the Security Council adopted resolution 1973 (2011), which provided NATO with a pretext to destroy much of Libya’s civilian infrastructure, causing the deaths of thousands of
civilians, including women and children, and leading to regime
[...] change and the brutal assassination [...]
of the head of State.
2008年7月7日:车牌号为 27-CD-008 和 27-CD-050 的两辆属于联络处 外交人员的惨遭身份不明者的破坏。
On 7 July 2008, two vehicles with licence plates Nos. 27-CD-008 and 27-CD-050 belonging to members of the diplomatic staff of the Liaison Office were brutally vandalized by unidentified individual(s).
20 多年来,联合国同其他众多行动者一道,参与
[...] 帮助冲突后国家努力解决它们所面临的最迫切需要; 安理会现在议程上的几乎每一惨遭 冲 突 肆虐的国 家——从海地到利比里亚,到苏丹,到阿富汗——都 [...]
The United Nations, together with a wide range of other actors, has been involved in helping postconflict countries grapple with their most
pressing needs now for more than 20 years,
[...] and virtually every conflict-wracked [...]
country currently on the agenda of the Council
— from Haiti, to Liberia to the Sudan to Afghanistan — seeks effective international assistance to rebuild its institutions.
这一交易引发了公众的关注,极具诱惑力的商 业理由惨遭拒绝
The deal largely played out in the court of public opinion; sound economic
[...] reasons for the deal were rejected.
各代表团已经被告知逮捕了 Abdulmalik Rigi, 他是一名恐怖分子和所谓真主军的头子,该团伙过去
[...] 几年里一直在伊朗东南边界地带活动,进行武装抢劫 和恐怖主义行径,140 多名无辜的伊朗人,包括妇女 和儿惨遭杀害,另有 260 多人受伤。
Delegations have been informed of the arrest of Abdulmalik Rigi, a terrorist and gang leader of the socalled Jundallah, which has operated over the past few years along Iran’s south-east borders and conducted armed robberies and terrorist acts in which more than
140 innocent Iranians, including women and
[...] children, have been killed in the most horrific manner and over [...]
260 wounded.
由于这些暴行,包括幼童在 内的许多无辜平惨遭杀害 ,许多其他人的尸体仍被 埋在废墟下,因为以色列军方向任何企图援救者开 枪。
As a result of those atrocities, many innocent civilians, including little children, have died horrible deaths, and the bodies of many others have not been recovered from the rubble because the Israeli military is shooting at anyone who attempts a rescue.
这一要求国际社会成员提供 援助的呼吁属于紧急救灾呼吁,强调了用行动声援的 重要性,以及尽快惨遭洪灾、束手无策的灾民提供 有力援助的必要性。
This call for assistance from members of the international community is an urgent distress call underlining the importance of solidity of action and the need for some form of robustness and rapidity in getting to the drowning and the hopeless.
由于自 20 世纪 80 年代后期以来的这种行径,有 2 000 多名阿塞拜疆公惨遭杀害 ,其中大部分为妇女、老人和儿童。
As a result of such acts perpetrated since the late 1980s, over 2,000 citizens of Azerbaijan have been killed, the majority of them women, the elderly and children.
联合国机 构、非政府组织和红十字与红新月运动所提供的援助
[...] (包括食品、水、卫生、住房和保护)不构成威胁,反 而提供与国际社会合作,满惨遭冲 突 或自然灾害严 重破坏的人们需要的机会。
The assistance provided by United Nations agencies, NGOs and the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement — including food, water, sanitation, shelter and protection — does not present a threat, but rather an opportunity to work collaboratively with
the international community in meeting the needs of those whose lives
[...] have been up-ended by conflict or natural [...]
正如有人已经提到过的那 样,上个月有四名美国人在被索马里海盗扣为人质惨遭杀害
Last month, as has been noted, four Americans tragically lost their lives while being held hostage by Somali pirates.
正如昨天一些发言者谈到的那样,整个人口仅仅 因为抵抗占领和国家恐怖主义,仅仅由于行使了作为 民主最基本原则的投票权惨遭屠杀
As mentioned by some speakers yesterday, a whole population is being massacred only because it resists occupation and State terrorism and simply because it has exercised its right to vote, which is the most basic principle of democracy.
2008 年 5 月 15 日:清晨时分,一辆属于联络处行政工作人员的车(车牌 号是 NZP-3600)惨遭身份不明的人破坏。
On 15 May 2008, in the early morning hours, a vehicle belonging to a member of the administrative staff of the Liaison Office (licence plate NZP-3600) was brutally vandalized by unidentified individual(s).
[...] 残暴罪行发生二十周年,当时该镇数百名平民一夜之惨遭杀害 ,原因仅仅是他们是阿塞拜疆族人。
In three days, we will commemorate the twentieth anniversary of atrocious crimes committed against the Azerbaijani
civilians of the town of Khojaly, where during one night
[...] hundreds of civilians were killed only because [...]
they were Azerbaijanis.
一些刚果妇女的惨遭遇导致她 们得出结论,遭到许多男子的轮奸对一名妇女而言是 [...]
There are
[...] Congolese women whose tragic experiences have [...]
led them to conclude that being gang-raped by many men is normal for a woman.
高级和平理事会主席、阿富汗前总 统布尔汉努丁·拉巴尼教授今年 9 月惨遭暗杀,以及 包括卡尔扎伊总统的弟弟、已故的艾哈迈德·瓦里· 卡尔扎伊在内的阿富汗高级领导 惨遭 暗 杀 ,无情地 提醒我们该国整体安全环境每况愈下。
The tragic assassination last September of Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani, Chairman of the High Peace Council and former President of Afghanistan, and that of other senior [...]
Afghan leaders, including President Karzai’s
brother, the late Ahmed Wali Karzai, are a grim reminder of the overall deteriorating security environment in the country.
不幸,在安理会某些成员国看来,巴勒斯坦人的 生命和他们在长期占领和镇压下的苦难无关紧要;数 百名巴勒斯坦人,包括数十名妇女和儿 惨遭 屠 杀 , 不值一提,更不会采取有意义的坚定行动。
Unfortunately, it seems that, for certain members of this Council, the lives of the Palestinians and their long suffering under the
occupation and suppression do
[...] not count, as the massacre of hundreds of Palestinians, including dozens of women and children, is not worthy [...]
of the least consideration,
let alone meaningful firm action.
对于人道主义工作者来说,过去一年是艰难的一 年,他们目睹了自己的同事在完成任务时遭受绑架、 威胁、有惨遭杀害
The past year has been difficult for humanitarian workers who have witnessed their colleagues abducted, threatened and sometimes killed in the discharge of their work.
还有一次,法院在 2002 年 7 月 10 日对“刚果境内的武装活动”(新的申请: 2002 年时,刚果民主共和国诉乌干达)一案下达的命令中,考虑了事实背景,宣 布法院“对刚果民主共和国东部的人民由于那里发生的战争而蒙受的 惨遭 遇、 生命损失和巨大痛苦表示深切的关注”(第 54 段)。
On yet another occasion, in its Order of 10.07.2002 in the case concerning Armed Activities in the Territory of the Congo (New Application: 2002, D.R. Congo versus Rwanda), the ICJ, taking account of the factual context, declared itself “deeply concerned by the deplorable human tragedy, loss of life, and enormous suffering in the east Democratic Republic of the Congo resulting from the continued fighting there” (para. 54).
世界人权宣言》成惨遭战争 恐怖 蹂躏的世界,表达了我们摆脱恐惧和匮乏的最高愿 望,以及我们不分种族和信仰保护每个人的生命的神 圣性和尊严的承诺。
Crafted in a world ravaged by the horrors of war, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights articulates our highest aspirations for freedom from fear and want and our commitment to protecting the sanctity and dignity of every human life, regardless of race or creed.
安理会又一次无法 团结一致,向叙利亚当局发出强有力的信息,要求叙
[...] 利亚当局停止屠杀和折磨叙利亚人民,即使最近几小 时内又有数百惨遭杀害
Once again, it was unable to act to send a forceful and united message to the Syrian
authorities to stop killing and torturing their people, even though in the recent hours
[...] hundreds more have been killed.
在这场野蛮的行动中,数以千计被围困的无 辜巴勒斯坦惨遭以色 列政权杀害或致残,其中包括 妇女和儿童;民用基础设施和设备遭受任意和有系统 的破坏。
During that barbaric operation, the Israeli regime killed or maimed thousands of besieged innocent Palestinians, including women and children, and wilfully and systematically targeted civilian infrastructure and facilities.




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