

单词 惨绝人寰

See also:


earthly world

External sources (not reviewed)

在这个动荡的时代,我们务必要记住这 惨绝人寰 的 空前灾难,它夺去 了 600 万儿童、妇女和男子的生命。
In our troubled times, we must remember that unprecedented disaster that took the lives of six million men, women and children, simply because they were Jewish.
但是,我们可以毫无疑问地肯定,它为使人们认识这 人 类 悲 惨 的 历 史提供了独一无二的机 会。
Nevertheless, it can certainly be affirmed that it afforded a unique opportunity to raise awareness of this sad chapter of human history.
这一交易引发了公众的关注,极具诱惑力的商 业理由惨遭拒绝。
The deal largely played out in the court of public opinion; sound economic
[...] reasons for the deal were rejected.
为了提人们波斯尼亚和黑塞哥 维那不久前的过去,今年 7 月,我们将庄严纪念斯雷 布雷尼察种族绝惨剧十五周年。
As a grim reminder of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s recent pest, this July we will solemnly mark the fifteenth anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide.
这就是今 天在安理会议席就座的一人仍旧拒 绝 谴 责 的 惨重 伤亡。
That is the terrible toll
[...] that some around this table today have still refused to condemn.
[...] 以来,国际社会在建立国际法律机制以便促进保护平 民原则和确定武装冲突中对成千上万平民进行大屠 杀的刑事责任方面取得了重要进展,但我们继续看到 新的、惨形式的灭绝种族 罪、战争罪和危 人 类 罪
It is a matter of great concern, that in spite of the important progress achieved by the international community since the middle of the last century in developing international law mechanisms to promote the principle of the protection of civilians and to determine criminal responsibility for massacres committed against thousands of
civilians in armed conflicts, we
[...] continue to witness new and tragic forms of genocide, war crimes and crimes [...]
against humanity.
We respect the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same.
寰購網授予您人、不 可移轉及非專屬之使用權,使您得於單機電腦使用其「軟件」之目的碼,惟您不得(並不得允許第三者)重製、修改、創作衍生著作、進行還原工程、反向組譯,或以其他方式發現原始碼,或出售、轉讓、再授權或提供「軟件」設定擔保,或以其他方式移轉「軟件」之任何權利。
We grant to you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive right and licence to use the object code of our Software on a single computer; provided that you do not (and do not allow any third party to) copy, modify, adapt, create a derivative work of, reverse engineer, reverse assemble or otherwise attempt to discover any source code, sell, assign, sublicense, grant a security interest in or otherwise transfer any right in the Software.
日本已开始任命原子弹爆炸幸存者担任“建立无核武器世界特别宣传员”, 请他们把遭受核武器的使用所造成的 惨 后 果的亲身经历告知 人 和 子 孙后代。
Japan has started to appoint Hibakusha, atomic bombs survivors, as “Special Communicators for a World without Nuclear Weapons” to ask them to pass
on their first-hand
[...] experience of the tragic consequences of the use of nuclear weapons to the world and to future [...]
在逃过了疟疾和艾滋病后,人们本不应该因癌症而过早撒 人寰 — — 特别是那些打一针负担得起的疫苗便可预防的癌症。
Having eluded killers like malaria and AIDS, one should not then be killed prematurely by cancer – especially a form of cancer that could have been prevented with something as simple and as affordable as a vaccine.
此 外,执行支助股深知,虽然该决定将为其开展额外活动提供机遇,但 绝 不 应 妨 碍其当前的优先事项,且欧盟需为任何额外 人 力 资 源供资。
In addition, it was noted that the ISU was sensitive to the fact that while this is an opportunity for the ISU
to take on additional
[...] activity, it must not be a drain on existing ISU priorities and that any additional human resource need would need to be funded by the EU.
寰購網 為用戶提供豐富的線上資源,包括購物服務、線上論壇及 人 化 內 容(以下簡稱「本服務」);用戶可透過各類型的媒體或已知的或將來新開發的裝置進 寰 購 網
We currently provide users with access to a rich collection of on-line and electronic resources, products and services, including various communications tools and applications, online forums, online shopping services and personalized content through [...]
its network of properties (the "Service").
動議㆗用㆖「持續」字眼,是鼓勵政府循 正確次 序去制訂㆒套因寰宇需 求的環境政策。
By use of the word "sustainable", the motion is encouraging the Government to formulate, in the right priority, a global environmental policy.
此外,报告还简略描 绘了一幅关于加沙地区和约旦河西岸医疗状况的惨场景,却绝口不 提以色列已经发放了数以万计的 进入以色列境内就医的入境许可证,以致于以色人民都颇有微词;报告员错误地指出加沙地带是被 占领的领土,以色列是这块领土的实际控制者;他 描述了加沙的物资供应受到限制的状况,却丝毫不 考虑过境点经常受到恐怖分子的袭击,而人道主义 [...]
Moreover, it wrongly asserted that the Gaza Strip was an occupied territory over which Israel exercised effective control.
主席女士,今天你召集各国 在此开会看来似乎特别适当,因为本周早些时候我们 曾在两层楼上开会,纪念斯雷布雷尼察种族 绝惨案 15 周年。
It seems particularly appropriate, Madam President, that you have gathered us here today in a week in which we gathered, just two floors above, to commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, which was an historic and conspicuous failure of preventive diplomacy.
[...] 这一关头,需要勇气和领导力,以最终制止这一旷日持久 惨 剧 , 为巴勒斯人 民和以色人民带来和平与安全,并在 1967 年边界的基础上建立一个独立、享 [...]
基于两国解决办法的持久的全面和平,根据 1948 年第 194(III)号决议实现巴勒 斯坦难民的公正解决。
Courage and leadership is needed at this
critical juncture in
[...] our region to ultimately end this prolonged tragedy and bring peace and security [...]
to the Palestinian
and Israeli peoples with the achievement of a lasting, comprehensive peace based on the two-State solution of an independent, sovereign and viable State of Palestine, living side by side in peace and security with Israel on the basis of the 1967 borders, and the achievement of a just solution to the problem of the Palestine refugees in accordance with resolution 194 (III) of 1948.
世界各国领导人保证不遗余力地把我 们的男、女和儿童同胞,从极端贫困的 惨 和 非 人化 条件下解放出来。
The world’s leaders promised to spare no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty.
约旦对安全理事会的真诚与和密集的努力寄予厚 望,并赞赏埃及的倡议。该倡议可推动在结束这一惨局势 方面取得进展,为兄弟的巴勒斯 人 民 提供援 助,减轻他们的苦难,恢复认真谈判,以实现两国解 决办法——这是确保该地区安全与稳定的唯一途径。
Jordan has great hopes for the sincere and extensive efforts of the Security Council and appreciates the Egyptian initiative, which
should serve as an
[...] incentive to make progress in ending this tragic situation, by providing humanitarian assistance [...]
to the brotherly
Palestinian people, alleviating their suffering and returning to serious negotiations in order to achieve the two-State solution, which is the only way to ensure security and stability in the region.
此外入有负责西撒哈拉问题的秘书长个人特使的咨询人所需资源, 显示 2010 年计划中的磋商和谈判有所增加(76 400 美元);以及秘书长 防止绝种族罪行问题特别顾问的咨 人 所 需 资源,因为计划在 2010 年 开展培训活动以加强该办公室在提高对 绝 种 族 罪行的认识方面的工作 (90 200 美元)。
Resources for consultants are also included for the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara, reflecting the increase in consultations and negotiations planned for 2010 ($76,400), and the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, as a result of the planned training activities for 2010 to intensify the efforts of the office on genocide awareness ($90,200).
爵士音乐先锋查理.帕克,因神乎其技的萨克斯风吹奏而名留历史,35岁不到的生命即油尽灯枯;吉米.汉德里克融合黑人蓝调、迷幻摇滚的乐风,被称为吉他之神,28岁时即撒 人寰 , 成 名到逝世仅四年时间。
Jimi Hendrix 11942- 19701 "The God of Guitar" had sealed his reputation by the time he was 28 years old by playing blues-influenced jazz fused with rock-and-roll, only to pass away a short 4 years later.
[...] 为“大自由:实现人人共享的发展、安全和人权”的报告(A/59/2005)向冲突 地区和冲突后地区的千百万妇女和女孩提出了一些至关重要的倡议,包括:设立 建设和平委员会;加强对预防冲突的重视;负责保护民众免遭 绝 种 族 罪、战争 罪、族裔清洗和危人类罪 ;更加有效地保 人 权 以 及加强法治。
Furthermore, the report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change (A/59/565) and the report of the Secretary-General “In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all” (A/59/2005) proposed a number of initiatives of vital importance to millions of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict areas, including: the creation of a Peacebuilding Commission; increased focus on conflict prevention; the
responsibility to protect
[...] populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity; more effective protection of human rights; and [...]
enhanced rule of law.
我們不希望看見有悲劇發生,過 去給大家的感覺,是每當社會上發生了一些慘 人寰 的 悲劇後,政府官 員便匆匆到該地區,然後檢討現行的政策。
As human capital is very important to the society of Hong Kong, we do not wish to see government officials scurrying to the relevant district and reviewing existing policies after the occurrence of some heartbreaking tragedies in society, just as the impression that we have been given.
問題的字眼則根據由韓寰(Shan -Huan Han,1995)所提供的「生活品質問卷調查」台灣中文翻譯版本,並在文字或例子上略作修改,以適用於香港文化。
To fit in the Hong Kong culture, the terminologies of the questionnaire were based on the Chinese version of the QOLS questionnaire translated in Taiwan by Shan-Huan Han (1995) with slight modification on the wordings and examples.
由工業局主辦,資策會、臺北市電腦公會協辦的「數位學習與電子遊戲機產業跨域整合交流會」,於三月六日下午在臺北市電腦公會會址503號會議室舉行,會中邀請了數位學習與典藏聯盟會長陳詣蕎(Angelin Chen)、臺灣知識庫總經理陳俊魁、希伯倫總經理鄭俊琪(Jerry Cheng)寰宇知 識科技副總經理洪立屏,以及電子遊戲機協會理事長歐哲文(Che-wen Ou)、天下數位科技經理張文沼(Wesley)、飛絡力電子協理徐賢德(Mike Hsu)、孕龍科技遊戲企劃工程師溫宗昱(Mark Wen)人出席
This summit has invited the president of e-Learning & Digital Archives Industry Alliance (eDA), Angelin Chen, the general manager of Taiwan Knowledge Bank (TKB), Chen Junkui, the general manager of LiveABC, Jerry Cheng, the Vice president of Knowledge Universe Technology (KUT), Hong Li Ping, the president of Taiwan Amusement Machine Assoication (TAMA), Che-wen Ou, the manager of Bingotimes Technology, Wesley, the assistant manager of Feiloli, Mike Hsu, and the game planning engineer Zeroplus Technology, Mark Wen for attending.
阿塞拜疆建议以色列加 速 使本国立法符 合其加入的主要国际 文书的规 定;结合正在进行的促 进 两 性平等和 消除对 妇 女 歧 视的工作,加 倍 努 力,提高妇 女 在社会中的代表程度,并加入《 消除对 妇 女 一 切 形 式 歧 视 公 约 任 择 议定书》 ; 改 进和加强与联合国一切 特别程序 和机制的合作,改 善 巴 勒斯坦 被占领 土 上 居 民 的人权享 有,并扭 转 那 里惨的人道 主义情况;参 照 这些领土 的情况考虑如何履 行其国际 人 道 主义法义务。
Azerbaijan recommended that Israel accelerate the process of bringing its national legislation into compliance with the provisions of the main international instruments to which it is a party; in line with ongoing work to promote gender equality and eliminate discrimination against women, redouble efforts to increase women’s representation in society and to join the Optional Protocol to the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; improve and strengthen cooperation with all relevant United Nations special procedures and mechanisms, inter alia, to improve the enjoyment of human rights by populations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and to reverse the dire humanitarian situation there; and honour its obligations under international humanitarian law with regard to the situation in those territories.




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