

单词 惨不忍睹

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External sources (not reviewed)

简而言之,有许多既令惨不忍睹, 又 毛骨悚然的侵犯人权事例。
Simply put, there are many instances of human rights violations which are both harrowing and horrific.
当以色列对加沙的封锁即将进入第 1 000
[...] 天之时,由于封锁限制了生活所有 方面,巴勒斯坦平民的社会经济状况依 惨不忍睹。
As we approach the one thousandth day of the Israeli blockade against Gaza, the socio-economic
situation of the Palestinian civilian
[...] population remains dire, with the blockade [...]
adversely impacting the viability of all aspects of life.
如特别委员会报告所反映的,在以色列长期占 领下的所有被占领土的人权状况 惨不忍睹。
As reflected in the Special Committee’s report, the human rights situation in all the occupied territories was dire under the long-standing Israeli occupation.
马勒基先生(巴勒斯坦)(以阿拉伯语发言):尽管 加沙发生了人道主义危机,平民生命损 惨不忍睹, 但第 1860(2009)号决议的通过仍然被推迟数天。
(Palestine) ( spoke in Arabic): The adoption of resolution 1860 (2009) was delayed several days despite the humanitarian crisis and the appalling loss of lives among civilians in Gaza.
图片在目录.tuxpaint/saved中以png格式保存,你可以在你的子女将他们的大作再一次画 惨不忍睹 之 前将这些图片复制到其它目录中去。
The pictures are saved as png files in the directory .tuxpaint/saved so you can copy them to another directory before your daughter or son changes her/his great painting of an elephant into dracula again.
1970 年代初,非洲萨赫勒地区的干旱情况 要求国际社会采取行动,荒漠化和干旱令 惨不忍睹 的 影 响引起世界注意,可以 说这是第一个全球性环境问题。
The devastating impacts of desertification and drought came to the world’s attention as arguably the first global environmental issue in the early 1970s when the effects in Sahelian Africa prompted calls for international action.
[...] 多很多虐待動物的例子,但由於情況實在太令人 不忍睹 , 我 也不想再說下 去了。
However, I do not wish to continue as [...]
they are really extremely horrifying.
睹破坏惨状的 每个人都认识到,这是人类 至今面临的最大灾难之一。
Everyone who has seen the damage realizes [...]
that this is one of the greatest disasters ever faced by humanity.
并且,我们表彰经常冒着生命危险,每天努力赋予这些权利意义的勇敢的记者们,就象我们最近在利比亚的记者 惨 死 亡 中所 睹 的。
And we recognize the courageous journalists who work every day to give meaning to these
rights, often at great risk to their lives,
[...] as we have seen most recently with the tragic deaths of journalists [...]
in Libya.
虽然特别委员会的工作使难民们的生活 条不那么悲惨,但 以色列公然违反国际法,继续 阻碍其做出努力。
While the work of the Special Committee had made the refugees’ living conditions less deplorable, Israel, in flagrant violation of international law, continued to impede its endeavours.
另一個令人不忍睹的機 構,一定是個人資料私隱專員公署了。
Another poor organization which one cannot bear looking at must be the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data.
[...] 對不想看到香港的僱員、公司重複我們最近看到富士康所出現的 不忍 睹現象
We absolutely do not wish to see
employees and companies in Hong Kong get involved in tragic
[...] incidents similar to those of Foxconn [...]
which occur recently.
吴 登盛认为目前的转变是“有目睹而 且 不 可 逆 转 的”,他声明,缅甸正在“摆脱过去的政府专制统 治制度”,并且“鼓励基于忍和对 话的新政治氛 围”。
Describing the changes as “tangible and
[...] irreversible”, he stated that the country was “leaving behind the system of authoritarian government” and “fostering a new political culture of patience and dialogue”.
此外,有一些前 高官更指出,當局在委任首批副局長和政治助理的過程中犯了多項錯失,情 況不忍睹,不但令 全城沸騰,打擊公務員士氣,亦影響了這些政治委任官 員與公務員的磨合。
In addition, some former high-ranking officials have pointed out that the Administration has made a number of mistakes in the process of appointing the first batch of Under Secretaries and Political Assistants, and the situation is so deplorable that it has not only agitated the community at large and dealt a blow to the morale of civil servants, but has also made an impact on the integration between these politically appointed officials and civil servants.
他說這次的做法是不忍睹的,主席,你能否相信王永平先生會說這 樣的話嗎?
He said that it was appalling to see the incident being handled this way.
這 是 鸚鵡學 舌 , 而 且 是學藝 不 精 的 悲哀,一幕幕笑劇和 醜 劇 , 就在林瑞 麟的任內上演 , 讓 人 搖 頭 歎 息不 忍 卒 睹 。
More miserably still, episodes of farce and embarrassment have repeated so often that Stephen LAM has made a spectacle of himself during his term of office, leaving his spectators only to sigh at the sight of such horrendous acts.
當我們見到兒童受到傷害時,也會感到難過;㆒些未被揭 發的個案,可能更令㆟不忍睹。
We would feel sad when we saw that harm had been caused to children.
作为家庭的唯一经济支柱,她们必须面 不 安 全 的、 惨 的 境 地,这也是大 部分海地家庭的命运。
Being the family’s sole breadwinner, they have to cope unaided with the life of insecurity and poverty which is the lot of most Haitian families.
我们共 聚一堂,也不仅是要谴责极权主义意识形态,而且还 要谴责深深植根于那场——借用第 64/257 号决议序 言部分第二段指出并重述的《联合国宪章》序言中的 话来说就是——“给人类带来惨不 堪 言 的苦难”的 冲突之中、煽动仇恨不容忍、种族主义、反犹太主 义及仇外心理的种种意识形态。
We have also come together not only to condemn totalitarian ideologies, but also ideologies that incite the hatred, intolerance, racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia that were so deeply rooted in a conflict that — as pointed in the second preambular paragraph of resolution 64/257, echoing the preamble to the Charter of the United Nations — “brought untold sorrow to mankind”.
毫无疑问,南朝鲜人民在评论把军事冲突从海上延伸至陆地的延坪岛炮击事 件时痛惜,如果落实了 10 月 4 日宣言,此惨痛事件就不会发生。
No wonder the people in south Korea, commenting on the Yonphyong Island shelling in which the military clash spilled
over to the land from the sea,
[...] deplored that such a tragic incident would not have occurred [...]
if the 4 October declaration had been implemented.
回顾 2010 年是第二次世界大战结束六十五周年,这次战争给人类带来惨 不堪言的苦难
Recalling that 2010 will mark the sixty-fifth anniversary of the end of the Second World War, a war which brought untold sorrow to mankind
除 了這些不忍睹的情 況,就我所知,每時每刻我們的兒童都在遭受不同程度的身體精 神虐待,究竟我們的社會向兒童提供了甚麼保護呢?
As far as I know, other than those appalling cases, our children are subject to a different degree of maltreatment physically and mentally in every single minute that passes.
外判 大 球 場 由 跨 國 大 公司管 理,變 成 城 中 沙 漠 的 奇 景 ,不 忍睹。
The management of the Hong Kong Stadium was briefed out to a major international firm, resulting in having a desert in town, a strange agonizing sight.
的確,只要我們看看社會,有些動物被主人愛惜得如珠如寶,有些則 遭人遺棄,甚至虐待至死,一宗又一宗 不忍睹 虐 待動物的報道,摧 殘動物,變態而令人寒心。
If we look at the situation in society, we notice that some animals are treasured by their owners as apples in their eyes, but some are being abandoned and even abused to death.
我希望我的孩子从不遭受任何疾病的折磨;我们已经 睹 了 病 魔的 忍 , 我希望我的孩子 不 生 病
I hope my children never suffer from any illness; we have seen how harmful they are, and I hope my children never get any diseases.
另 一 方 面 , SARS 事件亦 凸 顯了香港 生環境的差 劣 , 無 公 德 心 的 刁 民 隨 處 拋 垃圾和
[...] 吐痰, 污 水 隨 處 流 , 實在令人不 忍 睹 。
On the other hand, the SARS incident has highlighted our poor
environmental hygiene, evident in littering and spitting by inconsiderate people and sewage
[...] everywhere, which is a horrible sight.
[...] 们才可能有能力在地方、国内地区、区域和国际层面上着手解决正在加剧的社会与经不 平等和悲惨的剥 削问题,以及伴随近年经济强劲和生产力上升而来的普遍的饥饿与无家可 [...]
It is only by institutionalizing these rights at multiple levels of governance that we are able to create an ability at the local, the sub-national, the regional and the international levels
to address the growing social and
[...] economic inequality and tragic deprivation, including [...]
widespread hunger and homelessness,
that has accompanied strong economic development and increased productivity in recent years.
正如你在 7 月 13 日的声明中十分正确地指出的那样,的确迫切需要采取集 体和果断行动,立即完全制止正在叙利亚上演 惨 剧 ,而 若 不 作 为 ,则无异于给 今后的屠杀发放通行证。
As you very rightly pointed out in your statement of 13 July, there is indeed an urgent need for collective and decisive action to immediately and fully stop the tragedy unfolding in Syria, and inaction becomes a licence for further massacres.
在 股 價 上 升 時,很 多小股民, 即 香 港 的 普 羅 百 姓 , 因為相信我們政 府和財 團 串 謀 的 “ 謊 話 ” , 深 信 這 是一隻 科技股 , 又 相信香 港 政 府和這 些 財 團 的 話 , 指 眾 多 公司已 簽 署了租用意 向 書 並 會 落 實,認為數 碼 港 是 有 可 為 的,所以便購 買 了這隻 股 票 , 但 最 後 卻 跌 至不 忍睹。
When the stock price was rising, many individual investors, that is, the ordinary people of Hong Kong, hastened to buy the stocks of PCCW, because they believed the lie told by our Government and the consortium that it was an IT stock, because they believed the Hong Kong Government and the consortium, thinking that since many corporations had already signed letters of intent to become Cyberport tenants and would really do so, the project would have very bright prospects.
畢 業 後 如 果 找 不 到 工 作 , 更是不 知 怎 辦 , 因為這 學 員 將 逼 於 無 奈 地 欠 下 一 大 筆 借 貸 得 來 的 學 費 , 情況真 的 教人不 忍睹。
It will be even worse if they cannot find a job after completing the training course since they have been forced to borrow a huge sum of money to pay for their tuition fees.




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