单词 | 惨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 惨—tragicdisastrousless common: wretched inhuman gloomy cruel dim Examples:惨痛adj—tragicadj 惨重adj—tragicadj 惨的adj—miserableadj
1983年,Ursula首次来到阿富汗,亲眼目睹当地儿童的悲惨生活,於是她便决定参加当地一间临时学校的教学计划。 clarinsusa.com | In 1983, Ursula arrived for first time in Afghanistan and saw for herself the misery of children in the camps. clarinsusa.com |
其中一名阵亡将士Armand Delcourt先生的女儿Monique Westmore女士也出席仪式,并朗读一封她父亲朋友的来信,描述其父亲阵亡的惨痛遭遇。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | During the ceremony, Ms. Westmore read out a moving letter written by her father’s friend, describing the tragic death of her father. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
尽管该等事件对我们的业务并无构成重大的财务 影响,但对那些受可怕惨剧影响并正重新振作的灾民,我们寄予无限祝福。 aia.com | While these events have had no material financial impact on our business, our thoughts are with the people affected as they go about recovering from the dreadful consequences of these tragedies. aia.com |
可是,对不少人来说,六月也是一个悲惨的月份,因为八年前在北京发生了流血事件,香港人念念不忘。 hkupop.hku.hk | To others, it may be a sad month to commemorate the June Fourth Incident. hkupop.hku.hk |
该 数据较二零一一年及二零一零年(死亡人数18名)有所增长,包括於阿根廷发生的一宗悲惨车祸,其 中 四 人 丧 生。 glencore.com | This was an increase compared to 2011 and 2010 (both of which saw 18 fatalities) and included a tragic car accident in Argentina where four people lost their lives. glencore.com |
据最近报道,1989年发生的希尔斯堡惨案已真相大白,对于利物浦的球迷来说这真是情感交集的壹周。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | It’s been an emotional week for Liverpool fans with recent disclosure of documents from the tragic Hillsborough disaster back in 1989. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
我虽了解到 B757-200 的 3L 及 3R 舱门总是 在 Armed 状态,却付出惨痛的代价。 tacare.org.tw | I learned the hard way that B757-200 doors 3L and 3R are always armed. tacare.org.tw |
在投资气氛惨淡、行情低迷的市场环境下,本集团的业务 也无可避免受到了一定的影响,然而通过严格的风险管 理、业务创新和联动及多元化的业务发展模式,本集团整 体上仍保持了各项业务平稳健康发展的态势。 htisec.com | Due to thebleak investment sentiment and weak market condition, our business suffered inevitably to some extent. However, by virtue of stringent risk management, business innovation and collaboration and a diversified business development model, our business lines maintained stable and healthy growth in general. htisec.com |
这个网路巨人曾经想要以云端整合工具 Wave 一步登天,但尽管这个构想看似前景光明,结局却是悲惨地胎死腹中。 benchmarkemail.com | The internet giant looked to be on to something big with its web-based collaboration tool Wave, but despite the initial positive press, it just failed miserably in the end. benchmarkemail.com |
此 举 不 但 与 鼓 励 夫 妻 互 爱 互 助 的 做 法 背 道 而 驰 , 且 在 许 多 情 况 下 , 都 可 能 使 他 们 在 社 会 上 和 经 济 上 招致惨痛的恶 果 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The state is not justified in imposing on husbands and wives the extreme hardship of giving evidence against their spouses, contrary to the promptings of affection and marital duty, and with the likelihood, in many cases, of bringing upon themselves disastrous social and economic consequences. hkreform.gov.hk |
没有亮灯的房间好像一下子变得更加阴暗,然後音乐像是深夜的寒冷,从刷得惨白的墙壁渗透出来。 think-silly.com | Music was as cold as the deep chill of the night coming [...] through to the pale whitewall. think-silly.com |
在丘吉亚(Chioggia)的海战惨败,热那亚因而沦落为二流的海权国家。 spinola.it | 1380 Disastrous naval defeat at Chioggia, Genoa becomes a second-rate naval power. spinola.it |
康涅狄格州Newtown小镇,尚未从上周五Sandy Hook小学枪击案中回复过後,悲痛的情绪仍然弥漫,沉淀在每一个人的心坎中,死者的家属开始为致亲举行葬礼,惨案过後,Sandy Hook小学会否重开,仍属未知之数。 ktsf.com | Shattered by last week’s school shooting Newtown in the US state of Connecticut prepared for its first two funerals on Monday, including the one for the youngest victim, while officials weren’t sure whether the school itself would ever reopen. ktsf.com |
周二晚的赛事全场爆满,林书豪交出14分和10个助攻,造出”双双”的成绩,协助火箭以116-107击败勇士,而勇士则惨吞5连败。 ktsf.com | Jeremy Lin finished with 14 points and 10 assists to help the Rockets past his former team for the second time in eight days, beating the slumping Golden State Warriors 116-107 on Tuesday night. ktsf.com |
从 这 里 我 们 可 以 看 到 ﹐ 能 够 鼓 动 农 民 的 是 他 们那惨淡的生 活 ﹐ 而 不 是 政 党 的 宣 传 。 hkahe.com | From this we can see that what moved the peasants most of all was their harsh lives but not the influence of the political parties. hkahe.com |
西藏政治领袖:西藏局势十分严峻与悲惨 thetibetpost.com | Situation In Tibet Is “Very Grim And Tragic:" Tibetan Political Leader thetibetpost.com |
为什麽Google+的流量数据就像云霄飞车一样?又为什麽有人还忙着为迎接下个胜利而欢呼,有人却已经边吃土边替自己的惨败筹备追悼会? benchmarkemail.com | Why are the traffic statistics on Google+ resembling such a turbulent rollercoaster ride, and why are some still hailing it as the next big thing while others are already shoveling the dirt and preparing for what they feel to be an inevitable memorial service? benchmarkemail.com |
二零零一年本来就是充满挑战的一年,而九一一惨剧更令航空业陷入航空史上其 中一个最艰难的时刻。 swirepacific.com | The year 2001 presented many challenges, even before the tragic events of September plunged the aviation industry into one of the most difficult periods in its history. swirepacific.com |
他教导如何克服顽强不 善的心 ── 它把我们禁 闭於不满与悲惨的状态 中;他又教导如何培养 善心 ── 让我们得以从 痛苦中解脱出来,并引 领我们达到圆满正觉的 大乐中。 meditation.hk | He taught how to overcome the compulsively nonvirtuous minds that confine us to states of discontent and misery, and how to cultivate virtuous minds that liberate us from pain and lead us from pain and lead us to the bliss of full enlightenment. meditation.hk |
对於过去两个月在屋邨发生的一连串惨剧,我相信各位和我同样深感震惊和难过。 housingauthority.gov.hk | I was saddened and shocked, as I am sure we all were, by the series of tragedies that have occurred in different PRH estates in the past two months. housingauthority.gov.hk |
游戏设计师Ocean Quigley认为,该功能将促进玩家思考永续城市规划,城市若仰赖石油等动荡剧烈的资源及产业,就很可能引发经济不景气、燃料短缺、环境灾害,故在许多情况中,玩家得从惨痛经验中学习永续精神,毕竟在一开始,以廉价的高污染资源打造城市显得轻而易举。 thisbigcity.net | Game designer Ocean Quigley has commented that the net effect of this is to steer players toward a sustainable city design; a city built on the availability of volatile resources and industries such as oil is prone to devastating recessions, fuel shortages, and environmental disasters. thisbigcity.net |
有一天,欧雷斯特闯进皇宫,瞬间後宫里传出斧头砍下的声音,随之而来是克莉丹内丝特拉濒死的惨叫。 hkphil.org | Orest enters the palace and moments later the blood-curdling death cries of Klytaemnestra follow the sound of an axe falling. hkphil.org |
另 一 方 面 ﹐ 由 於 战 场 上 死伤惨重﹐急 需 补 充 ﹐ 但 政 府 的 徵 召 令 毫 无 理 智 ﹐ 结 果 各 地 出 现 劳 工 短 缺 ﹐ 导 致 农 业 ﹑ 工 业 生 产 急 剧 下 降 。 hkahe.com | On the other hand, in order to replace the huge casualties, the call-up operated irrationally, the resultant labor shortage led to a sharp decline in agricultural and industrial output. hkahe.com |
十月底,全世界都惊愕地看着飓风珊蒂造成的灾情画面,其中最引人注意的场景,应该都是摄自纽约的照片,例如曼哈顿天际线一片漆黑、知名地铁系统变成巨型泳池,纽约运输局局长称之为「史上最惨重天灾」,还有灾後几天,排队想搭公车前往曼哈顿的长长人龙。 thisbigcity.net | Perhaps the most attention-grabbing were the photos taken of New York: the Manhattan Skyline blacked out, the iconic subway system turned into a virtual swimming pool in what the head of the MTA called “the worst disaster in this agency’s history,” and in the days after, the enormous lines to get on buses into Manhattan. thisbigcity.net |
Jill 同时讲述了伴侣动物在中国的可布遭遇,每日有成千上万的狗只和猫只被一车车的运到狗肉市场,要改变他们被屠宰作为食物悲惨的命运,我们需要更多人加入成为〝变化新动力〞的一份子。 animalsasia.org | Jill gave a moving presentation on the horrific situation of our companion animals in China, where truck loads of dogs and cats are sent to the meat markets every day. animalsasia.org |
但特鲁多能源政策让他在西部不讨好,再加上他一贯的迎风而上的对抗风格,树敌太多,最终自由党在他的继任约翰‧特纳(John Turner)的领导下,在1984年大选中惨败。 cdnexperience.ca | But Trudeau’s energy policies did not help the Liberals in the West, and his confrontational style eventually created so many enemies that the Liberals were overwhelmingly defeated under his successor, John Turner, in 1984. cdnexperience.ca |