单词 | 惧 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 惧verb—fearvExamples:畏惧v—fearv 恐惧n—horrorn terrorn 恐惧—phobia dread
有科学家认为辐射无低限值假说应该被放弃,避免引起不合理的恐惧及不必要的负担(LE FEINENDEGEN, MD)。 gnetrading.com | Some scientists think that the Linear [...] No-Threshold Model should become obsolete to avoid causing the [...] unreasonable fear and the unnecessary [...]burden (le Feinendegen, MD). gnetrading.com |
在意大利法拉利总部的FIORANO跑道上,430 SCUDERIA经过调较的底盘,精准而灵敏的制动、转向和加速,让它无惧於最大马力的差距,成功挑战ENZO。 think-silly.com | On the Fiorano race track, the fine-tuned chasis of 430 Scuderia is accurate in its moves, turns and acceleration, overcoming its issue of weight-horsepower ratio to challenge Enzo. think-silly.com |
现时一种称为SSRI’s [...] 的药物,是相对地较新的抗抑郁药,可透过针对脑部影响情绪的元素 — 血清素而发挥效用,并帮助许多恐惧症患者。 hongkongbankfoundation.org | A relatively new class of antidepressants called SSRI's [...] can work on serotonin, which is a chemical signal in the brain that affects mood, can also [...] help many patientswith phobia. hongkongbankfoundation.org |
毋惧任何地面的全轮驱动系统、确保特高离地间隙的门式桥轴,加上动力十足的引擎,令它成为紧急情况下可靠的救援车。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | With its uncompromising all-wheel-drive, portal axles for extremely high ground clearance and its powerful engines, it is your reliable helper in an emergency. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
向他们承认您也同样感到害怕,而且可能仍然心存 某种恐惧或焦虑;但是随着时间的过去,以及借助 [...] 一些外界的帮助,您会跟他们一起解决这个问题。 essa.ca | Admit to them that you also felt afraid and may still be experiencing [...] some feelingsof fear or anxiety, but [...]that with time and possibly some outside [...]help you will work it out together. essa.ca |
缺乏了解和资料 错误会引致不必要的恐惧﹐并且是造成与癫痫有关的耻辱的主要因素。 bcepilepsy.com | Lack of understanding and misinformation results in unnecessary fearsand is a major cause of the stigma associated with epilepsy. bcepilepsy.com |
我们从来没有明示或暗示任何学者朋友声援我们的观点,但亦无惧任何学术范围以外的压力,包括诉诸舆论和行政干预的企图。 hkupop.hku.hk | We have never asked either explicitly and implicitly for support from academics and friends, but we are also not afraid of pressure unrelated to academic excellence, including any intention to resort to public pressure or administrative intervention. hkupop.hku.hk |
国家法律对“恃强淩弱”的定义是 1)任何蓄意尝 试或威胁他人,扬言对其将造成伤害,而且很明显 [...] 有能力这样做;2)任何武力的故意炫耀,使受害者 有理由恐惧或以为立即会受到身体的伤害;或3)任 [...]何故意的书面,口头,或身体的行为,让他人有理 由的认为,正受到威胁,骚扰,或恐吓,以至於:a) [...]导致严重的身体伤害; b)在很大程度上干扰了该生 的教育和学习; c)其状况如此严重,持久,或普遍, 以至形成了一个恐吓/威胁的教育环境;或d)扰乱了 学校的正常教学秩序。 lilburnms.com | State law defines Bullying as: 1) any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury on another person, when accompanied by an apparent present ability to do so; 2) any intentional [...] display of force such as would give the [...] victim reasonto fearor expect immediate [...]bodily harm; or 3) any intentional written, [...]verbal, or physical act, which a reasonable person would perceive as being intended to threaten, harass, or intimidate that: a) causes substantial physical harm; b) substantially interferes with a student’s education; c) is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating/threatening educational environment; or d) disrupts the orderly operation of school. lilburnms.com |
而经过一整天密集的训练後,贵宾开始进行飞行体验!在资深驾驶员的陪同下,Oris飞行团队勇敢无惧地在天空自由遨翔。 oris.ch | Accompanied by experienced pilots there was no stopping the intrepid Oris flight crew. oris.ch |
我 们 相 信 警 方 目 前 之 所 以 能 够 执 行 其 职 能,纯 是 因 为 有 某 些 被 警 方 在 无 手 令 的 情 况 下 羁 留 [...] 的 人 , 基 於 无 知或惧怕权力 之 故 , 未 有 [...]行 使 他 们 本 身 的 权 利 。 hkreform.gov.hk | We believe the police at present are able to carry out their functions only [...] because some persons whom they detain without warrants fail, [...] through ignorance or fear ofauthority, [...]to exercise their rights. hkreform.gov.hk |
焦虑症障碍包括:广泛性焦虑障碍(GAD)、强迫症(OCD)、恐慌症、创伤後因压力而出现失常(PTSD)及社交恐惧症。 hsbc.com.hk | There are several types of anxiety disorders: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and social phobia. hsbc.com.hk |
博士,教授,主任斯特凡Pischiner研究所内燃机和在亚琛工业大学热力学研究所主任坚信,插电式混合动力汽车成为主流,但也认为:“当你到电动车的群众想要的,顾客只需要恐惧的范围限定。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Prof. Dr. Stefan Pischiner, director of the Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and director of the Institute of Thermodynamics at the RWTH Aachen University is convinced that the plug-in hybrids become mainstream, but [...] thinks too: "When you reach the electric car the masses wants, the customer has to [...] take only the fear of limiting the range. en.developmentscout.com |
在这种慢性抑郁里﹐患者可能 [...] 看来对日常活动不感乐趣﹐经常易怒﹐并且或会有绝望﹑恐惧﹑以及焦虑等感觉。 bcepilepsy.com | In this type of chronic depression, the person may [...] appear to lack pleasure in everyday activity, is often irritable, and may have feelings of [...] hopelessness, fear, andanxiety. bcepilepsy.com |
因此,Courtney不仅能打败巡回赛上的所有女选手,她对巨浪的渴望也使她能坚定地承受大海给她的一切,这使她成为经验最丰富的职业选手也畏惧的对手。 swatch.com | Consequently, not only can Courtney out-paddle any girl on tour but her big wave aspirations have ensured she has an unwavering endurance for anything the ocean throws at her – making her a feared competitor by even the most seasoned of pro’s. swatch.com |
但过度焦虑会导致对日常的状况产生非理性的恐惧,形成失去能力的障碍,不单无法应付挑战,并会破坏您的日常生活。 hsbc.com.hk | But when anxiety becomes an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations, it has become a disabling disorder and it can keep you from coping and can disrupt your daily life. hsbc.com.hk |
有监於此,许多国家为了免除人们心理的恐惧及确保生命财产安全、规定必须获得安全标志,产品方可销售,例如IEC [...] 60950安全标准,主要在检验与规范产品达到一定的安全特性。 audix.com | In view of this, in order [...] to avoid the fear of people and [...]ensure the safety of lives and property, many countries regulate [...]that product must get the safety mark before selling, such as the IEC 60950 safety standards, mainly in the test for the product safety features. audix.com |
接着,书中也提出:'这引起了他 人对华族扩张主义(Chinese expansionism) 的恐惧,并且怀疑海外华人对居住国是否效忠。 wcec-secretariat.org | And it is quickly added: 'This raises fearsof Chinese expansionism and evokes suspicions about the loyalties of overseas Chinese towards their countries of residence'. wcec-secretariat.org |
其二,台湾方面的调查结果,与世界平均接近,这可解读为冷静态度使然,也反映了台湾民对大陆的离心力与恐惧心理。 hkupop.hku.hk | Secondly, the survey results of Taiwan are similar to the world average, this can be interpreted as the result of their calm attitudes. hkupop.hku.hk |
无论是一粒砂,或是手掌大小的石块,街道的触觉特质更胜视觉,街道若是平顺单一,或许能避免擦伤、跌倒、弄脏衣物,也或许能准时送孩子到幼稚园,但对於小手、小脚、小鼻、小眼而言,会显得相当无趣,从孩子的高度,每条道路都无穷无尽,所以他们会比大人走得更远…也能减少对幽闭的恐惧感。 thisbigcity.net | Smooth streets without varied texture and grain may prevent scrapes and knocks and dirty clothes – may help get the kids to kindergarten on time – but hold little interest for tiny hands, feet, noses and eyes. thisbigcity.net |
这台磁力共振扫描仪是整个卑诗省唯一适合患有幽闭恐惧症及身材比较高大的病人的公用 扫描仪。 richmondhospitalfoundation.com | It will be the only publicly available MRI in the province that can image patients who are larger or claustrophobic. richmondhospitalfoundation.com |
幸好,在这一瞬间,有一对情侣迎面而来,我们的恐惧才降到最低。 4tern.com | Luckily, a couple walked towards us from the opposite direction, and it calmed us down. 4tern.com |
主要原因还是在於在日本,有那麽一些人出於种种的个人、团体、 企业的既得利益而恐惧竞争、拒绝竞争。 wcec-secretariat.org | The reason lay mainly in the fact that there were some people in Japan who feared and rejected competition out o their personal, group and corporate vested interests. wcec-secretariat.org |
若我们是其他人眼中的「家伙」,因为骑单车而产生坏名声,是基於我们内心同样采用恐惧、脆弱的观点,看待、感受、聆听、预期路上种种事件。 thisbigcity.net | So if we are supposedly a ‘lot’ – a category of people with a bad reputation because we cycle – it’s internally defined by the way we see, feel, hear, expect and anticipate events on the road from the same, fearful andvulnerable perspective. thisbigcity.net |
1967年至1970年代初,她成为一位环境雕塑家,结合「乍现」的行为演出,在人体上涂画圆点图案,把内心畏惧的事物,化为重复的物件,不停地绘画恐惧的东西,慢慢地将自己包围,因此能消融自我,和环境合一,回归宇宙的自然状态。 ravenelart.com | Her way of dealing with her innermost fears and apprehensions is to repeatedly paint the things she is afraid of, or sublimate them into recurring designs, until, gradually, she is completely surrounded by them, allowing her “self” to disappear in, and merge with, the originally fearsome environment. ravenelart.com |
当然,这个自知,没有在当时帮助他们不惧怕,以至 他们「都离开祂逃走了」(14:50) 。 lordsgrace.ca | I think such a recognition might not have helped them at that moment, because “everyone” of them deserted Jesus and fled (Mark 14:50), butsuch a recognition must have helped them to accept one another, as they eventually regrouped and became a powerful army for the Lord. lordsgrace.ca |